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9 yrs ago
If there are RPs/PM's I need to reply to- I am working on it, I'm a little overladen in life atm. I haven't forgotten about you :)
10 yrs ago
Aaand back.
10 yrs ago
ALERT- I'm going AFK for a week, anyone that sees this on here, I won't be about to respond, this is to both 1x1s/RPs.


I've RP'd for the best part of over 14 years now here on the Guild, and particularly like military settings, both contemporary, past and near future. I have even dabbled in a little more experimental RPs, as well as created a plethora of 1x1s over my time in the guild. I like creating RPs with a distinct flavour- and often shift between narrative-led RPs to semi-randomised plots.

I'm pretty flexible and try and get back to people on ideas and responses, but sometimes, I may become very busy and it will take some time till I am un-busy- though I always come back!

Most Recent Posts

Bethan lobbed Hayden the keys, quite astonished with the haul that was in the truck. High explosives no less, a shitload of mortar rounds, mortars and then some. The sort of firepower that was more than just a gang war, it was conflict-brewing and no doubt going to set the seeds of war up in this crumbling state. As Hayden got the keys, she looked at him with a grimace, sensing more was going on. But for a moment, Bethan had a calm about her, almost a mum-like reassurance, like she was looking directly into that damaged soul that she had seen reflected back at her.

"Don't lose yourself, Hayden. We've all got demons, all we can do is go on better. We're here to kill one man and anyone that stands in our way to him. The others are distractions. The Caddy's yours." Bethan said, sighing as she walked to the front and knocked on the cab, AK in one hand as she sighed and then went back to take a seat, on top of one of the crates.

The dusty kickup from the truck blew into the road, and into her blonde hair, as she sighed once more, head resting against the canvas, for a brief moment, alone. Bethan's character despite being strong, internally felt conflicted with all she was seeing now. She had fixed people, put people back together and saved lives in Afghan. Bethan had done that without question, and doubled down on her talent. She had been highlighted as being up to SFSG operator standard, and no doubt, she would have made it. Bethan always held that bitterness, that bullshit stopped her going forwards and it just had to be something she swallowed. So it meant her then settling for a mellow life. Nursing, putting old people back together in a hospital in a remote bit of Wales. Running up and down mountains like there was no tomorrow. Some part of her knew what it was to be here, yet she felt like an alien to be back to this, away from the routine job. Like it wasn't her world at all. Bethan with that C8 in her hands in the early morning felt like she knew exactly what she was doing, back at just being an operator again. But here in the bustle of the city and working with other mercs she felt detatched, like the rules were twisted and there was no good to be found in this place. Only the people next to you mattered, and right now, she was even wondering about that. Perhaps it was why SIS had sent her too, a shakedown to see if she had the fortitude to cut it mentally working for them if this panned out. The most fucked up job interview there was perhaps. In her mind she wondered if they wanted to see if Bethan wasn't just a good soldier, but someone willing to do what nobody else did. The more she thought about it, the more the distant Caddy behind the truck came back to mind, as she gulped, realising that Hayden was corresponding more to the outcome that reality more than Bethan wanted to admit. He didn't talk a lot about his past. And Bethan now understood more why, her smarts coming to that conclusion as it began to turn in her head.

But there was no other choice, Bethan reasoned. She had to adapt to this, bite down, and be a good girl about this. It'd work out in the end, it had to. So long as it got her home and out of this mess.


Letting Yekatarina drive, Sean had time to at least think through the mess that had just happened. He kept his pistol at close reach, aware that he would react faster if the man in the middle tried anything, no doubt because he had just winded him and realistically, the guy wasn't gonna get more than one of them. Sean reminded him of that, as Yekatarina seemed quiet, at least for the first bit, winding through traffic. The Russian was quiet, Sean reasoned, well, focussed at the least on the job at hand. Well, until she broke that ice again, asking about what happened. Sean didn't know how to react. He felt like he'd changed, rolled along with what had happened, followed Hayden's lead and well, followed up. He couldn't help but be more rational though, and as fucked up as it was, what she was asking was certainly touching on somehting that he could tell she had gotten direct from Bethan.

