"Got it, Nolan. Moving." Andrew replied, the Kiwi moving down to another rock in the snowy hillside, the ghillied-up arctic sniper under the cover of his collegue, and knowing he had his own explosives to set. While Eric had a hell of a job to lace the site's SAM and AA sites up, Andrew knew his was just as valuable, needing to eliminate the secondary radar array. And while it wouldn't be much, it was better he went alone, making sure that Nolan could at least cover them both while they laid the site up. The dawn sun was beginning to slowly arise on the horizon, very, very gently bringing the light in
With a bounding move, he stood above the dome, seeing the a fireteam come out, sweeping out and across the ridgeline, as if they were returning from patrol. They were radio'd up, which was an issue- one of them having a headset on over their warm beanie hat, or as more likely that Nolan would call it, a toque. Once he started this, it was gonna be a matter of time for Eric. So instead of using his MP5 to spray up the group, Andrew waited, letting them walk away.
"Eyes on, four tangoes, moving out of the dome. Don't fire on them. Let em go. Look like they're headed over your way, Eric, they have comms and radios. They're way too close to the base to put them on edge. Let's buy some time here, let em go till we're ready to start picking them apart." Andrew called out quietly into his throat mic, aware that while they had the rounds to shoot at anyone here, doing it this close to the facility was going to burn them. After all, the other patrol had at least been scattered and far enough away from the base to go missing for a few hours- these lot were about to go into the base, likely returning from the last posting. That would lead them to be in the shit- and as difficult as it was to not act on intiative, these poor bastards had another hour to live, it seemed.
As they moved away, Andrew dropped down the rocky slope, moving into the fenced perimeter of the dome, MP5 drawn, watching his quarters. Approaching the front door, he pushed inside, sweeping the inside of the radar facility. Up the steps, he slowly went around, hearing the sound of Russian. Crouching by the door frame, he took a peek, before taking a moment's breather. Time to go. With a sweep, he pushed in, nailing the two operators inside, quickly railing them with a hail of silenced 9mm fire, the sound unlikely to leave the building at all given the MP5SD's effectiveness. They barely had time to even react, the control room now clear and and giving the Kiwi the opportunity to work away. Pushing them aside off the chairs, Andrew set up the plastic explosives he was carrying, lacing it in the mainframe of the radar station, the 2kg of charges able to blast this entire place apart to pieces, at least the internal components. Dragging the bodies aside, an icky task, he placed them into a store cupoboard, a crude move but the only thing he could think of- trying to mop the blood from a brush that was inside there as best as possible. From a master sniper to a fucking cleaner, honestly, what was this life Andrew wondered to himself....but the job was done and in the case another rotation was coming through here, there wasn't a soul to be obviously seen. Charges ready, he came out of there, the sniper aware he had more to take on.
"Radar dome is rigged to go. Cordite Two, I'm headed back to you. Looks clear to me. Osprey, how you doing down there?" The Kiwi added, hot-fotting it back up the hill, aware that the darkness was slowly fading away, and soon they'd have to get themselves entrenched in their OPs to snipe from. They had a panoramic view of the bay from up here, and as the pink sunrise continued, it brought the crystal-clear glacial white into view, the snow flurries finally beginning to die back. It wasn't going to help the insertion teams, but they wouldn't have an AA threat to deal with once the job was done.
Natalie nodded, chuckling at the thought that Victor had of the Moon's Gaze.
"I'm up for that, Victor. Well, not sure if I'm very wise...but I try my best. Give me what you got." She replied, giving a beaming grin, snuggling up as close as their armours would allow them to, being ready to let him paint away.
"You know, I never used to be much of a warpaint woman but....you do have a knack, Victor." Natalie added, feeling intimate in spite of everything going on. They didn't give a damn- if someone had a problem with their relationship, they were welcome to ask them to stop, but like anyone was going to even dare that...
On the other side of the bench, Ross looked over to them, back to Carl.
"Oh definitely....he seems like a good bloke to work for, too. Gotta admit, while this programme we're on is working well, after this is done I know my papers are coming up for renewal and depending on what happens, that could mean reassignment. I mean they'd be high to put the project on ice after this but...well, it's not exactly like this is going on the record. Not sure about yours, Carl but uhh...well, let's say I'll keep my eyes open on job postings over there after this is done." Ross commented cooly, watching as Natalie finished up, the blonde Russian now getting her paint applied.
"Thought you liked this line of life, Ross? They're mercs, not exactly going to be like what we get, calling in a hell of a lot more support and resource that we've got. It's a challenge...but I know what you mean."
"True but....well, the game is changing. There seems to be a lot more interest in their circle than there is in ours. Wouldn't doubt it."