Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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The ship thrashed around in the rain, repulsors straining against the high winds. Blackguards stood motionless despite the harsh conditions, diligent in their duty. The ships wings turned up as the legs extending, touching down against the hard ground. The door hissing open, the light being cast out. The man at the front of the ship raised his handcuffed hands together to protect his face from the harsh winds. The stormtrooper behind him shoved his forearm into the humans back. Shoving him forward and out of the vessel into the rain unprotected. The prisoner turned back and cast a glare at his captor with his bloodied and bruised face.

Pushed out he walked towards the door into the facility, guarded by four blackguards. Their armour glistening in stark difference to that of the Stormtroopers who had been his jailors for almost a year now, tortured and broken him. Somehow their visible faces beneath their helmets made them even more terrifying. In the winds and the rain they stood dutifully, stoic and unmoving. The door opened, the glimmering silver armour of Phasma in the light. She turned as he was brought close. Once the door was closed behind them and the roaring winds ceased, he was surprised now by the warmth of the facility. It looked old, he was struggling to date it but it looked right.

His heart rose in his throat. "You can't do-" His voice felt foreign in his throat, painful.

Phasma spun, the back of her hand colliding with his cheek and with a loud smack he was knocked down off his feet and back into the arms of a trooper. The trooper was knocked off balance, allowing him to push down and grab his sidearm. Pulling the trigger the trooper dropped to the ground as a charred hole smoked in the centre of his chest, he raised the gun at Phasma, to find three more blasters raised towards him. "NO!"

Phasma spoke, the troopers looking at each other uneasily. Smiling a sad smile Tyrell Lanstead turned the pistol up underneath his chin and closed his eyes, pulling the trigger. Suddenly he felt the blaster pulled away from him, forcing him to stumble slightly, a pressure around his throat lifted him off his feet. His hands clawing at his constricted float, trying to clear the airway that wasn't being blocked by anything physical, and yet the nature of the attack left instincts kicking in to try and free up his airway.

As he was dropped to the floor gasping for air he came face to face with a set of black books. Looking up to see the figure stood before him, blade pointed down at his head. "Don't worry, you'll be allowed to die. We need to finish our work together first." The figure leaned down, till his helmet nearly came into contact with Tyrells face.

"Our work is very important."

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Koren climbed the steps towards the temple, the weather was nice today. It was cool but sunny. Summer was just around the corner, and they had reached that time of year that by midday it would be nice and warm, without being too warm, while in the sun. As it was he focused on his breathing to warm himself in the chill morning air. The smell of the sea, the feel of the spray on him. It was far more like being home to him than being in Coronet City was. He didn't like the hustle and the bustle of the city. Things here were simple. He leant down and gave a Porg a small pet on the head as he climbed the stairs. Smiling at a couple of younglings as they descended the stairs giggling.

Likely sneaking off for a look at the Starships, he remembered similar excursions with his creche mates when he had been young. Koren had read the texts on what the Jedi Temple had been like on Coruscant back before the Purge, and honestly, he couldn't imagine it. They were the same order and held to the same ideals yet in many ways they were so different. While with member states of the Galactic Alliance settled more into stability, reforging long lost links between worlds devastated by the Empire, resulted in more people being submitted to the Jedi at a younger age for testing many of the Padawans in the temple were still in their twenties having joined the Jedi Order much later in life.

It made sense, in order to protect the people of the Galaxy the Jedi had to be part of the Galaxy. They couldn't become detached from reality, that was what lead to the destruction of the Old Jedi Order after all. Or so everyone's best guess led them to believe. Not even Master Nyx could truly say one way or the other, and she was their resident historian.

As he climbed to the top of the stairs he smiled as the round building came into view, perched atop a hill on the site of an old Jedi Temple, surrounded by smaller dwellings and living spaces. Koren could faintly see the caretakers walking amongst the buildings. Apparently, Master Skywalker had struggled at first to convince them to allow a new temple to be constructed here. To this day nobody but he knew how they had finally been convinced. Koren had always told himself he'd ask if he ever managed to get someone on one time with Master Skywalker, though the chances of that happening were slim to none.

That said today was a possible day for firsts. Since he left the temple years ago, Koren had only ever come back to study or rest between missions. Usually given assignment over the Holonet and yet suddenly, he was being called back? Whatever this was. It was important.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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The sun crept into the room as it rose in the morning, resting on a young twi'lek as she sat on crisscrossed limbs, focus deeply inward in meditation. Her blue eyes then blinked, brow furrowing as she registered that the sun was up. How long had she been meditating? She stretched her limbs and stood up then smoothed out her robe's wrinkles. However long it was, she could not help but be glad to have finally come to some peace.

