As she waited along with the Jedi, who to Lakras's dismay still failed to introduce herself by name, she felt a poke against her mind. While it could have been anyone in the building, she was curious if it was the Twi'lek trying to figure her deal out. The Captain's initial idea was to come up with a particularly dark memory to focus on, as something like that would certainly get a reaction, even if only an eye twitch. But the thought of doing that perished as quickly as it came. They might be serving together in the near future, it was time to build bridges, not walls.
Want to know who I am? Well, allow me. Usually she would not even consider doing this, but if she thought there was somewhere in the universe where having her mind laid bare to an unknown observer would not be used against her, the Jedi temple was probably it. She closed her eyes, and thought of the past...
Imperial garrison landing on Iridonia. Her toy blade being laughed by a trooper passing by. Anger. Injustice. Powerlessness. Resistance. Rebellion. Wounded pride.
A trooper hitting a Zabrak woman while she was on the ground. Herself throwing stones at the trooper. Occupied, but unbroken. Terrified, but must help.
Her father handing her the family blades. Broken. Useless. Then again, pride. Resolve.
A ship cleaved in two. Atmosphere vented. Sealed in a compartment two corridors from the escape pod. Preparing for vacuum exposure. Pulling the door lever. Not like this. I will survive.
A crewmate struck by a blaster. Rushing out of cover to pull them in. Administering first aid. They are mine. Their lives are not yours to take.
Standing at the command post. Broken arm, swollen eye, bleeding. Giving orders to keep firing. It's not over so long as I draw breath.
Facing the Jedi council. Her nails digging into her palms. Dejection. Then resolve. My own path. My own conviction, my integrity. Light or dark, will serve the people.
Lakras took a sharp breath and her eyes shot open. It has been a while since she drowned in her past like this. She wasn't a fan. That's as much as anyone is getting. Want to know more, you'll have to talk to me. she thought for herself, her defenses raised once more, firmer than before.
An arrival finally saved her from the awkward silence. A rather wild looking human, as far as Lakras could tell. Fortunately a lot more friendly and chatty. She shook the offered hand: "Lakras Tagrate. Indeed, freshly transferred. You didn't miss anything yet. Too bad command didn't let me know you needed a lift." she smiled.
Another person arrived, this time a Jedi. Were they all this... young? Seriously, this group was making Lakras feel like an old woman. "Didn't miss a thing." She reiterated, "Does anyone know what this is about?" She asked curiously. Did anyone bring orders, or at least donuts? she thought, now wishing she grabbed a bite before hopping on the shuttle as soon as she woke up.