Avatar of FourtyTwo


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9 yrs ago
If there are RPs/PM's I need to reply to- I am working on it, I'm a little overladen in life atm. I haven't forgotten about you :)
10 yrs ago
Aaand back.
10 yrs ago
ALERT- I'm going AFK for a week, anyone that sees this on here, I won't be about to respond, this is to both 1x1s/RPs.


I've RP'd for the best part of over 14 years now here on the Guild, and particularly like military settings, both contemporary, past and near future. I have even dabbled in a little more experimental RPs, as well as created a plethora of 1x1s over my time in the guild. I like creating RPs with a distinct flavour- and often shift between narrative-led RPs to semi-randomised plots.

I'm pretty flexible and try and get back to people on ideas and responses, but sometimes, I may become very busy and it will take some time till I am un-busy- though I always come back!

Most Recent Posts

Hope everyone's having a wonderful Christmas here!

Myself and @Esailia are cooking up a collab so that will go up in the near future!
@Lurking Shadow


Yeah collabs are good ways of putting big, big chunks of content into sense (I'm open to them if anyone wants to do them!)- sometimes they're not ideal when constantly in an RP, but they work nicely I feel when done sparingly and with a focus on two characters. It's a great post! :)

"And I am an otter!" Legitimately melted my heart, made me laugh quite a bit :P

@Silverwind Blade

How are we carrying on from here? Should I post up, or wait on you/others?
Boom, posted :) Shortish but setting in the scene of Max doing Silver's request :)
Max didn't poke his head into what Rishun's hacking could be capable of, but when done properly, an EW operator could be a warrior in a world beyond the physical. That said, while Rishun was perhaps digital, Max was more....analogue. While her antics had turned their digital landscape to black and confused them, Max on the other hand was someone who could take advantage of that. It was easier to put a bullet in something sometimes than hack a system, he mused, checking his UAV feed and watching on as he listened to the otter's response.

"You may be right, but just as I coerce machines to tell me things, you can coerce those soldiers to tell you things, if we capture one. Software tends to be easier to break than hardware..."

"Aye...taking someone from there isn't going to be easy if we run in and kill everyone there is. Which I feel might be about to happen. Have a listen." Max said, hearing the gunshots and mortars down on their flank, the noise of the GEARs getting into engagement noisy and clattering, the sound of weaponry bigger than small arms a sure-sign that Captain Blade had begun the fight, the 20mm opening up and roaring into life, audible from even here.

He had a point, though, so she added quickly "If I had to choose, I would suggest we ask for a distraction, then we assault together after that IFV is down. No reason to split up yet, and you told me to stick to you, right?"

Max nodded to himself, raising his stance a little higher as he swiped away a couple of the camera feeds, keeping the thermal and overall UAV one open, with the main coming back to the Lion Rampant's camera systems.
"I think we already got our distraction. They won't help us, but these lads here are looking the wrong way. Alright...we'll assault together. We have the advantage on them here as we'll come from an unexpected angle, so maximum aggression it is. No backing down once we open up." Max said, raising his 30mm and cooly pulling out the 30mm round from the large rifle, followed by the magazine that gently dropped into his GEAR's left hand.

With a slight swipe, he replaced it with an Armour-Piercing magazine, marked with a special red and gold stripe on each mag, the round a little more specifically made at breaching armour. A 30mm round could already punch through armour, but this round was specifically designed to kill light tanks and IFVs, and with the optics setup Max had, it was quite easy. Flicking through, he found the FLIR change from white-hot to red-hot, giving him an even more impressive vision of the IFV in the distance as he raised the rifle, poking it against a tree and gently preparing himself. Zooming his optic in, he could see the engine block, and the side of the ammunition dump inside the IFV. The lion knew that a basic IFV like this wouldn't stand a chance- the round would turn the block to pieces, and the ammunition dump would just make the thing go up in flames...with any poor bastard inside.

"Got the IFV in my sights. I should make easy work of it. But after that, get ready to move up, quick. I'll snipe anyone in the open then push up to you. Ready up, Rishun. Shit is about to go off." Max said, as he tapped Rishun's GEAR with his spare hand, taking the aim nice and steady. A GEAR would appear to be a rocksteady platform for shooting, but the other factors meant to get this shot set up, Max had to take his time and make every round count from the bolt-action 30mm rifle.

