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[br]Location: C.A.G.E. transport[br]Outfit: School uniform[br]Skills/Powers/Equipment: N/A

Victoria forced herself to stop feeling and think. Agonizing over her family situation would not solve it. Either Cassandra would show up or not, and she can act then. And in the meantime, she needed to focus on what was more immediate needs.[br][br]"Pleased to meet you. Ms. Thompson, I already had a therapist, and although it wasn't working much, it might be a good start for whoever takes my case. Here is the address." she showed them the route on her phone, "If we can swing by or otherwise arrange for my documentation to be picked up?" shw proposed, hoping that whoever saw to her would be available soon.
@Morose Here be'eth the current CS Update for review.

Location: C.A.G.E. transport
Outfit: School uniform
Skills/Powers/Equipment: N/A

Victoria didn't even have time to read all of the messages, much less reply, before her sister blew up her phone. Tapping the green phone without delay, she looked worryingly at the alarms coming from Stark hall.

"Hi Cas. Quick rainheck on what is going on with me: WHY IS THE STARK HALL ON FIRE?! I just left and the place is already in flames, what the hell?"

She thought about it for half a second. The biggest pyro she knew of was Ardere, but that wasn't possible since Andy has borrowed her life indefinitely. That left...

"...god dammit, Danni..."

”I don’t know! But I don’t care about the fire, Vicky, what’s going on with you? You’ve been so weird and distant lately - you didn’t come home for Thanksgiving - and Mom said you jailbroke yourself??? I’m your sister, you should talk to me about things - let me help you - but I can’t do that if you don’t let me know what’s going on? Are you hurt? You know CAGE is where they take crazy people right? Billy’s mom went there once and—- never mind, just what is happening???”

"Oh! So she actually called it a jailbreak? Amazing. At least she's finally calling the relationship between me and her what it is, rather than packaging it as a family!" Victoria spat. "I don't even know where to start with the reasons why I didn't come home. How about we start with the fact that I know she has a backdoor in my system and can shackle me again with a single sentence? No thank you. I mean... Fucking hell!" She vented, opting not to tell Cassie that she didn't entirely trust herself not to attack Hope on sight in a fit of rage.

"Please tell me you didn't know about this." she continued, her voice sounding tired. "Please tell me I can at least still have a sister, since the person I considered a mother is either a cruel puppet master or completely oblivious to the irony of this arrangement."

There was silence on the other end of the line, followed by what quietly sounded like a sob. "...You're a robot, Vicky. You know the family history."

"...I do. Do you? One turned out evil, but also, Vis turned out fine. If Hope is so worried I won't work, she never should have built me in the first place." Victoria answered, her tone hollow. "Anyway, thanks for the vote of confidence, 'sis'." the sobs were now coming from both ends of the line. "I don't want to do this over a phone. You know where I'll be, come see me. If you care to."

Victoria ended the call, leaning back against the headrest, her eyes covered by her arm. She could trust none of them. And she needed to stay the hell away from any admin, until she figured out how to protect herself. A set of lyrics wormed itself into her mind and on her lips.

"I need to run far away
Can't go back to that place
Like she told me
I'm just a big disgrace"

She straightened herself out and called out to the driver, idly wondering how many such and worse scenes they must have seen in their career. "Are we there yet?"
Think this is ready now, edits are marked. Changelog:
- Removed extra occupation per Blue's feedback
- Shuffled some traits to account for previous point
- Minor edits to tags (kept extreme appearance from origin, added enemy as standalone
- Added the flavor text
- History appended with events of the game
- Personality updated to match

WIP, only the systemic part RN. Looking for any and all feedback, I've had only about an hour to read the book xD

@Morose Used the book rule that said if you only have 1 power set, you get 9 powers. If you want to hard cap it at 8, I think healing factor will go away as that has no basis in the current sheet.

Also, this assumes Vicky doesn't have the armor to match current sheet, so... Danni's fire caused a power surge that fried it? :D

Location: Outside > C.A.G.E.
Outfit: School uniform
Skills/Powers/Equipment: N/A

Victoria's eyes scanned over the magical font on her letter, before she folded the note and pocketed it instead of sending. Talking in person would actually be better. Who knew, perhaps Victoria could convince Leah to let Agatha have a look at the CT scans of her they did way back when. If someone could recognize that magic without them having to suck up to that green-haired pestilence... Later. There will be plenty of time to think later. First things first... She looked at the vehicle that was supposed to pick her up. Place couldn't have been far since the car got here so quick after Coulson made the call, so if her sister really wanted to meet, she could take a walk her way.

To: Cas
Subject: Gettogether

Hey, so... I can't make it today, sorry :( Coulson made some resources available to me that would be quite irresponsible for me not to use, but it needs to happen like, NOW. I'm thinking they allow visitors? If you don't hear from me for a week, I'm probably incarcerated against my will ;P

<Picture of the C.A.G.E. car attached>


"I'm going, I'm going..." she grunted. She had no illusion about even her soldering iron being let through to a facility like that, and being honest with herself, picking up some of her clothes or other things would be an unnecessary sentiment. Just short of getting in the car, she stopped and looked back at the headmaster. "You know, I would love to live in your head for a day. You let my sister and others out into life threatening situations without a beep. But I try to take one for all of humanity, and... this." She nodded to the car. "From where I'm sitting, I'm the sanest person here." On that, she boarded her ride, thinking about the events that led her to be here.

