Avatar of FourtyTwo


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9 yrs ago
If there are RPs/PM's I need to reply to- I am working on it, I'm a little overladen in life atm. I haven't forgotten about you :)
10 yrs ago
Aaand back.
10 yrs ago
ALERT- I'm going AFK for a week, anyone that sees this on here, I won't be about to respond, this is to both 1x1s/RPs.


I've RP'd for the best part of over 14 years now here on the Guild, and particularly like military settings, both contemporary, past and near future. I have even dabbled in a little more experimental RPs, as well as created a plethora of 1x1s over my time in the guild. I like creating RPs with a distinct flavour- and often shift between narrative-led RPs to semi-randomised plots.

I'm pretty flexible and try and get back to people on ideas and responses, but sometimes, I may become very busy and it will take some time till I am un-busy- though I always come back!

Most Recent Posts

Max chuckled, shaking Kaitlyn's hand, looking across at the grey Evo, a smile forming on his face as he looked at the intricacy of the build. Yeah, his insticts were right, he mused internally to himself.
"Pleasure to meet you, love. Damn, Kaitlyn, that Evo is something. Nothing beats four-wheel drive, right? That and the amount of aero on that thing, shit it probably stays glued t' tar through corners!" He added, chuckling as he looked across, giving a sweet whistle.
"So I guess you're a built, not bought sort of girl. I'm sorta the same, but well....I ran out of ideas and money for now."

Looking across, more cars were coming in as a Supra's turbo whine interrupted the two, more people joining in, and while Max wanted to talk cars all night long, he knew they had other things to be getting on with right now.
"Shit, tell you what. Magnus himself actually invited me down, I sort of know him through a friend of a friend thing deal....wanna come wtih and see if we can find him?"

The music was blaring from the soundsystem of one of the converted VW Camper vans that had turned up, the empty shell of the warehouse containing the bit of Nordic Customs that had come with the lease, yet Magnus hadn't actually needed for any workshop at all. Instead, it was empty, and filled with people grabbing light beer at a long bar, this basically being a giant cafe of sorts for street racers. A weird atmosphere, but given the crowds that came here, it only made sense, as Max could only smirk at the sight of it all, knowing somewhere inside would be the mad Faroese tuner that'd made his fortune out here.
Max whistled, listening intently to Silverwind's brief. They both recognised the serious tech, and the unparalleled

"Questions, comments, insults.....none, that's fucking mad, and see my previous comment." Max only said, chuckling as he took a breath.
"Seems good to me, Silver. Deep behind enemy lines again, but more hit and run, with a little intelligence gathering. Oh, and it's good to have you back, Cat. It'll be good to have an extra pair of eyes watching. I guess anti-armour is the flavour of the day, with a little versatality beyond that too. Advanced kit means stuff that can punch through a bit more." Max commented, just starting for now, already seeing the burning look in the jaguar's eyes next to him.

Anna nodded to Silverwind, sighing at the other feline's remark.
"I have a few, Silverwind. Maybe I'm already overthinking, tell me if I am..."
"Always, Anna. But go on?" Max added, with only a hint of a chuckle.

Looking on at the 3D oversight, Anna looekd closely at the perimeter fencing, and the other.
"Right, so the site is in the middle of nowhere. Works good for heavy-hitting work, but means there is absolutely no way you can fuck up an insertion if you go to the wrong LZ as it'll get you hit on arrival. Makes my job in particular spicy, heh. Hmm....okay, looking at it, we might be able to pull something.

"I'll take the laser pointer, and if you bring laser-guided munitions, one of you can bomb the absolute hell out of a couple of those GEARs. Put me in twenty minutes early, and I'll have the base warmed for your arrival. I might be able to identify the sensitive parts, the bist we don't want to bomb too. And, I can probably take some explosives and create some serious boom on that motor pool and cylindrial hydrogen tank there, where those light vehicles are all parked. Right amount of RDX, before you bring the big guns and half the base will be up in smoke for us to start our work. If their advantage is armour, let's fucking level it with shock and awe.." Anna said, very calculated and stern, as Max shrugged, sighing.

"If the boss agrees to it, Anna. I've got nothing against it, but if you can do that without turning the absolute entire place into a powder keg and just little bits, go ahead. That's gonna be one hell of an infiltration though..."

"The SIS sent me some new toys on requesition, Max. You two aren't the only ones who gets prototype tech around here."
"Alright, Anna "I'm basically a Secret Agent" here, I get you want to also show off...we just gotta play it careful."
"Says the guy who's gonna fly a GEAR into a Sinal base."

