Name: Anna Marina "Spectre" Caldeira
Age: 30
Black Jaguar
Height: 6"3
Anna stands a few inches shorter than Max, though the feminine feline is no less a presence when she enters a room. Anna is slim, yet muscular, possessing phenominal cardiovascular ability that gives her the ability to keep going, and going like a beast possessed- parkour, climbing and running are in her repertoire, and make her a terrifying opponent in a one-on-one, even in spite of her shorter stature. Her hair is as black as her skin rather than grey, kept exceptionally short and making her ears more prominent than her practically kept hairline. The spots on her skin are even a muted tone, with scratches along her arms and legs from vaulting and running. She often wears a balaclava while at work, or a black beanie hat, a different choice to the typical baseball cap used by recon teams. A significant scar runs along her abdomen, where she was stabbed by an insergent.
Her voice is a silky, yet deep tone that mostly remains quiet, harsh upon being raised and hardly something pleasing to hear when she calls out, an accent and tone akin to afro-brazillian Portuguese, and lot more street-ready. Whilst possessing a roar, it's considerably different to Max.
Positive Personality Traits: Honest. Fearless. Good at listening. Straight talking. Patient. Very Calculated. Nigh-unbreakable.
Negative Personality Traits: Aloof. Blunt. Cold-Blooded. Ruthless. Sarcastic.
Likes: Danger. Quiet people. Stealth ops.
Dislikes: Interference. Needless social contact. Working with others.
Anna is incredibly cold, ruthless and capable, almost driven by some sort of energy that eminates from her shy personality. She seems to have not drawn any boundaries for her pain nor her lack of ability to do something - pretty much anything is doable to her, but as such, it makes her usually alone in that activity, and happier for it. Anna is a good listener, wise and very street-smart, able to sit and blend in, or go all out when the time comes. Perhaps not a lovely person, a bit awful to most.
That said, she can make incredibly warm friends- though you know the sarcasm goes up to 11 if you're really close to her. Max and Cat are two in particular, people she would give out her close life details to, such is her respect, and once you learn that bit of her, she's easy company to keep.
Born on a poor housing block in the capital of Solernia, Anna Marina Caldeira was born to the very opposite of silver spoon that Max was born into, brought up by her policewoman mother in the absence of her father as an only child- her father being someone Anna hasn't seen since her fifth birthday. She was always a shy girl, the jaguar brought up in a violent, often turbulent background and constantly living in fear. Anna did not do well in school as a result even in spite of her cutting mind and fighter's attitude due to having poor and confrontational behaviour, a defense mechanism of sorts- it burned her at every opportunity and the only reason she perhaps made it as far as she did was the intervention of after-school athletics and boxing programmes and her mother's gritty attitude. Anna was shy, but a fighter and completely fearless- and told from day one to always do whatever it takes to survive, and more than that, do better.
Upon turning 19, Anna joined the RSDF as an infantry soldier, and her phsyical talent from her school athlete days carried her easily through basic, as did her talent with a rifle. Anna was incredibly capable, but incredible difficult to work with. Her unrelenting discipline got her scolded by squadmates, and she was almost unworkable as a strict, cold character in the group. Yet her talent in a fireteam on peacekeeping missions meant that she was selected to go forward for Special Forces training, and here again, she got in with flying colours. Particular credit was given to her ferocity in the assault courses, aerial insertion work and her resistance to torture as well as her talents in stealth, where Anna left many men behind for dust. The girl was unbreakable- almost as if something was driving her, her drive and willingess to do anything it took almost too alluring to resist.
Yet Anna through this time appeared to be repeating the same mistakes, when assigned to different SOF teams. Except this time, the brass made one little difference. The street girl from the estates was an exceptional talent at being the "grey" operator Special Forces Command craved, and had every talent nailed that they wanted. Not the kind that worked in an ordinary team. Inserted in domestic anti-terrorist teams or with the Intelligence Services, Anna was used as a lone wolf, a deniable operator who could kill, hurt and cause pain as a one person unit. Sent into foreign nations with the Solernian Intelligence Services, "Spectre" had no qualms doing things other oprerators would balk at or, be terrified of. Those who knew her knew she was awkward, difficult to work with, and almost impossible to manage. But when she worked, she did things most infiltrators wouldn't dare- absolutely and completely ruthless about her job. She didn't care who she killed. Duty, control and getting the mission done meant saving lives. Even if it meant doing something truly awful.
