Made some sheet edits, highlighted in red. Check the relationships bit especially if it is palatable ;P
Also while looking at Finn's zord and wondering how would one cram themselves into it ala Hulkbuster, I got an odea that it could have an autonomous dragon mode, and fold into a humanoid armor mode like the red dragon thunderzord. Just an idea.
So feelings about potential character history with regards to Helia.
- Tommy - Finish the bio! - Finn - At times Helia might have beaten up some bullies if she saw them picking on him. She's also a bit tomboyish so there is probably a lot of mutual understanding. Only donwside is they have no interests in common, but I can see them handing out on lunch breaks etc. Also both poor kids xD - Sa'Cha - Fellow protector of the weakest, other than that not much in common I suppose.
Helia is a relatively average girl appearing a bit on the heavier side due to her hobbies, standing 168 cm tall and weighing just shy of 70 kilos. She however has a bit lower body fat percentage than is usual for her size and age, as she spends a lot of her time either training martial arts or hiking in nature. Her skin is on the paler side, and she has a bunch of smaller scars from falling a bit too often for her linking.
The girl's face is a bit angular, with prominent cheekbones and pointy chin. Her eyes seem to always have a glitter of mischievousness in them, as if she intended to pull the rug from under you or put a whoopie cushion on your seat at any moment. Whenever it is the least bit sunny, her freckles come out and cover her face. She cuts her hair short and styles it into a perfect mess.
Her wardrobe is a bit boyish, preferring garments with utility such as cargo pants, hiking boots and a vest full of pockets. There is always at least one swiss knife on her, and usually a couple of snacks and a first aid kit. Despite being fit, she usually slouches in her seat or leans against the wall.
Helia's mother is a first generation greek immigrant. Her father was an american with irish roots reaching all the way back to the potato famine. She did not live in Angel Grove for most of her life, only relocating there for high school. This was caused by an unhappy situation in her family. Her father was killed in a gang shooting, being in a wrong place at a bad time. Her mother took this hard, succumbing to alcoholism, which lead to Helia being neglected at first, abused later, and money always being tight.
As such, Helia decided to spend as much time as she could away from the house. Her situation is better now that she makes a bit of her own money serving juice and cleaning at Ernie's, as well as being more than able to stand up to her eternally drunk mother, and on weekends she spends her time outdoors either practicing martial arts to ensure no one hurts her ever again, or just enjoying nature, hiking and camping outside, or going swimming on the public beach. Sometimes she can be found loitering around the city if there is nothing better to do, anything to stay away form home.
+ Fresh food - Something she greatly enjoys, as usually she gets her food in a nonperishable form bought in advance on discount. + Attention - She appreciates the company of her few friends greatly, as her parents never spared her much thought. + Swimming - Most fun you can have for just the price of a swimsuit, even better if you can get some snorkeling gear.
- Bullies - While Helia was never really bullied at school, she suffered enough at home, and as such tolerates none of it. - Schadenfreude - Helia can't help but giggle when she sees a relatively harmful misfortune happen to someone, such as missing the elevator. She hates this about herself, but cannot help pulling pranks at times. - The day before paycheck - Money has always been tight, and eating leftovers and scraps gets old quick.
Combat: Grappling, kickbox, short blades Common: Survival, cooking, mending broken things
Tommy: Arguably Helia's closest friend. They share a major psychotic hatred for bullies and have similar ideas how to go about it, resulting in them having quite similar hobbies, and being a good fill in others. While she never went as dark as Tommy on the bullies, after his self improvement, Helia is objectively the more violent one. Finn: First running into each other at freshman year, Helia chased away some guys who were bullying Finn. While they do not have many hobbies in common, they have a remarkably similar collection of miserable experiences others call childhood. Helia enjoys talking to the guy, as with the exception of fashion choices, the two of th can relate to each other's woes the most, and if not offer helpful insight, at least be an understanding listener to vent at. Sa'Cha: Helia pretty much only has protecting others in common with Sa'Cha, which makes him okay in her book. She didn't talk to the man too much yet though, mostly meeting by proxy through some of their other friends. "Pretty boy" and "Rich kid" would be words Helia would describe him with. Bruce: The two met in some of the practical skill classes, sharing a bit of a knack for fixing things. Where Bruce's skill is more focused on automobiles and generally learned in advance, Helia's abilities are broader and often a result of learning by doing, oftentimes in an emergency. She's always happy to talk shop. Oswald: The two hardly ever talked, seeing as Helia doesn't have access to the web outside of a library or couple classes. Shelby: Helia feels utterly intimidated by Shelby's intellect, which sucks as she is the only other girl in their social circle. Whenever in the same conversation though, Helia feels like she has nothign to add that would not make her look like a retarded baboon in comparison. She does admire her though for taking her nerdiness and making it her castle. Karone: Helia hates the youtuber culture, seeing it as something without a shred of value added, stupidly catering to consumer mouthbreather masses. She does not know Karone personally at all, but her prejudice prevents her from seeking any contact. She does not wish her harm, but doesn't particularly like her.
