Whilst Max dozed off to the land of dreams, the rest of Viper had continued on, not immediately going off to catch some shut-eye.
Anna in particular was busy at hand with checking the optics on her helmet-mounted NVGs, while Maxine had taken a book to hand, the rabbit reading a science-fiction novel she had recently gotten into- part of a longer series, so this would keep her hopefully occupied for a long more downtime. The Flemish Giant was a caring bunny, with her long floppy ears set back and a gentle light-brown fur, a true squad mum in every sense of the word. Caring perhaps, a warm alternative to Anna, who seemed to be in her own zone of things. She had a partner back home she wanted to have children with, perhaps after all this was said and done. The pension would be good but for now, she knew she had a purpose to serve in this team, helping them out. She flicked the page, listening in on both conversations of the two teams, but mostly keeping to herself as well, knowing she'd get some sleep soon.
Meanwhile, Logan headed over towards the rest of Python, a little exitable and chuckling at the sight of Silverwind keeping his eye open despite being basically asleep.
"I suppose sleeping in combat does that to you, heh. Max is way too much like that." Logan commented to the team, chuckling as he sat down by them, wanting to mingle and join in with another team whilst his own was occupied with their own little bits and pieces.
The red squirrel's soft Scots accent contrasted heavily with Catriona's, the red-headed Highland cow in the corner opposite to the recon team's squirrel. Logan had a gentle short hair, with his bushy tail righting him on every turn and every movement. Of Viper Team his energy and enthusiasm was second to none- he had a certain cardio that just couldn't be beat, combined with an incredibile ability to climb and just mantle up and over any restraint. Grapple hooks were not something he leaned on, and that energy he brought to the table was why he sometimes carried a DMR of his own, alongside his trusty laser designator. His look was almost the sort of Redwall-esque, medieval look you'd find in a red squirrel, a demeanour that looked like it hadn't been fazed nor stunned by what he had joined in for. Then again, doing just a year so far in Recon hadn't taken it's toll on him. Perhaps it never would, if he kept this rate of enthusiasm up...
"Anyone up for some cards? There's no way I'm gonna be sleeping anytime soon!"
A few hours later, and the lion had woken up almost perfectly on time with the wobble on his wrist, his watch waking him up with a gentle buzz. Yawning, the lion pulled himself up, seeing the sight of the team also pulling themselves awake, a bit earlier than him to the Warrant Officer's disdain. Well, he had them drilled....but he needed to be earlier. Damn it.
Nonetheless, the lion yawned noisily and brushing his hair aside, stood up to take a look at Anna placing her Corvid pack on her seat, the pack mounted up. She slid her legs through the parachute harness and brought it up onto her shoulder along with the wingpack that was attached to it, running through the wingpack's calibration. As sleek as the wingpack was so too was the black feline, a tool that looked like it fit her perfectly as she began to tighten her harness up. She took the flight-helmet too that was attached to the "neck" of the pack, and ran through the pre-checks of the O2 tank she would carry, attaching her combat helmet on her tactical pack stowed on her front.
"Nothing like it, eh?" Max asked, Anna nodding affermatively and in her silent manner, as the other team members followed suit, weapons stowed on their sides and unloaded. Running through a few more things, Anna took the full-face helmet once more and popped it over her head, the tinted visor making it almost impossible to see the noir-jaguar's face through the polycarbonate, as she tested the wing's extension.
"Radio check, one-two, Actual." She spoke into the radio, coming through on Max's end as he gave a thumbs up.
"All clear, Spectre. Viper Team, get yourselves set. Forty-minutes worth of this, hook your O2 supplies up to the aircraft supply- then five minutes prior, switch to your own recirculating supplies. None of you are fuckin' passing out on me, so no shit here." Max reiterated to them, the team replying with a simple agreement respectively, as he himself checked over the rest of his kit. Peering through the window, the clouds far below illustrated that they were holding at high altitude, an air that was cold and low in oxygen content. Inside their metal shell they weren't affected by it, but soon they would be out there and seeing it for themseles, that cold relentless sky never holding back.
And with that, Viper was slowly but surely getting ready. Even Logan, who had actually gotten some sleep in was somehow getting himself set up in spite of the fact that the squirrel had now tempered himself back down to focus. Sitting there, packs on and equipment ready to go, they were in their own zone for the moment being. Max knew that his team was awake before the rest of Python as well as Silverwind, so knew he'd probably have the difficult responsibility of waking up his commanding officer, the lion thought to himself. If he wasn't awake already that is...
"Boss, sorry to wake ya. We're thirty mins out now. Viper's on pre-breathe- we just need to get inside our GEARS before they open that big bloody rear door." Max calmly said, looking across to his own GEAR, the lion keeping a hold of his pilot's helmet in his hand for a moment as he heard a little more hubub of movement with regards to the aircraft crew.
