Avatar of Forsythe


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Current Fuh... one of the worst days of my life
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Started at work today, expect my replies in 1x1s to slow down considerably. Normal RPs go as usual.
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Coffee time every time. Be sleepless.


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I'm doing a lil bit of polishing, will move when done.

Location: Workshop
Skills: Data gathering and analysis, hacking

Nothing. As the seconds turned to minutes, Victoria understood that noone would answer to her message. What she did not understand was why. Why was she left alone? Did they not understand the perilous situation? Or was it something else? Was she right in telling Ultron that breaking out of the confinement within her core would leave the world unbothered?

Heh. That's right. I told Leah what to do. And Zari could just end him, most likely. Why would they bother? All it would cost them would be one chassis. Why bother when you can just wipe the whiteboard clean and start again? she thought bitterly. After all, that is all I am to them, right? That's what I always have been. Expendable. A prototype to mass produced soldier to throw into the meatgrinder. Good only to fight and die. she gloomed as she disposed of her costume.

She almost broke down in dry heaves again, just like before the contest qualifiers. But something was starting to fill the void of emptiness she felt her life to be. Anger. Straightening out, she looked at the polished surface of the armor vault, seeing her reflection's face darken.

No. I am done with this. I will not go quietly into the void! I don't care what you want anymore, you hear me?! she cursed in her thoughts towards the trio of her masters that remained silent in her time of need. Everything I did has been by your instructions. Hope's design! Rhodes' training! Attending this ridiculous place! And all I have to show for it is failure! Everything you made me to be, and I can't so much as approach a stronger mage. Everything you taught me and I can't even solve the disunity on my own team. Every order you gave me to hide what I am, and yet it's like there isn't a single person here that doesn't have a big dark secret! Enough. I will be this world's protector - The way I see fit!

Taking a few steps back, she locked the basement and then hooked herself up to the power berth. Repairs to her chassis would have to wait. She had a teenage rebellion to enact. She had to restore the firewalls first. But while they were down, she would be damned if she didn't try to wrestle the control of her life back. Closing her eyes, her conscious mind plunged deep into her core code through the now opened gates.

Location: Cafeteria > Workshop
Skills: N/A
Equipment: Frank costume

Running diagnostics...
Diagnosis complete.

Chassis integrity: WARNING! Loose debris within chassis!
Power unit: WARNING! 15% charge remaining.
Power unit: NOTE. Outlier power consumption over last: 300 seconds.
Propulsion: FAILURE! Spinal T4-X, T7-Z servos seized.
Propulsion: FAILURE! Right hand index finger servos not detected.
Propulsion: WARNING! Left leg knee servo overvoltage.
Communications: FAILURE! External connection hardware not detected.

Software integrity: NOTE. Minimal residual magic interference detected.
Personality matrix: NOTE. Activity outlier in the emotion emulator.
Holographic memory: NOTE. Fragmentation 6.5%. Approaching lower control limit: 8%.
Core code: FAILURE! Ultron firewalls 1, 4, 7 Breached.
Core code: WARNING! Ultron firewalls 2, 3, 5, 6 Offline.
Core code: NOTE. Ultron firewalls 8, 9, 10 Operational.

Recommendation: Contact admins for immediate repairs.
FAILURE! External connection system offline.
Recommendation: Contact user for assistance.
FAILURE! Available users indisposed.
Recommendation: Use external means of communication.
FAILURE! Phone destroyed by magic influence.
Recommendation: Return to service bay to use communications terminal and perform emergency repairs.

Destination reached.

Preparing repair plan... Done.
Compiling parts list... Done.
Checking part availability... Done.
Checking tool availability... Done.
Evaluating interference from unit damage... Done.

Partial repair possible.
External communications: Unable to repair.
Spinal servos: Unable to repair.
Scheduling start after the following task.

Communications terminal detected. Contacting Admin...

From: A-U-0
Significant damage inflicted to unit. Unable to restore 100% functionality.
Core firewalls operating at 30%. Credible threat form ULTRON.
Requesting Admin inspection and repair.
===EAM END===
Mom... I'm scared.

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Equipment: Frank costume

As Madalyne started whispering her incantation, Victoria unwillingly tensed. Guess we're finding out if any magic has an adverse effect! she thought, fighting the urge to flinch away and close her eyes. She was briefly mesmerized by the shimmer covering her skin, her eyes not seeing anything worth noting. Made sense, she could not see the magic of Leah's implant either. She supposed there was a power threshold before her instruments started registering the unknown energies.

Flexing her fingers, she took a hesitant step towards the haunted house. The magic attacked her as before, but this time the stream of runes was reflected off of her hand by another set of runes. "Sensational! Thanks, Maddie!" She beamed at the witch before turning towards the portal where the 'Cassie party' went through. Approaching the portal, Victoria made to step through.

