Avatar of fledermaus


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4 mos ago
Current a month since dion said something in the status bar....missing him fr </3
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5 mos ago
where the sinners write, which kumbaya but its weird to run across sexual stuff on this site because its been pg13 for years
5 mos ago
im looking around threads rn and some of yall really trynna make this the new blue moon rp ToT
5 mos ago
i, too, found an unstable relationship on RPG. cant wait until we get married, dion <3
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5 mos ago
dion telling me to "get a job" like he isn't being my sugar daddy ToT omg guys his tsundere act is so cute


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ᎄʜᎀ᎘᎛ᎇʀ 𝟷| ᎘ᎀʀ᎛ 𝟷

Ryuunosuke has never been stabbed before in his life, unless you count the time a senbon went roughly three centimeters into the skin of his calf. Still, Ryuunosuke can do some guesswork – it probably felt sharp, sudden, and exactly like Mirai’s boney shoulder digging into him. Ryuunosuke sharply inhaled at the sensation before letting out a tired huff that he hopes expressed his utter exasperation over Mirai’s uncharacteristic behavior.

“Nice.” He said sarcastically in Mirai’s direction before flopping onto the ground with the force of an elephant ready for a daytime nap. “Kameyo-sensei, Mirai is being mean.” He tattled, not putting in enough effort to sound like he cared. Not that it mattered, Kameyo-sensei would ignore him anyways.

Ryuunosuke wasn’t much of a listener when it came to Kameyo’s little tidbits. He tended to tune them out, but he understood the gist of this one – any day you could die, don’t waste it. Ryuunosuke scoffed at the idea. Whether someone wasted it or not is up to their discretion; sometimes just existing isn’t wasteful, it just is. Not every one can be a hero, there has to be innocent nobodies that the hero can say.

“Well, sensei, I can’t say I’m surprised I’m going first, after all –“ Kameyo cleared her throat pointedly. “Sensei, don’t worry so much. Life is, whether you accomplish shit or not.”

“Answer the question, Ryuu.” Kameyo rebutted.

Truth is, Ryuunosuke didn’t feel comfortable admitting he had goals beyond being an absolute nuisance to his teammates. It would humanize him too much and his teammates would start to think he’s fallible, like every other person. Lazy perfection is the type of image Ryuunosuke would like to project, not the weak cruddy human that he is. His dream is to be recognized, seen by all of the clan, and it would be too pathetic to say it aloud.

“To be the next Tanikage, or something.” Ryuunosuke says, offhandedly. Kameyo gives his a stern look, a look that makes his face crack into a frown, a glance that told him that Kameyo knew he was lying. “Er, I guess my clan appreciating how fuckin’ cool I am would be a good steppingstone to becoming Tanikage.”

Ryuunosuke doesn’t care about becoming Tanikage at all, but big aspirations fit a perfect person.

“Now, Suzuki.”


ᎄʜᎀ᎘᎛ᎇʀ 𝟷| ᎘ᎀʀ᎛ 𝟷

There was a death procession, an elder of the Ōsuikashiro clan was on their deathbed. Throughout the day, and throughout the night, the clan lined up to enter his death room and have one last moment with him. When it was Ryuunosuke’s turn, the sun had hit the horizon like a strike of metal against flint. The old man had already passed, and it smelled like death when Ryuunosuke entered. It was unpleasant, but it wasn’t his first death procession and certainly not his last. In just an hour, though, he is meant to meet with his team; the procession calls for him to stay in the room for an hour and no exceptions, not even shinobi duties, would interrupt that.

Ryuunosuke pouted by his bedside, arms crossed and eyes gazing down on the still body. “Just ‘cause you croaked, old geezer, doesn’t mean I should miss the chuunin exams.”

Even on the inside, Ryuunosuke knew it was a bit disrespectful, especially to the kind man that gave him candied lemon slices and treated him to the fruit of Jubokko after practice. Ryuunosuke sighed, pressing his palm against his knees and standing up. His family would find out later, when another entered the room for the procession and found it empty of a living soul, but Ryuunosuke was determined to make a lasting impression on the shinobi world. It was important to not only him, but the village, as this is the first since reconstruction began after the war.

The window was closed tight, above the bed of the deceased, and he had to place a foot on each side of the corpse’s head in order to pry it open with blunt and bitten fingers. Ryuunosuke easily pushed down the feeling of disgust over his insolent actions, eased with practice in self-denial. It was for the good of the Ōsuikashiro clan, and for the good of Kusagakure.

He finally crawled through the window and hit the ground running, exhaustion from an all-nighter dulling his steps only the slightest. A shinobi was built to last several days, and Ryuunosuke is not only a shinobi – but a god among his peers.