"Firing in three, two, one...mark." And with that, Max clacked his joystick's trigger for the first time in a very long time, sending a 30mm round flying from the rifle, the enormous shell casing pinging off Rishun's side and making a howling noise. It sounded like a thunderclap, the recoil kicking into the GEAR's shoulder as Max rechambered, hearing the noisy metallic clang of armour being breached. The IFV was limp, as Max pushed the bolt forward, firing again. The loud ping that followed in the distance being the engine getting killed as the motors and turret of the IFV went out. Another one. This time, the bit below the turret. Shot, and quicker than Max expected, the IFV erupted, the turret blasting off as the ammo store went up, Max wooping as he patted Rishun on the side.

"Go, go go!" Max yelled, reloading a regular anti-infantry magazine back in as he shoved hard against the trees in front, almost going arse-over-tit as he skidded down the muddy bank, out into the open and in the felled forest on the incline to the comms post. All hell was let loose, as the alarm blared, the fire from the IFV disrupting Max's NVGs and IR a little, but not enough to make him turn it off, the Lion Rampant getting muddy as he thundered into the treeless forest.


"Hunter One here, encountered enemy resistance, continuing to move on position. All other units; check in with progress, keep 'em on the run and don't give 'em a chance to get dug in or recover from the missile attack".

"Understood Hunter One, we're charging in now. IFV at the comms site is out of commission...will update on the rest shortly." Max replied, seeing a couple of infantry fire down on the GEARs charging across, Max skidding to a halt by a large tree stump and taking a shot at the infantry group at the top. He knew he was taking the attention off Rishun by doing this, as he put a couple of rounds that way, making them think twice about firing back- his 30mm rounds were like lightening bolts, and despite peppering him, he was holding his own. The group scattered, aware of the marksman's 30mm, and aware that if they were close together, they'd get turned into goo as a group, not on their own. At least they had the sense to shit themselves when they heard a 30mm round nearly hit them, the lion mused.

"Contact, top of the hill! I've got half a dozen in my sights, light em' up!" Max called out, taking out two unknown hostiles with a well placed couple of round as he finished his magazine off. He cleanly reloaded, but knew he had to push, while he had them scared and worrying now.

Moving up, he held the rifle in his right arm, raising his GEAR's left and punting a few HE grenades up into the comms post, at least suppressing it for Rishun's movement as he took the rifle back into hand, establishing another position to fire from.
"They're getting suppressed Rishun, push forward while their heads are down!" Max added into comms, emptying the rest of his mag at the top of the hill and where his thermal imaging had seen them get in position, unsure in the blur of conflict what it was like. For what it was worth, with a GEAR it felt less personal- it felt a lot more robotic, cold and removed to some degree what you were hitting. And with a 30mm rifle, it was gonna be a bad day for anyone that Max had it pointed at. He couldn't say for sure how many he'd gotten, given how fast he was having to use his rifle, that never changed- but it felt like at least 4 or 5 had been taken down by him already. The lion on that note reloaded once again, moving up towards Rishun's position and getting ready to move onto the peak of this comms post.

I like the post! Not sure how to carry it on though- is Rishun more inclined towards the latter two options? I seemed to read it that way- though correct me if I'm wrong :P


I like that OC! I mean there's now a character to give Max's wild hair a run for it's money :P

@Silverwind Blade

Looking forward to it!