The copper ranger's technology is a next generation prototype, not entirely mastered even by Eltarian Technomage standards. As such, it offers some key advantages, which however come packaged with a set of pretty crippling downsides.
Solar flare gauntlets - The copper dragon ranger's primary weapons are armored gauntlets. They are capable of manipulating light, from flash-blinding enemies to absorbing incoming laser fire. The gauntlets can shapeshift to some degree, growing spikes and claws if needed for combat or scaling walls. Copper dragon nanosuit - The copper dragon ranger's armor has increased maximum energy output compared to the others, sacrificing raw armor thickness in favor of generating an invisible, form fitting energy shield layer. This makes the copper ranger physically weaker than the other rangers, but the shield can regenerate while not taking damage, maximizing the copper ranger's durability in combat and restricting movement a little less. Booster zord: Sentinel mode - Like the copper ranger's armor, the booster zord works on a different principle than that of the other rangers. Composed of a mass of nanites much like the suit, it can reconfigure based on which of the scanned creatures is currently being utilized. For the Copper dragon, it configures to turn their tactics around, giving the ranger heavy armor and decent firepower, at the expense of low mobility and lasting only a short time before it has to be recalled for a recharge.
Solar prominence gauntlets - Upgraded gauntlets that gain the ability to project plasma blades and launch jets of plasma as a ranged attack. Phoenix down - A dagger that can focus the power of the Sun, causing searing cuts and being able to launch waves of hard light. Phoenix nanosuit - Upgraded armor with improved power distribution, allowing it to reflect an energy attack with 25% chance, and to use the shield in an offensive area of effect burst that stuns and flash blinds anyone within three meter radius. Booster zord: Hyper mode - This configuration of the booster zord is so barebones it may look like it is coming apart. While it provides next to no increase of armor, it is the fastest and most agile piece of tech on the field. It has a secret ability to combine with other booster zords in a booster megazord, transforming into a flight, weapons, armor package or a combination thereof. The downside is, that one of the rangers is left demorphed while another is using the ability.
Eclipse gauntlets - The gauntlets with their absorption potential maximized. The Bakunawa ranger can suck energy from incoming attacks, energetic or kinetic, to fuel themselves. Void shard - A short sword that seems to absorb light. It is controlled by the Bakunawa ranger psionically, as it is extremely heavy, to the point of being immovable by anyone else. It's ultimate attack is summoning a microsingularity that consumes a weakened enemy. Bakunawa nanosuit - Armor with ultimate defensive capabilities. Maximized power output and user organism integration, allowing the wearer to temporarily boost their strength, agility, stamina, perception and healing. Booster zord: Flux mode - A piece of black magic even by Eltarian standards. This booster zord configuration exists in a state of continuous flux, constantly appearing and disappearing on the spot, and sometimes creating short-lived, translucent after-images of itself beside it. It can teleport across the battlefield within its' line of sight, and it strikes with extended blades or electrical arcs. As half of the time it does not exists in this reality, it has a 50% chance of an attack phasing straight through it. It provides medium armor and mobility. However, due to its' function, a living user has a hard time coping with using it, causing tremendous psychological wear. This can result in a range of detrimental effects, from the inability to speak to going on a senseless rampage.
Helia is a relatively average girl appearing a bit on the heavier side due to her hobbies, standing 168 cm tall and weighing just shy of 70 kilos. She however has a bit lower body fat percentage than is usual for her size and age, as she spends a lot of her time either training martial arts or hiking in nature. Her skin is on the paler side, and she has a bunch of smaller scars from falling a bit too often for her linking.