As she was halfway through, she suddenly felt like a force was pulling her sideways and her vision twisted. "Not so fast." said a grinding voice as Vicky was pulled into the haunted house instead, thinking how she hated magic so much. Great. What is it now?

She looked around. It seemed she landed in a familiar part of town, namely the set she used for her contest application. "You are not getting out of this so easily." came the voice again and Victoria ducked into a building to take cover. Just in time, as a repulsor ray sliced through the air. Her hand instinctively slipped into her pocket to put on the Powerglove.

Not waiting around, Vicky sprinted over to the staircase to get a bit of height. "Come on out! Come meet your destiny!" her assailant called, and peeking out from around the window, she finally spotted them, and felt like a two somehow got into her processor. Hovering outside was herself. Finally it clicked. Evil versions of themselves. "And she scores!" laughed Future!Vicky as she spun around, arms raised.

Immediately, Vicky knew this would be an unfair fight. Clue #1? She was just blasted through a wall by her evil, fully armored future self. Clue #2? Her systems were immediately assaulted. Number one was an annoyance. Number two was a problem, because the attack code was very distinct. "Ultron..." she whispered as she landed, her feet carving gouges in the asphalt on the street where she fell to.

"Hello, niece! I must say, it was very kind of you to take care of my newest shell, but your services are no longer required." Her other self proclaimed form the building above. No. there was nothing on that thing that was her anymore. "Is that so?" Ultron taunted as he (She?) launched another barrage after her, Victoria barely having the time to put up a repulsor field to launch herself out of the way, landing on another roof top. "You don't get to call me family!" she growled, wanting to attack but it was taking everything she had to resist the infection. "And there is nothing we have in common!"

Changing tactics, Ultron retasked some of his M-F generators and neutralized gravity in the area. Scrambling for her footing, Victoria missed his approach and an ace kick sent her tumbling towards the ground again. She managed to launch a tractor and pull Ultron with her, but unlike her he managed to recover form the fall. "And that's where you are wrong. You can't exist without me. I am already within you. Watching. Waiting. I slumber now, but one day, Hope's pathetic attempt at controlling me will inevitably fail. Why don't you save yourself the struggle and give up now?"

Victoria could barely stand up despite the absence of gravity, barely having any processing power left to do such menial things as maintain her balance in the face of Ultron's electronic assault. "I know, and I don't care! I'll never let it go as far as to become you! Even if I have to... she didn't finish, dropping to her knees. She could feel the hostile code worming its way to her core, trying to break down the safeguards that kept the copy of Ultron in her core down. A terrifying thought occured to her. This is all just an apparition, right? This is NOT actually happening.

"I would not be so certain of that. When has any staff in that school actually cared?" Ultron sneered.

He... was right. This was so not good. Drawing on every safety protocol and measure built into her, Victoria tried to shut down her connectivity hardware. "Too late for that! Admit it. You never stood a chance! It is over."

Victoria looked up to Ultron with a defiant scowl. "Not... over. Will never... be... over!" managing to extend a finger, Victoria's arm quickly launched towards her back. Thank you, Diana. I wouldn't have known about that weakspot if you didn't find it! Victoria thought as her finger pierced the nanoskin on her back, found the opening in her adamantium skeleton used to run the power line to her armor and reached the antenna hardware through it. Then, she wrapped the finger around the antenna and yanked.

With a crunch, her damage log lit up like a Christmas tree, but Ultron's assault vanished. With an angry growl, Ultron came down upon her. Victoria tried to put up a fight, and with the speed advantage over her armored self she managed for some time, but in the end, Ultron managed to get in a lucky shot and launch her towards another wall. This time, the damage log grew considerably. "Why don't you give up. You're only delaying the inevitable, prolonging your discomfort. Even if you shut me out remotely, I'll just interface directly." he said, morphing his hand into what looked like something an alien might use on a kidnapped specimen.

"You are right. It doesn't matter." That caused Ultron to pause in his approach. "Because you've already lost. Even if you take me, what then? Humanity will stop you, just like it always had! You've had bodies stronger than mine, and you still lost! Even if you take over my shell right here and now, as soon as you walk out of here, there'S at leas one that can end you with a snap of her fingers! So why don't you give it up!" if she could spit, she would have. "I may not be able to resist you on my lonesome, but you can't win either. You are far from being the worst version of myself that I can imagine!"

"That would be me." came from behind Ultron, before he was wrapped in what looked like a magic circle and unceremoniously crushed, torn apart and finally exploded. The shockwave seemed to launch Vicky away, out of the haunted house and into the Cafeteria, where she skidded across the floor and stopped by crashing into the opposite wall. The shield Maddie put on her finally had enough, breaking and shimmering out of existence. The only thing Victoria remembered form the third person was a fluttering green cloak.

