Avatar of FourtyTwo


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9 yrs ago
If there are RPs/PM's I need to reply to- I am working on it, I'm a little overladen in life atm. I haven't forgotten about you :)
10 yrs ago
Aaand back.
10 yrs ago
ALERT- I'm going AFK for a week, anyone that sees this on here, I won't be about to respond, this is to both 1x1s/RPs.


I've RP'd for the best part of over 14 years now here on the Guild, and particularly like military settings, both contemporary, past and near future. I have even dabbled in a little more experimental RPs, as well as created a plethora of 1x1s over my time in the guild. I like creating RPs with a distinct flavour- and often shift between narrative-led RPs to semi-randomised plots.

I'm pretty flexible and try and get back to people on ideas and responses, but sometimes, I may become very busy and it will take some time till I am un-busy- though I always come back!

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Colour me interested!
No worries man- life happens! I'm in the same mindset of late, just been swept up in a lot of things and trying to keep the wheel turning at work and life.
Qualy had been a blast, with exitement further up the grid creating a HAM BOT VER but a mixture of players up and down the field. It was a satisfying one to watch, and while most of it had been a blur given the fact they were looking at data, numbers and the car's performance throughout, everyone was a motorsport fan at a pitwall. Hugo heard Kimberly come over, congratulating the both of them as he got off the pit wall and came over by Kasumi, nodding with glee- a genuine one, given Qualifying in Formula One itself was a dream come true, one of many on his list.
"Thanks Kimberly, we appreciate it. Gave us the best chance we could to show you what we're worth. Thanks." He said, a grin on his face as he looked at Kasumi, in a supportive, if not a competitive spirit.
"I think that's a chance for us to go toe to toe, right?" Hugo added, chuckling as he knew that while they were friends off track, and team-mates, they were still racing, and still going to go for the position when it came down to it.
Tobias kept the GMG levelled, watching as Gabby hurled the metal door like it was a piece of plywood at the soldiers behind the sandbags, chuckling wtih a wry giggle as an idea whirred in his own head. Using her covering fire, he fired a harpoon from his left arm at the same door, using the overpenetrating metal hook to give a gentle pull on the door whilst he held the GMG in his right. With a slight turn, the metal door went flying again as he hit the retract on the tungsten hook, the door yeeting off into another guard tower and sending a sniper cartwheeling out as the hook flew back into Tobias's left hand, in something that could only be described as pure, total comedy.

"Fuck, this thing is cool! No high ground for them!" Tobias added, using her cover to move forward and pick off another few that had run out from the main house itself. With a blast, the GMG's shotgun rounds made short work, leaving none standing as he pushed forwards, the suit on overcharge and allowing him to push on, the rounds flying past. His Trophy caught a 40mm that whistled past, then another that hit right by his side, the gentle blast felt through the layers of metal as he squinted and sent a singular mini-missile their way. They tried to run, but there was no escaping once the point had been locked- and it blew them back, neutrilising them as a threat. Holding down, he covered the outside of the main villa, the garden that they were in turning from a nicely trimmed area into a bullet filled arena...and they had made a bit of a mess of it. He took the chance to cover their flank with a couple of smoke grenades, removing the distant threats that were now picking up marksman and other rifles and picking off from afar, the loud pings constant and the reminder they were under fire.

"Nice work with the gas, that's scattered them! Sneaky fuckers are trying 40 mike, just keep an eye out." Tobias added, the heavy, stomping footsteps of the two armoured exos now able to bear down on the main building itself. It would be time to breach and enter- and they were no ordinary houseguests, but here to rip the place to shreds. The building being on a hill confused things, but same time, it gave them multiple entry points.
"Alright, you want to take the ground floor, I'll take the second? Remember, keep using your momentum, give them time and they'll try and entrap you in!"
"Cover your ears, Osprey. It's about to get real."
The explosions rippled through the base, the fiery sight of the fuel drum well a spectacular detonation as it basically tore the concrete apart, blasting it open and creating a fiery, hot hellhole of mess across the site, the other explosions commas and following as ammunition and vehicles were cooking off and having secondary and punctuated explosions. The radar dish followed, the white ball sparking up and then detonating, sending the last line of defense into disaray.

"Holy shit...that was something!" Andrew commented, watching the base alarm immediately came on, and he adjusted his position, watching targets scatter across the runway.
"Lots of contacts, everywhere. Time to get to work. Focus fire on anyone with a MANPADS, or carrying anything heavier than a rifle. I'll take lasing duties- fast air can hit the far end of the runway where their last IFVs are parked. Drop em' like liquid, Nolan." Andrew added, watching the windages, then taking his spotting tool and engaging the designator attached to it. The beam wasn't on yet, so as to not give their position away- but in a matter of time, he was gonna be able to drop munitions on anything that would.
"Here comes the fucking calvary."