“A god among my peers.” He huffed to himself, encouraging himself to push faster and harder.

A little bit away from the training grounds, Ryuunosuke stopped and caught his breath. He didn’t want to appear desperate in front of his teammates; cool, collected, calm. That was him, Ryuunosuke.

“Oi, losers!” Ryuunosuke called as he entered the training ground, hands tucked into his pockets and face unimpressed. “And Kameyo-sensei.” Last time he lumped Kameyo-sensei with the other dumbasses, he couldn’t get dirt out of his ears for weeks.

“Well, what are you all laying about for?” Ryuunosuke said, annoyed, “I wanna kick some ass already.”

a collab with @metanoia

In an ideal world, Nate’s memory of the bash would be foggy and the amount of alcohol he consumed would’ve been at least half what it was, not to mention the accidental groping he did courtesy of his sloppy hands and Jasper’s larger-than-usual-bust. But, of course, none of those things happened. He remembered it all and was so hungover that he didn’t even remember Sunday nor did he remember getting to his dorm. The memories from the Bash, however? Yeah, those were as clear as day.

And how he wished he didn’t remember because every time he had thought back, it had been like he was experiencing his own ‘Nam flashbacks. Pulses of light that pounded through his head like a hammer on an anvil. Water - so much water and more shots than he could count on his hands and feet. All of this came as he tried everything he could to focus on Headmistress Beaumonte’s speech but she was speaking so loudly and her voice resounded in his head like someone had forced him to listen to Friday over and over again.

As she soon congratulated everyone, he heard clapping. It was loud and booming and made him think of thunder. And Nate winced. “Owww!”

His head hurt and Nate sunk lower and lower into his seat, hood up and sunglasses hiding the fact he could barely see what was in front of him. With how little attention he was paying the headmistress, he didn’t hear her say what prompted some near him to curse and give the old lady up on the stage a lot of boos, which again

Nate blinked slowly, looking to his left and it was then he just noticed who was sitting next to him. He pulled off his shades so he could get a better look and suddenly the light blinded Nate for a few seconds and blinking only made it worse. “That was a bad idea,” he muttered. A couple of long moments later, Nate could see again and he saw his friend, Millie Jean! “Oh hey, Mills!” He looked at her with a slight smile that masked a lot of chronic pain. “When did you get here?”

Millie Jean looked at Nate curiously. She had immediately spotted him and sat next to him once the assembly had started. It was better than sitting with a stranger, and while she hadn’t said anything to Nate, she had assumed he noticed her. ”I’ve been here, Nate. Did you have a hangover or something? Oh, wait...did you go to that bash thing?

Millie Jean had heard about the Bash, but she decided against going to it in order to study. She had to keep her grades up for her scholarship, not that it matters now since she’s on probation. Like everyone else, she has seen the video, and it is safe to say she’s incensed over it. If she was going to be put on probation, she might have gone. Well, maybe not since that would mean close quarters and many people she doesn’t know.

“Yeah, I went to that party..” Nate looked down with an expression of slight disappointment on his face. “Best worst thing I’ve done since..well, I think ever.” He thought about if that was true or not. Maybe it was a lie, but the best-best worst thing he did was so long ago that he was certain Millie didn’t care. Besides, maybe his misdeeds of the past could wait because as Nate took a quick glance around and still the other students seemed pissed. So, Nate leaned close to Millie (though not too close for obvious reasons). “By the way, did you happen to catch what the Headmistress said? It seems to have caused quite a piss storm and I was...trying to listen but yeah..”

Millie Jean scowled at the general direction of the Headmistress, more angry than she has been in a while. “Yeah, we’re all on academic probation ‘cause of fuckin’ Cassian and some other guy.”

Millie Jean knew Cassian, being on the swim team together. They weren’t friends, and he intimidated her a bit, but a part of her was upset enough to confront him after the assembly if she sees him.

“You’re joking, right? Please say that this is a joke.” Nate couldn’t help but stare at Millie, hoping there was a punchline on its way, but the longer he did that and the equal amount of time that passed, he knew it wasn’t, which honestly made it even worse. “Aw man! This seriously tanks!” Nate physically assaulted the armrest of the chair he sat in and soon pouted. “Wait, you said Cassian Lee was part of this?” The name rang a bell. He might’ve come across the guy a couple of times or knew people who were close with him but Nate didn’t know him well enough to pick him out of a crowd. “What does he have to do with us getting academically grounded?”

“He got into a fight with some guy and a bunch of people recorded it.” Millie Jean told him, leaning in slightly so he could hear what she was saying without being overly loud, “The head of security saw it and snitched, I guess. I’m freaking out, Nate, how is this going to affect my scholarship?”

