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9 yrs ago
If there are RPs/PM's I need to reply to- I am working on it, I'm a little overladen in life atm. I haven't forgotten about you :)
10 yrs ago
Aaand back.
10 yrs ago
ALERT- I'm going AFK for a week, anyone that sees this on here, I won't be about to respond, this is to both 1x1s/RPs.


I've RP'd for the best part of over 14 years now here on the Guild, and particularly like military settings, both contemporary, past and near future. I have even dabbled in a little more experimental RPs, as well as created a plethora of 1x1s over my time in the guild. I like creating RPs with a distinct flavour- and often shift between narrative-led RPs to semi-randomised plots.

I'm pretty flexible and try and get back to people on ideas and responses, but sometimes, I may become very busy and it will take some time till I am un-busy- though I always come back!

Most Recent Posts

Oooh lovely! Forgot about the CBJ- the Swedish Uzi, doesn't get enough look in.

Random question- does Gabby use a callsign, or is Stormhound good enough? I feel like I've added far too many callsigns to things...
@Silverwind Blade

Haha, yep I'm gonna sort out Tobias's a bit more as I feel it's a little spread all over- annoyingly this is what comes with not having a standard template!

Yeah, there's something to that extent I would argue- there is some stuff that is blaringly obvious, but it's the idea like you said that it's not really known to many. It's a "Shadow War"- while the world's geopolitics still remains and an army will always trump a PMC, they are now escalating a bit more than ever before.

Pretty much what I was thinking- Hellfires/Stingers could be more dedicated larger-scale weapons systems, the mini-missiles in my mind were more as a general-purpose, easier to carry system for when you don't know what the main threat is. A Carl Gustav would work rather wonders- I never really thought of that much but like it!

Somewhere over New Ireland, Papua New Guinea
0600 Hours

The grey-coloured V22 Osprey was a magnificant warbird, if your classification of magnificent was an ugly hunk of metal that flew only thanks to a pair of very powerful, variable angle turboprop rotors. And inside sat our two, the VTOL subcontracted in from a Australian-based aviation firm to support Iron Wolf's operation here, a specialist assault that needed not so much numbers but a show of firepower and direct attack. The cost of deploying this way and using very expensive but then again, the reward from this was huge. The thick foliage could be seen through the thick banks of cloud coating the rainforest, the white puffs illuminated by a pink sunrise past a distant peak sticking out of the thick cloud. It was not your usual warzone this- there was nothing here at all apart from thick rainforest, well, not apart from the mining facility they were taking back that was a distant brown scar on the landscape. An unnatural crevice in an otherwise untouched, verdantly green landscape.

Sitting across from each other, the two titans were ready to go, Tobias sitting armoured up with his helmet off and his hair left long, the black and white Cornish cross on a fabric patch on the suit's main frontal webbing reminding the Israeli across from him that he wasn't English- he was of Kernow! For this op, Tobias had gone with a fairly standard loadout- a M134 Minigun with a 12-round mini-missile pod on his left shoulder, the standard comms array and Trophy system on his right shoulder. He had a pair of modified P90s on his suit's chest, a backup for blasting rounds in quarters the minigun couldn't be wielded in- as well as a aerial insertion setup, comprised of a parachute and an airbag system mounted across the suit's legs and lower back beneath the minigun's ammunition rucksack- they were going to be dropping from above into the mine, and all the way to the ground, covering their own insertion. They weren't here to blow the entire mine apart, but take it back- and while a flamethrower in the rainforest sounded like a wet dream to clear out a squad like this, the mine had been mostly cleared of trees and vegitation from the main command area that they were assaulting. It still felt pretty surreal, the two of them taking up multiple seats in the rear of the tiltrotor and spread across.

"Lionheart, Gabby, Bluestone here, can ya give me a comms check? Reading me loud and clear?" The South African accented voice rang out in both their intercoms, Tobias acknowledging. Their boss, well, their handler really was a nice enough guy, but he hadn't been on the other end of being shto at for a very long time. Managing two multi-million pound assets was more than enough for him to concentrate on, after all.
"Gotcha loud and clear, Blue." Tobias replied, his cool, crisp voice exuding the kind of confidence that came with being used to sitting in a shell of armour with a weapon that didn't normally go as easily man-portable as this.
"Righto. Anyway, give me a moment, you two. Just gotta check the UAV feed. How's the flight?"
"Fucking textbook. It's noisy as fuck and we have the fucking cooling cranked to max." Tobias replied, sighing as he looked across to the Israeli on the other bench, giving a sigh. With the headphones from the V22 on they could talk, just about.
"Good to be back here again. I don't miss the heat..." Tobias commented to Gabby, knowing she'd likely be feeling the same, even with all the cooling the suits had in the morning sun it was still humid as hell.

The sound of "Careless Whisper" by George Michael could be heard on broadcast over the commms as Bluestone went off, Tobias looking across to Gabby with a look of disapointment, and underhandedly, some amusement.
"Oh, fuck you, Bluestone..." Tobias replied, chuckling at his terrible sense of humour. He was a cunt, but a funny one at least....the comms came back as Bluestone pitched back in.