Inside the V22, the flying was getting far more aggressive as they flew along the shore of the fjord, the epic waves kicked up in the burning sunrise of the cold, frozen glacierland, and the AFB around the corner. It was a sight to behold, as Natalie stood tall, holding on tight to a handhold on the tight banking, the sight of the explosions over the rise visible through the pilot's cockpit, a glowing red and orange fire. The F35s on station were ready to start their shift, and make sure any aircraft that could be on station were going to be out of action, as soon as. It was a Battle on the Ice, and the floes beneath reflecting the red fire made sure it was more hot than a hockey fight.

The other two tiltrotors were following close behind- one taking a diversion early on to get to the village, while the other two continued onwards. They were going straight in, and an aggressive strategy, straight onto the runway, right to the direct source- the barracks of the Airbase and the entry point, located inside the only concrete structure here- where a lift would get them down and into the underground. The SEALs had the envious job of clearing the local military school and worker residences out - but compared to the hell on the icy tarmac, Knight, Bear, Brute and the rest of the Blue Sword forces were going into gunfire. It pinged off the V22's sides, as Natalie followed Victor out, GAU at the ready as she fired the weapon up and blared a long burst into a group of enemies taxiside, tearing apart their cover like it was paper mache. Ross and Victoria followed, laying down fire as they followed suit.
"Everyone, spread out, move forward and keep pushing!" Natalie barked into their comms, the V22 taking lift as it literally dropped and left, the sight of a SU-34 battling an F35 in the sky above as they rushed above the tarmac, the sound of another following in with a JDAM run down the end of the runway, where another camp had been set up. They had to get off the tarmac because the longer they sat there, sooner it would become a killzone when the occupiers realised how hard they were being hit. There would be IFVs and a lot more resistance inside the barracks and the closer they got to the bunker building, so they had to keep going, keep moving.

"Merlin, we are all on the ground, moving on barrack!" Natalie called out, spraying down more suppressing fire to give Ross and the others the chance to bound forwards, and get behind the burning wrecks of the SPAAGs they had eliminated earlier.
"That your Sigma grindset? Assert dominance...holy shit, you would be wild as a motivational coach. I prefer....let's shoot the bastards, yeah?" Tobias remarked with a sarcastic bite to his tone, knowing he might, or might not elicit a laugh out of his Israeli counterpart, throwing his bottle down by the side of hers, sititng up as he checked his comms. They were getting closer and closer- and it was nearly time to spring the trap. That said, even he couldn't help but almost giggle on the comms when Gabby said they would "put him in danger"...subtle, and easy as.
"Georgie, no need to hang around when you stop at the checkpoint, yeah? Just turn around...and leave the party to us." Tobias confidentally called on the radio, as he opened the suit's rear up, clambering inside slowly but surely, exhaling hard as he coiled his legs inside and contacted the "feet" inside the armour's legs, as well as the "waldo"-arms.
"Uhh, right. Sure. We're coming up to it now." The reply from Georgios succinct, confused, but still happy to be paid even in spite of his oddly strange cargo- the one he hadn't even checked inside. The Firehound purred into life, the motors engaging as the cooling hit nicely, bringing the tempurature down just right.

With that thought in mind, Tobias checked the GMG feed, this time loaded with 40mm buckshot, a round that wouldn't hit like a 12 gauge would, but would scatter and send shrapnel everywhere and anywhere. It didn't have the overpenetrative value of a flechette round, nor the complete, shit-scary anarchy that came with a flamethrower, but the firepower to keep any poor bastard down in a hose-like fashion. Taking a deep breath, he checked the suit's sensor systems over one more time, as well as the movement in the arms and legs, feeling secure in this bastion of his.

The truck came to a stop, as approaching the rear door, Tobias turned to Gabby's Stormhound, and even with all the armour, gave a gesture to get ready to follow. What was gonna happen was going to be nothing short of ridiculous, and while Tobias had felt what had happened was stupid, he couldn't help but agree with Gabby's comments. Aggression was key.
"Georgios's overrun comms makes it sound like there's a few guards to his side...I've got left out the door, you've got right. Watch your aim, then let's clear the front barrack- that gets us to our man." Tobias called on the comms, making sure the 40mm round was chambered, the GMG in his suit's metal hands tight and grasped. Plenty of fire to send down range when they got out, and it was going to be like having a couple IFVs on station. The radio was left open from Georgios's conversations with the guards, and it was clear that in broken Turkish he wasn't running something by the rules.