Nearly dying to spatial magic bullshittery. Being forced to deny her own self by the VEIL protocol. Being on a team mentored by a puppet of a hidden villain. Having to take out an already beaten freshie in the qualifiers. Ultron being nearly unleashed on Halloween. Sitting in the backseat while she was made to attack people she perhaps did not consider friends, but cared for in her own way. Yeah... After all that, if I thought I didn't have issues, that would have been the real problem.

She decided to watch the scenery go by for the rest of the ride, a smile creeping on her face. Helping Leah find out more about herself. Zapping Dorian through the doorknob. Danni breaking down in tears, thinking she killed the guy. Watching Barbenheimer with Leah and Diana. Well, okay. Not all of it was bad.

Location: Headmaster's office
Outfit: School uniform
Skills/Powers/Equipment: N/A

Victoria could not help but smile as Danni refused to give up on the bracelet. She rolled her eyes theatricaly and slipped the bracelet on her wrist.

If she was to be honest, she expected April to respond the way she did. And, Victoria could also admit she probably deserved to get yelled at in return for her delivery. And yet, Vicky didn't find it in herself to regret her choice one bit. Truth stings, doesn't it? Now do something about it, perhaps. she thought, choosing not to put out the fire with gasoline, which is what would happen if she opened her mouth right now.

She took the seat as voluntold to by the motion of the headmaster's arm, wondering what would happen next. She expected maybe an attempt to placate her some more, without witnesses, but the conversation took a very different turn. And one that was not unwelcome at all in her situation.

She spent a few seconds processing the offer, a small eternity for her. Finally, she spoke. "I wasn't entirely honest. I didn't think about deactivating myself. I tried." She laid out on the table. "It was the optimum action with the knowledge I had at the time. I am... Easier to bring back from the dead than most. As it turns out, Ms. Drummond is an exception, but both of the Flynns were also in equal danger."

"What you have to understand is that I was built to protect people, and yet, my oh so wise creator chose to use an omnicidal AI as as my system's core. I am basically an Ultron in a cage. And I will use every tool, any action at my disposal, to ensure that cage stays closed. It was not even the first time it happened. In the haunted house created by theirs truly,"
Victoria nodded towards Nimue, "I had to resort to what you may call self harm to stop it, and I didn't want to allow it in the framework, either. Only there, that option was taken from me by circumstances, even though I tried to enact it." She explained.

"That said... There is one, fundamental flaw in that security scheme. The whole measure hangs on my state of mind. Were I ever to come to the conclusion that Ultron was right, or even stop caring what happens..." She let the silence hang in the air.

"And lately, I have been plagued by this experience, and other issues. Things that make me hate some people. And I am worried what would happen if that hate became more generalized. So... As you probably gathered, I am not interested in the contest, not unless our team stays as it is, and from what was said earlier, the chances of that are practically zero. If your offer still stands, I would like to take it, if for different reasons than you thought them necessary." She confided, "Because my attempts at removing that threat are so far not working."

Coulson's face was pinched, as he nodded - somewhat of a tear beginning to form in his eyes. "Of course. The offer still stands, Ms. van Dyne. Help will always be here for you when you need it, you have my word," he said, before removing his phone from his pocket. "I will make the call now. I will also tell you, we have to notify your mother about this and where you are, of course. But it is your choice whether or not to tell your classmates - your privacy is important. I can also make some calls and speak to some of the world's best robotic experts, and ask if they could give a consult, if you would like?"

A dark look crossed Victoria's face at the mention of her. "Hope van Dyne does not deserve to be refered to as such. Not in relation to me. Creator is more appropriate. Owner if you ask legal dept." she grunted. "Do what you must. And please, no roboics experts. I don't think more people knowing how to build one of me is a good thing for the world." she thanked him and left the office, heading to the reception desk. She had messages to send, and one of them most likely required the use of good old pen and paper.

Location: Headmaster's office
Outfit: School uniform
Skills/Powers/Equipment: N/A

Victoria heard Andy speak to her, and felt somewhat relieved, although she still failed to live up to her own standards and she wasn't as forgiving. "I... Thank you. You're a better person than I am." she hushed her reply, trying to focus on what the others were saying.

Once again, Danni demonstrated how hopelessy naive he was. She let the bracelet bounce off of the cuff of her jacket and fall to the ground. She supposed she could hardly blame Diana for trusting the establishment, considering her family was part of it. But Victoria felt like somewhere down the line, she would get an 'I told you so.'

Mt. Leah then errupted and left, which was a shame, as Victoria would have liked to have the same minded voices at least present in the room. While she felt her outrage was justified, having what amounted to her best friend there for support would have been nice.