Millie Jean sighed to herself, wiping her sweaty and quivering hands on her jeans. That was it, wasn’t it? Underneath her simmering anger, the type of anger she doesn’t feel often, she’s scared that she will lose her scholarship. Maybe the Headmistress will make an exception for the scholarship kids, since this wasn’t their fault? Millie Jean hopes so, because she can’t afford the scholarship otherwise.

“Let’s just get out of here, Nate.” Millie Jean says to Nate, standing up as the other students start milling out. “We can get something to eat and you can tell me all about the Bash.”

Nate saw how concerned she was and stood up, smiling at Millie Jean. “Yeah, let’s hit the cafeteria. After this, I have my eyes dead-set on some vending machine snacks. There’s a few of them in the courtyard near the cafeteria. We can talk there!” Nate threw up his hood. The young male was wearing pajama pants. Not the kind that were embarrassing but the navy blue with white striped kind and his jacket was just an ordinary, Meadow University hoodie.

As the two exited the Auditorium and walked silently (for the most part) about five minutes west, Nate kept thinking about the Bash and how he pushed himself a little too far and did things he normally wouldn’t ever, but there was something about Jasper Delamar. Or maybe Mona? He couldn’t tell which one liked him more, or which one he liked more. Both seemed to be pretty into him and maybe that was the strangest thing. He’s never had more than one chick be into him or spend enough time with him to do the things that they did. Definitely peculiar but maybe that’s what he’s been missing from the college experience. The past two years he flew under the radar but, like John Cena, his time was now.

“Oh finally!” Nate was brought out of his own thoughts when he saw the vending machines. “Pick anything you want. I’m buying whatever!” He told Millie Jean, holding out about a dozen $1 bills in his left hand.

“Ooh, look who’s rollin’ in that dough, though.” Millie Jean joked, grabbing a crisp bill from his hands and getting a Butterfinger. “Thanks.”

Millie Jean unwrapped her Butterfinger and stared at Nate, trying to put her finger on what was off about him. She could only assume his spotty inattention has to do with either his hangover or something that happened at the Bash. “Okay, spill, what happened at the Bash? I’m dying to know.”

“One moment.” Nate used the remaining eleven dollars to get his fill of junk food that he knew his body was craving. Several minutes later and a lot of button-pushing, bending over later, he had accumulated three 12oz Dr. Peppers cans, four bags of BBQ Sun Chips, and a ham and cheese sandwich that he knew was full of bad fats but it was one of his favorites. “Okay! What do you want to know?” He asked Millie, taking a seat on the floor against one of the vending machines with a pile of junk food and liquid candy in his lap.

“You keep spacing out,” Millie Jean points out, taking a seat with him and her single butterfinger, “Just wanted to know why. Did something happen or

“A lot of things happened,” he clarified, cracking open one of his cans of Dr. P and took a hefty sip. “But specifically, I, uh..” He stopped himself as he felt his face getting a little warm. “Well, I mean, I didn’t mean to do it but it was so wet in the lake and I was dunked and I just reached for the first thing my hands could grab onto.”

Millie Jean’s jaw dropped and she let out of a squeal of what could be either shock or amusement. In a scandalized whisper, she said, “What did you grab? Please tell me it was some guy’s ahem.” She let out another chuckle, eyes swimming with mirth.

“What?” He fixated his eyes on her, staring blankly at Millie for a long moment as lips were pressed against the Dr. Pepper can. After taking a moment to realize what Millie implied, he set the can down, profusely shaking his head. “Oh no! I didn’t grope some dude’s junk!” He felt he had to state that with as much conviction he could. “I just kind of
grabbed Jasper Delamar’s tata’s.”

All of the laughter left Millie Jean as she stared at him in shock. “You what? I know it was an accident, but holy fuck dude. You gotta send her an apology or something.” Millie Jean put her hands on his shoulders and shook him back and forth to punctuate her sentence. “Ask her on a date next time, dude.”

“I know, I know!” He took another sip from the can and belched. “But you have to understand that they kept dunking me into the water and I panicked. Plus, I didn’t know they were her boobs. I literally thought they were her shoulders. But I guess shoulders aren’t that squishy and pillowy,” he said, thinking about that for a moment. “But what should I even say? ‘Hey Jasper, sorry for accidentally grabbing your titties. Maybe we can hang later?’” He laughed but honestly this whole situation petrified him to the point where he hadn’t even thought about the food in his lap.

“Okay, okay, don’t panic.” Millie Jean put her hands out, as if to calm a wild beast, “Okay, how about you text her and say, ‘I’m sorry about accidentally groping you at the Bash, it was an accident’. That seems innocent enough, right?”