Not that he'd have to wonder any longer what rules he was breaking, because Tobias was just about to give them a clear reason. A hard kick from his foot from inside the container smashed the steel door open like it was a patio door, dramatically blowing out across the gravel track and giving the gigantic armour the chance to step down and turn, the uninvited guests making their grand, epic entrance. Dust was kicked up from the two, truly past the more hardened security measures that would stop them, and putting them directly into the line of the General's facility.
"Georgie, chuck it in reverse! No questions, this is a party!" Tobias's only yelled across the suit's loudspeaker mic, as GMG raised, the buckshot would explain itself on the poor Turkish soldiers getting one oversized barrel. A click on the GMG's firing trigger and the recoil was minimal, the carnage maximised. The wooden hut was torn to bits from the GMG as one solider tried to take aim, to no avail. Moving forwards, Tobias kicked the shed over and took out another two in close quarters, the 40mm shotgun rounds leaving nothing to the imagination as they chomped the poor guards to pieces. The lorry was still there though....and Tobias was sorting it.
"I said get the fuck out! Now!" Tobias yelled back at Georgios, the terrified driver doing exactly that and not even stopping for thought. Tobias knew he must have been mindfucked by the anarchy that happened, as he saw Duner on the other side, taking a breather to get ready to move, and move hard, seeing the QRF immediately begin to rush from the barrack and throughout the wider compound.

"Hustle time, Duner! Lots of infantry, all over the right flank!"
Qualifying in a car like this was never gonna be easy, but Hugo knew full well he didn't get here based on giving in, but on giving everything. It wasn't about 11/10ths, that was how you crashed, it was 9/10ths, that fine margin left in reserve that stopped you from writing off millions of dollars of carbon fiber engineering insanity. The G-forces were throwing his neck from left to right to left, as he stuck on the rear of a Red Bull on an out lap. It was an experience only a few people on this planet knew how to manage, a number roughly double of that of people who had stepped foot on the moon. The last few corners came fast, the brakes searing and even in spite of their carbon-ceramic compound aching under the sheer force of a modern Formula One machine, their glowing red and amber visible from afar in the hard braking zones, as Hugo took a neat line and kept it pinned through the last corner, flat to floor, DRS open. A long exhale hit, as he ran it again for the next banker, and prepared for the assault again.

The end results were hardly surprising, but were better than probably most were expecting in the paddock- Hugo had put the car on P18, and while both cars of Valkyrie were out of Q1, they had come faster. A smug fact was that Hugo knew he was ahead of Laurent Pascal, and beating the Haas had been a satisfying thought. He was a cool, easygoing man, but beneath that ex-Ferrari academy talent was a little rivalry, only the kind that knew the guy was an asshole. Beating him, well, that was fun. Amusing even. Pulling in, he drove the car to a halt and waited as the engineers came to his side, the crew lifting the car on a jack and hauling it back inside. He undid his harness as he exhaled hard, visor open and his hands already grabbing the side of the cockpit.
"Nicely done, Hugo. Couldn't have really asked for more, you did what you could. How was it?" Ray asked, the British engineer leaning against the wheel of the car as he knelt, Hugo clambering out and out onto the pit floor, standing as the engineer followed lead.
"Good, good. Car is understeery through two and three. But we can't do anything more. Better to comprimise the car there than anywhere else." Hugo added, Ray nodding, as he looked at the telemetry board.
"Now where did you get so knowledgable on knocking yourself back, eh? That's what we thought too. Not bad though. They'll be a lot of questions in the presser after this. Go get yourself a drink, we'll debrief this, and then you'll be up for interviews in an hour with Kasumi." Ray replied with a certain confidence, a knowledge almost of rookies as Hugo took his helmet off, followed by his balaclava. Qualifying was still on, and even the inner F1 fan in him despite knowing there was a debrief about to take place, knew he wanted to know who was on pole. Kasumi would come in soon, and they'd be running through it with Kimberly herself once they had all the data back.
Tobias could only peek over her shoulder, his own eyebrows raised as he chuckled, hearing her comment and knowing her loadout was one hell of a setup. She had a lot more firepower, but as always, they were an anvil and hammer together.
"Shit... that is quite the setup. Your creativity knows no bounds, Gabbs! I mean, I think we'll certainly ruin their holiday...a few of them will run, but they'll want to protect their boss. These are actual soldiers, and if they have anti-armour or anything heavy, it won't be skinnies handling those tools, so just keep your head. Ooooor....do something ridiculously awesome like you did on that BTR. Seriously, Gavin just lit up like a schoolgirl when he saw that....so friggin' cool. I dunno, do a fucking flip into his pool...we need to get our boss proper, eh?" He waffled, knowing she'd appreciate the support, knowing that while this operation seemed easy on the surface with just infantry, it could become anything but once they got there.

