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@Sep you could just have ranger command have send a message that priorities changed and have us go there.

Margaret/Taraah - Outskirts of town

Shaking the offered hand - hoof - What ever! Taraah looked at the new arrival. Now a horse has entered into the picture, and she had to gulp down lest she started slobbering all over the place. Must they tease her so? Oh how she longed to just fly over a pen and snag a cow or two! Bone-in, slightly charred on the surface, the blood still warm - what a meal! Alas, something served on a plate would have to do. Somethings, perhaps. And sooner rather than later. She had no idea what croogal eggs were, but their lives were forfeit the second she stepped into town. Now she was deciding whether the generation that spawned the eggs would live to see the light of the next morning.

Looking over the woman that arrived latest, she was intrigued by the style of clothing. The blue accents shaking about were catching her eyes like a cat fixated on a feather tied to a piece of string being jerked about by a laughing youth. She shook her head a bit to clear her thoughts. Focus! Stomach first, chase around some poor sap because shiny later! You are a most noble of creatures, for gods' sake, not a dumb animal!

Turning to the mayor, she gave a polite bow of the head. "I am pleased to make you an acquaintance, Your Worship. I have come from far north seeking new home where I could practice my crafts in peace. I can not wait to see what this town has to offer. After I am done eating everything and then the larder itself. Let us go, first course is on me!" She offered to the group. Just as long as the proceeding moved towards the Inn. She was done waiting, and started heading in the direction.

"I have to admit, while I approve of the speed, I never liked the YT series with the off-center cockpits. I like to have the same amount of ship to either side of me, whether I'm in command or at the helm." Lakras grinned, before displaying the deck plan of the Milky way on the briefing display in the shuttle. "I am happy to serve on a Marauder class. She suffers a bit from only having large weaponry, I would like to add a couple of laser turrets to deal with fighters, but this can has got me and the crew out of dodgy situations before and we wouldn't trade her for anything. I may have still accepted a ranger commission if I had to transfer to a cruiser, but this mission worked rather happily for us in that regard." she smiled.

Moving to a more professional topic. "Is this your first posting? What training do you have? I need to know where to put you." she asked, "Also I am not sure for how much decisionmaking the Jedi will push, but I've studied my history and I am not too keen on the idea of 'Jedi generals'. In space what I say goes, but we may have to rely on them on the ground." she mused out loud.
Margaret/Taraah - Outskirts of town

Taraah had to do a double take as a local landed from the sky and came to greet her. Four arms, and wings. No creature such as she has ever seen, how interesting! She wondered briefly whether the individual could produce fairy glitter from collected pollen, and if it would have different properties than the one produced by an actual fairy. It was a commodity one didn't come to possess too often or in large quantities.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the brass orchestra that was her stomach. She smiled at the kind greeting. "A fair morning to you, Learie. It is very nice to meet you. I am Margaret von Eisenberg. Or just Margaret. Just don't call me Maggie or Marge." Taraah introduced herself, and shook the offered hand as gently as she could. Looking in the direction Learie was pointing, she believed she saw the mentioned establishment. Curse these human eyes! So broad vision, but next to no details at range. She felt like she was alking around in the dark. However did humans become hunters?

"Oh that is wonderful! Lodging for the night would be lovely. You see I have travelled from the northernmost part of the country. I've had it up to here," she indicated her neck, "with sleeping in the countryside. Could I interest you in breakfast perhaps?" she offered with a head nod towards the place, hoping to get the lay of the land from the local, preferably over a mug of steaming hot beverage.

The waking forest was disturbed by the sound of studded boots clapping on the pavement. Paved road! In the armpit of the country like this! Truly this king knew how to pick his dukes. They got more done in a decade than the previous ones in a lifetime. No wonder the last time she tried to grab a beloved daughter and a chest of gold, she got a ballista bolt shot through her wing membrane. That one was a wench and a half to heal.

Hence why the dragoness found herself in this humiliating state. Flying under the cover of the night, and stealing through towns in a human disguise. Father would have laughed her out of the den. Well, until he saw the treasure she gathered before now...

