Years have passed since the fall of Darth Sidious, the fractured Empire and the New Republics war continued to rage across the Galaxy until the Battle of Jakku where the Empire was finally defeated and most of the remaining holdouts surrendered to the new galactic power. As the galaxy stabilized with the New Republic becoming the dominant power in the Galaxy.
The JEDI ORDER, lead by the famous LUKE SKYWALKER travels across the galaxy, fulfilling their purpose of old. Helping to bring peace to troubled systems, as LEIA ORGANA works to assist them with her NEW REPUBLIC RANGERS and her diplomatic contacts. Despite the peace that exists across the Galaxy, something stirs in the shadow. A threat unlike any that the Galaxy has seen in thousands of years.
Welcome to Rise of Crusade! A Star Wars AU Roleplay set within the time period of the sequels. The Galaxy is in a relative period of peace, the New Republic is the Galactic Superpower with several other small groups seeing their chance and growing in the void of the long lost Empire. Aging heroes stepping aside to let the next generation rise and take their steps into a galaxy of their own making, but something sinister is growing in the edges of the Galaxy.
We will be using a mix of EU and Disney Canon, this is mainly so that there will be familiar elements for players rather than doing something wholly unique, it also means that we have the capability to just look things we may need up on the Wikia.
So step up, step forth and take your space and make your mark. My aim is to create a truly immersive Star Wars story. There's going to be some freedom/sandbox elements however I will also be pushing forward a central plot, as an untold evil casts its shadow over the Stars (it's not the Yuuzhan Vong or Palpatine). From the lowliest smuggler, to the mightiest Jedi everyone has a place in this story.
The JEDI ORDER, lead by the famous LUKE SKYWALKER travels across the galaxy, fulfilling their purpose of old. Helping to bring peace to troubled systems, as LEIA ORGANA works to assist them with her NEW REPUBLIC RANGERS and her diplomatic contacts. Despite the peace that exists across the Galaxy, something stirs in the shadow. A threat unlike any that the Galaxy has seen in thousands of years.
Welcome to Rise of Crusade! A Star Wars AU Roleplay set within the time period of the sequels. The Galaxy is in a relative period of peace, the New Republic is the Galactic Superpower with several other small groups seeing their chance and growing in the void of the long lost Empire. Aging heroes stepping aside to let the next generation rise and take their steps into a galaxy of their own making, but something sinister is growing in the edges of the Galaxy.
We will be using a mix of EU and Disney Canon, this is mainly so that there will be familiar elements for players rather than doing something wholly unique, it also means that we have the capability to just look things we may need up on the Wikia.
So step up, step forth and take your space and make your mark. My aim is to create a truly immersive Star Wars story. There's going to be some freedom/sandbox elements however I will also be pushing forward a central plot, as an untold evil casts its shadow over the Stars (it's not the Yuuzhan Vong or Palpatine). From the lowliest smuggler, to the mightiest Jedi everyone has a place in this story.
More information on the respective factions will go up on the OOC, but I'm happy to answer questions.
So who's interested?