They'd need to take out a small but entrenched detatchment, and moving aggressively, quick and reacting to any bigger threats would get them their man- all before they were rumbled or set up. Taking the tablet, he stood as well, nodding to her next comment about getting rest, as he adjusted his shirt and his hair a little, the larger Israeli's comments he couldn't help but agree with.
"Aye, that's too true. We'll be waiting till our driver confirms it to us. Then we spring the trap...and that poor bastard is gonna have to drive the other way very, very fast."


Operation Pandora's Box

1550 Hours
Somewhere near Bafra, Northern Cyprus
Inside "Zonis Theta" Centurion Security

The container wasn't lit, but then again, a hot container in the afternoon sun wasn't gonna be a "lit" place to be- aside from the headtorch Tobias had by his side shining a beam of light upwards into the roof, illuminating the inside back at them. Sitting by the side of the fully upright Firehound, the Cornishman was dressed in a tight black tactical fatigue, similar to the tight operators suit that Gabby had. He had to chuckle, it brought her curves out a bit better than his own, stopping at his legs where the lumps of solid metal could be seen, with a specialist webbing attached to the end of the blades of his trainer-capped "feet".
"Lionheart, Duner, this is Bluestone, still copy, over?" The radio fizzed in, as Tobias put hand to ear, leaning back against the side of the container, sighing as he put his head against the lukewarm metal. The heat had beat down, not as humid as Papua had been, but still searing.
"Copy, Bluestone. Send message, over?" The response came from Tobias, as he cleared his throat, taking another sip from the water bottle he'd stashed in the suit's arse, effectively a very small storage container. The "Prison Wallet" as the techs euphemistically called it, but it was better a store for peripherals, tools and anything that couldn't be carried by an operator inside or on them. Sick bastards...but it was effectively half a shoebox that fit into the exo's rear armour.
"Roger. You're ten minutes out, right on time. I'll cut the comms till you break it. Comms are encrypted, but if they have an EW team, they'll see you coming before you open the doors through signal. Remember the mission, and stay on your shit. When you're ready, call the boat in and we'll have you out in no time."
"Affirm, Bluestone. We'll holler at you when ready. Over and out." With that, Tobias cut the comms, switching to the shortwave frequency, the one for him, Gabby, and their driver, Georgios. It'd been mostly sleeping in here, picked up at the docks and then moved onto a truck, and it was where they had been for at least the last three hours, sweating away on the metal floor of the ISO container.
"George, we nearly there? You know the score, drop us off at the front, right?" Tobias asked, enquiring as he sat up, brusing his hair nearly back and adjusting the stray hairs to stay out of his face.

"Almost there boss-man! Hey, so you must know this General then, right? This seems like one hell of a way to surprise him...what have you got in the back of there, some bootleg wine....maybe some whiskey? Anything for this Turkish general from the man from England....whatever you are planning, he must have a very funny sense of humour for you to come this way, no?" Tobias looked across to Gabby, the sudden look hitting him as he realised it. They'd been sitting in this container, loaded up, able to chat to their driver....and only now did the sudden realisation hit that the driver wasn't in on this.

Fuck, Tobias felt so stupid...well of course he didn't, they'd barely spoken and Bluestone had never officially confirmed the driver was in on this. They'd said it in euphimisms, "surpising him", "paying him a visit"...because that didn't need to be said publically that they were going to collect the poor general. So the poor bastard had zero idea of it, they'd had a few back and forths, and for all this driver knew, he was dropping them off with the container on site with a "surprise" inside it.
"Shit. Nobody told him what he was carrying. And he thinks this is fucking legit. Do we play along? Till you know....last second?" Tobias asked, before engaging the radio, shrugging his shoulders to Gabby.

"Uhh...yeah, a nice big bottle of whiskey. They'd have taken it at the checkpoint you went through if we were with you. You know the guards here. How far are we?" Tobias replied, the long silence between the two for the Cornishman just hoping the gig wasn't entirely up.

"Yes, they'd take anything. Bribes, but good sprits are hard to get around here. Especially with all the other English around here...we're five minutes away. Sounds like you are going to all get fucked up, my friend." Tobias only gave a glancing look across to Gabby, giving a particular sigh in a particular tone, just wondering when to pop the response back.
Ahh happy birthday man! Hope you had a good one! No worries about posting- I'm all ears patient.