She took a look around her habsuite. Part of her still couldn't believe this day had come. It still felt like yesterday that she'd first come to live in the temple. Yet now here she was, having learned so much since then, yet still having so much to learn. Her hand ran over her datapad and the latest things she'd borrowed from the library. She'd need to return those before she left. Which would be...

Oh Sith! How had it gotten this late?! She swung open the door, then bolted down the hall, past Jedi and younglings alike. She knew that most of them were looking at her askance, but she couldn't spare them much mind. She couldn't be late!
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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"Captain, we have a letter for you." A deckhand reported almost as soon as Lakras took her post in the morning. For stars' sake, she did not even have a glass of water yet. She sworn that some positions on the ship would be better filled by a repurposed combat droid than an ensign fresh out of the academy. "I'll get to e-mail once I properly wake up." she grunted.

"Ma'am! It's not an e-mail. A republic post cruiser found us, it is an actual letter. Looks important, too." the hapless human explained, which actually did the trick as Lakras was now wide awake. "Show me."

Honest to Stars, paper envelope. She didn't think the republic PS delivered anything other than parcels containing something that could not be made in situ wherever it was addressed. To think that somebody would use their service to pass along information in this day and age... She flipped the paper in her hands, marvelling over the pretty illustrations on it. The address was written in actual handwriting. Was some oooold friend trying to catch up with her? For that matter were they mentally stuck in that age and unable to use a computer?

Only then did her senses finally registered what was displayed and written, rather than how. That was a ranger insignia on the envelope, and the name on the return address was hers.


Lakras reflected on the feelings she felt when Leia bloody Organa herself signed the paperwork transferring herself and her ship from the regular units to the Rangers proper. The Zabrak Captain was elated at the time. She has been volunteering for ranger related missions for years, and has been on first name bases with several of them. Having a corvette at their disposal was a huge morale boos wherever the rangers went, and more than once they have saved their hides when the defecation hit the ventilation.

She always wanted to join, ever since she found herself to be force sensitive. She was given a chance to join the Jedi of course. Feh! Old men wearing robes, droning about spiritual stuff, blinded ty their faith that only the light side of the force was to be practices. Such limited mindset, and where did it let them? Almost to extinction. No, Lakras was a firm believer that the force was to be understood and responsively utilized in it's entirety, and if she fell, it would be her lack of integrity, not some amoebas in her cells at fault.

Oh, the wounds on her pride now. Lakras frowned as she looked down the viewport on the aquatic world below. Of course her first official mission was to take her ship and go assist a bunch of Jedi with whatever they needed. Could they not at least meet on a desert world where she could feel slightly more at home, and perhaps not judged for telling them 'no.'? Oh well, let's get on with this. The sooner they are aboard, the sooner we can leave. "XO, you have the bridge. Shuttle crew, boarding and departure in five minutes." She announced, and went to grab her blades before heading to the shuttle bay.


It felt miserable and a bit threatening to be in these walls once more. It brought back memories Lakras would rather stayed buried. She hurried through the halls, having left her guards at the shuttle. She was summoned to a meeting room to hear where they were to go, and hopefully what to do once they got there, but one never knew with these cryptic bastards. She could not wait to be gone, the stares she was getting already... Yeah that's right, Zabrak Jedi reject coming through. Spare a condescenting glance and move along, she thought, picking up her pace - only to turn a corner and come a foot apart from a Twi'Lek blur who was seemingly in an even bigger hurry. Her instincts kicked in and she steeled her body, arms flying forward and up to cushion the impact. She learned the hard way that when she accidentally headbutted the common hominid, her horns could take an eye. Blinding some hapless Padawan was not the first impression the fresh Ranger wanted to make.

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Percivalyn's eyes widened, then she did her best to turn away and force push back against the floor. But despite her efforts, her path collided with the Zabrak's, knocking them both to the floor. "Are you alright?!" Her eyes searched wildly over her unintended target as she got herself up. "I'm so sor-!" She straightened herself up, then took a deep breath. "My apologies, Madam. I was in a hurry and not looking where I was going." Looking much calmer now, she offered her hand to help her up, tilting her head. She did not seem familar..."You are a visitor here, are you not?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DragonofTheWest
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Descending from the skies high above the Jedi Temple, a T-85 X-Wing soared into view. Peering through the window in the cockpit, Dante felt a rush of happiness as he simply muttered "Home." It had been some time since he been at the temple. Like many other Jedi Knights, Dante was constantly roaming the galaxy from system to system, answering the call of those who required Jedi help. Despite spending what felt like near half of his life in the temple, there was still something mystical and awe-inspiring about it. Dante surged his star fighter downward, the X-Wing just hovering above the ocean's water line before accelerating back towards the sky in preparation to land. Dante was excited, no doubt about it but as he guided his starfighter towards the main landing docks a small shiver ran down his spine and his happy mood dimmed.

