The drive was eventful to say the least, the sight of the dirty mess reminding everyone just how unforgiving this place could be.
Sean looked at the scene before him, the gunfight on the side of the road a stark reminder. These lower level mercs were like gang fighters, just picking away at each other. It was only a matter of time before they went from the sticks and stones their AKs were to something far, far more serious- and The Hyena had the power to make that happen. The couple remaimed quiet in the car, only inputting when it came to sharing phone numbers, and getting a feel for it. Hayden and Yekatarina said it all really- the slum was rough, vicious and like something they had seen on TV back at home. Unlike Juarez, it felt like it was even poorer, even more desperate, not fuelled by drugs but instead by desperation. Humanity scratching anything it could to survive another day in squalor.
Sean had something to add to Hayden and Yekatarina's debate, leaning forwards between then.
"Chances are we'll steal this thing and there won't just be a drug gang coming after us, any local who wants to scavenge might try and vulture us. Driver sounds valuable too...I'm guessing what we're stealing isn't just guns lads...speaking of, yeah, stealing those will help. Anything with range will beat these shooters for distance." Sean noted, as he saw Hayden's tomahawk in his jacket side.
"Fucking hell, Hayden. You gonna go Last of the Mohicans on these poor bastards?" The Irishman commented with a hint of ignorance, whistling at the sight of it. He checked his own tool, kept on his belt and by his side, the machete still a little wet from clearing the jungle branches and leaves, holding it up.
"Cos I'm saying to you now, we might be able to shit them up." Sean gave that same crazy grin back, seeing Yekatarina's tool as well, a car-breaking axe no less. Pulling in the slum, they had the chance to take stock, and Sean had the chance to cock his P226 as they came to a halt, chuckling as he put the P226 back into his holster, ready to go. Yekatarina's offer was much appreciated, as he took the halligan over from her when offered, smiling at the sight of it.
"Not a bad tool. I'll trade yas too." Sean replied to her, fliping the machete back around its blade and offering it to her, the last parting gift he had before he left. After all, he had her axe, a tool to smash the window in so it made sense. Bethan sighed, looking back to the team in the car, nodding before they got moving.
"Alright everyone. No time to fuck this up. Like Hayden says. Find the truck, let's get in contact with each other and then, we get on with it." She added, nodding to Bethan, agreeing with her partner's thoughts, not a grin so much as a wry confirmation, sliding across the seat.
With the team now split, the Ulsterman got out of the car and followed after the Canadian, trying to act as incognito as he could. This section wasn't busy, but soon enough, there were bustling crowds of people up ahead, and they were white men sticking out in a fucking slum, a bird given to the car as they went another direction from it.
"Jesus. This is rough." He simply commented, moving through the slum, making sure to not make too much effort pushing through the crowd in the busy street, the bustle of kids, mothers carrying dirty water on their heads, and mopeds like something out of a documentary. He'd seen poverty in Iraq and Afghanistan, but these people had literally nothing, they looked feeble and like they had barely skin on bone, malnourished and broken. It was easy to be sympathetic, and no doubt, they had nothing to lose if they wanted to tear apart the two whites in their hood. But so far, they were moving too fast to be of any notice, and realistically, given how many mercs were in country, were not going to be messed with. Incognito it wasn't, but they could at least move through the tracks, making their way down the blocks. Kids bumped off of them, running around excited, as Sean kept an eye to Hayden.
"Let's keep it going. Once this goes off, be ready to run like hell."
Meanwhile in the Caddy, Bethan had shifted over as Yekatarina had gotten out, sliding into the driver's seat and getting a feeling for the pedals, putting it into gear and sighing.
"Fuck, no kidding, this is crap." Bethan added, taking her phone and punching Sean's number, getting it onto speaker, quietly so as to at least hear if he was gonna get shot and it wouldn't alert anyone outside.
"Right, don't put the phone to your ear, keep it in your pocket kept quiet and keep moving. We're rolling around behind you, can't get visual on you." She replied, looking to Yekatarina, sighing as they moved along.
"Nothing yet." Bethan added, Sean replying on his head.
"Yeah us neither." The Ulsterman replied, as Bethan looked to Yekatarina, putting the phone's mic on mute as she crawled the car along, knowing the Russian was keeping a 360 on their surroundings too, barely multi-tasking in her spare hand, looking across to the brown-haired Russian. She was of a similar age, a woman of a similar type to Bethan and someone she could definitely have a lot in common with. Apart from her shitty man, that was.