Sorry to charge us ahead, but hey, it gives you lots to play with and build upon :P I am particularly interested to see what Rishun's take is gonna be- Max is basically saying "Yeah, what choice in stuff going boom do you want?" :D

Max swiped one of the displays on, the obsidian black turning to a faint dark green with the UAV's overall picture of the island below. From 70,000 feet, it was a very hard image to make out, but the UAV's orbiting pattern gave a total overview of the island and was unknown to anyone down below that it was even there. Well, unless someone had an excellent radar detection set, but that wasn't on Max's mind. The cruise missiles had already made a dent here enough, so it wasn't like they knew they weren't under attack. He looked over at the path on the Northern side of the island, the ridge protruding up but mostly forested with the UAV's heavy zoom, still coming out well given the configuration of this UAV's lens. The comms towers were visible- a set of civilian mobile phone masts and various technical masts in view, as he multi-tasked a little and zoomed them in for a moment to see the overall setup that they had. There was some sort of large vehicle next to it, and a couple of small buildings with a small dirt track leading down the small hill to the flat environs of the airstrip- but from this high up, Max couldn't make out how many enemies there were. Most importantly however, the towers were on a relative peak on the ridge' spine- and had a large area of exposure all around it, recent log cuttings it seemed. It was no matter to Max- if they could establish themselves on the outskirts of that cutting with some view on the site and deploy his personal UAV, he could take a better view on what to do when they were closer. The resourceful Lion knew that sometimes that was just the way it was- technology could do so much, but not more than that.

Bringing it back, he restored it to default, aware that himself, Silver and other team members would be able to peek through the UAV's camera for observation. He engaged a few other sensor packages, notably that of his GEAR's multispectrum sensor to start pitching into whatever Rishun's EW programmes would pick up. While Max wasn't an EW specialist, he was the killer-element of their hunter-killer partnership, and that meant keeping an ear out for whatever Rishun's more strategic-level recon could do. While on his end, he had the 30mm rifle and observation skills to then eliminate said target, permanently. Bringing his rifle high, Max looked up to the ridge, then turned his GEAR's head back toward where Rishun was behind him as he raised an arm.

"Try and keep close, Sprinstream. The route looks pretty thickly forested all the way..don't go right on top the spine, and watch your footing. We have the advantage of darkness and being off the beaten track, so we may stand a chance of avoiding detection while the rest get the heat. Let's try and keep it that way." Max said, putting his hands back on the 30mm rifle and moving up the beach fully, the water now fully removed from the GEAR's legs and lower body. He felt powerful in this thing, but was full well aware this wasn't going to last long in a fight against higher-powered weaponry. It might keep the bullets at bay, but not the 20 mil rounds, he reminded himself. They needed to get moving, and Max knew it was go time for his team.

With a slight clamber, the Lion Rampant was striding between the thick trees of the hill-slope, the reconnaissance operative keeping an eye out over the forests slightly below, where Fionn and Leslie were looking to move up. Engaging the FLIR element of his imagery system, he kept it on another display and peered over using his GEAR's specialist optical zoom, his HMD allowing him to switch between either as appropriate. He took it in, seeing nothing of interest, as it was all blue-cold. The trees made it much more difficult, but nonetheless, he couldn't see any hidden IFVs or positions.

@Lurking Shadow@redbaron1234
"Somachain, Sobero, me and Sprinstream have overwatch, we are on your right hand side. I can't see any significant thermal signatures from here in the forest in front of you, but that doesn't mean there isn't anyone, or anything waiting for you down there that's hiding. We'll be out of view when we're closer to the comms facility, but we can get back in range when you need fire support and designation from us." Max added in comms, as he looked back towards Rishun's GEAR, taking a moment to survail the area ahead. The ridge didn't give enough elevation to fully see all the way to the airstrip, but he could see the large smokestack rising in the distance even without his IR, the heat signature clear beyond those trees of the fire it had started there.

Taking a look back on the ridgeline, he gently started moving along again, the feline's GEAR pushing through thick shrubs around the bigger conifers. It was never graceful going anywhere in a GEAR, but nonetheless, Max did make it look as low-key as a twelve-foot mechanised beast could be in quietly moving into position. On the plus side, the hydrogen system of a GEAR to the motor systems made it less noisy than an IFV or a combustion-powered vehicle, yet the hydraulics when really exerted could be screeching, let alone the noise that came from the footstepss. Still, with the distant fires and the fact that Max and Rishun were coming from an angle hard to expect, it pushed the ball in their court a little further.

