Max looked to Cat as he watched Silver run for the sea, shrugging.
"What I say? It's just got an appeal to it..." Max added, taking his own BDU shirt off and wringing out the moisture, sitting down by Cat, for a moment panicking as he checked his pocket. His Pebble was in there! Shit....well, it wasn't ruined, but that he should have thought of first, the lion thought to himself. Not a great move had he have ruined that....thankfully, the casing on it was pretty solid, as he checked it over, deciding not to go into the sea, aware he'd already gotten himself soaked already. Lying back on the sand, he looked across to Cat, chuckling.
"This is the life. Gotta enjoy the downtime whenever we get it! Gotta say Cat...good to have you with us. Honestly, back last time, I really did think....well, you're still here, and still showing them how we do things." Max mused, sighing as he looked back up, soaking up the sun's rays, and taking in a moment to enjoy it all. The feline seemed a natural fit here, almost more at ease than he had been before in any other unit, aware he had the creativity and flair to work under a man like Silverwind. There were some horrible bits to it too, of course. Stuff he was pushing back in his mind.
Max hadn't served anywhere near as long as Silver, but he had seen his fair share of pretty horrible, awful things in war. He was pretty sure it had affected him in some ways, the playful and spontanious side of him keeping him going somewhat, given back on the job, he had a rebellious, cold and strange detachment. Not like Anna of course- she was just a cold-blooded cat, his felt more like it was more the servitude he had, the decisions he made, and what came out of that. Being positive at least kept his spirits aloft at least, hey. And as for family, well, not much there had changed either. They were doing the same old, unchanged. Helen was thinking about a career in local government, actually- but other than that, they were the poster children that his Mum and Dad had dreamed of. And yet here Max was, enjoying this downtime. Somehow, it all felt a little more real to him. And despite that slight nagging in his head saying he should, he wouldn't want to have it any other way.
"What I say? It's just got an appeal to it..." Max added, taking his own BDU shirt off and wringing out the moisture, sitting down by Cat, for a moment panicking as he checked his pocket. His Pebble was in there! Shit....well, it wasn't ruined, but that he should have thought of first, the lion thought to himself. Not a great move had he have ruined that....thankfully, the casing on it was pretty solid, as he checked it over, deciding not to go into the sea, aware he'd already gotten himself soaked already. Lying back on the sand, he looked across to Cat, chuckling.
"This is the life. Gotta enjoy the downtime whenever we get it! Gotta say Cat...good to have you with us. Honestly, back last time, I really did think....well, you're still here, and still showing them how we do things." Max mused, sighing as he looked back up, soaking up the sun's rays, and taking in a moment to enjoy it all. The feline seemed a natural fit here, almost more at ease than he had been before in any other unit, aware he had the creativity and flair to work under a man like Silverwind. There were some horrible bits to it too, of course. Stuff he was pushing back in his mind.
Max hadn't served anywhere near as long as Silver, but he had seen his fair share of pretty horrible, awful things in war. He was pretty sure it had affected him in some ways, the playful and spontanious side of him keeping him going somewhat, given back on the job, he had a rebellious, cold and strange detachment. Not like Anna of course- she was just a cold-blooded cat, his felt more like it was more the servitude he had, the decisions he made, and what came out of that. Being positive at least kept his spirits aloft at least, hey. And as for family, well, not much there had changed either. They were doing the same old, unchanged. Helen was thinking about a career in local government, actually- but other than that, they were the poster children that his Mum and Dad had dreamed of. And yet here Max was, enjoying this downtime. Somehow, it all felt a little more real to him. And despite that slight nagging in his head saying he should, he wouldn't want to have it any other way.