He nodded and took out his cellphone. He brought up the text app and typed the message exactly how she said it. “How does that look?” He glanced at Millie who was hovering him like a flying saucer.

“It looks good, I’m sure Jasper will forgive you, right?” Millie Jean said encouragingly, “I mean...you apologized. Okay, let’s just send it and put this all behind you, bud.”

Millie Jean is straddling the line of thinking this is hilarious and being mortified on Nate’s behalf. She only hopes that Jasper is willing to forgive Nate, as she doesn’t think he could handle it if not and might die of embarrassment. “Maybe add ‘breasts’ somewhere in there. Or ‘honkers’.” Millie said jokingly, hoping to get at least a little bit of a smile out of Nate.

He knew what she was trying to do. And it worked. Amid the dread he had been feeling, her suggestion got him to laugh and grin ear to ear. “You’re a real pal. Ya know that, right?” As Nate spoke, he heard a bunch of phones go off in the courtyard, some of them with interesting text alerts. “Wow, so many people are--” Nate blinked for a moment. “Wait, why did everyone get a text alert as soon as we sent out the message...” For as slow as Nate was, even he could piece it together. “Oh no, Millie. You don’t think..”

“No, no.” Millie said in growing horror, “Check your message! Check! Who did you send it to?”

This could not be happening. Millie Jean will feel terrible if her suggestion backfired on Nate. It’s all her fault, isn’t it? She’s the one who told him to apologize. Of course this would happen, they have the worst luck ever!

As if his life depended on it, Nate frantically went through his recent messages. He clicked on it and looked for the recipient. “All contacts,” he said out loud. “Oh, is that all--WAIT WHAT!?” His voice elevated at least three octaves and every amount of feeling of panic he thought he was done experiencing just went into overdrive. “Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.”
In SPIRITUM 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Watching the entire scene between Galahad and the bitter old coot bored Asa to death. She quite literally continued to slump in the seat she found herself until her head was flopped to the right sight, eyes shut, and mouth agape. If you were in her general proximity you’d hear the groan reverberating from her throat. Was it the alcohol or was this dramatic girl already so bored that she had turned to dramatics.

In the brief mention of a Gryphon however, along with Ray’s offer to cook such a rare specimen, raised Asa from the dead. She shot up from her seat shouting simultaneously, the shrill and aggressive voice piercing out from her gullet. Though never did she really have anything productive to say with those words.

“A Gryphon! We have to go hunt that thing down! Food - fun - memories - the stories we could tell!” Just as quickly as she rose, she fell right back on her ass nearly falling out of the seat. Standing up like that with the amount of alcohol in her system really takes a toll on motor functions.

Betelgeuse was bored, too, listening to the marshall and Galahad exchange cadences. While she didn't resort to dramatics, she did take to tapping her foot to the beat of an unheard song to convey her impatience.

Betelgeuse wished the chair had tipped over on Asa, so she could see the girl fall. It would at least spice up the stifling air the marshall left behind.
"Can we hunt it now? It'd be more fun if little Asa is tripping around the gryphon like she's stumbling around here."

“I’ll trip this chair into your face, Bete!” Asa huffed out with careless hostility. She turned to face her witty compatriot with squinted eyes, gripping the arms of the chair as if that was going to do something.

The Marshall furrowed his brows at the ensemble before choosing to cast his eyes upon the loudest of the crew. Was this what WARDEN had to offer nowadays? Times truly were changing.

Betelgeuse narrowed her eyes at Asa and stepped forward in challenge. Before she could fling herself across their parking lot camp, the marshall spoke again.

“Well I’ll take that as a possible yes. The gryphon has been spotted throughout the area, but our scouts have come to the conclusion that it’s nest is probably somewhere along the forestline- right of Edger’s Mountain.” The Marshall’s visage shifted to something a little more concerning, his pale green eyes pulling his sight to the floor. But only for a moment as his serious expression turned back to the group.

"Got it." Bete said shortly, wanting the marshall to go away now that they have information. He made her uncomfortable with his behavior, all serious like buzzkill Galahad.

The Marshall gave Bete a long stare before tipping his hat towards the group and leaving. He whistled to his law enforcement friends to follow him.

It was quiet for a moment, and when they were no longer seen, Bete turned glinting eyes onto Asa. "What is it you said about a chair, Asa?"
@metanoia and we have millie jean, yet again

hi i made a relationship sheet, you dont have to use it but thought i'd share


i made another format for the character insert part

@Relin @Kafka Komedy we wont be making any decisions before the deadline, hence our lack of feedback, but we do see them and are enjoying reading them (:
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