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10 days ago
Current So apparently there's 60 minutes in an hour because it's divisible by base-12.
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2 mos ago
Well, the good news is I have dodged food poisoning, for now.
2 mos ago
So I found out my fridge broke *after* having some leftovers, so I may/not be doubled-over in pain for a bit.
2 mos ago
But the real question is: Are you lighter than a duck?
2 mos ago
Autism be like: If it quacks kinda like a duck and looks like a bigger duck, it's probably a goose. But they lump it in with all the other ducks anyways, because a duck is a duck even the Canadians.
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-There will be delays in replies. Largely due to working overtime, voluntary obligations; other RPs and online-things may compete for my attention.

'Bout me:
Started RPing (badly) back in '05, mostly doing nation-RPs with an emphasis on technology and strategy, later edging out to character-espionage and military-tactics before doing "less serious" character roleplays that were outside of the 2005-2008 continuity.

That's when I went to Dead-Frontier, and found the RP community there, joined a clan, did some pretty good roleplays and pretty much loosened-up my online-personality. When the clan-leader decided to move her RPs here, most of the clan followed.

Took a course in technical-writing back in '08, so now I may sometimes use the semicolon correctly.

In 2010 I dusted off the old nation-RP continuity I had, doing a few hetelia-esque RP-shenanigans there..

RP-Habbits: I tend to geek-out on little technical-details, and sometimes infer how those details would impact the background of the roleplay. Great for world-building, not so great when you had a perfectly good plotline and I just MacGyver it off the rails (though I usually er to the side of amusement, sometimes it creates very grim side-stories).

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<Snipped quote by honorandpride>

My buddy suggested this as well. He said make sure to hide em good, or they'll probably steal em.

Game/Trail-cams can and are bolted to shit for precisely this reason.

Also use a ladder, chances are your buddies won't think to bring one and makes trying to rip the thing off with brute-force a hilariously precarious affair best observed from a second trail-camera. It doesn't need to be a tall one either, just a foot or two above eye level is often plenty.

I suggest game-cams since they are essentially motion-activated outdoors-rated night-vision capable surveillance-cameras... and are often better resolution than actual security-cameras (which are geared more for wide area coverage rather than being able to ID one wild animal from another of the same species).

The upside of these is that even if they cannot ID the person, they CAN tell the police which fingerprints came from the suspect and immediately narrows down their investigation. Plus they sometimes can grab a license-plate number, which is helpful.

But yeah, if bolts aren't your thing, metal banding straps screwed deep into the beam to the point that the head (which is a non-standard torx or square-drive-head) is hidden from view. Bonu points if the straps are further protected with a board nailed over it.
<Snipped quote by HaleyTheRandom>

<Snipped quote by Foster>

I also broke quarantine about 2.3 hours after being born.

There was even a news story about it.

[gives everyone mental image of fetal-Foster running loose as a biohazard in a hospital in lockdown]

Don't worry, I didn't make it to the vents.
<Snipped quote by HEAVY METAL>

You're a trailblazer.
Sorry if that's insensitive, I've always had a habit of trying to find the positive in literally everything.

Oh neat, the one eyed cool kids club.
-where do we sign-in?

Also deaf in the left ear due to a skull-fracture (blunt force trauma to back of skull when four). 1st grader punted a toddler like a football, landed badly.

Back then medical science wasn't um... long story short I just had to work harder in school... which probably skewed my perception of what a normal amount of difficulty is supposed to feel like.

Although unlike Heavy I'm a bit more of a defeatist in regards to my glaucoma in the event of say a zombie-apocalypse, since going blind would be roughly... I reckon a year after my stash of meds run out. And the migraines would probably do me in first.
<Snipped quote by Yam I Am>

Probably when it's not interactive anymore? I've sadly turned things into that before and it becomes quite clear when no one is having any fun except the ones peddling the ideas

I'd agree with this, that when it starts getting railroaded so hard the RP becomes more of a mildly interactive novel written on a George RR Martin timescale where the other players are essentially just providing writing-prompts and plot-pitches.

Ofc, when that happens all it takes is one Henderson to pull it off the beaten track to keep things interesting.

Although I found out the hard way that a savvy GM's counter to a Henderson is to retcon them into an NPC and then send them packing of to an early grave before they do any damage to the timeline... Essentially TVA/Loki style.
-Which is especially jarring in a nation-RP and the GM just retconned an entire continent after 2 decades. Followed by 14 others... It was easier just to retcon the person truncating their entire world to just themselves and their close friends from the franchise.
>*fog horn banception noises*
Banned for calling the old-gaurd the revolution, rebel scum.
Banned for using that enlightenment to dominate spam.
Oddly enough, Sun Tzu and the Art of War.

Not so much because they read it, but more because of the fact that they're prominently displaying it as though actively brushing-up on it in order to impress me.

It won't.

Don't be mistaken, it's full of good advice. But it's vague and old, with just enough usefulness on its own to fake competency at something. It's pretty much a 1st edition self-help book plus the language-barrier of being just abstract enough to be misquoted harder than the King James Bible.

It being laid on the table can mean one of three things:

1. They haven't actually read it yet. Yet I should be impressed they managed to get ahold of a mass-printed book.
2. They're brushing up on it because they're going through a rough-patch.
3. They've read it, and want to feel superior by letting everyone know it.

1 and 3 are obvious why I probably want out. 2 isn't. Trying to dig your way out of a specific problem, likely a highly modern and technical issue involving finances and modern legal constructs... and the book they reached for to solve it was Sun Tzu.

>They don't need Sun Tzu, they need a lawyer.
And if they're trying to outmanuver and manipulate my emotions based only off of Sun Tzu, they've came rather unarmed.
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