Avatar of Forsythe


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Current Fuh... one of the worst days of my life
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Started at work today, expect my replies in 1x1s to slow down considerably. Normal RPs go as usual.
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Coffee time every time. Be sleepless.


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Taraah / The Other Mine

The dragoness impatiently looked at the platters served. She wass no conisseur, moreso ahe liked to eat a lot rather than well. But she had to admit even to her those eggs smelled funny. Soup first then.

She took a spoon ful and her reptilian tongue found it a bit bland. She could taste some mystery meat in it, but she could not place it. She hungrily gulped down the rest of it in record time, her hunger finally abating somewhat.

Then she carefully took one of the eggs and sampled it. Mhhhm! This is exactly how I imagined it would taste like if an egg took a dump in my mouth. No wonder, I asked food advice from a pig! They'll eat anything! I should eat him!

She was hungry though and forced herself to swallow all of the sour nightmare fuel, hoping her stomach won't be churning later.

Her dinner was interrupted by a silly wizard in robes barelling into the eatablishment, proclaiming what could only be her spell failing a while ago. You know what? I'll let you figure it out. she thought, fed up with wverybody and their grandmother seeing through her disguise.

She shoved the platter away from her, left a decent sized silver ring with a pea sized ruby on the top of it as payment and shoved off, heading to the exit. Once outside, she felt an overwhelming need to stretch her wings. She could not help it, she was an avid flier. Looking over her shoulder into the Inn, she saw the wizard getting dressed down by the owner. "Aw screw this!" she proclaimed. Let them know there was a dragon in town. If all the food tasted like this around here, she would skip it before sunset.

She reached down to the amulet and silently chanted.

"I, who shall awaken;
I am the legendary dragon who took the principle of patronage from god.
I mock the lame, and fret over the gifted!
I shall become the dragon godess of perfection!
And I will bring you to the height of your talent!"

As she did so, she was surrounded by the illusion of a twisting firy tornado, obscuring her transfiguration. Once the spell was released, the illusion vanished, revealing the dragon in her glorious, true self. With a mighty roar, she launched towards the sun.

The air felt great up there, fresh with the smells of charcoal, and sunny side up eggs, bacon, and nectar. No vinegar!

Taking an aerial view of the town, she followed the ame of charcoal to the blacksmith. Landing on a nearby open area, she folded her wings and padded over. "Hello there!" she greeted cheerfully, her red eye peering through the window.

Taraah eyed the Firetail with suspicion. Granted, noone liked to ralk about something like losing their family, but that wasn't where the dragon thought Sheena was skimming the truth. It was the fact that for a smith, her hand went to the blade all too easily. She would watch this one.

The other one though, a princess? Ahhh, that brought back memories. And an exotic one at that! Than again, carrying a polearm around with the confidence she did and a physique to match knowing how to use it was as good an indication as any that instead of ransom, she would have gotten a few new scars.

"Ohayƍgozaimasu, hime-chan." She replied with a slight smirk. "It has been a while since I have been in the presence of royalty. I believe it was the current king's aunt? They didn't miss her too much, didn't want to pay much for her return." She grinned, fishing a ring out of her money bag. "Great conversationalist though, avid reader and most excellent harp player. I pitied her fate so much I gave her treasure and sent her on her way." She recalled.

"Anyway, I can provide for you for a day if you share a few tales of the dragons of your own land. I hear they are quite different from my kind." She leaned forward with a gaze hungering for knowledge, which swayed towards the other person at the table.

"Perhaps miss Sheena would be willing to accomodate us for the night for a favor or two? Have you ever forged with dragonfire?" She wiggled her eyebrows just as the firetail turned to leave, "I am also... Nevermind, maybe later." She paused. Her black flight heritage was a touchy subject.

I probably should...?
Sticker on top of the page says apply, not full ;)

Honestly everyone is still meetingand greeting, RP is still starting so let's see what you got and what Saucer thinks :)
Taraah / The Old Mine

The dragoness smiled back: "That will be just perfect, daughter of the night. Thank you. Perhaps a drink to wash it down? Mead if you have but anything will do." The dragon actually carried little money with her. Most of her wealth was in fine metals, gems and jewellry, safe in her den halfway across the continent. Not a flight she wanted to make often, but she could afford to be generous. She doubted the locals would object if she paid them with the naturalia, based on the night elf's change of demeanor when she saw her money bag.

