Antares "Ray" Reyleigh
HumanPhysical Appearance: 174 Centimeters tall, weighing in at a little over 66 kilograms, Antares is a pretty skinny young man who's immediate physical appearance makes you think the blue eyed boy posesses very little about him that would threaten anyone. He's got immediate kindness in his eyes and a warm smile, yet he tries to play himself like a rugged stoic who values strength and personal integrity above all. Ray walks with a swagger in his step, an oversized leather jacket draped around him, trying to look bigger and tougher with every step he takes, like a boy trying to fit into the shoes of a man.
Equipment: His lightsaber is made out of wonderful craftsmanship, with a patterned brown hilt, metal accents and a black emmitter, the button to ignite the blade is covered in leather wrapping for increased grip.
A-180 BlasterSkills:Lightsaber Combat; Form 2 and 5 Masashi and Shien are his forte, a prodigy in form 2, Ray could quite easily transfer his lifelong training with vibroblades onto the lightsabers once he was taken into the order when it comes to melee combat. However, when it comes to fighting blaster fire, especially in groups the Padawain feels a lot more secure ducking behind cover and taking potshots with his blaster in hand.
Engineering; Unlike many of his Jedi peers, Antares enjoys tinkering. He tinkers with anything he could get his hands on, and his masters tended to say that if he hadn't been a Padawan, he would've been one of the New Republics greatest engineers. As a result, he appreciates great engineering and wishes to understand how things work, taking them apart and putting them back together again. While he respects, and even really enjoys the workings of spaceships, he cannot fly them.
Weaponry; Antares is, for his young age and lack of any real formal training in the use of blasters, very skilled young marksman. Something his peers aboard the Crimson Raider quite appreciated about the cabin boy, though what he once thought was innate skill with a handblaster has turned out to be a innate connection to the force that helped him throughout his life.
Force Abilities:Skilled;
Force ValorForce Jump
Force Telekinesis
Force BarrierForce Push
Force Pull
Demonstrated But Untrained:
Alter EnvironmentForce ShockwavePrecognition
Weaknesses:Ray is frankly, a machine up close with a lightsaber. His background and natural prowess for the physical side of the force makes him, despite his small frame and young age, quite the opponent even for his more seasoned jedi peers in sparring. But, pushed into a situation where Antares does not get the chance to fight his opponent head on, the young padawan folds and retreats to little more than a space-faring privateer with a blaster. He has not mastered defending himself with his lightsaber. He's arrogant and cocky while being a trickster and a true brat by heart, Ray struggles with doing what he's told or with taking consequences into account when it comes to his actions.
Character History:Ray is born in the outer rim on a unnamed planet to parents that did not matter, he grew up lonely, parents were never truly around so in that sense, maybe it didn't matter so much when they eventually left him, or perished. Antares never quite found out what happened. When he was six, he became a stowaway on a spaceship taking him far into the depths of the outer rim, soon discovering he was onboard a pirate ship, belonging to Captain Sorr and his crew, the Crimson Cascades. Their ship, Vermillion Tide was quite large for a pirate ship, and Sorr had taken over the crew after the original captain, Vermillion, had died fighting the Empire.
Antares was discovered hiding on the ship but he wasn't punished for it, rather adopted into the family, raised as a cabin boy aboard the ship. Learning the tools of the trade and getting instilled with the honor code of thieves - still hunting the remnants of the empire in the outer rim wherever they could, in places the New Republic and recently reborn Jedi Order couldn't reach. They robbed the odd aristocrat and ally of the republic or separatists, too.
The Vermillion Tide met it's end when it raided a cargo ship carrying supplies for what would later become The First Order, when Antares was 14. The cargo ship had reinforcements arrive sooner than anticipated and the star destroyer annihalated the Crimson Tide. Leaving the ship crashing onto the sandy, hellish desert of Ranoon, a uninhabited planet since it's climate was destroyed hundreds of years ago. A sandstorm blew in over Antares and the rest of the survivors, most of them perished, Antares only surviving thanks to his latent force abilities that allowed him to instinctly summon a barrier around him that kept the poisonous sand from killing him. Long enough for Jedi Master, and former Stormtrooper Of THe Empire, Jadaarn to find him, following the star destroyer that had battled The Vermillion Tide.
Jadaarn was impressed by the native abilities of Ray and took him under his wing and over the course of the past years the two grew quite close, squabbling while the padawan began his training. Antares would make quick progress in lightsaber combat, able to easily transfer his skills with a vibroblade, but struggled with living up to his seen potential in the ways of the force. None the less, The new council had ordered Ray and Jadaarn to split up for the coming mission, as this would be a test for the padawan under the command of another jedi knight temporarily, and his first assignment without his master.