Location: By the Headmaster's office
Skills/Powers/Equipment: N/A
Skills/Powers/Equipment: N/A
Unlike most others, Victoria has not gone home. In her head, she was calling staying at the school 'Jordaning it out'. Ironic, since Leah has actually gone away, although if Vicky could tell, she did not look as happy as someone who was given a new place to stay when she was leaving for the break. Probably something to do with having to leave her fortress, Vicky thought. And if someone could physically prevent her from coming back on her own volition, a hulk probably qualified.
Unfortunately, there was no time to handle the problems of others. The android had more than enough problems of her own. Vicky has looked up available psychiatrists in the area and found someone who actually had a free slot on such a short notice. Initially, she even felt like a responsible member of society, coming to terms that she had a mental health issue and taking steps to solve it. But, of course, nothing with her was ever so simple.
It didn't help. A week has gone by, she had a session every day and nothing to show for it. The doctor mentioned that it may be a futile effort since she wasn't human and noone could guarantee the same approach that worked for them would work on her. And not only that, but something that had loomed over her ever since she was active took on a new, dark presence in her mind. Her purpose. Vicky thought that she has wanted to do this. That it was her choice, even if she was meant to do this by her creators. And even though she was never sure of it, she was kind of okay with the possibility that that drive was actually hard-coded into her being.
Now though, she was given a mirror of what she could become in this line of work. That her system was very much vulnerable, albeit under some rather extremely convenient circumstances. And for the first time, she doubted whether this was the best course of action. Perhaps she could do the most good for humans by not actively searching for people who could turn her into another Ultron? And what did she do first with that doubt? Rather than weighing the pros and cons of staying the course or abandoning the superhero path, as logic would dictate, she ran to a psychologist doing her best to remove what she considered an obstacle in her purpose. And for the first time it bugged her: Was that her choice, or was that a program telling her to get back in line? Was she actually free to choose?
And that was only part of it. What has happened to her as of late? Vicky has split her days into three parts. Visit the doctor in the morning, train in the afternoon, and tinker in the evening. And during the last part, she has reviewed her previous plans, and was appalled at her priorities. What the hell? I have started everything I could think of and what have I actually finished? What do we have here? Making the armor more streamlined: Barely an idea. Miniaturizing the MFG? Concept drawings. Repairing my internal antenna? Not. Even. A. Thought. There was even talk of coming up with something to help Diana teleport in one piece, what happened to that, huh? And Leah's implant? You are some friend, van Dyne. Absolute mess!
Vicky forbid herself from starting anything new until she either made tangible progress on anything on that list, or decided to abandon that idea. Which turned out to be easy, since she did not want to repair her antenna until she analyzed how Edward took such a firm grip of her, and streamlining the armor went into the garbage bin immediately as that was far too big of a project than she presently had resources for. Those mini-MFG though? Those required some more attention.
Now though, it was new week, and she has received summons to the headmaster's office. No doubt something concerning the contest. Which can crash and burn as far as I care. On her way there, she replied to Cassandra:
Can do. By the big tree in the yard? Yell when you're free.
Can do. By the big tree in the yard? Yell when you're free.
As she arrived by the hedmaster's office, she noted a couple of familiar faces there already. "Mornin'." Vicky greeted everyone yet noone in particular, leaning on the wall, giving the present company a once-over:
Ew. Get a room.
Oh, wow. 'My body has been through some changes recently'.
Well you look... Worse off than I am. Broke a nail or somehing?
She decided to stop before she blurted something out loud.