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► ETYMOLOGY ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅
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► HERITAGE ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅
► LINEAGE ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅ ▅
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獅戸 Lion 「獅」 Door 「戸」
MOTIF Lions ∘ Bells ∘ Fire
MON » A single bell, a part of the kagura suzu instrument used in shrine entertainment « » A symbol of their clan founder, who used this instrument to create the very techniques the Shishido are known for «
DISTINCTION Dark curly hair ∘ Blue eyes ∘ Freckles » Gracious and quick to smile «
PRESTIGE Compassionate ∘ Patient ∘ Loyal » A family who seek to protect those that cannot protect themselves. «
GENETICS » Excellent chakra control « » Small chakra reserves « » Natural flexibility «
The Shishido clan have some of the best genjutsu specialists within the village, due to their less physical approach to combat and inherent proficiency for chakra control. Many Shishido ninja go on to specialise in medical ninjutsu as well, which is something the clan is particularly proud of. They are also known to use barrier ninjutsu in order to reduce as many casualties on the field, but during missions where the killing of their enemies is necessary, Shishido ninja are trained to use a bow and arrow to ensure death from a distance.
Although ninjutsu is very rarely used, many Shishido ninja have an affinity for the fire element.
Since their settlement in the village the Shishido have always kept the welfare of the people as a high priority, offering medical services and charity where needed. Amongst their acquaintances in the kuge class the Shishido are respected for their genjutsu and medical expertise, but amongst their adversaries they are scoffed for their much softer and manipulative approach to fighting. Their influence on Kusagakure is undeniable, however; they established the first local hospital where the sick can be housed, and a few years following their arrival they rebuilt the village shrine after it had been left in ruins after the Warring States Period. Though their clan has been cut by half from the two shinobi wars, when the people are in need of aid, they can trust the Shishido to act fast.
Due to their occupations as carers and supporters the Shishido greatly value kindness, fortitude and the strength of the mind and heart. But above all else they value loyalty, whether it is to their clan or to their village. The Shishido remain ever grateful to Kusagakure for taking them into their walls decades ago, and since then they have gone above and beyond to do what they can to protect the village and its civilians. But even when faced with foreign enemies, the Shishido remain steadfast and respectful to display their honour. However, there are some whose loyalties to the Shishido and Kusa have fallen out of balance; if it's for the welfare of the village, disregarding a few clan values doesn't seem so regrettable.
» Not all Shishido become ninja, with a majority of clansmen actually going on to become medical professionals or caretakers of the village shrine. However, it is required of all members to have basic medical knowledge, as well as a year’s worth of experience working at the shrine over the course of one’s lifetime.
» Within the Shishido’s main family, only the eldest daughter of the clan head may inherit the position when their mother steps down or dies. Although most of the powerful positions in the clan are held by women, it is not unheard of to have men among these ranks too.
» After a Shishido clansmen dies, the body is cremated and a bonfire is held at the village shrine in their respect. A kagura dance is performed by shrine maidens around the fire, which allegedly helps them safely pass on to the other world. The ceremony is open only to members of the Shishido clan, even if friends of the deceased outside the clan wish to attend.
» In honour of the clan’s founder Isuzu, the Shishido throw a large yearly celebration at the village shrine on her birthday. In the evening two selected shrine maidens wear lion masks as they perform a shishi kagura dance, which is believed to protect people from evil spirits and ill omens. Although it was originally intended for only clansmen to view, the celebration has since been open for all to attend.
» All the women from the main bloodline use kanji from different instruments in their given names.
Every time a new clan head is appointed, the rosary necklace once worn by the clan founder is given to them. The beads are quite large and made of a sturdy wood, and it is widely speculated that the spirit of Shishido Isuzu has kept it from breaking after all these years. However, it has shown a bit of wear in recent years.
