Avatar of Forsythe


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Current Fuh... one of the worst days of my life
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Eager to get back to writing and try something new!
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Started at work today, expect my replies in 1x1s to slow down considerably. Normal RPs go as usual.
10 yrs ago
Coffee time every time. Be sleepless.


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Made some sheet edits, highlighted in red. Check the relationships bit especially if it is palatable ;P

Also while looking at Finn's zord and wondering how would one cram themselves into it ala Hulkbuster, I got an odea that it could have an autonomous dragon mode, and fold into a humanoid armor mode like the red dragon thunderzord. Just an idea.

So feelings about potential character history with regards to Helia.

- Tommy - Finish the bio!
- Finn - At times Helia might have beaten up some bullies if she saw them picking on him. She's also a bit tomboyish so there is probably a lot of mutual understanding. Only donwside is they have no interests in common, but I can see them handing out on lunch breaks etc. Also both poor kids xD
- Sa'Cha - Fellow protector of the weakest, other than that not much in common I suppose.
*Helia fighting the monster of the week alone because everyone else is involved in a wedding* xD
I mean we have potential Lily's ancestor... And a guy with cheetah affiliation... Just saying...
Dragon fury sounds great. Totally not pushing my jungle fury connection, nope.

Could have like an Emerald or Jade ranger instead of Green if you want more exotic colors.
I think you should stop spoiling and in general planning that far ahead, spoilers suck and plans don't survive anyway xD
A lot of the seasons did not start with a full team, I think we are okay to go. I don't want a second character now, but may have other idea for what to do with the extra suits later on >:D
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