As the starfighter landed Dante took note of all the various starfighters and other ships that had landed... many he had recognized but there was also those he wasn't familiar with. It was obvious now this call back to the temple wasn't some ordinary manner. Normally the landing dock was a constant rotation of starfighters coming and going but not this time.

The cockpit of the starfighter opened as Dante glanced back at his partner, a BB unit who shuffled in place in excitement. "I know, I know, exciting isn't it?" The droid beeped several times in response. As Dante exited his starfighter and the BB unit droid was lowered to the ground, Dante caught the eye of several younglings who had gathered to watch yet another starfighter arrive. Dante gave the young Jedi a small smile wave and a wave before turning back to his droid companion.

"Hey, be gentle with the little ones. I'll be back." The droid replied with a beep before accelerating towards the small children who were thrilled to see the small rolling droid give them attention. As Dante walked past the crowd giving brief greetings, Dante focused towards the temple in the distance as he adjusted his dark cloak and mentally braced himself for whatever Master Skywalker had planned.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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RANGERS HQ - Some days ago

Ratta-Ratta-Tap-Tap. Her leg bounced against the wall as the redhead sat up straight to attention, green eyes taking in everything around her. Clerks were at their desks, tapping away at their computers. The secretary across from her sighed deeply as he tiredly looked over to her. "They will see you now."

"Fantastic!" She rose to her feet, smile blindingly. "Thank you." Then she near fly to the door as the secretary merely rolled his eyes and continued with his work. He gave her less than a week. Then she'd either be here filing a resignation, or in a body bag...

JEDI TEMPLE//AHCH-TO - present day

Alastrina still couldn't believe her eyes. Her first mission. And she was seeing the Jedi Temple up close! Her eyes hadn't left the window of the shuttle from the moment they entered through the atmosphere, eyes fixed on the building as they came closer and closer. She could also spot the people as they went too and through, so many in those distinctive Jedi Robes. She bit her lip, body thrumming as the shuttle finally landed.

"We have just arrived at the AHCH-TO starport." The shuttle loudspeaker proclaimed as the doors slid open. "Please make sure -" She was already out the door, jostling and bumping into people as she went. Once outside, she looked up to her destination then started to speedwalk there, taking in the sights as she went. It really was a beautiful place. And a beautiful morning!

Now to just find this meeting room.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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The impact wasn't as hard as Lakras expected given the speed both of them were going, but it still staggered her a bit. Good thing she was not carrying any paperwork, or she'd be picking up sheets off of the ground. Herself, she managed to stay on her feet, although she hat to take a step back and crouch to keep her balance. At least the Twi'lek was comparatively tiny to her and her eyes were never in danger.

Seeing no need to be rude, she took the offered hand and pulled herself up. Well, just because she did not want to be rude did not mean that Lakras could not leave a lasting impression, one that could perhaps leave the jedi wanting to make time and leave early next time - whereever it was she was hurrying. The Zabrak gave the hand a steel squeeze and pulled herself up to her full height, three quarters of a head taller than the Twi'lek girl and gave her a gaze that could tunnel through anyone's eyes straight to their soul. And come back out the other side. Lakras was a prime specimen of the red zabrak ethnicity, her skin, her facial tattoos, her irises - even the 'white' of her eyes a shade of red. Clad in her black and gray armor with the odd red light, she could put the fear of Darth Maul into anyone.

Deciding to let the poor girl off the hook, she let go of her hand and smiled. "It's fine, although you may wish to leave a bit earlier next time." Looking around, Lakras was a bit at a loss where to go anyway. Might as well ask the natives. "Would you happen to know which way to the meeting room? I'm a ranger and my ship is assigned to a Jedi mission, I'm heading to the briefing and there's little time to spare before it begins."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Percivalyn stood frozen for a moment, nearly stepping back before she got back a hold of herself. She was a Jedi for crying out loud! She looked back sternly into her eyes, driving pure ice to meet her daggers. "The reason for my lateness was outside my control, but thank you." She would not be intimidated by this, Ranger?

Oh dear...She swallowed. "As it happens, I am headed that way myself...If you would follow me." She then walked on for the meeting room, making sure she always had a clear sense of where the Zabrek was as she went.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Heat
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En route to First Order space, aboard the Vagabond

The distant stars danced around the YU-410 light freighter as it emerged from hyperspace with a rumble. The bronze colored spacecraft was marked with scoffs and rust, owing to its long history with its owner, Deonor Arkmer. The veteran merchant had been enlisted by the new Separatist movement for a 'less than legal' job. A band of eight heavily armed mercenaries were smuggled aboard his hefty freighter, each soldier for hire seemingly more well armed than the last one. Deonor sat alone in the cockpit, humming along to the melodic jatz music playing over the speakers which masked the pulsating sounds of the ship's engines. He had been paid handsomely by Union, if the Order were to discover the smuggled Separatist aligned warriors stowed on his ship then he was certain to face the harshest of criminal penalties. Back in the cargo bay of the Vagabond the assembled mercenaries waited impatiently.

