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13 days ago
Current So apparently there's 60 minutes in an hour because it's divisible by base-12.
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2 mos ago
Well, the good news is I have dodged food poisoning, for now.
2 mos ago
So I found out my fridge broke *after* having some leftovers, so I may/not be doubled-over in pain for a bit.
2 mos ago
But the real question is: Are you lighter than a duck?
2 mos ago
Autism be like: If it quacks kinda like a duck and looks like a bigger duck, it's probably a goose. But they lump it in with all the other ducks anyways, because a duck is a duck even the Canadians.
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-There will be delays in replies. Largely due to working overtime, voluntary obligations; other RPs and online-things may compete for my attention.

'Bout me:
Started RPing (badly) back in '05, mostly doing nation-RPs with an emphasis on technology and strategy, later edging out to character-espionage and military-tactics before doing "less serious" character roleplays that were outside of the 2005-2008 continuity.

That's when I went to Dead-Frontier, and found the RP community there, joined a clan, did some pretty good roleplays and pretty much loosened-up my online-personality. When the clan-leader decided to move her RPs here, most of the clan followed.

Took a course in technical-writing back in '08, so now I may sometimes use the semicolon correctly.

In 2010 I dusted off the old nation-RP continuity I had, doing a few hetelia-esque RP-shenanigans there..

RP-Habbits: I tend to geek-out on little technical-details, and sometimes infer how those details would impact the background of the roleplay. Great for world-building, not so great when you had a perfectly good plotline and I just MacGyver it off the rails (though I usually er to the side of amusement, sometimes it creates very grim side-stories).

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Name: Lilith Dunrose Shazal

Race: Arachne/Drider | Age 28
Racial Traits: Lower half of body is that of an exceptionally large spider, can climb wall, spin web, and her bite is paralytic.

Requirements: As noted under traits, she can climb exceptionally well, to the point she could climb the stairwell walls easier than actually using them as intended. She can also bunch up all her legs into two groups, and wear a backpack to disguise her lower-abdomen, but this results in the 'backpack' swaying to a considerable degree with each stride.

-So she tends to only venture out at night, although she has considered disguising herself as someone riding a horse or bicycle, her gait would not match the illusion.
-Also, being that she's cold blooded, any complaints of the heating going-out in her room must be dealt with promptly.
-Her eyes are also rather photo-sensitive and she is frequently posting "vibration complaints".

Personality: Bit of a technology-savvy troublemaker. Tends to run ethernet-cable in her spare time whether those places need an internet connection or not. Has been known to fall asleep in the false-ceilings in office buildings.

Background: After her time attending the Dimensional Academy, she chose to settle down in a familiar dimension that still had her kind, but they were not public knowledge. Despite this, things seemed... calmer here. So after hanging-up her elementalist-gear she retired to a rather laid-back lifestyle of sleeping-in and streaming. However she still offered some rather advanced technical solutions to the other residents, even crafting a holo-projector for Miss Chiron to use so they could at least go out for a job outside from time to time.

She also added a mode that would have let her ride the centaur, or to just pose as a horse, but those options were vehemently refused on multiple occassions. She still checks to make sure it's still working properly and if she'd changed her mind, though. In the meantime she crafted one for herself to look like she's lugging a backpack or riding a pony, or is a pony.

She also wired up the internet for the entirety of building two. Literally, every, room.

Building, Floor, and room: Building 2, floor 2, room 109
Room description: She has a rather extensive computer setup, several in fact taking up the bulk of her room. And instead of a bed, she has a hammock that she tucks out of the way when streaming against Eilidh and the others.
Now I just need to be motivated to write Lilith's backstory, post it, and then do something crazy like deliver food and inform someone about a gremlin-problem.

Somehow she ended up getting used in a different RP before the character-sheet for this RP was even finished. And I'm tempted to just make that RP her backstory.

She'll need to leave the grenade-launcher behind, though.
Truly, Borkus was the villian here all along.
Banned for getting your hopes up.

Banned for Stealing the Declaration of Independence

I'm banning you for remembering that was even a thing.


I replied in the wrong tab.
So the footnote here is that Lilith heard Xuno land and Xuno saw Lilith's entrance.
-Xuno may or may not be pointing a rifle at Mimi right about now.

And Khat decided to pick a fight with Nella's basilisk while she'd already bit off more than she can chew with the void.
No sooner had Mimi slain the raptor, a shot screeched past her, colliding with a tree in a shower of fine ice-crystals. If she looked to see where it had come from -and up- she would have seen Lilith perched on a tree-branch, waving at her with one of her... legs? As her arms were busy loading another ice-bolt into her crossbow. The next shot landed short, leaving a thin ice-trail leading back to her in a parabolic arc. She secured the other end of this precarious ice-bridge to the tree, and swing through the air on her whip, landing gracefully on the ice-bridge and sliding down it while it crumbled behind her. Astonishingly, this all happened in complete silence.

Lilith had landed with far more grace than one could assume from a drider her size, as she picked up Mimi and kissed them on the forehead in her warm embrace, "That was amazing! You had me worried back there!" She then set her companion gently on the ground and shushed them with a finger on their lips as she channeled her ability to make every noise around them louder. Something big had landed close-by... Hefting her grenade-launcher, she signaled for Mimi to check it out, quietly.

