Source"I always try to attack. While I'm on the offensive, my opponent can think of nothing but defending."- Marcelo Garcia
Lakras Tagrate
Species: Zabrak
Age: 35
Faction: New Republic
Theme: Xcom 2 WotC OST - Deadeye Equipment:- Milky Way - Marauder class corvette, named after a galaxy far far away. Lakras has been in command for 5 years.
- Combat armor - A suit of armor designed for shipboard combat - it can dissipate a couple of blaster hits, provides some protection against vacuum and allows for easy movement if the gravity generation fails.
- Family blades - A useful bit of family heirloom - While not as versatile as a lightsaber, it can still lop off limbs.
Abilities:- Breath control (15 minutes) - One of the first skills Lakras learned, to aid survival in case of depressurization aboard vessels.
- Tapas (15 minutes) - Complementary skill to the breath control, allowing Lakras to survive longer in case of a heating or total power failure aboard a vessel.
- Thought shield (Passive during battle or negotiations) - A skill Lakras thought necessary in case she ever met someone like herself.
- Battle meditation (1 minute) - Lakras hopes to improve in this skill to provide protection agianst force abilities to her crew, and to debilitate the enemy.
Potential skills to learn:- Telekinesis
- Force barrier (15 minutes) [Required to learn: Jedi assistance] - Final skill Lakras learned to survive hardships she could face in space.
- Force fear (concentration) [Required to learn: fighting against superior enemies] - A skill Lakras picked up with an intention of getting more proficient in it. Currently doubling with the Memory walk in effect, but she hopes to be able to expand her influence to groups of people or an area of effect. Lakras also requires time to find the target or focus in on the area.
- Force Horror (Room, subsection of a ship) [Required to learn: Significant loss of crew or the ship] - Force horror enabled the Force user to cause multiple enemies to enter into a catatonic state of panic that was more severe and more difficult to defend than the basic Force fear.
- Force insanity (Building, ship) [Required to learn: Sith holocron] - Force insanity also enabled the Force user to affect multiple enemies at once, although to an even greater range than its predecessor. As the most advanced form of Force fear, its effect was much more devastating, with the victims possibly descending into an utter state of frenzied madness and deranged mania as their situation seemed to suddenly become hopeless.
- Instinctive astrogation (Passive) [Requred to learn: 1 more year of warship command service] - A useful skill for any spacer.
- Drain Knowledge [Required to learn: Descent into darkness, abandoning of personal ethics] - The best way to win is to know what the enemy plans.
Skills:- Agile - It's hard to knock Lakras off of her feet, and she can move around in microgravity in ways that force users could envy.
- Perceptive - If there is a flaw in the enemy's defense, Lakras has a good chance of seeing it.
- Survivalist - War taught the captain how to survive off of the land.
- Hustler - In a game of pool or cards, you are likely to lose some money against her.
Personality:- I'm haunted by memories of war. I can't get the images of violence out of my mind.
- I can stare down a hell hound without flinching.
- I approach every task with the same high degree of military precision.
- I tells the truth, keeps my word, helps those in need, and speak out against injustice.
Ideals:- Protection. It isn't right for innocents to suffer because of the arrogance of the powerful. (Good)
- Conviction. Anything worth doing is worth doing with your whole heart. (Lawful)
- Bravery. To act when others quake in fear- this is the essence of the warrior. (Any)
- Perseverance. No injury or obstacle can turn me from my goal. (Any)
Bonds:- I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.
- I would still lay down my life for the people I served with.
- I. Will. Finish. The. Job.
Flaws:- I'm slow to trust people outside of the military.
- I hold grudges and have difficulty forgiving others.
- I sometimes stay up all night talking to the ghosts of my fallen friends.
- I have little respect for anyone who is not a proven warrior - whether on the field of battle or in politics.
History:Larkas has been a child of five when Palpatine and Vader were defeated, and while she doesn't remember all that much from her youth, the memories she has are what drives her life, both the horrors the Empire committed, and the defiance of the Zabrak people.
She has joined the New Republic military to help uphold it's values, inspired by chancellor Organa, only for her hero to lose her seat a year later. More nightmare fuel was poured on her fire during the Daala crysis, and it was during this time Larkas found out she was force sensitive. She found out the hard way, by being stranded on a ship with failing power and life suppoort.
It was an almost instinctive survival reaction rather than a conscious effort, and it took her several days to recognize it for what it was. Since then Lakras has spent time experimenting and training her connection to the force. Using the memories that haunted her, she developed a skill to draw similar memories out in other people, and by turning that skill on herself, she learned how to defend against it.
The captain turned down the chance to join the Jedi order, preferring to discover the Force on her own, wherever it may lead her. She has also earned her own command during this time.
Larkas started volunteering her ship and crew for missions requested by the new Rangers or the Jedi order. In fact, she worked with the rangers so often she may as well be considered part of them, missing only the official transfer paperwork.