Avatar of fledermaus


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3 mos ago
Current a month since dion said something in the status bar....missing him fr </3
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5 mos ago
where the sinners write, which kumbaya but its weird to run across sexual stuff on this site because its been pg13 for years
5 mos ago
im looking around threads rn and some of yall really trynna make this the new blue moon rp ToT
5 mos ago
i, too, found an unstable relationship on RPG. cant wait until we get married, dion <3
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5 mos ago
dion telling me to "get a job" like he isn't being my sugar daddy ToT omg guys his tsundere act is so cute


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Okay, so! I am home and will be working on the OOC. It'll be up tomorrow morning is my tentative guess. As for reservations, I won't be updating the interest check anymore, but they still count and will transfer over to the OOC.

Now, I was going to wait until I posted the OOC, but in case people want to show interest but are hesitant, the way I am going to run the RP is like this:

I will have a deadline, but the players won't. I will give a week and a half to two weeks advance to each GM post that will move things along. By then, it is up to the players to wrap up their scenes or finish what they need to finish. However, there will be no penalty if you do not finish. The biggest thing is that you will most likely have to either catch up with a long post or utilize flashbacks, both which sound like a pain, to keep the flow going. This is an RP, meant for fun, not a punishment so I don't want it to feel like an obligation! The only time I will step in is if someone consistently holds their RP partners back and prevents multiple people multiple times from finishing their scenes.

Ay, well perhaps Hades then? I'll need to do some more research on him to know how to play him, but I'll give him a try.

that works!

that also brings me to another point: relationships from mythology doesn't need to carry over. Like Ares/Aphrodite and Persephone/Hades, etc etc. If you want to have a relationship with them and another person is playing that god, please approach them first!
Showing interest.

Might go with Hedone.

will add to the list!

Oooh, finally an rp where I could use my Lucifer!...Hopefully.

Would he count? I mean, he's not really a god, but he is a very powerful supernatural being and does play a very significant part in Christian mythology.

Unfortunately Lucifer doesn't count as he was an angel, but there are plenty of gods from mythology that are like Lucifer that are up for grabs! Look up trickster gods and evil gods etc etc (:
Could I put a claim in for the god Ares?

Sure! I'll add it to the list (:

I'm really happy with the amount of interest I've gotten and I wanna thank y'all! The OOC will be up either sometime late tonight (CDT) or tomorrow! I will also be a little bit absent today as I'm hanging with friends, but I'll try to check in and answer questions as they come.
Interested. Would I be able to reserve Tlazoltéotl?

I'd like to state a claim into Nyx, Primordial Goddess of the Night, please! Still unsure how I'm gonna do it but that's the one I'm gonna be focusing on!

will add to the list!

Is it specifically gods or are demigods included in the category? Either way I'm interested

demigods are allowed because why not!

I understand where you're coming from they definitely weren't white but Egyptian Gods looked more or less like modern Egyptians, Arabic/North African rather than Black/Sub-Saharan African.

ah i just remember reading somewhere they were black, as is my point stands that whitewashing is a no-no and to keep face claims as racially accurate as possible (though there is obvious leeway due to face claim restrictions). thank you for letting me know, though, and i'll fix it.

Thinking I might want to reserve Raijin if that's alright

okie dokie, i'll add this and hecate to the list!

EDIT: I have also changed one of my reservations (Fenrir) to Loki.


I decided all of a sudden to revisit a type of roleplay that used to be popular on RPG: mythological gods on earth. I don't know how big of a turn-out I will have in interest; ideally this will be a big group. If not, I am willing to roleplay with a small group of at least five. There will be a small, background plot that can be utilized by the cast members but does not have to be. For the most part, this is character-driven and so players are to be expected to come up with their own plots. I will be setting up events for characters to react to, so players won't be totally stranded without direction. The players' choices will affect the state of the world!


Descension is a Slice of Life roleplay that follows the adventures of gods living amongst humans. After long years reigning, a special human had enough of the arrogant gods meddling in human affairs. The human created the Colossus, a stone pillar with inscriptions in ancient languages that ties the gods to a certain area and restricts their powers (though it does not completely erase them). In 2015, the Colossus was bought by a private investor and brought to their million dollar apartment in Seattle, Washington. The past five years have been spent with the gods settling into their new lives in Seattle. It is now 2020 and, for the first time in eighty-one years, the gods are summoned for a Conclave.


This is a SoL RP and, as such, I ask for real face claims.
There is no age restrictions for characters except like...don't make a baby or something weird like that.
There will be NO WHITEWASHING.


Ammit, Nathalie Emmanuel
Cernunnos, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Imentet, Teyonah Parris
Ishtar, Eden Fines
Loki, Richard Madden
Persephone, Ariana Grande
Oh, forgot to say I am interested, despite subscribing lol

same here lol
i fucking love this thread
October 18th, 1985

Autumn arrived in a whirlwind of frazzled hair and visible puffs of breathlessness; but, by the time Vanessa opened her door, not a single hair was displaced. It was the push and pull of their relationship Autumn found familiar — tucking her vulnerability and imperfections carefully before Vanessa could find them. And Vanessa wanted to find them.