Two Trandoshans brothers relaxed near a side-turned crate as they played pazaak, while a scarred Mirialan watched their game silently as he puffed upon a cigar. A trio of humans, two men and one woman chatted on the opposite side of the cargo bay, all three eager eyed for the dangerous job they'd all signed up for. A particularly wicked looking Palliduvan warrior sharpened a sword few meters from the human trio, seated on a metal box as he drew a curious eye from one of the humans. Across from the warrior was Vurs, the heavily armed Weequay leaned against a wall as he watched the blade sharpener as well. A faint smirk dotted his grizzled features as he waited for their 'taxi' to arrive, it had been a long, tense ride. He had no qualm with any of these other guns for hire, hell, he didn't even recognize any of them. It was a big galaxy after all, the fellow mercenaries he'd known well enough had either died or wisely gotten out of the game. Stubborn old Vurs loved the work (and the credits) too much to retire.

The former slave continued to watch the Palliduvan, as they glided the sharpening stone across the blade near obsessively. It must have been some sort of ritual for them, a vibrosword like the one Vurs carried required no such maintenance. Unless this merc's sword was customized in some other fashion he wondered truly how useful such an old fashion weapon was against armor and blasters. The smile remained upon the Weequay's expression as the heavily tattooed Palliduvan looked up, inadvertently making direct eye contact with Vurs. The constant sharpening stopped as the two locked eyes for a brief moment.

"What are you smiling at?" The Palliduvan's tone sparked with fire, seemingly offended at Vur's smirking. Then the other mercenary popped up from his seated position, his ponytail rocking behind him as he stepped towards the taller, more experienced hired gun. "Something funny?"

"Just your little ritual. How really good is that in a fight? It ain't a vibroblade. One bad swing and it'll snap like nothing." Vurs replied firmly, in better control of his emotions than the cocky Palliduvan. He was not frightened of this insolent little dirtball.

"How about I show you, old timer? Could slash you right in half through that rusty armor of yours." The younger mercenary exclaimed as he stepped even closer to Vurs, nearly face to face with the elder warrior. A few inches separating them height wise. The interaction had drawn the attention of some of the other hired soldiers, who watched quietly, unsure if they were about to witness a pre-fight brawl.

"Don't make threats you can't back up, you aren't the brightest star in the sky, are you?" Vurs inquired tauntingly as he clenched one of his fists. The smirk having widened on his wrinkled, leathery face.

"Look at you, bet you aren't even any good at merc work. Still doing this instead of retired on a farm somewhere quiet." The Palliduvan spouted back as he raised the point of his sword, nearly at Vurs' chin. With a near sigh the Weequay thought for a second before he slammed his right knee forward into the younger mercenaries' gut, then with a powerful hand grasped the man's wrist and knocked the sword from his grasp. The weapon clanged against the durasteel cargo bay floor. A sudden twist followed, as a startling scream erupted from the cocky warrior for hire as his wrist was expertly broken.

"Because I love this damn job, kid. You still got one good hand, sit down and relax til we get there. Or maybe I start chopping off pieces of you and send them out the airlock one by one." Vurs stated as his tone grew more menacing as he looked directly into the Palliduvan' eyes as he held a vice grip upon the mercenary's shattered wrist. Then he released the hold as he pushed the cocky little nerfherder to the floor.

The Palliduvan scrambled to his feet, embarrassment evident as he quickly scooped up his fancy sword with his one good hand. Then speed walked to the opposite side of the cargo bay, the only sounds his boots against the floor and the raucous laughter emitting from the two Trandoshans. Vurs returned to his previous position, as he crossed his arms and went once more silent. The hulking soldier could've done more, but he didn't need to explain why they were down a blaster before they even got off the ship. Not that he particularly cared, in a way he felt he'd taught the Palliduvan a few work lessons and some manners.

"We are on approach, I got all the clearance to get you folks onto the world. From there you are on your own." The freighter pilot chimed in, the sound of music in the background behind his words as they filled the cargo bay.

The mercenaries had a general location of the First Order aligned pirates base of operations, due to their benefactor’s impressive intelligent network. It was now simply a matter of them getting the job done. Vurs was eager for some action after the long flight.
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The Jedi Council Chambers in the temple on Coruscant (which had since been turned into the Imperial Palace and the Galactic Alliance Rangers HQ respectively) were at the top of the central spire. Signifying how they were watching over everything within their domain, they were the top of the food chain so to speak.