"Hah, she told you about what happened? Well...she probably left out the bit where she never asked where the money came from while she worked a job for fuck all money. I never said I was a good guy....but then again, you find a Marine who is. Most of my friends are fucking addicts, homeless, dead or working some mundane 9-5 where they're trying not to let their PTSD kill them, Katarina. Bethan pretends that's not real. So I decided to put my skills to use and be better than that for the sake of us. And it wasn't enough, Katarina. She got tired." Sean asserted, sighing, knowing it was bullshit, but it was half-true. And that was enough for him at least, to keep him going. The other half of it felt like it would come through better to Yekatarina though, easier than it did Bethan. Perhaps the Russian would make her own take of this.

"You know what though, selling drugs....I was good at it. Most dealers are fucking terrible, using their own product, never actually knowing how to think shit through. At the end of the day, it's a product that will never stop being bought, don't matter who supplies it. Anyway, I never wanted to stay in the county lines game for long, I wanted to move onto security for the cartels, had some fellas that were asking about me. They pay a lot for Westerners, a fucking whole lof of money and it's a good life. Coke is very, very lucrative...Bethan and I were already arguing over me looking at contracting work, and we split long before she even knew about what I really did. I got caught because I made the wrong call. And fuck, I wish she wasn't here now because of it." Sean didn't hide any detail now, sighing as he looked to Yekatarina, knowing she would roll her eyes, or perhaps tune into why he had his reasons, poor as they were, moving to the other part of her concern over Hayden.

"Anyway, we did what we needed to do. Not ideal but he did it without saying it, taking prisoners would have been difficult. I reckon we can all work together, keep each other on a lead when we get further into this. We still got a lot more to fucking do, after all. Besides, I can see the fire in your eyes y'know. You seem to get why, like this seems more normal to you than it does her back there. It's a funny world, but a fucked up one we seem to be in." Sean retorted back, watching as Yekatarina took them back towards the compound, back on the smoother roads and back into the confined parking lot.

Stepping out, Sean pointed his P226 at the former driver's head, motioning him to get out, and the man did as he was shown, quiet but now compliant realising that him and the crew hadn't fucked around. The SAMC mercs that were tarping the truck came over and cuffed him up, applying a zip tie behind his hands and with that, he was gone. The prisoner now gone, Sean had the opportunity to walk back over to Yekatarina, hearing her ask about hierarchy and staying quiet, as Bethan hopped out of the back, following suit to meet the group. While it seemed like Yekatarina was fairly calm in her approach to Hayden, Bethan knew under the surface she had a point- a lot of different plans.
"It seems like the situation evolves here fast. Kinda like the contents of what the gun trucks are bringing. I say we get paid before those munitions start getting used, then get to those discussions eh?" Sean asked, a wry chuckle as he knew that as novel as this Mosin was, he wasn't sure if he'd keep it or get some resale from this rusty piece of crap.
Posted- that one felt like a bit more of a hard-hitting post, wanted to really explore something there and Big's post gave me the room to do that.
Sean saw the man pop around, barely even making it to Yekatarina as he fell down with a bullet through the head, cleanly pulled from Sean's position, the fire from the AK Hayden had picked up now staccato'ing everything else and making the pistols feel like pea shooters almost in comparison. He'd done his job well to get the heat off of Hayden, letting their CSOR merc do his job. Exhaling, he joined, moving forwards, pistol raised as he walked over a body, yelling the same as the Canuck did. He looked in his direction, and could see it. The look on his face. It was one that looked cracked, broken. Sean had done some evil shit in his time. But when he looked at Hayden's cheek with his left eye in that very split second, he saw exactly the fire of a thousand suns that was going to just engulf whatever it now touched.

The scene felt like it disintergrated the moment Hayden opened fire, the clatter of the AK within a close range splattering the poor militants that the Canadian had killed, in completely cold blood. Sean could have been somewhere else in that moment, but he was right by the Canuck's side.

He was there, right there, and for that moment, knew what Hayden had brewing.

And he understood exactly how he felt. There were no laws of engagement. No rules of war here. They would have been surely tortured and murdered in cold blood in that jungle if they had been caught. Sean made his decision. As if almost Hayden's fire had caught light on a cloth, Sean's switch simply flicked.


In the moment Bethan was moving in with the driver, Sean walked forwards as one of the men on the ground screamed out, bleeding heavily from his abdomen as Sean rolled his chest over with his foot and without so much a wait, put a round through his head, and clean into the other man next to him who was crawling from a round in his shoulder. He wasn't going to have any chance of living to tell the tale. The militant who looked older, perhaps more of a leader among this little social gang, his face paling as the life simply fell out of him. The last of the gang to die here. And Bethan felt every shot like an exclaimation mark.