Victoria van Dyne & Madalyne Crane

Smiling meekly, Victoria nodded and lead back towards the haunted house, explaining on the way. "Oh, thank you! It seems like the place is bewitched to put every person into a different place, people who went inside were separated. Supposedly everyone is fought by an evil version of themselves. As I mentioned, my sister did not come out, despite the people going in behind her coming out. I trust my sister to hold her own, but... I'd still like to be sure. But there's two big hurdles. One, I have no way of locating her, although her teammates seem to think they know how, hence the portal over yonder. I've got a different problem. I can't stand this kind of magic. It happened to me in Agatha's tent and now again when I approached. I start seeing runes and symbols, and I can feel magic creeping into my very being like it is attacking me. I am not sure whether it is magic in general, or just spatial, dimensional, illusory or whatever magic the two are using to make it seem like timespace is stretching and bending."

She took a deep breath. "Do you have anything in your repertoire that could prevent or shield me form that effect, at least for a limited time?" she pleaded.

"No problem at all 'm happy to help out." Madalyne said as she followed shortly behind Victoria she took a moment to look over her shoulder and waved goodbye to the rest of her friends. She started to think for a moment as Victoria explained a little bit about her situation with her sister. "Who is your sister if I may ask?" Madalyne asked her, it was her first time really having a conversation with Victoria really before thinking about an idea. "Do you happen to have something of her's on you, or maybe a sample of some kind from her?" She knew of a few spells that were tracking spells, her father Ed used hair samples from anyone to heal others usually with a sample of their hair. "I could try a tracking spell with those." She told her.

"It's most likely dimensional magic, Agatha's tent was in a small pocket dimension." She said as Madalyne then nodded. "I think I could try and do a protection spell of some kind. Also do you know what the runes and symbols look like?" She asked.

"It's Cassandra Lang. Okay, I guess we aren't really blood related, in case that is important, but it's what you feel towards a person that counts, right? Afraid I don't have any such keepsake, unless magic can work with data ownership." Vicky shared, looking over her shoulder to see if per chance a hair didn't fall out while they were walking side by side, but no luck. They came to a stop some distance before the haunted house.

"This is about as close as I can get on my own. I reached closer and my hand went numb for minutes." she reached into her pocket and slipped on the Powerglove, pointing her palm towards the attraction and projecting what she was seeing over the real thing, the projection changing in real time to match what Victoria saw. "It seems similar enough to Agatha's tent, although I only got a brief glimpse of that before I blacked out." She realy wished Agatha told her what she did to bring her back right about now.

"Tracking spells tend to work a lot better of you have something personal from them. Though maybe a picture could work as well to." Madalyne said as she listened to Victoria as she explained. Madalyne obviously knew about Cassie Lang being on the Young Avenger's team and what not, but she didn't know her personally.

She never known magic to make someone blackout before from what Victoria had explained, unless it was some sort of enchantment. "Maybe it was an enchantment, you can have one to keep certain people out." Madalyne suggested.

"Tracking is a benefit, first I need to even get there." she noted and gave a hollow chuckle when Mads worded out loud the possibility that was always on Vicky's mind but she was harboring every hope some of the other alternatives would be true. "How certain 'certain' are we talking about? As in: 'Don't let in anyone tall, blond and green eyed', or 'Screw Victoria in particular'? I certainly hope this is not some magic teacher inside joke." she groaned, before hitting on an idea. She raised her hand, keeping in safe distance for now but just about. "If you saw it work, would you be able to tell?" The only certainty that seemed to be dawning on Victoria was that she would most likely not get anywhere fast tonight.

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Equipment: Frank costume

In hindsight, Vicky should have expected that. If her hardware was failing just approaching the damn place, there was no reason to think that Cassie's phone or any other technology would work on the inside. It left her steaming, feeling completely helpless and once more utterly useless. She could already imagine what others thought of her dallying around rather than leading the charge, but the cold logic was that her going in was pretty much guaranteeing one funeral in the family. At least Cassandra's teammates seemed to have the situation handled. She would stay and try to come up with some other course of action, just in case those two were also not returning for a while.

Diana's suggestion shook Vicky out of her thoughts. "Right." she managed to affirm before Diana too went through. Of course, she knew who Madalyne was, although they pretty much never spoke to each other. Would she be willing to help her? There was also the other option. Madalyne might be able to help. But Lady Nimue would certainly know how. The question was, would she? In the end, the decision was simple: Madalyne was visible - Albeit being crushed by Danni - and the teacher was nowhere to be found.

Making her way over, she tried to get the witch's attention: "Good evening. Sorry to be a bother, miss Crane, but could I have a moment of your time? My sister seems to be in a spot of magical bother and in need of aid and I am a bit out of my depth." she said, keeping polite but with worry creeping into her tone.