The Shishido are a matriarchal clan, so only females born from the main bloodline can be legitimate successors. Members of the clan's inner council are referred to as 'bells' or 'suzu'; there are twelve suzu in total, with the first, second and third suzu positions saved for the clan head and her two advisors. The other nine positions are for representatives from professions the Shishido have influence over. This includes war councillors, tasked with teaching the ninja arts and clan techniques to shinobi in training; medical councillors, tasked with overseeing medical practices and training in the village hospital; and shrine councillors, tasked with maintaining the village shrine and ceremonies both public and private to the clan. These positions are determined by experience and merit, so much of the Shishido council are senior members of the clan.
FOUNDER Shishido Isuzu ∘ Dead ∘ 33 to 68 » Mother of the poor, sick and vulnerable « Koto Biwa ∘ Sasara ∘ Shime ∘ Ichi ∘ Sen ∘ Tsuri ∘ Kotoko ∘ Suzuki
CURRENT CLAN HEAD Sen ∘ 34 ∘ 38 » Cold and cautious master of illusions « Sen ∘ Morioka Iwate ∘ Tsuri Kotoko ∘ Suzuki
Nearing the end of the Warring States Period when the fighting was at its strongest, a priestess of just nineteen named Shishido Isuzu found herself lost and alone in a forest south of the Land of Fire. Her village, caught in the crossfire of two warring clans, had been trampled into the dirt. The nearby ninja temple, the sworn protector of the village and the place she had once called home, had gone up in flames. Guilt overcame Isuzu, having been the only one to escape in all the confusion despite her pledge to protect her fellow villagers. But she quickly realised that grieving over her mistakes would not change anything; even amidst all the terror and bloodshed, Isuzu swore to herself that she wouldn’t let something like that happen again.
Isuzu was knowledgeable in the ninja arts, and she made it her duty to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves using these skills. As she wandered through the country she healed the weak and fought for the vulnerable, and by the end of the Warring States Period, many flocked to the abandoned shrine she used as a place of healing out of gratitude or out of influence from her kindness and courage. Isuzu’s recognition eventually drew in more enemies that sought to use her talents for their own benefits, but she made sure her people were prepared to fight this time. Her followers were required to have basic medical knowledge, and those that showed potential for controlling chakra had Isuzu’s techniques passed down to them.
Isuzu died a peaceful death surrounded by her followers and her successor, her daughter Koto, formally established the community as the Shishido clan. Although she led the Shishido as well as her mother had, Koto’s time as the clan leader saw much suffering and violence. Skirmishes between remaining enemies became more frequent around their land and soon the Shishido were forced to flee their home, a scene all too familiar to them. Months of travel led them to the recently formed Kusagakure, and in an attempt to end her clan’s struggle Koto offered the Shishido’s medical expertise to the villagers in exchange for settlement within the village. Over time their loyal services to Kusa during and after wartimes have earned the Shishido a high standing amongst fellow shinobi families, and though they have lost many clansmen to war they remain dedicated to their duties on and off the battlefield.
Five generations of the main Shishido bloodline are currently living under one roof, including the official founder’s granddaughter Shishido Biwa, who has lived into her hundreds. Her eldest daughter Sasara and eldest granddaughter Ichi serve as the clan’s elders, while Biwa’s eldest great granddaughter Sen is the official face of the Shishido. Although the clan claims to be advocates for peace, tensions have started to arise within the Shishido council over the future of their people, and whether ‘bolder’ measures should be taken in order to keep the clan and the village safe. The elder war veterans in the council have seen nothing good come out of the past two wars, and as such want to keep their peaceful ways. Some of the younger council members believe a change in their clan traditions is needed to reduce further losses to the clan, fearing that another war will devastate the clan beyond repair. Sen remains conflicted and is attempting to keep both sides content, but she knows she can’t stay neutral for long. With her youngest daughter Suzuki taking her eldest daughter Kotoko's inheritance after her untimely death, whispers of doubt and opposition keep the both of them awake at night. It is a tense time for the Shishido, and whether they decide to deviate from their traditions or stay true to them is up to upcoming events. |