She yawned, stretching her arms. She consulted her map - she should reach a town anytime now. If only she could just fly in...

It took a good half an hour to reach the town, and by that time Taraah's stomach was in a knot from hunger. The signpost read 'Lorenstad' and it seemed like a well dressed serving of bacon was just beckoning her in. She shook her head, and the bacon turned into a live and rather important looking pigman. She better find an inn, before she caused an incident.

"Greetings!" She called out to the first live person she founds, "Pray tell, where might a starving traveller find a hearty meal in this town?"

What the Jedi boy said actually made a great deal of sense, now that Lakras thought about it. They would have to make a rendezvous with a supply ship shortly before leaving Alliance space in either case, and he handed her a nice idea to request some of the older fighters to be brought onboard. "Very well," she said, "I will go up to set up everything. You heard he man, pack for cold weather. We'll put you in the cabins, so you'll have plenty of space for coats. Is there is anything else, we'll be requesting one supply run before we leave Alliance space. We may want to swap a fighter or two for land vehicles so that the away team doesn't freeze their noses off. The shuttle crews will take your bags when they are ready, we should be leaving in a day or so once the paint dries. Ranger Rogers, I assume you arrived here already packed, come with me we'll set you up with the crew." she turned her attention to the young ranger, beckoning towards the shuttle.

On her way to the landing area, she pulled out her transciever and connected to the ship: "Milky way, Blackstar. I'm coming up plus one, have the chief engineer ad XO meet me at the hangar, and clear one bunk and two cabins. Also, have the flyboys come together and think what fighters a gen old would they like to fly the most."

"Willco, ma'am. They will be overjoyed." came back an cackling voice.

"Need a hand with your stuff, ranger?" she offered.


The mission seemed simple enough. Go in. Find the target. Make a grab. Get the hell out of dodge. Try not to start a galactic war would you? Yeah, Lakras was ordering the markings painted over and then some. The unsanctioned status of the mission was a splitting headache, but someone had to do it. Still, one ship or one Jedi were not worth plunging the galaxy into war between the Alliance and the Order over. Note to self, check that the self destruct is in ready condition.

Pocketing the information chip, she nodded. "We'll go incognito. Our transfer is recent, unless the order has spies up to the Chanc- Commander Organa, they should not know yet. It should be easy to masquerade as a crew going AWOL to become mercs, especially if I don't show my face and let, say, and upstart young traitor do the talking as if she owns the place." she put forth, winking at Alastrina.

"It will take about half a day for the ship modificaitons to be done and spoofing the transponder codes. That should give everyone plenty of time to pack and shuttle aboard, I'll leave one shuttle here until everyone is aboard. I assume present company is coming, yourself excluded?" she asked Luke, making note to account for extra provisions and eyeballing the Astromech, wondering whether it would like to go on another grand adventure. "Any of you Jedi types want to bring their personal spacecraft aboard, let me know the specs and we'll see about clearing some space." she advised. The Marauder class was versatile, but it was no Venator.

Finally, someone of import has arrived. That it would be the famous war relic of a droid was a bit of a surprise to the captain, and she had to fight the urge to take a picture. Sure, it was a droid, but a war hero none the less. They were all here because the talking wheelie bin delivered plans of the Death Star to the resistance. Well, it and it's spooky looking brassjob friend. And if it was here, it's master could not be far behind, and indeed a shadow of black cloth entered the room.

Luke. Effin. Skywalker. Himself. Lakras wondered whether she should start writing memoirs now, as within the span of two weeks she has met both of the Skywalkers and R2-D2. When would that happen next? He was right though, this was not her usual mission. Usually she ferried the rangers and occasional Jedi around when the former couldn't spare a full cruiser, or the later needed something bigger than a starfighter. Still, this was what she wanted. "My mission has always been to protect the republic and now the alliance. We'll do what is needed. That said... Is plausible deniability desirable on this mission? If so I'll have my deckhands swearing for a week that they have to paint over the freshly painted Ranger insignia from the hull, but it would not be hard to masquerade as a mercenary corvette." she offered, looking at the holograms.
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