Meanwhile, Luke, once he had to form his own council, took a much more modest approach. The council chambers were a round room in the exact centre of the temple, they were also actually several floors below the majority of the Jedi Temple. The entire point of this was to symbolise that they were the foundation and that everything that the Jedi order was (the good and the bad) started with them. Koren didn't often appreciate things that were poetic, however, he had to appreciate the symbolism there. He stood, trying not to be nervous, in the centre of the council chambers with nobody else here. He was aware of some other important meeting going on elsewhere in the temple. Word was that they had even enlisted a Ranger Corvette. Now the Rangers had their cruisers that were seen roaming around, that were a little bigger but the fact they were going with a more specialised vessel meant that something important was going on.

Koren had to silently wonder if his meeting was somehow related to it, but then the murmurs from around the temple were that it was just about to happen, and he was here by himself. So, it didn't seem related. The door hissed and Koren bowed his head as he sensed the unmistakable presence of Master Skywalker, wearing his traditional black robes. Skywalker bowed back out of respect, he made a move to go sit at the table but then stopped himself as if suddenly realising something.

"My apologies. I don't have enough time for the usual pomp and ceremony today Koren. There's a lot going on, we've received intelligence from the Separatists that Master Bridgers lightsaber has been found in First Order space."

Koren stopped for a second. Bridger was the Jedi assigned to Tyrell Lansteads archaeological mission in the unknown region, almost every Jedi knew about it as both had vanished without a trace. Word of a missing Jedi Master tended to spread quickly through the small order.

"I'm sorry Master but, this is coming from the Union. They're not the most reliable source when it comes to the First Order, are they?"

Luke smiled. "I agree, but it's been over a year with no lead so we have to chase it up. While we don't officially have access to First Order space, that just means we have to get creative."

"Which is why the Rangers aren't using an Antarian Corvette-"

"Exactly. Though this isn't why I asked you here."

"It isn't?"

Luke handed over a data chip. Koren took it and looked it over in his hand, before raising an eyebrow at Luke. "The Mandalorians have heard of your exploits on Dantooine and Taris. They're not having much luck with their own restoration projects, so the Manda'lor himself has asked if you can go to Mandalore and assist. You can leave just when you're ready."

Koren nodded and pocketed the chip. "So I guess the stories about Gro-"

Luke nodded solemnly. "All true, but even then he had little success. In my studies I've been learning that sometimes certain people are just in tune with different abilities and this appears to be your skillset so, we're just going to work with it."

"I'll get right to it Master."

"One last thing Koren, I'll be having Padawan Reyleigh join you on this assignment, he'll meet you at your ship."

Koren turned, he had already been on his way out when Luke had sprung a Padawan on him. "I'm sorry Master, a Padawan?" Luke nodded.

"I'll have any relevant file sent over, though I'm afraid it's non-negotiable." Koren shrugged and stood to the side as Luke rushed out. Somehow still looking as composed as ever.

A Padawan.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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The captain failed miserably to hide her amusement when the Jedi had to recompose herself. Even if she raised the haze around her mind to prevent any of the Jedi from reading her like an open book in time, the tugging on the corners of her mouth told the tale. The Twi'lek facing her could not be older than thirty, likely less, and it was just adorable how she attempted not to look intimidated and even glared back.

And, apparently, she might be one of the Jedi whom she was supposed to give a ride. "Looks like we may get to know each other rather well then. What fun! Captain Tagrate, CO of the Milky Way, happy to make you an acquaintance." she introduced herself as they walked to their destination. A walk that was not very long, fortunately, as the clock were ticking. All the more surprise to find out they were the first two people there.

The room was as barebones as she remembered form her brief stay at the Jedi temple. Walls without a speck of vibrant color. Not a piece of art on the walls other than the, again dull looking, statues. And one would be hard pressed to find a bench or a chair, at least a comfortable one. The Milky way was no cruise liner, but even there one could find more amenities than here. There was not even a locker with beverages, just a holomap in the center of the room. What. Fun. the captain thought as she leaned against the wall in the corner, waiting for something interesting to happen and hoping it would arrive before she grew old.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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"I am sure I can be glad to make your acquaintance, Captain." She walked on, glad that they were not too far away from the council room.
Percivalyn then stoically went to sit in a chair, looking towards the doorway and where Captain Tagrate leaned against the wall. Every part of her wanted to bristle, but it would not be very Jedi-like. She was considered ready to be on assignment. It would not do to ruin that with her temper.