"Just so you and Sean, we're in the middle of some complex shit at the moment, if you can't tell. He is a fucking arsehole...dragged me into this because of some stupid shit back home he did. He sold drugs, mostly coke and choice too as far as I can tell. Bullshit me it was needed to pay for where we were living at the time when I found out....and when he got caught, turns out the people that sent us here thought they could get me for it too. Total fabrication, but hey, you make of that what you will. Can't tell if it was him or someone else...though to be honest, maybe he thought he could get off easy if I was helping him." Bethan simply said, the moment while they were moving forwards a chance to tell Yekatarina in private, away from her partner what the reality beneath was, even if brief, sighing as she looked over to the Russian.
"Not that it makes him any less capable. Guy has done his fair share of violent shit. He isn't gonna let you down in a firefight, I know what he did in the Marines. But in every other way, be fucking careful. Don't fall for any of his shit." She said, interrupted suddenly as the phone went live, Bethan unmuting it.
"Guys, eyes on. Truck at a stop, half a block ahead. Driver looks like he's getting fuelled. It's definitely it, definitely it." Sean replied, Bethan sitting up in almost a bit of shock horror.
"Fuck, already?"
"Yeah, but he looks well supported. Guy's got a lot of armed guards at his truck stop, they look like they're protecting the tanker they're at. No way we are taking that on, there's at least six. Recomend we wait till they move and hit them after. Gets us time." Sean replied, as Bethan put her foot down, accelerating a bit harder but not going flat out, wanting to get to their block. And lo and behold, around the bend was the truck, Bethan slowing down, eyeing it up from the side, aware that two girls in a Caddy might get away, not in that they would look armed, but they would be of note.
Checking her Glock by her side, she wound down the window, not wanting to make a mess of the Caddy, even if it was a horrible hunk of shit to drive. The guards did see the Caddy, but given the distances, couldn't tell the green shirt that Bethan had on, nor the pistols and tools they had their disposal as they went onto the small clear road ahead, able to go 100m down the road and out of sight, in position ahead.
"I'm gonna keep us here, in front. Yek, think you can get out and be a charmer once I'm past? Go help Sean when he makes that move. I'll stall that thing. Make sure he don't fucking write off that load."
In the meantime, Sean had the chance to turn to Hayden, nodding to the sight of that truck.
"Thoughts on how we do this? I'll smash that window I guess, I got the tool. You want to run security- just in case those boys come after us?"
Sean looked at the scene before him, the gunfight on the side of the road a stark reminder. These lower level mercs were like gang fighters, just picking away at each other. It was only a matter of time before they went from the sticks and stones their AKs were to something far, far more serious- and The Hyena had the power to make that happen. The couple remaimed quiet in the car, only inputting when it came to sharing phone numbers, and getting a feel for it. Hayden and Yekatarina said it all really- the slum was rough, vicious and like something they had seen on TV back at home. Unlike Juarez, it felt like it was even poorer, even more desperate, not fuelled by drugs but instead by desperation. Humanity scratching anything it could to survive another day in squalor.
Sean had something to add to Hayden and Yekatarina's debate, leaning forwards between then.
"Chances are we'll steal this thing and there won't just be a drug gang coming after us, any local who wants to scavenge might try and vulture us. Driver sounds valuable too...I'm guessing what we're stealing isn't just guns lads...speaking of, yeah, stealing those will help. Anything with range will beat these shooters for distance." Sean noted, as he saw Hayden's tomahawk in his jacket side.
"Fucking hell, Hayden. You gonna go Last of the Mohicans on these poor bastards?" The Irishman commented with a hint of ignorance, whistling at the sight of it. He checked his own tool, kept on his belt and by his side, the machete still a little wet from clearing the jungle branches and leaves, holding it up.
"Cos I'm saying to you now, we might be able to shit them up." Sean gave that same crazy grin back, seeing Yekatarina's tool as well, a car-breaking axe no less. Pulling in the slum, they had the chance to take stock, and Sean had the chance to cock his P226 as they came to a halt, chuckling as he put the P226 back into his holster, ready to go. Yekatarina's offer was much appreciated, as he took the halligan over from her when offered, smiling at the sight of it.
"Not a bad tool. I'll trade yas too." Sean replied to her, fliping the machete back around its blade and offering it to her, the last parting gift he had before he left. After all, he had her axe, a tool to smash the window in so it made sense. Bethan sighed, looking back to the team in the car, nodding before they got moving.
"Alright everyone. No time to fuck this up. Like Hayden says. Find the truck, let's get in contact with each other and then, we get on with it." She added, nodding to Bethan, agreeing with her partner's thoughts, not a grin so much as a wry confirmation, sliding across the seat.