The girl's face is a bit angular, with prominent cheekbones and pointy chin. Her eyes seem to always have a glitter of mischievousness in them, as if she intended to pull the rug from under you or put a whoopie cushion on your seat at any moment. Whenever it is the least bit sunny, her freckles come out and cover her face. SHe cuts her hair short and styles it into a perfect mess.
Her wardrobe is a bit boyish, preferring garments with utility such as cargo pants, hiking boots and a vest full of pockets. There is always at least one swiss knife on her, and usually a couple of snacks and a first aid kit. Despite being fit, she usually slouches in her seat or leans against the wall.
Helia's mother is a first generation greek immigrant. Her father was an american with irish roots reaching all the way back to the potato famine. She did not live in Angel Grove for most of her life, only relocating there for high school. This was caused by an unhappy situation in her family. Her father was killed in a gang shooting, being in a wrong place at a bad time. Her mother took this hard, succumbing to alcoholism, which lead to Helia being neglected at first, abused later, and money always being tight.
As such, Helia decided to spend as much time as she can away from the house. Her situation is better now that she makes a bit of her own money serving juice and cleaning at Ernie's as well as being more than able to stand up to her eternally drunk mother, and on weekends she spends her time outdoors either practicing martial arts to ensure no one hurts her ever again, or just enjoying nature, hiking and camping outside. Sometimes she can be found loitering around the city if there is nothing better to do, anything to stay away form home.
Combat: Grappling, kickbox, short blades Common: Survival, cooking, mending broken things
Basic: Solar flare gauntlets - The copper dragon ranger's primary weapons are armored gauntlets. They are capable of manipulating light, from flash-blinding enemies to absorbing incoming laser fire. The gauntlets can shapeshift to some degree, growing spikes and claws if needed for combat or scaling walls. Basic: Copper dragon armor - The copper dragon ranger's armor has increased maximum energy output compared to the others, sacrificing raw armor thickness in favor of generating an invisible, form fitting energy shield layer. This makes the copper ranger physically weaker than the other rangers, but the shield can regenerate while not taking damage, maximizing the copper ranger's durability in combat and restricting movement a little less. Basic: Dragonaut exosuit - The exosuit gives slightly tougher armor, but in general is focused on increased mobility and attack. The suit is space rated, and comes with two massive boosters in the leg parts capable of delivering it to orbit. The same boost can be applied to attacking, enabling roundhouse kicks that would make Chuck Norris jealous.
Upgrade: Solar prominence gauntlets - Upgraded gauntlets that gain the ability to project plasma blades and launch jets of plasma as a ranged attack. Upgrade: Phoenix down - A dagger that can focus the power of the Sun, causing searing cuts and being able to launch waves of hard light. Upgrade: Phoenix armor - Upgraded armor with improved power distribution, allowing it to reflect an energy attack with 25% chance, and to use the shield in an offensive area of effect burst that stuns and flash blinds anyone within three meter radius. Upgrade: Phoenix rising exosuit - This configuration of the exosuit is purely combat oriented, having a great balance of defense and offense. It is not the tankiest, nor the hardest hitting, but using the underlying armor's power distribution systems, it can outlast anyone in a fight.
Battlizer: Eclipse gauntlets - The gauntlets with their absorption potential maximized. The Bakunawa ranger can suck energy from incoming attacks, energetic or kinetic, to fuel themselves. Battlizer: Singularity shard - A short sword that seems to absorb light. It is controlled by the Bakunawa ranger psionically, as it is extremely heavy, to the point of being immovable by anyone else. It's ultimate attack is summoning a microsingularity that consumes a weakened enemy. Battlizer: Bakunawa armor - Armor with ultimate defensive capabilities. Maximized power output and user organism integration, allowing the wearer to temporarily boost their strength, agility, stamina, perception and healing. Battlizer: Engineering exosuit - A utility configuration that allows for repairs to advanced machinery, merging with and piloting Zordon's ship, and calling forth and deploying defensive towers launched by the ship.
A lot of the seasons did not start with a full team, I think we are okay to go. I don't want a second character now, but may have other idea for what to do with the extra suits later on >:D