Coming up to the cutting, Max gently put his knee down, seeing the ridge drop in elevation then back up to a small hill where the comms towers were. They were still some distance out, but given that they couldn't see the entire surveillance and communications post, Max wasn't willing to go any further. There were still some trees between them and the clearing, so Max was confident that himself and Rishun would be out of harm's way, and very hard to spot without thermal imaging equipment given how much brush they had. The optical sensors revealed a little more of what he could see, but given the trees, that was still poor.

"Hold on here a moment...get yourself knelt down. I'm gonna dispatch my drone up here- feel free to patch in." Max added, flicking through the setting through his GEAR's interface, the quadrotor detatching from the charging point on his GEAR's lower back and elegantly being taken in his right hand. The quiet motors span up, as Max kept the 30mm rifle held in the GEAR's left, gently pushing his right hand up. He didn't raise it too high so as not to push against a nearby tree, knowing full well it wouldn't be the best idea to treat one like a post to lean on.

With a gentle release of his right claw, Max took over the drone's controls, hooked up to his HMD. His vision shifted, going from the HMD of the GEAR's controls to that of the drone's camera interface, giving him a direct view as it buzzed lightly above the two of them. By using a joystick that was co-wired connected to his GEAR's optical vision in this static mode, he could control it elegantly, the control of the quadrotor fluid to him like a glove. Max was no technical wizz like Rishun was, who would probably race something like this for fun, but he could use it like a trained operator could. It was an indispensible tool, and even with the advanced tech that Rishun would have brought along, a device like this had plenty of capability given how straightforward it could be utilised.

With a gentle push of the throttle, the UAV was up even further, out of his hand and giving Max a first person enhanced view over the hill ahead, a bird's eye view in the most literal sense. With a quietening whirr as it rose upward, the drone was off and higher into the distance, Max seeing the large cutting around the communications towers and signal antennae.

There were a lot of fallen logs and tree trunks across the cutting around the site in a near-circular form- like the area had been felled to allow for the site's installation and improve signal. A GEAR would stick out like a sore thumb, Max mused, but a rather tall lion might get away with it if he had to get closer. That wasn't on his mind, not until he found out what was actually there at least.

Circling around, the quadrotor UAV saw the other side of the hill, where he caught eye on an infantry squad on patrol, flashlights on. That made it at least 8 around this comms post or at least going into, and they seemed to be following the track on the far side of Max's current observation stop, actually going up to the comms post. Shit, that meant...well, they were coming from the airstrip. They seemed hurried, almost like they were in a rush to get out of there and up to the site. Behind them, another two were coming from a different angle, albeit not on the track at all- like they came out of the forest, on a patrol. They were on the other side however, and likely hadn't seen the insertion of the GEARs on the beach nor up here on the ridge. And as for the site itself? The large vehicle was bigger than Max wanted it to be, or at least, more armoured. The IFV sat there, as if it was an overwatch to blast any target apart that might charge up the hill, and no doubt while it wasn't very advanced and lacked any of Max's fancy night-capable imagery, it would make a big dent in any GEAR or soldier going up that hill. It had an ATGM setup too, so it'd be able to one-shot a GEAR if it got the track right. The lights were on in each of the two buildings, and there seemed to be active communications equipment, including a satellite dish mounted atop one of the portacabins. As for how many were inside, he didn't know- but it could be another five, if Max had to make a guess for how many would be able to actually fit in there.

"Shit, Rishun...this isn't great. You seeing this? Got any thoughts?" Max asked, the lion flying the drone a bit higher in overview and fixing it in position.

"Way I see it....we'll need to think about our approach here. That infantry team couldn't have seen us, but they seem to be moving in fast for some reason. Potentially to reinforce the position...or something else. I give it a few minutes before they get to the main buildings. The two man team, I can't make that out, but I would guess that's a patrol around here. There's also an IFV up there that will turn us to paste if we come closer...it had an ATGM on it, so definitely at least one of us. While they've got to face their gun downhill, it'll blast us apart before we make it over. Then there's the matter of the fact that while that comms station needs to get disrupted, it would be incredibly useful to break into there and get as much intel on who's chatting on the phone, if you get my gist. That would sabotage it without even using an explosive device. Your EW capabilities are good, but even I know nothing beats a hacking programme run in a core server network. Not a lot of time to do it in though." Max commented, his tactical nous thinking more out loud than anything else, likely stating the obvious. It was the thing that made him able to put the information that he had obtained into practice, and then use it like a scalpel to really hit hard.