Gets us onto the next bit indeed- my next one will be short, but I want to nuance it out a bit more....this is gonna be quite an indulgent setup, to say the least!

EDIT: Post is fast and I thought I would have a laugh with it. A bit of a different comedic setup- really getting at something else here, which is that it's not just the base getting the surprise...
Gavin's eyebrows raised with Gabby's remark for the operation idea with an even more apt take. It had to be that, though the irony wasn't lost on him that they were literally driving a container to the front door of this operational site. The blonde South African's hair was short, but remarkably, he had something left- a fringe that looked as good now as it probably did 20 years ago, when he was out in work himself.

"Okay....sorry Tobias, but that operation title wins for me. Yeah, we've got no amphibious kit ready yet- techs are still working on that, so we've kept it straightforward for this one. Straightforward as using a shipping container to get you close to the target can be...and yes, I don't expect you to take the general quietly. I don't know which of you wants to take the guy, but you'll find a way to convince him to come with you, I'm sure." Gavin added, musing a little in awareness that this was truly not something out of the ordinary, a tear up of the playbook.

"Fairs, I'll give you that one Gabby. I'm sure our charismatic methods will convince Mehmet to come with...that bit will need a bit of Bond." Tobias commented with a wry chuckle, as Gavin finished up the presentation, bringing in all the information on the board- the layout of the villa, a two and a half storey house bedded into the side of a hill overlooking the sea, with a seperate annex and compound for the troops using his abode as effectively a garrison. The general's ID was on the screen, as well as the suspected laptop on the screen. The complex was well defended, but Tobias knew they'd have the firepower to punch through, as Gavin sat up again, finishing up his cup of water.

"I am sure you will. You'll be shipping out tomorrow morning, and the delivery is due for 4pm, tomorrow afternoon. We'll get you in that container for 12, when you get the signal from the driver, kick the doors off that thing and raise hell. Your driver knows once you bring ragnarok in there to keep his head down and stick it in reverse. Don't keep him waiting, yeah? If you have anything more, give me a ring- send your manifests across and we'll get your suits tooled up. All good?" Gavin asked, as Tobias gave a simple nod, swigging his own down and looking across to Gabby.
"Sounds mostly good to me. Sitting in a shipping container for hours on end is gonna be fun. Though that said, I do have an idea for a loadout too. Been wanting to try it for a while...." Tobias added, Gavin nodding in response, the South African opening his laptop up, knowing he had a few bits of admin to run through. He left his operators to it- no need to overbrief, they knew the score, and anything more would follow.
"Well, I'll eave you to it then. I'll be in touch when we're closer in." With that, the Cornishman stood up, beckoning to Gabby to follow, knowing their work was done here. It felt like an operation that may not have on the surface fit the two armoured operators, but there was a feeling in Tobias's mind that if there was, they wouldn't have been on the contract. Infiltrating, like Gavin said would have been far too risky, and any other group of mercs, while being able to do the job, would make it far too messy. In a world of shadowy PMC conflicts, fucking over Centurion's own people in the process with a conventional attack would make things very, very messy.

Getting back into the workshop, Tobias made his way across to the bench that was "his", as the engineers had learned to leave Tobias a bit of space whenever he needed to start doing some technical work down by the suit, be it diagonostics or coming up with a design for the suit. He left it to the professionals who knew what they were doing, but they learned to give him some space- and he was happy to share that with Gabby. Brushing his long brown hair back a little, Tobias had a look about him of more a surfer, though knowing how mercs operated, they weren't all completely strict about hair and beard codes anymore- he had allowed himself a bit more stubble than usual, the look really adding to the fact he looked more likely to catch waves in Perranporth than bullets in Operation Pandora's Box. Bringing across a tablet from across the desk, he synced it up to the account on his laptop upstairs, the encrypted link bringing up a weapons manifest.

"Firehound- Lionheart"

Main (Carried): HK GMG (40mm Buckshot)
Shoulder-Mounted Munition : 2x Pods, 12x Mini-Missiles (High Explosive)
Secondary: 2x Vector KRISS with drum mags
Melee: Fire Axe, Harpoon
4x V40 Frag Cluster
4x M18 Smoke Grenades

Finishing up, he slid it over to Gabby, setting it up for hers, knowing full well she would have the ability to select her options on the suit of a loadout, as well as any other options.
"Have a fiddle on there- I've gone for the GMG with 40mm buckshot. Bit heavy, you might want to go for a couple of shotties or something else, but it might shred the infantry contingent nicely with a bit more spread than a usual buckshot round."
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