"You're here early." Vanessa sang, as Autumn was the first one to arrive. Autumn suspected she would be the first one to go, too.

"I couldn't wait to see the birthday girl." Autumn smiled, though the truth was much more complex. She was in the mood to be held and touched, but Autumn wouldn't dare say that aloud. Instead, she thrusted her small wrapped gift forward, "This is for you. I, ah, got something for your brother, too."

She did. It was a stupid gift, something she saw in the window and grabbed because it was just expensive enough to count as 'thoughtful'.

Vanessa thanked her and they spent the half hour chatting amicably on her couch until the other guests started pouring in. Autumn eventually lost Vanessa to the hurricane of 'welcomes' and 'happy birthdays', and sat uncertain and glum on the couch. At one point she peeked her through the crowd, simpering (or, at least, that's what it looked like to Autumn) to that burnout, Robert James Scott. Autumn tossed him a surly glare; it wasn't that she was jealous, it was that she didn't like boys like RJ and she didn't like that Vanessa deigned to give them her attention. They were a bad sort, in Autumn's opinion (but, then again, she thought anyone with a grade below a B average was of a bad sort).

Autumn wasted her time on the couch, counting down the minutes until it was socially acceptable for her to leave. And, when she could safely say she was tired, stayed on the couch anyways. She twisted her fingers in her lap and felt like the walls were closing in on her. It would be so easy to stand up and walk through the door, get into her shitty car and chug home. She yearned, though. Selfishly, anxiously, stupidly.

"You're still here." Vanessa said breathlessly into her ear, and Autumn wanted to pull her into a kiss right there.

"It's your birthday." Autumn responded, as if she wasn't planning on bolting only a second before. Vanessa stumbled over someone's feet and gripped Autumn's forearm, her drink sloshing dangerously until it spilled all over Autumn's pristine cream shirt.

"Autumn, I'm sorry!" Vanessa gasped, placing her drink on a table, "I think I have another shirt you can borrow."

Her arm still encased in Vanessa's grip, she was ferried through the sea of people and Autumn couldn't help but feel conspicuous. Like they could tell what she was thinking (soft hands, smooth cheeks, bright eyes in the dark) and Autumn wanted to melt into the floor. The trek to Vanessa's room couldn't be slower, the birthday girl was stopped every dozen steps for good wishes, and Autumn kept her head ducked so they wouldn't see her blushing cheeks or the embarrassing stain on her blouse.

"I have this really pretty pink shirt you can try on." Vanessa babbled, her hand slipping from Autumn's forearm to grasp her hand. Autumn wanted to snatch her hand back, yell at Vanessa to never do that again; instead, she smiled wanly and followed Vanessa to her door.

The oak door opened and closed behind them, the clicking sound damning. Autumn fell back against it, trying to gather her senses. It was so easy for her to fall like this, for her mind to spiral when crowded and the noise had been too much for her to think but now it was too silent. Vanessa was oblivious to her friend's troubles and had her back turned to her, ruffling through her drawers for that pink shirt.

"Vanessa," Autumn gasped into the silence, fingers clenched on the door knob. Vanessa pivoted towards her, looking at her fully for the first time that night. Autumn hated it. "Vanessa, will you kiss me?"

The words were whispered, she was too paranoid to say them any louder. For a second, Vanessa didn't move and Autumn thought she might not have heard. If she didn't hear the first time, Autumn wasn't going to ask a second time. She twisted the door knob, ready to flee, when Vanessa finally moved. Her eyes shuttered, as if she was shedding into another Vanessa. A Vanessa that Autumn needed, wanted — someone that could ground her.

Vanessa's lips were on hers and she tasted like raspberries and guilt. It was wrong of Autumn to seek this from her. Not only did Autumn have no feelings for Vanessa, but they were both girls. Autumn wasn't gay! She liked boys, she knows she does because she kissed Matthew Craddock in the fifth grade. Vanessa was so soft though, sighing into Autumn when she wrapped her arms around her. The thoughts spinning in Autumn's head quieted to a whisper and she shoved down the guilt until it was a ball of barb wire in her gut.

"Autumn," Vanessa whimpered, pulling back and the look in her eyes wasn't different than usual. Autumn was never good at pinning others' emotions down, she couldn't read the signs, but even she could see Vanessa warring with herself. "I–"

Thump. "Has anyone seen Vanessa?"

Just like that, the world leaked back in and Autumn felt the ground falling beneath her. Vanessa looked at her like she was a startled animal, and Autumn thinks she might be. She bit out, "I need fresh air."

The door clicked behind her and she scrambled into the throng of people, away from whatever Vanessa was going to tell her.
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