Was she worried that someone would steal from her? Not really, she would just sniff the thief out and then they would be dinner.

As the two others returned though, she did pull the bag closer to her seat. They did not seem peturbed by her revelation - She'd see once they saw her in her great true self! - and while the furious furry seemed to have a problem with her due to the percieved hazard she represented, she wasn't sure what the traceller's deal was. She did not seem like a poor person, but many have attempted to slay her for her riches.

"So, now that eceryone calmed down... The humans of this land call me Ashwing. I've come south looking for a new home in a warmer land. How about yourselves?"
"Ugh... Why can't a woman get a privete chat with someone in this town?" Taraah growled, the tones of her real voice seeping into her tone here and there. The spell had a nasty habit of breaking down when she got agitated. Nope, she could feel the magic unwinding already "Oh to Tiamat with it!"

Better to control the exposure now before the spell failed completely. She raised her hand in front of her face, moving it down slowly. Where there were slightly glowing, round, amber eyes on the face of Margaret von Eisenberg, now resided the blazing red, slit eyes of a dragon set in an otherwise human face.

She looked at Sheena: "No, you are not mad. Somehow you can see through Polymorph, it's not even some basic illusion spell. Yes I am a dragon. No, I did not come here to plunder and destroy. But I am mighty hungry and I get grouchy on an empty stomach, so if we could end this insanity sometime soon so that I can get three servings of the meatiest dish in this town, that would be greeeeeat. We can figure out what is wrong with your eyes later."

She then looked at the mist islander directly: "Unless some brave idiot cannot wait until after dinner, and wants me to send them running home like the last twenty that felt like they had something to prove, even before breakfast is up."

She touched the ruby on her necklace and whispered something barely audible, her eyes and voice returning to normal, and continued without giving a pause for anyone to answer: "No? Good. We can continue where we left off once we had a civilized meal." With that she returned to the table, hollering in hopes the owner, whoever they were, would hear: "I'll have one of everything, please." Before tossing a bag in the table in front of her, a bit of gold and a gemstone spilling from it as an argument to make the order quick.
Margaret / Taraah - The Other Mine

The local's reaction to her question was all Taraah needed for confirmation. If you had to do a tripple take te believe what you were seeing, you had to see something pretty damn spectacular, and there wasn't a lot of spectacular on Margaret von Eisenberg. Taraah looked this Sheena over. She wanted to have a bit more fun with the Firetail, but one of the other new arrivals butted in. Perhaps it would be better to defuse the situation and make friends for once.

"I am something of a medicine maker, maybe I can find something to bereft you of whatever has you feverish... Or worried. One thing for certain, clean air would definitely help, instead of the heavy one in the locale. Would you like to join me outside and tell me what ailment beset you?" She suggested, not giving away much but trying to hint to sheena that she was right, and that she was willing to talk outside about it. To appear more at ease, she even shed her coat and blade, hanging them over the chair, leaving only her satchel slung over her shoulder and indicating the door with an outstretched arm. "Kind lady, would you please watch our things for a little while?" She asked the redhead who came with the Mayor.

Going to Italy for a week, should be able to post albeit not as often.
Going to Italy for a week, should be able to post but not as often.

Regardless of the rest of the group now, Taraah made her way into the Inn and started looking for the menu. I'll have two number nines, a number nine large, two number forty fives, one with the weird eggs, and lare- Her train of slobber inducing thoughts was derailed when some loudmouth entered and loudly proclaimed something that hit a little bit too close to home.

What she did not expect was for a random sap to take the offense personally (In honesty though, what was he?!) Which seemed to somewhat defuse the situation. Still, Taraah could not help but think she herself was actually the target of the outburst. After all, her disguise was an amulet with a simple polymorph spell. Perhaps this lady could see it?

Oh what the hell, let's have some fun, shall we? she thought, a grin spreading on her face and hunger momentarily forgotten. She snuck upon the... Wait a minute, lass, what right do you have to call anyone a creature? What are you even supposed to be?! the dragoness thought bitterly as she saw the girl's ears and tail. "Hello there!" She announced herself loudly, "Is this seat free?"
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