Max handpicked her upon hearing that the SIS no longer required her services, and while the two did not intially get on, through a mixture of sarcasm, wit and humour, the two learned to handle each other as two weird and quirky people- tempering each others' flames, Max the playful and resourceful lion, Anna the ruthless and cold, sarky jaguar of the team. They worked together for two years, through hell and high water, and whilst not getting the promotion she deserved, has stayed with Max out of loyalty.
In her last deployment in the civil war, Anna was stabbed by an hidden insergent whilst clearing out a complex in the hunt for the mysterious Silent Line figure, rescued by Catriona yet able to direct Viper to assist and get her out after being dragged unconcious by the insergents, Actual, Hopper and Kestrel getting them out of dodge. Bleeding out alongside Catriona has increased her respect for the Highland Cow, knowing she isn't all talk but caring and something Anna knows she needs to reciprocate- almost melting her in an odd way. Ever since, she has recovered fully and like the fighter she is, continued in what she does. Spectre doesn't die that easy, after all.
Hobbies & Interests:
Climbing, Triathlon, Reading, Grime Music, Boxing.
Age: 30
Black Jaguar
Height: 6"3
Anna stands a few inches shorter than Max, though the feminine feline is no less a presence when she enters a room. Anna is slim, yet muscular, possessing phenominal cardiovascular ability that gives her the ability to keep going, and going like a beast possessed- parkour, climbing and running are in her repertoire, and make her a terrifying opponent in a one-on-one, even in spite of her shorter stature. Her hair is as black as her skin rather than grey, kept exceptionally short and making her ears more prominent than her practically kept hairline. The spots on her skin are even a muted tone, with scratches along her arms and legs from vaulting and running. She often wears a balaclava while at work, or a black beanie hat, a different choice to the typical baseball cap used by recon teams. A significant scar runs along her abdomen, where she was stabbed by an insergent.
Her voice is a silky, yet deep tone that mostly remains quiet, harsh upon being raised and hardly something pleasing to hear when she calls out, an accent and tone akin to afro-brazillian Portuguese, and lot more street-ready. Whilst possessing a roar, it's considerably different to Max.
Positive Personality Traits: Honest. Fearless. Good at listening. Straight talking. Patient. Very Calculated. Nigh-unbreakable.
Negative Personality Traits: Aloof. Blunt. Cold-Blooded. Ruthless. Sarcastic.
Likes: Danger. Quiet people. Stealth ops.
Dislikes: Interference. Needless social contact. Working with others.
Anna is incredibly cold, ruthless and capable, almost driven by some sort of energy that eminates from her shy personality. She seems to have not drawn any boundaries for her pain nor her lack of ability to do something - pretty much anything is doable to her, but as such, it makes her usually alone in that activity, and happier for it. Anna is a good listener, wise and very street-smart, able to sit and blend in, or go all out when the time comes. Perhaps not a lovely person, a bit awful to most.
That said, she can make incredibly warm friends- though you know the sarcasm goes up to 11 if you're really close to her. Max and Cat are two in particular, people she would give out her close life details to, such is her respect, and once you learn that bit of her, she's easy company to keep.
Born on a poor housing block in the capital of Solernia, Anna Marina Caldeira was born to the very opposite of silver spoon that Max was born into, brought up by her policewoman mother in the absence of her father as an only child- her father being someone Anna hasn't seen since her fifth birthday. She was always a shy girl, the jaguar brought up in a violent, often turbulent background and constantly living in fear. Anna did not do well in school as a result even in spite of her cutting mind and fighter's attitude due to having poor and confrontational behaviour, a defense mechanism of sorts- it burned her at every opportunity and the only reason she perhaps made it as far as she did was the intervention of after-school athletics and boxing programmes and her mother's gritty attitude. Anna was shy, but a fighter and completely fearless- and told from day one to always do whatever it takes to survive, and more than that, do better.