Still, she wondered where everyone else was. Surely there would at least be someone to give the debriefing if nothing else. The Zabrek's mind was surprisingly guarded from her. That could only mean trouble or...

A figure rushed through the door. "Oh, am I late?" A human came in, looking around. "The shuttle was a bit late, but I got here as soon as I could. Glad everyone here's so friendly. Otherwise, I'd have never found this room." Her green eyes landed on the Zabrek. "You a fellow Ranger?" Then she offered her hand. "Alastrina Rogers. Pleasure to meet you."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Planet Unknown/Unknown Solar System

Snoanta was driving his ship heading towards a planet where his target was last seen. From what he was told by his employers, his target was a Reesarian named Ta’ggata who was wanted dead or alive for murder. Snoanta didn’t care for the reason he just needed the credits. His droid was making some calculations, and making sure that the planet he was going to land on was habitable. After some fiddling with the computer E8D4 beeps and boops informing him that the planet was habitable, and that there was a life sign on the planet. Snoanta landed his ship on a suitable spot on the planet. “Stay here E8, and don’t leave the ship under any circumstances.” The droid swiveled around making some more beeps in response. The large Wookie grabbed his weapons and equipment from the rack near E8. He was concerned that E8 would join him on the hunt and get himself injured. His droid would always get himself into trouble, and Snoanta would always have to get him out of it. Walking out of his ship he soon starting tracking his target, from what he was told the target was knowledgeable in guerilla warfare. Something that would be quite an issue for him, but he knew and used this kind of tactics before so it should not be too bad.

Snoanta moved through the large grass making sure to check for traps with each step he took. A tedious thing but it had become a habit everytime he was hunting down his targets. Stopping for a moment at the edge of the grass, crouching down and immediately noticing bipedal footprints. From what he could tell his target was heading east towards god knows where. The tall Wookie followed the tracks towards what looked like a cabin near a lake. Snoanta assumed that his target was hiding in the cabin, and living off of the land. Snotana waited behind some tall grass, because of his height he would need to get as low as he could. Laying down on his stomach having his bowcaster at the ready. Looking through the scope of his caster, he was sure to see his target moving in and out of the cabin. A couple of hours went by and he thought that the cabin was abandoned. However he got lucky when he stopped his target walking into the cabin carrying something over his shoulder. Waiting a couple a few minutes before making his move. Crawling through the grass and towards the back of the cabin. He was sure that his target was on high alert. Snoanta was pressing his body against the wooden wall of the cabin, peeking his head so he could see inside of the cabin via the window. From what he could see the inside of the cabin was barebones, he could assume that his target had lived her for a couple of months now.

Watching his target moving from room to room, Snoanta moved from the back window when he saw his target moving towards him. Moving towards the front door and opening it quickly, wanting to catch him off guard. Noticing that his target quickled turned around without a weapon on him, indicating that he was caught off guard. “Don’t move a muscle, unless you want to be cooked.” He said moving a little closer towards the target. “I don’t plan to with that caster of yours, whoever is paying you i can pay you triple.” Ta’ggata said, holding his hands up. “Unless you can pay me 50,000 credits then I don't think that will happen, don’t make any sudden moves and follow me back to my ship.” He needed his target alive for the 50,000 credits. Moving behind Ta’ggata and knocking him out with the butt of his bowcaster. Putting on some stun cuffs on the man’s arms and legs. The trip back was quite annoying but he finally got his mark onto his ship. E8D4 scooted towards him beeping and booping. “It went well, a bit tedious but went smoothly overall.” He smiled, placing Ta’ggata on a beach inside of a makeshift cage inside of the ship. The ship soon took flight and away from the planet heading towards his employer.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DragonofTheWest
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Member Seen 2 mos ago


Dante arrived at the designated Jedi council room and was surprised to see the room already occupied with several individuals. The young Jedi Knight was prepared to make some witty remark as an excuse to excuse his arrival but instead stepped into the room after recognizing that another individual had raced into the room before he did.

"My apologies for my tardiness. I hope I didn't miss anything."

It was brief and simple though internally Dante was slightly embarrassed. Perhaps in a bigger room he would snuck and blended in though that wouldn't be the case here. Dante's eyes started to move from person to person, his mind working to identify who was who. The easiest one was the other Jedi. Even though time had passed, the individual seemed somewhat familiar, after all there wasn't too many Jedi in the new order and he was sure he must have seen her face once before whether through some other meeting, in person or some file. As Dante scanned the room however it was the completely foreign faces that earned his interest. One of them was a Zabrak and judging from her appearance, she wasn't a Jedi but still suited enough to handle her own. Yet in the brief sentences he just heard... it all made sense. It looked like Jedi and Rangers were once more coming together to collaborate.