"It's a bloody fine day to fly a big hunk of metal in..."
Anna in particular was busy at hand with checking the optics on her helmet-mounted NVGs, while Maxine had taken a book to hand, the rabbit reading a science-fiction novel she had recently gotten into- part of a longer series, so this would keep her hopefully occupied for a long more downtime. The Flemish Giant was a caring bunny, with her long floppy ears set back and a gentle light-brown fur, a true squad mum in every sense of the word. Caring perhaps, a warm alternative to Anna, who seemed to be in her own zone of things. She had a partner back home she wanted to have children with, perhaps after all this was said and done. The pension would be good but for now, she knew she had a purpose to serve in this team, helping them out. She flicked the page, listening in on both conversations of the two teams, but mostly keeping to herself as well, knowing she'd get some sleep soon.
Meanwhile, Logan headed over towards the rest of Python, a little exitable and chuckling at the sight of Silverwind keeping his eye open despite being basically asleep.
"I suppose sleeping in combat does that to you, heh. Max is way too much like that." Logan commented to the team, chuckling as he sat down by them, wanting to mingle and join in with another team whilst his own was occupied with their own little bits and pieces.
The red squirrel's soft Scots accent contrasted heavily with Catriona's, the red-headed Highland cow in the corner opposite to the recon team's squirrel. Logan had a gentle short hair, with his bushy tail righting him on every turn and every movement. Of Viper Team his energy and enthusiasm was second to none- he had a certain cardio that just couldn't be beat, combined with an incredibile ability to climb and just mantle up and over any restraint. Grapple hooks were not something he leaned on, and that energy he brought to the table was why he sometimes carried a DMR of his own, alongside his trusty laser designator. His look was almost the sort of Redwall-esque, medieval look you'd find in a red squirrel, a demeanour that looked like it hadn't been fazed nor stunned by what he had joined in for. Then again, doing just a year so far in Recon hadn't taken it's toll on him. Perhaps it never would, if he kept this rate of enthusiasm up...
"Anyone up for some cards? There's no way I'm gonna be sleeping anytime soon!"
A few hours later, and the lion had woken up almost perfectly on time with the wobble on his wrist, his watch waking him up with a gentle buzz. Yawning, the lion pulled himself up, seeing the sight of the team also pulling themselves awake, a bit earlier than him to the Warrant Officer's disdain. Well, he had them drilled....but he needed to be earlier. Damn it.
Nonetheless, the lion yawned noisily and brushing his hair aside, stood up to take a look at Anna placing her Corvid pack on her seat, the pack mounted up. She slid her legs through the parachute harness and brought it up onto her shoulder along with the wingpack that was attached to it, running through the wingpack's calibration. As sleek as the wingpack was so too was the black feline, a tool that looked like it fit her perfectly as she began to tighten her harness up. She took the flight-helmet too that was attached to the "neck" of the pack, and ran through the pre-checks of the O2 tank she would carry, attaching her combat helmet on her tactical pack stowed on her front.
"Nothing like it, eh?" Max asked, Anna nodding affermatively and in her silent manner, as the other team members followed suit, weapons stowed on their sides and unloaded. Running through a few more things, Anna took the full-face helmet once more and popped it over her head, the tinted visor making it almost impossible to see the noir-jaguar's face through the polycarbonate, as she tested the wing's extension.
"Radio check, one-two, Actual." She spoke into the radio, coming through on Max's end as he gave a thumbs up.
"All clear, Spectre. Viper Team, get yourselves set. Forty-minutes worth of this, hook your O2 supplies up to the aircraft supply- then five minutes prior, switch to your own recirculating supplies. None of you are fuckin' passing out on me, so no shit here." Max reiterated to them, the team replying with a simple agreement respectively, as he himself checked over the rest of his kit. Peering through the window, the clouds far below illustrated that they were holding at high altitude, an air that was cold and low in oxygen content. Inside their metal shell they weren't affected by it, but soon they would be out there and seeing it for themseles, that cold relentless sky never holding back.
And with that, Viper was slowly but surely getting ready. Even Logan, who had actually gotten some sleep in was somehow getting himself set up in spite of the fact that the squirrel had now tempered himself back down to focus. Sitting there, packs on and equipment ready to go, they were in their own zone for the moment being. Max knew that his team was awake before the rest of Python as well as Silverwind, so knew he'd probably have the difficult responsibility of waking up his commanding officer, the lion thought to himself. If he wasn't awake already that is...
"Boss, sorry to wake ya. We're thirty mins out now. Viper's on pre-breathe- we just need to get inside our GEARS before they open that big bloody rear door." Max calmly said, looking across to his own GEAR, the lion keeping a hold of his pilot's helmet in his hand for a moment as he heard a little more hubub of movement with regards to the aircraft crew.
"It's a bloody fine day to fly a big hunk of metal in..."