Max shrugged, looking to Silverwind, almost as if to say "can you believe this shit", just how stern and absolute Anna was in that moment. Most people really couldn't work with her- but you couldn't doubt her wired up mind, absolute and total in how she got shit done in the field, and eventually, she would always relent down to authority when she had to get that in her head.
It's no issue to me- so long as it's played straight (they aren't dominant in either field, just more a jack of all trades that's really difficult/unwieldy in most combat operations)- Max is a guy who fits that ethos well, and I think Anna might have something up her sleeve too haha.
Max nodded, turning around to see the sight of the girl adoring his Skyline, stopping him right in his tracks as he looked back, tilting his sunglasses up and chuckling.

"You know how it is, same way they do overnight parts shipping from Yokohama. Straight off the boat. She's still a work in progress but....I just had to get it out here. This is all a bit insane!" Max said, his soft northern English accent blending with the Manx, a hearty and wholesome accent that wasn't like Ross's, a hearty Scots one- but a more English, clear and concise accent that didn't hide the cheekie-chappie that Max was. On another note though, he had to just take the girl in, her demeanour inquisitive, clearly someone who wasn't just here to oggle at cars but drove one. Nerding out, but understanding the machinery. Something just said that to him, it just came naturally, as he smiled, patting the bonnet, as he sighed.

"Glad to hear someone appreciates Japanese tuners too. Nothing like a well oiled machine made by people who know their engineering. Don't get me started on the last BMW I had....what about you?" Max added, chuckling as he looked across to another pair of Porsches coming in, sighing.
"Damn, this really is Magnus's haunt alright....sorry, I haven't introduced myself at all. I'm Max Parker, and yeah, "he's from England"..." He said, in a sarcastic American tone right at the end, a little self-aware of the fact that he was a Brit in the streets of LA, and he was always gonna stick out like as sore thumb. She seemed cute, whoever she was, very pretty, and had a charm, a mechanical interest that wasn't of some dumb random girl who saw a Skyline once- but actually took notice. Whoever she was, Max was piqued, but hey, plenty of women were getting into cars these days- so probably another one of those, he reminded himself before jumping to conclusion.
Haha, no worries! Really liking the new design introduced- it's a little more versatile/cool to work with! I see it in Max's eyes as basically a dream machine- but something very experimental/odd to the use. Thinking through some loadouts already!
Max and Anna headed into the hangar for a brief moment, the look of the two felines a sight to behold. Fierce, driven, yet contrasting somewhat, the black jaguar against the golden lion just the skin-deep differences to start. Max's mew toy had replaced his "Lion Rampant" which had been re-allocated, and the "Fly-on Rampant" was potentially the punniest name he had ever come up with for a GEAR that has actually gotten painted onto the gold and navy coloured, next-generation, flight-capable GEAR. It felt like a fucking space-age technology to Max, an experimental, starnge and odd machine- lighter and slightly smaller than the Hargun, yet far more impressive for its flight capability. It was Max's dream- it suited him almost perfectly, and even Anna had to admit, the tech had leaked into her kit too.

The jaguar looked to Max, signing as she looked up to him, then the Falcon.
"You know, this is a big fucking excuse not to use a wingpack."
"Hey, I'd do it like the best of you. Besides, that's your domain now. Wait, shit...briefing's in five."
"We better go then." Anna replied, nodding to Max as he led the way, the confident lion taking the lead. Max had recovered well from the last op, but he still felt tired, out of it from what had happened. Anna getting hurt, and a lot of good rebel soldiers dying for nothing felt like a blow. While aloof, he wasn't like Anna- he felt what they felt, and knew that shit like that just couldn't keep happening.

Heading to the briefing room after their brief excursion out to the hangar, it felt like a breath of fresh air to be seeing both Silverwind and Catriona once again. Looking across to Silverwind, Max and Anna looked almost like opposites attracting, the dark grey hexagonal winter-like stealth fatigues of Anna contrasting with the almost summery golden-brown hexes of Max's GEAR pilot's fatigues.

"Colonel Silverwind....looks like our last excursion couldn't kill Anna, nor Miss Burner over there neither. So, what insane shit have we got next, boss?" Max asked, chuckling as Anna looked up to him, sighing as he took a seat, putting his feet onto the chair in front, aware that this was a little more chilled out- and well, if you weren't laughing, you were tearing your ears out from what happened last time. Anna wasn't so easy.

"I swear, the only thing that keeps us as friends, Max, is that maybe you're just about as crazy as me, but honestly, I'm not sure what else..." She quietly mused, Max getting a chuckle out of Anna's sark.
Looks good! I like this lots! All works for me- I think I'll keep Max with a more defaulted GEAR, though he might have some extra tricks up his sleeves!

Only comment- it's Anna, not Alicia :P

EDIT: Just finished her CS. I enjoyed writing her up- I feel she's a female Sam Fisher meets a more gritty, urban character, in the last RP she probably doesn't show her entire colours I feel as a stealthy operator- here she just might.

EDIT EDIT: Boomshakalaka, post is up. I'm gonna try and stick to my three paragraph rule here, just so I can keep my replies tight!
Awesome- I'm gonna finish the CSes tonight, hopefully if you post later I'll reply!

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