Meanwhile on the other side of the forest, Didani landed and promptly kept to the shadows. She knew she was at a huge disadvantage right now, but with some luck she could slip past all the monsters uns-- then she heard the buzzing, as it moved in to attack, a brief description of words sprang to mind, she sized the initiative and rolled out of the way of the first attack. But this one was almost as stubborn as she was, and cast their little arena in complete pitch-black darkness. She dug her pike defensively into the ground, but instead of a bite-sized dragon-kebab, she could feel electricity coursing through the metal pole, and her hands involuntarily clenched in a death-grip. She could dissipate the heat, move it elsewhere, light a small fire, a tiny beacon of light to attract the pesky flying nuisance. She took all the warmth from their little arena and channeled it into that one spot, setting a bush ablaze and casting a warm glow that stood out from the infinite black void she was stuck fighting in. She heard buzzing move towards the fire, so she unleashed it, let it run wild around her, engulfing the tiny bug until it lost its hold over the darkness, restoring her vision and ended the electrical onslaught. Seeing the pathetic creature that dared to best her, she took aim and put it out of its misery with a rocket, extinguishing both the flames and its life. She spat, it was time to move towards the center and get things over with.

Some moments earlier, Xuno was busy smashing rocks, using them to keep herself aloft and occasionally raining shattered boulders upon any unsuspecting monsters below that looked like they were following her. She could sense a nearby river and decided to head that direction. As she neared, she pulled up a column of water and crashed into it, running her hand through it to slow herself as she shouted to her mermaid-friend below, "Salutations!". She aimed for a superhero-landing into the river below with a thunderous crash that reverberated through the entire forest, and casting a rainbow behind her stylized entrance. She then pulled up her designated marksman rifle and scanned the area for anything hostile with her keen eyesight. "I think I saw something shimmering in this direction." She pointed her rifle at some air that seemed to sparkle with ice-crystals. "And don't forget your promise." She said, referring to when Xuno made her promise before class that she'd definitely figure out what their family-practices were if she hung around and protected them long enough, she was far too stubborn to accept that maybe-possibly she'd figure it out.

Khathi's landing was far more graceful, as she wove the trees and vines into ramps and bridges she could gently slide down to the ground. The trees creaked and groaned as she let them return to their normal posture. She was so caught up in it she didn't think to hide as a 'Vold' stumbled upon her handiwork. So anyways Khathi pulled out her two submachine guns and started blasting as it charged at her, letting loose a flurry of poisoned-bullets as she willed a tree-root into the creature's path, causing it to stumble long enough for her to jump upon its back. Enraged further, the vold took flight as Khat sunk her tomohawks into their back, clinging on for dear life as they flew over some snake-creature chasing some smaller creature. Shrugging at the thought of kinda being stuck with this one for now, she fired a few rounds off at the basilisk to get their attention as well, two birds with one stone and all that. With any luck the two monsters would fight each other instead of the students.
I'm going off of the idea that conjuring an element takes a bit more effort than manipulating the ones that are already present.

Like, Didani can probably manipulate an entire forest-fire with her eyes closed, but conjuring such a blaze would be almost impossible for her. Strong mind and body, not so much of a soul (she has just enough to roll a +5 to intimidation, though), it's kinda one of those racial penalties of tieflings, actually. She's basically attending the school with what amounts to a supernatural disability, on top of leaving her equipment for compensating for it back at the dorm. So rather than admitting there's anything 'wrong' with her, she's trying to strength-train her tainted soul the hard way. At least that's how I'll rationalize it.

Also I realized at work that Xuno could probably pull a Thor and fly via swinging her mace, assuming she's got a stone or something in it. Summoning it could be kinda nifty though. Or, since she's got one hell of a strong soul, can just walk down a rainbow-road if she'd have thought of that. Xuno would be great if she wasn't so dense.

The other two are pretty normal, I'm just not discussing those two because I feel like I need something to surprise you with.

...Fine, one more spoiler: Lilith will be loading her crossbow with literal ice-bolts that'll shatter (going to flip a coin on whether on impact or airburst) into a fine mist of ice-crystals.
Well, the thing is Xuno is kinda dense. So gravity it going to win to some extent against a 400 pound ballistic green brick. So she'll be taking option D: All of the above. Huge column of water from the river, wind, shotgun-recoil, and pelting boulders at herself so she can smash them to try and slow down. Plus with a bit of luck, she can then use her ability to guide the falling rock-fragments to hit any monsters on the way down.

Granted, all of that is going to end up crashing down around Hasuno and Xuno is going to be all wholesome smiles after putting a crater into the riverbed. To her that would be a soft landing, she could land softer but doesn't see the point since it already won't hurt her. She's basically a tank, which can be downright frightening if she'd actually get angry and used her abilities to essentially be the tanky girl she is inside an adaptive stone power-armor, with a shotgun.

Didani could try using her rocket-launcher as a jetpack, since heated air, confined and forced out the other end is essentially a jet engine. But as that's not a landing-strategy she'd practiced before, it won't be a reliable solution. I have... a few ideas, one is the tried and true landing strategy that'd work even if she had no abilities or rocket-launcher. It'd hurt, but she'd live; which tracks with her approach to brute-force her way to a simplistic solution. Otherwise I could have her play in the shadows once she punches through the tree-canopy and teleport to the ground with zero/mirrored inertia. Since that's a pretty staple ability of hers and she's probably been thinking with portals for quite awhile.

Which means she'd going to find the insectdragon's ability to meld/teleport through shadows equally annoying.
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