"What the fuck are you doing! You fucking animals!" Bethan yelled, the man she was holding hostage wanting to yell as she put her gun tight against his neck, holding him back as she would have let him go and put a gun to Sean and Hayden's head if she could. Every part of her was in shock, because the only part she saw was him summarily executing the guy.

Sean didn't react the way he had before. Almost as if something had been unlocked, he raised the gun from the man's temple and looked dead, square at Hayden, then Yekatarina, then Bethan, a dead, hardened stare.

"Right now, it is us or them. Shut your fucking mouth and start acting like you don't want to die. These pricks tried to kill us." Sean was vicious as he pointed, almost to the point where if anyone ever thought the burly Northern Irishman was acting weak to his partner, the truth was, he was merely holding back. Like there was something deeper inside that he had chosen deliberately not to show, not out of cold blooded professionalism, but out of warm-blooded retribution.

"They were surrendering, you fucking morons...." Bethan exclaimed, waved off completely by Sean, as he shrugged, looking around at the scene around him, the Ulsterman picking up an old and dusty looking Mosin-Nagant, the Three-Line Rifle as Yekatarina would more likely know it, with a 7.62mm rimless cartridge that was like shooting someone with a train. Russians knew their guns, Sean thought to himself, as he pulled the bolt back, walking around the scene, then back to Bethan, walking up to her, the snarling, enraged look in his eyes.

"There are no fucking places to go. Look around you. You live by the sword or die by it. No fucking laws of war here. People talk in these gangs, and if they do, we are dead, Bethan. You forget they'd do it to us if they could?" Sean's menacing tell was dominating, the Welshwoman for the first time actually taken aback her usual demeanour of strength suddenly melted by a response like that, a potent, almost unseen response in Sean. Bethan had felt barely a trace of it in their personal lives, and realised who had emerged. Not just the banter-having Marine, no, this was the guy that sold drugs and was happy to bend every rule he could. Do evil shit to other people. The scumbag who lived rather than the guy trying to get by and not die.

"Well....I didn't sign up to killing people in cold blood. We're soldiers, not parasites. Remember that." Bethan was quiet in her reply, Sean still on the offensive as he walked past her, looking at the guy she had a gun pointed to, seeing Yekatarina come over to search him for his keys, as Sean covered something else.

"Well, this guy might live. See." Sean took the stock of the Nagant and slammed him in the stomach, looking up.
"No bonuses for him being in good nick though. He won't fucking remember our faces. Will he now?" Sean looked directly at him, and though he could barely understand, he could just about form a nod, in agony with how much it hurt as Sean took him away. He kept the rifle in one hand as he kept the pistol against his neck, and with a subtle movement, put him into the passenger's seat of the truck.

"Yekatarina, you may as well drive this heap of crap. Let's salvage what we can and go before we make any more mess." He said, his anger beginning to boil back, but still there, underlying in every tone and thought.

Bethan in the meanwhile, complied with Yekatarina, completely silent and grabbing Hayden's AK, barely making eye contact for half as second as she moved quietly, away from the shitshow that had happened and getting whatever was left. She gathered as much as the weaponry and ammo as she could, snatching a spare mag for the AK and keeping one ready in case, while Sean took the Mosin with a spare stripper clip to his name., guarding the man who was winded, and in pain, unable to react as he knew it would mean near enough certain death.

Stepping into the back of the truck, Bethan looked around, whistling as she turned around, looking at Hayden, the thought of even helping him a fleeting thought but something she did almost as if by automatic. It was that motherly feeling, yet she wanted nothing more than to fucking hit him, just for enabling Sean and doing what he fucking did. She knew he had his reasons, he had a lot going on, but she didn't care. What they did was wrong. And no part of her wanted anything to do with any of this fucking psychotic mess. Strong as she was, she had her rules, and while killing a bunch of militants was one thing, killing a bunch of what looked like adolecent kids in cold blood felt brooding and wrong. Pulling him up if he took it, she looked in the back, seeing a whole set of crates and containers.
"Looks like a hell of a setup. Can't tell what's inside. All of it's locked up fairly tight. Yekatarina, hit it." She added, butting the AK into the cab of the tarped-up MAN, leaning against a container as she looked out the back, then back at Hayden.