Placing his arms behind his waist, Dante bowed his head and awaited what was to come.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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As she waited along with the Jedi, who to Lakras's dismay still failed to introduce herself by name, she felt a poke against her mind. While it could have been anyone in the building, she was curious if it was the Twi'lek trying to figure her deal out. The Captain's initial idea was to come up with a particularly dark memory to focus on, as something like that would certainly get a reaction, even if only an eye twitch. But the thought of doing that perished as quickly as it came. They might be serving together in the near future, it was time to build bridges, not walls.

Want to know who I am? Well, allow me. Usually she would not even consider doing this, but if she thought there was somewhere in the universe where having her mind laid bare to an unknown observer would not be used against her, the Jedi temple was probably it. She closed her eyes, and thought of the past...

Imperial garrison landing on Iridonia. Her toy blade being laughed by a trooper passing by. Anger. Injustice. Powerlessness. Resistance. Rebellion. Wounded pride.

A trooper hitting a Zabrak woman while she was on the ground. Herself throwing stones at the trooper. Occupied, but unbroken. Terrified, but must help.

Her father handing her the family blades. Broken. Useless. Then again, pride. Resolve.

A ship cleaved in two. Atmosphere vented. Sealed in a compartment two corridors from the escape pod. Preparing for vacuum exposure. Pulling the door lever. Not like this. I will survive.

A crewmate struck by a blaster. Rushing out of cover to pull them in. Administering first aid. They are mine. Their lives are not yours to take.

Standing at the command post. Broken arm, swollen eye, bleeding. Giving orders to keep firing. It's not over so long as I draw breath.

Facing the Jedi council. Her nails digging into her palms. Dejection. Then resolve. My own path. My own conviction, my integrity. Light or dark, will serve the people.

Lakras took a sharp breath and her eyes shot open. It has been a while since she drowned in her past like this. She wasn't a fan. That's as much as anyone is getting. Want to know more, you'll have to talk to me. she thought for herself, her defenses raised once more, firmer than before.

An arrival finally saved her from the awkward silence. A rather wild looking human, as far as Lakras could tell. Fortunately a lot more friendly and chatty. She shook the offered hand: "Lakras Tagrate. Indeed, freshly transferred. You didn't miss anything yet. Too bad command didn't let me know you needed a lift." she smiled.

Another person arrived, this time a Jedi. Were they all this... young? Seriously, this group was making Lakras feel like an old woman. "Didn't miss a thing." She reiterated, "Does anyone know what this is about?" She asked curiously. Did anyone bring orders, or at least donuts? she thought, now wishing she grabbed a bite before hopping on the shuttle as soon as she woke up.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Briefing Room // Jedi Temple // Ahch-To

The door to the room opened, a blue and white astromech came wheeling into the room. Bleeping happily as it did so, the door remained open as a figure in black robes opened. Instantly recognizable as Luke Skywalker. He nodded to everyone in the room. "Captain Tagrate. Nice to see you again." He bowed his head slightly to the two Jedi and nodded at the final ranger. Luke put his right hand on top of the astromech, it extended its connector arm into the holo table. A planet appeared. "This is planet S-15. It's on the edge of the Unknown Regions at the edges of the First Order space. We've had reports come through from the Separatists that Master Bridgers lightsaber was found-" a hologram of his lightsaber appeared. "-For those of you who don't know. Master Bridger was escorting the archaeologist Tyrell Lanstead through the unknown regions to various sites with significance to the Jedi Order. We're not entirely sure how or why he ended up in First Order space, but the two have been missing without a trace for over a year. We've sent various teams to try and relocate them however until now we haven't had any leads."

He turned directly to Tagrate. "I understand this isn't your usual type of mission, from what Leia has told me, but there's every chance that things might get messy out there. There's a lot of species out there that we don't know about, especially in that region of space. That said your ship is also useful in this instance as it isn't instantly recognisable as a Galactic Alliance ship. We don't exactly have the First Orders permission for what we're going to be doing here." He turned away from the hologram to scan around the room.

"Any questions before we continue?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Finally, someone of import has arrived. That it would be the famous war relic of a droid was a bit of a surprise to the captain, and she had to fight the urge to take a picture. Sure, it was a droid, but a war hero none the less. They were all here because the talking wheelie bin delivered plans of the Death Star to the resistance. Well, it and it's spooky looking brassjob friend. And if it was here, it's master could not be far behind, and indeed a shadow of black cloth entered the room.