With the team now split, the Ulsterman got out of the car and followed after the Canadian, trying to act as incognito as he could. This section wasn't busy, but soon enough, there were bustling crowds of people up ahead, and they were white men sticking out in a fucking slum, a bird given to the car as they went another direction from it.
"Jesus. This is rough." He simply commented, moving through the slum, making sure to not make too much effort pushing through the crowd in the busy street, the bustle of kids, mothers carrying dirty water on their heads, and mopeds like something out of a documentary. He'd seen poverty in Iraq and Afghanistan, but these people had literally nothing, they looked feeble and like they had barely skin on bone, malnourished and broken. It was easy to be sympathetic, and no doubt, they had nothing to lose if they wanted to tear apart the two whites in their hood. But so far, they were moving too fast to be of any notice, and realistically, given how many mercs were in country, were not going to be messed with. Incognito it wasn't, but they could at least move through the tracks, making their way down the blocks. Kids bumped off of them, running around excited, as Sean kept an eye to Hayden.
"Let's keep it going. Once this goes off, be ready to run like hell."
Meanwhile in the Caddy, Bethan had shifted over as Yekatarina had gotten out, sliding into the driver's seat and getting a feeling for the pedals, putting it into gear and sighing.
"Fuck, no kidding, this is crap." Bethan added, taking her phone and punching Sean's number, getting it onto speaker, quietly so as to at least hear if he was gonna get shot and it wouldn't alert anyone outside.
"Right, don't put the phone to your ear, keep it in your pocket kept quiet and keep moving. We're rolling around behind you, can't get visual on you." She replied, looking to Yekatarina, sighing as they moved along.
"Nothing yet." Bethan added, Sean replying on his head.
"Yeah us neither." The Ulsterman replied, as Bethan looked to Yekatarina, putting the phone's mic on mute as she crawled the car along, knowing the Russian was keeping a 360 on their surroundings too, barely multi-tasking in her spare hand, looking across to the brown-haired Russian. She was of a similar age, a woman of a similar type to Bethan and someone she could definitely have a lot in common with. Apart from her shitty man, that was.
"Just so you and Sean, we're in the middle of some complex shit at the moment, if you can't tell. He is a fucking arsehole...dragged me into this because of some stupid shit back home he did. He sold drugs, mostly coke and choice too as far as I can tell. Bullshit me it was needed to pay for where we were living at the time when I found out....and when he got caught, turns out the people that sent us here thought they could get me for it too. Total fabrication, but hey, you make of that what you will. Can't tell if it was him or someone else...though to be honest, maybe he thought he could get off easy if I was helping him." Bethan simply said, the moment while they were moving forwards a chance to tell Yekatarina in private, away from her partner what the reality beneath was, even if brief, sighing as she looked over to the Russian.
"Not that it makes him any less capable. Guy has done his fair share of violent shit. He isn't gonna let you down in a firefight, I know what he did in the Marines. But in every other way, be fucking careful. Don't fall for any of his shit." She said, interrupted suddenly as the phone went live, Bethan unmuting it.
"Guys, eyes on. Truck at a stop, half a block ahead. Driver looks like he's getting fuelled. It's definitely it, definitely it." Sean replied, Bethan sitting up in almost a bit of shock horror.
"Fuck, already?"
"Yeah, but he looks well supported. Guy's got a lot of armed guards at his truck stop, they look like they're protecting the tanker they're at. No way we are taking that on, there's at least six. Recomend we wait till they move and hit them after. Gets us time." Sean replied, as Bethan put her foot down, accelerating a bit harder but not going flat out, wanting to get to their block. And lo and behold, around the bend was the truck, Bethan slowing down, eyeing it up from the side, aware that two girls in a Caddy might get away, not in that they would look armed, but they would be of note.
Checking her Glock by her side, she wound down the window, not wanting to make a mess of the Caddy, even if it was a horrible hunk of shit to drive. The guards did see the Caddy, but given the distances, couldn't tell the green shirt that Bethan had on, nor the pistols and tools they had their disposal as they went onto the small clear road ahead, able to go 100m down the road and out of sight, in position ahead.
"I'm gonna keep us here, in front. Yek, think you can get out and be a charmer once I'm past? Go help Sean when he makes that move. I'll stall that thing. Make sure he don't fucking write off that load."
In the meantime, Sean had the chance to turn to Hayden, nodding to the sight of that truck.
"Thoughts on how we do this? I'll smash that window I guess, I got the tool. You want to run security- just in case those boys come after us?"