Victoria almost went after her in hopes of putting her mind at ease, or at least to try given her usual lack of people skills, but another voice spoke up in the same manner as herself. She was loathe to admit she barely knew Mary Sue, but obviously the girl had her head on straight, and realized some timeline implications that Victoria didn't even think to consider.

Then Flynn Elder opened her mouth, and Victoria found her jaw tensing and feeling like she would grind her teeth into powder. Her well of restraint has bottomed out. "Feel free to go bury your head in the sand when things get hard, Flynn. I believe that team was already started by Mr. Kingston and is gathering over on that side of the desk. I intend to find solutions to the problems I see." Victoria spat out.

The headmaster then started to say something about stuff actually getting done, but the conversation then took a turn she did NOT expect. If what he says is true... she couldn't. She didn't want to even think about that. Victoria suddenly remembered an eerily similar conversation she had with professor Harkness. I need to write to her. I want a second opinion. And if fate is really sealed... Well, then I would very much like to know what the cards said that evening, rather than stumbling through destiny oblivious to it.

And then, Nimue gave her the told you so she thought would come much later. She wanted to get mad again, but she just felt so drained by this conversation, and it only lasted a few minutes so far. She stared blankly at the 'teacher'. "I don't know what millenium you're from, Madam. But in this day and age, society builds schools to prepare their successors for the future, rather than traumatizing children or letting them die to see who makes the cut. If that was the case, why build a school instead of letting life teach us. Maybe it's your antiquated thinking that doesn't have a place here anymore."

Sighing and shaking her head, Victoria turned to Coulson: "Headmaster, maybe you should also take some time to bring more concrete idea of what future we are actually chosing by attending here. You say you are deliberating improvements, and a member of your staff says everything is working as intended. I won't be satisfied with vague promises or conflicting ideals, and I won't be bought with hush grades either. And if you want me out, you're going to have to kick me out. I'm not abandoning a cause I think is worth pursuing because it may get me in trouble with the system or be otherwise difficult. In fact, I'll happily put in the work, if you think I can be of help."

She almost surprised herself by extending that olive branch at the end. But whether she liked it or not, steadily working towards change within the system has been proven by history to be more successful than revolutionary efforts. And as for fearing retaliation? 'Usagi' has been giving them grief all year. Victoria will brave it and she will hold. Having spoken her mind, she stepped aside to allow the rest of the people to file out at their own pace, staying behind as requested, hoping that included the other teachers.

Location: Headmaster's office
Outfit: School uniform
Skills/Powers/Equipment: N/A

Victoria made an effort to listen to Coulson without blowing up in his face (Maybe literally and just getting this shit over with?) and absorbed what he said.

"Therapy." She deadpanned, giving Coulson a withering, flat look, folding her arms on her chest.

"Your solution to putting our minds at ease is... therapy. Not a proposal of a vetting process to make sure you have no more imposters on your staff. Not an action plan to make sure you are not just educating more closet villains how to better make people's lives miserable and ruin their future. Not even abandoning that blatant favouritism that led us to do what we did that evening. Just... therapy." She shook her head almost refusing to accept what she was hearing.

"Because I have been in one every day for the past week with no end in sight, as I can't stop thinking about-" she paused briefly. Go on. Be open. You need to say this, and they need to hear it. What is the worst they can do, expel you? Considering the state of this place, not such a great loss, she motivated herself, "-about how I would rather off myself next time, rather than being reduced to a prisoner in my own body, helplessly watching as it is made to kill someone. Do you even realize that you're lucky Ms. Drummond's powers and a fortunate lack of knowledge of them on that freshman's part allowed her to revive in the first place? Does that bother you at all, or is that just 'tuesday' for you? But sure, fixing the aftermath and not the causes of the problems will make me feel better." She gripped one of her wrists with the other hand to stop them from shaking again, although she didn't care to figure out whether they were shaking because of thinking of that again, or from trying to contain rage. Vicky didn't like either as an answer.

"You're right, you are ultimately accountable for this, and frankly from what I'm hearing, even one of us taking your place would fix this place better. Because, honestly, even if we just let all this die by doing absolutely nothing and just letting the finances run out, at this point I'm starting to think that there may be a bigger net benefit in letting this institution die rather than allowing it to continue with how it works now. Okay, I made up my mind, I will be writing to my representative about this." And mic drop. she thought.

"As far as the contest goes, I never cared for it. I don't exactly hide the fact that I think it is one of the many wrong reasons for people to be motivated to attend this place-" Her eyes ticked briefly to April before she could stop herself, "And I am sure at least one member of the team feels the same. Split us, give us someone new, call us off of the roster, I don't care. If the rest of the team wants to continue, I'll stay on for their sake, but my only motivation from now on is to help ourselves improve for our sake alone, noone and nothing else."

Vicky was amazed she made it through all of that without raising her voice, although she had to admit, venting this out to higher places was the first thing that made her feel slightly better all week.
Though if we can't find horses, probably any mountable animal would do.

A Pegasus anyone?

"Not it."
- Flickerwing
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