Upon turning 19, Anna joined the RSDF as an infantry soldier, and her phsyical talent from her school athlete days carried her easily through basic, as did her talent with a rifle. Anna was incredibly capable, but incredible difficult to work with. Her unrelenting discipline got her scolded by squadmates, and she was almost unworkable as a strict, cold character in the group. Yet her talent in a fireteam on peacekeeping missions meant that she was selected to go forward for Special Forces training, and here again, she got in with flying colours. Particular credit was given to her ferocity in the assault courses, aerial insertion work and her resistance to torture as well as her talents in stealth, where Anna left many men behind for dust. The girl was unbreakable- almost as if something was driving her, her drive and willingess to do anything it took almost too alluring to resist.
Yet Anna through this time appeared to be repeating the same mistakes, when assigned to different SOF teams. Except this time, the brass made one little difference. The street girl from the estates was an exceptional talent at being the "grey" operator Special Forces Command craved, and had every talent nailed that they wanted. Not the kind that worked in an ordinary team. Inserted in domestic anti-terrorist teams or with the Intelligence Services, Anna was used as a lone wolf, a deniable operator who could kill, hurt and cause pain as a one person unit. Sent into foreign nations with the Solernian Intelligence Services, "Spectre" had no qualms doing things other oprerators would balk at or, be terrified of. Those who knew her knew she was awkward, difficult to work with, and almost impossible to manage. But when she worked, she did things most infiltrators wouldn't dare- absolutely and completely ruthless about her job. She didn't care who she killed. Duty, control and getting the mission done meant saving lives. Even if it meant doing something truly awful.
Max handpicked her upon hearing that the SIS no longer required her services, and while the two did not intially get on, through a mixture of sarcasm, wit and humour, the two learned to handle each other as two weird and quirky people- tempering each others' flames, Max the playful and resourceful lion, Anna the ruthless and cold, sarky jaguar of the team. They worked together for two years, through hell and high water, and whilst not getting the promotion she deserved, has stayed with Max out of loyalty.
In her last deployment in the civil war, Anna was stabbed by an hidden insergent whilst clearing out a complex in the hunt for the mysterious Silent Line figure, rescued by Catriona yet able to direct Viper to assist and get her out after being dragged unconcious by the insergents, Actual, Hopper and Kestrel getting them out of dodge. Bleeding out alongside Catriona has increased her respect for the Highland Cow, knowing she isn't all talk but caring and something Anna knows she needs to reciprocate- almost melting her in an odd way. Ever since, she has recovered fully and like the fighter she is, continued in what she does. Spectre doesn't die that easy, after all.
Hobbies & Interests:
Climbing, Triathlon, Reading, Grime Music, Boxing.
2x K8 SOF Combat Knife
2x M8A Select-Fire PDS with Silencer/LAM
RI M23 w/ 40mm Grenade Launcher
-Holographic Sight and Magnifier, Vertical Foregrip, Silencer, Laser/Light Module, Golden-Grey Camo
Reconaissance Fatigues and Armour (Gold/Grey)
Stealth Fatigues (Black)
Personal First Aid Kit
Personal Survival Kit
Climbing Rope and Harness + Magnetised Grappling Hook
PID (Laser Designator/Thermal Imaging Device)
Grenades, Smoke Grenades and Flashbangs
Quad-Vision NVGs
2kg of RDX Explosives
2x M8A Select-Fire PDS with Silencer/LAM
RI M23 w/ 40mm Grenade Launcher
-Holographic Sight and Magnifier, Vertical Foregrip, Silencer, Laser/Light Module, Golden-Grey Camo
Reconaissance Fatigues and Armour (Gold/Grey)
Stealth Fatigues (Black)
Personal First Aid Kit
Personal Survival Kit
Climbing Rope and Harness + Magnetised Grappling Hook
PID (Laser Designator/Thermal Imaging Device)
Grenades, Smoke Grenades and Flashbangs
Quad-Vision NVGs
2kg of RDX Explosives