"Anyways...welcome to the South Pacific, you two. Just to remnind you, we're heading for the Taron Range Mine, brief still stays the same as we went over earlier. It's an open cast rare earth mine that's been taken over by a local insergency group- and our client obviously wants this sorted out very quickly and cleanly. Easy pickings- they have a couple of BTR-80 vehicles on site, you're looking at around 90 or so insergents on the ground- and more to come if we don't drive them out here. From what I can see, they've got some AT and some emplaced weapons scattered about, but nothing you can't handle. Just remember the plan. We're dropping you direct half a klick north, use your chutes to guide in and clear the road, then breach the main compound. Don't fuck up and land in the trees- if you do, we are not getting the ladders out, ladies and gents! Once we have the mine under control, their security team will take it from there. It isn't gonna be pretty when you arrive- they massacred a lot of people in the mine, so they're not exactly free of blood on their hands, just focus on what's at hand here. Then we get you out, and we get paid." Bluestone reminded, Tobias knowing as easy as that sounded, there were still questions to be asked.

"Affermative. Bluestone, wth all due respect, why did the client just drop the money on our operation, not send in another PMC that would be cheaper? They know we're not exactly cheap, nor uhh...well, committed to sending a lot of operators in, right? Seems a bit more mild compared to I don't know, a few weeks back?" Tobias asked, the South African chuckling a little as he knew it did seem just that easy.
"Our contracts team just smashed it out of the park, and the client wants nobody to know this even happened. It'll hit their shareholders confidence for their next stock release, you think having a bunch of insergents moving house into your prized mine using it as a tool against the PNG government looks good for PR? Way, way easier for them to sweep it under the rug...and you two happened to be right in the area after all."
"I'll take your word for it, Bluestone- we'll give them lead. Over and out."

Looking to Gabby, Tobias sat up as he checked the M134's breach, loading the belt inside and checking the aerial insertion kit over once again. Dropping out of one of these things wasn't exactly a skydive, more like a plummet into hell's kitchen- but easier because at least you could reply with a bit of fire from the sky.
"Ten minutes out, Gabby. How you feeling?" Tobias enquired, checking over the rest of his suit's systems, the motorised synthetic muscle of the exoskeleton whirring into life, as he clawed his hands in and out, just making sure he still had the same connection going as earlier.
Awesome stuff- that CS of yours looks amazing! I'm gonna put the final polishing touches on my CS and kick us straight into something, straight into the thick of it. There's a little more worldbuilding I'm going to put in, but I actually want to remain specifically vague- what I love the idea of is that a lot of this just isn't known to the public, so it doesn't feel like some massively different world to ours.

As for shoulder-mounted munitions, one that Big proposed in one of our RPs (ironically, these suits in that RP were used by actual giants, so yeah, people over seven foot!) for one of his chars was the use of a mini-missile system, so something that was able to be loaded with specific or multipurpose munitions that could defeat Trophy systems and get into entrenched positions- not a huge dakka but enough of those can stop a tank or kill a bunker. Shoulder mounted ATGMs sounds about right- after all, the suit can handle the launches so it's just about having a launch tube!

Edit- Post is up, gonna usually stick to a three-paragraph limit but thought I'd introduce the first op with a bit of a leap of a literal kind! I love the idea of playing with warzones most military RPs see- so Papua New Guinea seems to me like a bit of a natural fit. It's not going to explore all the themes of our operators in this world, but begin to slowly open the lid!
@Silverwind Blade

Oh definitely- she's got a unique flavour and I could see her being a great femme fatale, someone you don't fuck with.

All in good time good sir- just as it might be something I want to warm up to, got a bit of a cunning plan- it'd be a bit smaller but already 8ft high :) Weapons wise I'm happy, those can work either way- it could be used for more specialist work tbh, lightening and going heavy as and when.
Got a lot of inspiration for this setting from a really old PS3 game called "MAG" that came out- focussing on large scale infantry fights and PMCs (though it died). It always had a bit of a unqiue identity to it, made by the guys who made SOCOM, funnily enough haha.

I do want to throw some more exotic stuff in there, but the idea is to slowly dial up the type of equipment that our two have access to- I've got some very interesting curveballs on combat scenarios and warfighting that our two will get into. I can see them meshing quite nicely- almost putting Tobias as the more assaulting, head-on type operative while Gabi is able to lay down a lot more heavy firepower. Of course, what comes with this kind of setting is a little bit of crazy- so it'll be fun to embrace a little!
Character sounds awesome! Gabriella I like lots. She reminds me of sort of Cat and Anna!

That said, and I really hate to be a killjoy because I really love the suit setup, but I think it's a teeny bit too far in terms of a couple of bits. Vertical/horizontal flight is a little too far (though funnily enough, on my radar for something- I really want to actually have jump/buffer jets in eventually, but not immediately to give a feeling of how the tech develops). Happy for it to have heavier weaponry at the cost of speed compared to the base (as a more modular setup), but just keep in mind the exos aren't full blown mechs...well, not yet :) I can certainly see the Stormhound being a heavier variant of the Firehound, which works very nicely- I'll have my char finished soon enough! I hope I don't sound too much like a fun destroyer just with regards to the setting/theme (though trust me, you're gonna get a chance to really flex that!)- I actually adore the detail you put in and I might even pinch some myself, as that was exactly where I wanted to go, but just wanted to not stray too far into mech territory for the moment being!

@Silverwind Blade

Ah splendid! In honesty, the version I'd like my character to have uses that picture as a base, but it won't be as squared-off, but a little more fluid and a bit more adapted.

Edited the desc a bit more.
I like the story idea! I might weave something in. As for the armour, we could propose they come from different projects- I can't say I'm the same but yeah, you got the right idea!

Haha, looking to seeing what you come up with! I should finish the setup tonight and have my character nearly done
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