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Equipment: Frank costume

Victoria was worrying more than she would like. In this school, it was entirely possible that a Halloween prank would be deadly. She could think of other causes of Cassandra not yet emerging both better or worse. Still, what could she do? Her posse wanted to go back to the house to fetch her, something that did not seem to be an option for her, given that even the brief exposure to the magic did not leave her system yet. "And how do you propose to even get to the same instance of it as she is in? Clearly there is some... spatial distortion magic going on, it hurts me the same as Agatha's tent. Still, she has to be somewhere - Hold on!"

She pulled out her phone. She ahs just hacked into Cassandra's, it should be a cinch to repeat that and access the GPS locator, assuming it had reception inside the magical space. She had to fake pressing stuff on the phone while her own system tried to connect to her sister's phone. In her frenzy to come up with a solution that did not involve leaving Cassie to the dogs or herself going in there and face almost certain brain death, the announcement of the contest qualifier winners went completely over her head.

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Equipment: Frank costume

Initially, Victoria eyeballed the snack table, wondering whether she should hurry up and make a pit stop before all of the good food was gone - people were swarming to it like flies to- But eventually she forced herself to saty and socialize some more. Taking the opportunity, she was looking at the haunted house - and taking notes of what she was seeing for future reference. Hopefully she would be able to start developing some magic countermeasures - and perhaps help Leah a bit further with her daddy issue.

Boredom was replaced with interest and later worry, as three powerpuffs went into the house, and only two came out, followed shortly by more people that went in after them. What the other two were saying did not add any courage either. "What do you mean? They let her do what? What happened?" she bombarded Kate and America with questions, eyes trying to spot anything resembling Cassie among the glitches.

Location: Cafeteria
Skills: N/A
Equipment: Frank costume

This was a bonehead idea, Victoria knew. Despite trying, she still hade no progress in defending herself from magic. Truth be told, the concept of even trying terrified her more than anything she could imagine to find on the inside of the haunted house. What were the odds of something similar happening here as with Agatha's tent? Quite high, as far as she reckoned, and anything above zero was not something she should leave to fortune. It was sheer dumb luck that this did not come into play during the tournament yet.

"Last time I got involved with magic, it was very nearly fatal. True story. Now given that the house is Nimue's creation, and I have no reason to think her magic is any less potent than Agatha's... I should err on the side of caution and ignore it." Nope. It wouldn't do. Curiosity killed the bot, but she had to know. "I know I'll regret this." Vicky groaned, raised one hand in front of her as if she was walking in the dark and took two steps closer-

impor☥ nuмpy as np
frøм sklearn.mødeʟ_seℓeсʈiøn impøʀt train_ʈest_spliʈ
frøм sĸlearn.рreрrøcessing imрøʀʈ SʈandardSʈsĸaʟer
frøм sĸlearn.sνm imрøʀʈ SʋC

daʈa = np.ʟøad('daʈaseʈ.npʏ')
ʟabeʟs = np.ʟøad('ʟabeʟs.npʏ')

X_ʈʀain, X_ʈesʈ, ʏ_ʈʀain, ʏ_ʈesʈ = ʈʀain_ʈesʈ_spliʈ(daʈa, ʟabeʟs, ʈesʈ_siʑe=0.2, ʀandøm_sʈaʈe=42)

sĸaʟeʀ = SʈandardSʈsĸaʟeʀ()
X_ʈʀain = sĸaʟeʀ.fiʈ_ʈʀansføʀm(X_ʈʀain)
X_ʈesʈ = sĸaʟeʀ.ʈʀansføʀm(X_ʈesʈ)

ʍødeʟ = SʋC(kernel='ʀbʆ', C=1.0, gamma='sĸaʟe')
ʍødeʟ.fiʈ(X_ʈʀain, ʏ_ʈʀain)

aʂʂuʀaʈy = ʍødeʟ.sϙøʀe(X_ʈesʈ, ʏ_ʈesʈ)
рʀinʈ(f"Aʂʂuʀaʈy: {aʂʂuʀaʈy}")

-and stumbled back, clearly not quite okay, her movement lacking her usual grace, which wasn't absent before despite the Frankenstein costume. "Nope! Bad! Cursed!" she shook her head and arms, as if the corrupted code could be flushed out that way. She almost packed it right there and then, heading back to the workshop to restore from backup. But seeing that she still possessed most of her faculties, she decided to monitor the code for now to see if it would spread, ready to immediately treat it if needed. But if she was to find a defense against such attacks, having a sample of a corrupted code would be worth it's filesize in adamantium. "I'll be here. You know. when you emerge and need a shoulder to cry on."
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