Avatar of Forsythe


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Current Fuh... one of the worst days of my life
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Started at work today, expect my replies in 1x1s to slow down considerably. Normal RPs go as usual.
10 yrs ago
Coffee time every time. Be sleepless.


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Why Bandora human? Make her an alien, she is not from Earth after all. Maybe from Aquitar?

Unrelated: Anyone caught the reference in my sheet? ;P
Let's see how many seasons we can make references to xD
Umm, except in canon, Rita/Bandora is the head honcho of good magic, so who is replacing that? :D
How do you plan to include Zordon? I was thinking he could be basically our Cortana, talking tactics to the rangers through the HUD and helping them use their powers.
It will depend on the individual characters me thinks. I don't want to say before I see the sheets. No sense in everyone being friends if they share no interest, for example your guy sounds science oriented, so he would probably not pay much attention to Helia until he starts looking for his ranger team and sees her protecting others from bullies etc.
Still need to think up the zordbuster mode.
Just you wait for the "ranger who laughs" then :D
I did but it was a bit cringy. The costumes look like a guy at comic con with construction foam and some plaster could do a better job, and the less said about the horrid CGI the better. The zords look like Transformers beaast wars, which looked good because it was completely CGI. Having the film as a set is just awful.

Sidenote: Probably done with my character :D
It could be interesting if every ranger searched for the power source on their own tho, perhaps if they did not all lose the powers at the same time. I kinda get pai zhua vibes from scanning the animals into the suits.

Wind's character could perhaps resort to magic with those looks and get help at the rootcore. Et cetera.
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