"Right then...we've got a few options still. Add your thoughts to mine, if you like. I'll ping across the option routes to your display using our interfaces.

One, I go in with something to hack their network from your inventory and sneak into the site using the fallen logs and fact that their angles aren't all covered, without my GEAR. I can take advantage of the fact the rest of our team's about to blow stuff to bits down on the airstrip, and the squad here might not be expecting an attack from our angle. Nor will I get seen, if they haven't got NVGs...which they don't seem to have here. Maybe even a diversion from you would work best, in order to draw them out back down that track and give me room to do what I do best. All I need is to get a computer connection, and you can then turn that network inside out. Very risky for me given it'll be just me and my rifle, but it would mean you can keep your distance and the intel gain is likely to be the best. I can handle it, but....let's just say I don't want to be on that hill on my own when it goes FUBAR."

Two, we sit here and wait, paint some targets with the laser designator and ask the others to send politely send some mortar fire onto the IFV to disable it. We then go loud, and while I snipe, you would need to get close-in and run amok on that hill, with me joining on the other side. We'd do that hopefully without blowing apart the main buildings. Probably better than option one for our risk, but it might compromise the others down there if they use that mortar, and that might lose us some intel or access to the network. The mortar might cover our tracks, mind you."

Three...we go all in. We take this on ourselves and I snipe that IFV with an AP shot and the squad with a regular set of rounds, then we take out whatever is left in this area using 40 mils and our heavy weaponry. We hit hard, and thin out anyone we see. Raise hell, basically. We've got the firepower to do it and information to inform our strike too. Question is, if we do that, how many more are gonna come charging up to us if we don't relocate fast enough? We'll be completely compromised, potentially unable to cover the other team too. But it's always an option, given we've got a force multiplier in these GEARs."

"Feel free to suggest anything, Rishun. If you've got anything up your sleeve that might give us the opportunity to do any of those options better, now would be the time to suggest it." Max added, his long ramble once again more like an out-loud mental ponder of the situation they were in. From the various observations he could see, any option seemed viable if executed correctly, but given fuck-ups were the mother of all options, it could all go to hell very quickly.

The lion smirked a little however, guessing that the otter's overexcited nature would probably find Max's over-analytical and observant character to be at a wavelength approaching her attitude. Adjusting his comms set, he was back on Silverwind's squad channel, wanting to report in their position and shift in location.

"Captain, this is Bastion. We've got overwatch on the comms site and are at a few hundred meters out, we've made it undetected. We can handle it, but I'm sending you a few options I've evaluated for what you want our approach to be on striking it. Change it as you will boss- we're good to go and execute that on your order." Max called in, altering his HMD view out from the UAV's view to the optics on the GEAR, looking across to Rishun's Aqua Goddess behind his, waiting and ready.

Deep down, Max felt like this was back to old times, back to what he did best, but he had a feeling that the stakes were a lot higher. Like if they didn't do this correctly, the consequences were a bit worse than a terrorist organisation getting away with a bunch of money or a few people getting killed. It felt like it'd be much more significant- the lead they had here on Isenor was a substantial piece of the puzzle to unravelling the Silent Line, or at least Max hoped it would be. So getting this right would be important- and while Max knew the risk of what an operator like him would do, it was more Rishun's GEAR that would be in the line too. He never wanted to put someone else on the line that might not know just how serious this could get, but then again, they were in this situation together for probably a good reason. He adjusted his mane's hair at his chin with his hand, patching back into the UAV and providing general overwatch of the comms site, taking it in and looking for anything new that came into frame. The lion was aware that while if he was on his own he might do things differently, he had to follow the Captain's command and make sure they did things by the book.
I'm gonna post up as I'm stuck in a hotel tonight with not much more- a post came to mind so I thought I'd crack on, but not push too far ahead.

EDIT- It's up, it's a little longer than I expected but gets Rishun and Max closer to their objective and with a few options.
Posted! It's long but I really wanted to relish in this insertion and the fanfare around it!
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