Luke. Effin. Skywalker. Himself. Lakras wondered whether she should start writing memoirs now, as within the span of two weeks she has met both of the Skywalkers and R2-D2. When would that happen next? He was right though, this was not her usual mission. Usually she ferried the rangers and occasional Jedi around when the former couldn't spare a full cruiser, or the later needed something bigger than a starfighter. Still, this was what she wanted. "My mission has always been to protect the republic and now the alliance. We'll do what is needed. That said... Is plausible deniability desirable on this mission? If so I'll have my deckhands swearing for a week that they have to paint over the freshly painted Ranger insignia from the hull, but it would not be hard to masquerade as a mercenary corvette." she offered, looking at the holograms.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by webboysurf
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Onboard The Salvager // First Order Space

The main hangar bay was, as always, a cacophony of sounds that drove most in the galaxy crazy. Metal plating scratched against metal plating, and the stinging sound of welding echoed through the large open chambers. Foremen barked orders to mechanics and scrappers alike, as the starfighter wrecks haphazardly dumped into the various working bays were being torn apart and reassembled into something functional. Standing among the wreckage, over a salvaged and flickering holotable to be precise, was a man with pepper hair slicked back with grease. A set of goggles was pushed up on his forehead as he was readjusting the sleeves on his shirt to keep them rolled up, staring at the blue image of a heavily damaged Z-95 Headhunter. Jax Andarin turned his gaze towards the Sullustan who was scratching his own shoulder next to him. "They want to be able to carry a bounty in this..."


"Safety isn't a concern..."


"The Hutts want it in 3 cycles..."


"And they don't care about safety measures?" The Sullustan answered the question with a nod to indicate a positive response, and Jax shrugged his shoulders, moving his hands up to interact with the hologram. He lifted his left hand and motioned towards the dented nose of the starfighter, and threw it off screen haphazardly. Jax's right hand tapped on the control panel for a moment, and a different nose appeared separate from the Z-95. "Luckily we salvaged a functional front half of a Z-95 when we dealt with Zeffron's gang. There's already retrofitted space for storage in the nose, we'll just have to expand it."

With a few more flicks of his wrists, the nose was zoomed in on the hologram and the various components removed to create a more three dimensional image, and Jax began pointing at the various components within the nose. "They already specified they didn't want the torpedo launchers, which helps save space. We can remove the nose sensors and move them back closer to the engines. We can then rip out the life support from that salvaged X-Wing and store it right up next to the expanded storage bin. The heat from that and the battery will help make sure the bounties don't freeze, but they won't be comfortable. This'll put more strain on the engine than usual, but we can add in additional venting. Besides, this is what the Hutts get for buying cheap. Should fly until the Hunter crosses path with a Ranger." The Sullustan gave a nod, his eyes tracing over the various gestures Jax made. He then turned around, and began barking at the mechanics that had been huddled nearby. Jax took this as his cue to fetch his jacket from where it was resting upon a spare communications relay and walk off deeper into the Venator class Star Destroyer, making his way around the closed off sections that were still under repair.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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The Darkness Of Space/Lothal

During the trip back to where his employer, Ta’ggata was ranting and raving that he would be a dead man if received by Snoanta’s employer. A fact that the Wookie did not care much for. The Wookie looked over his shoulder at the imprisoned man, “If you do not quiet down then I will have to shoot you with my bowcaster, and I assume you wish to see another day?” This made Ta’ggata sneer back that he would be dead anyway. Snoanta nevertheless needed the other man alive for his reward, a condition he was going to carry out fully. Other than Ta’ggata making quite a ruckus, the trip back was quite boring. E8 would occasionally shock Ta’ggata with a stun gun, which got a couple of chuckles from the Wookie. He soon arrived on Lothal, landing his ship on one of the landing docks; he could see his employer, a Volpai named Gal’tak waiting for him. “Please you have to let me go, I will do anything just please don’t give me to him.” Ta’ggata was on his knees begging for Snoanta to let him go. “Sorry I can't just let you go, especially since I brought you all the way over here. Sorry, it’s nothing personal, it's just business.” Snoanta felt no sympathy for him, he had done this job so long he could not show any weakness to his targets.

Snoanta opened the cage and had Ta’ggata over his shoulders, “Wait here E8 just in case things get hairy.” The droid beeped a few times letting him know that it shall be done. The Wookie away from his ship he could see Gal’tak and a couple of his men walking towards him. “Good work Snoanta, you did a fine job capturing this rebel scum.” He said as Snoanta dropped Ta’ggata onto the ground. Snoanta removed the cuffs and could see Gal’tak’s men taking Ta’ggata somewhere, he could hear them talking about how Ta’ggata was going to feel real fear. There was a sudden drop in his heart, he felt like he was betraying his own. But he could not defend him or he too would be killed. He hoped that the man would forgive him for his betrayal.

Gal’tek handed Snoanta some credits and placed a hand on his shoulder, “Follow me to my office I have another job for you.” And with that, the two started walking to his office.
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