"I don't know the sort of shit you got yourself into. But that wasn't needed." Bethan said it to Hayden as if it was a statement of fact, which in her mind, it was a confrontation, but one she felt like she had to let go. A judgemental look, to be sure. Like a catharsis even, the blonde-haired boonie hat wearing Welsh girl all of a sudden wanting even Hayen to show a shred of remorse, or understanding of why what he did was fucking bad.
Posted while on holiday over in Sweden- apologies for my delay.
"Agreed, Katarina. Though on this one, I'll join you. If there's more of them let's not waste our time- and if that driver runs, trust me, they won't last long if I'm chasing them. You go forward, I'll stay in cover when we get close. Guess we're adapting and improvising now.." Bethan followed, the Welsh woman following behind the Russian, opting to follow given what was going on. The change of circumstances had fucked things, but then again, their truck was sitting and waiting for them, right where they wanted it to be, albeit guarded and now, with other lorries trying to dazzle them. She'd taken Sean's knife for the moment if she wasn't taking it, now unsure if they would even come back to the car if things went really, really south.

If they didn't have that plate of that truck, they would have been shit out of luck- and even if it was the wrong truck, Bethan agreed with the Russian's logic, it was hardly like they'd had it written in blood what they were hunting. She kept her distance behind Yekatarina as they got closer, letting her do the distraction, aware one girl looking for directions at a tanker station in a slum would be a better option than two- it looked sketchier. Yekatarina more than likely knew she had little cover, so Bethan kept her distance, making sure not to affiliate too closely as she raised the phone, catching glimpses of those guards.

"Damn, that's some vintages. They might be crap but rule of the jungle I guess, scavenge, steal, get what you need once you drop them." Bethan added, nodding to Yekatarina as she went her own way, using the crowd at the side of the road to go between a few shacks and pacing herself there, get into position, finding a thin metal shack to conceal herself behind, right on the far side of the forcourt, aware that given the hubub and everything else going on, it was unlikely she would have been seen.
"In position. Five tangoes visible from here."


In the meantime, Sean turned to Hayden and nodded.
"Sounds like the Russian has us set up...copy that, you two. Get to work and give us a distraction, we need a few seconds to clear the road. Hayden, if we're in shit creek, let's go whitewater rafting.....let's do this." Sean nodded to him for the latter bit of the sentence, knowing that once Yekatarina would make her way across, it was gonna be all guns blazing, literally, and a run to clear the road. They needed to get across and get behind the truck, and drop the two guards going for Yekatarina. Shooting after a hard sprint was never a fun option, especially when it meant trying not to clap someone friendly, but then again, Sean had no intention of being haunted by Russian for the rest of his days for a stupid mistake.

Make this count, he thought to himself, as he moved up, taking the lead after patting Hayden and giving the nod, moving across the road as he could catch her moving out. With a hard run, Sean used the distraction afforded by the Russian to get across the road, sliding awkwardly behind a batch of tyres on the far side of the forecourt, popping from cover and with one hard exhale, picking up one of the targets. He hoped Hayden would be on this, because right now, this was about to open up.

With two clean shots, Sean managed to get one of the men in the abdomen and one in the upper chest, throwing him onto the floor and at the very least incapacitating him for this fight, picking up another target in the cafe. With a three more rounds down range, the running militant didn't have the chance to stop, as he keeled over, Sean looking to Hayden.
"Cover me, moving!" Sean called out, running from his position and sliding into cover by the rear of the truck, a few rounds pinging off the side as he peeked under the tyres, a round flying perilously close as he pulled back, knowing he might have given a bit of a distraction at least for Hayden to spot them.
"Two more, slot them Hayden!" Sean added, peeking as he fired five rounds in that direction, a little less accurate now but able to suppress them so Hayden could get more accurate fire down on them at least. In the meantime, he knew Yekatarina had the chance at least to now get her own heater out and start shooting, and at this point, they had a better control of the area. All that was left to get the keys or hotwire the thing, and get the hell out. Oh, and find out where that driver had gone...

In the meantime, Bethan had herself moved in closer, and saw one person that wasn't armed, and looked if anything more petrified about the situation. No doubt he knew how to defend himself, but being shot at wasn't part of his equation, and so he was heading to the back of the shitshack, and towards the back. Bethan wasn't gonna let that happen, as she broke into a run, knowing that if she could get a lead on him, that would at the least take one job out of the rest of the team.
"Driver's a runner! Guys, just get the truck running, leave him to me!" Bethan put her phone back in her pocket and ran hard, taking the flank and barging through whatever crowd were running away from the gunfire, knowing she looked completely out of place yet in the panicking mentality, could make advantage of that.

The guy was just wearing a vest and shorts and she was wearing a full on DPM jacket, but even then, Bethan made it look easy, spotting him and quickly picking him up. Clearly he realised that this fight was about to go awry, and at the least if he got back out of there, the others might struggle to get the truck moving before he got back to it. An almighty bollocking from the Dry Trail, but then again, better to live than give away information if captured, perhaps that was why, Bethan wondered, as she turned the tight corners of the slum alleys, keeping him constantly in her sights. Like a leopard going after a gazelle, the explosive power Bethan had through the corners was unrelenting, unlike Sean's aggression it was more flowing, crisp even. And it was enough to close the distance, as she found a cut-through he didn't, using half a shack structure to get ahead, cutting him off at his next turn. Even upon pulling a knife, Bethan quickly jabbed him in his ribs and drew Sean's machete straight against his neck, gently pressing the flat against his throat and making it very clear a slight bit more pressure was gonna open him up.
"You even move, you die. We are going back to the truck, and you are coming with us." She spat, exhaling hard, the man beneath him even more so, as she yanked him by the scruff of his vest, switching to her Glock as she pulled him back up, aware he was larger than him yet in no position to parry a tool like what she had at this range. She drew the Glock as she did so, the opportunity sufficient to make sure he knew full well she had a piece at his back.
"You might run fast you little bastard, but I've got friends that run even fucking quicker, so don't try anything. Let's go back, shall we?" She added, the Welsh woman's words as cutting as that machete could be, her sing-song demeanour dropped completely as she pushed him to move, knowing that the team would need the driver alive, or at the least, not in the shit. The route back through the slums was quieter given that everyone was hiding out of out of view, which helped with the fact she was openly carrying now. She just needed to get to the truck and if it was secure, throw him into the back of it with the rest of the team.
Yeah it's a more compact one- more of a bushcraft tool than a full on weapon.

Not massive, probably a 12 inch with a holster.
Bit of a longer post and I feel I might have jumped us forwards a bit too fast! Feel free to add some exposition if you like - I have set it up a little bit fast to add some surprise (lemme know if it's too soon- left some scope for adjustment ofc if you have plans Big!) - but yep, putting it all together.
The drive was eventful to say the least, the sight of the dirty mess reminding everyone just how unforgiving this place could be.

Sean looked at the scene before him, the gunfight on the side of the road a stark reminder. These lower level mercs were like gang fighters, just picking away at each other. It was only a matter of time before they went from the sticks and stones their AKs were to something far, far more serious- and The Hyena had the power to make that happen. The couple remaimed quiet in the car, only inputting when it came to sharing phone numbers, and getting a feel for it. Hayden and Yekatarina said it all really- the slum was rough, vicious and like something they had seen on TV back at home. Unlike Juarez, it felt like it was even poorer, even more desperate, not fuelled by drugs but instead by desperation. Humanity scratching anything it could to survive another day in squalor.

Sean had something to add to Hayden and Yekatarina's debate, leaning forwards between then.
"Chances are we'll steal this thing and there won't just be a drug gang coming after us, any local who wants to scavenge might try and vulture us. Driver sounds valuable too...I'm guessing what we're stealing isn't just guns lads...speaking of, yeah, stealing those will help. Anything with range will beat these shooters for distance." Sean noted, as he saw Hayden's tomahawk in his jacket side.
"Fucking hell, Hayden. You gonna go Last of the Mohicans on these poor bastards?" The Irishman commented with a hint of ignorance, whistling at the sight of it. He checked his own tool, kept on his belt and by his side, the machete still a little wet from clearing the jungle branches and leaves, holding it up.

"Cos I'm saying to you now, we might be able to shit them up." Sean gave that same crazy grin back, seeing Yekatarina's tool as well, a car-breaking axe no less. Pulling in the slum, they had the chance to take stock, and Sean had the chance to cock his P226 as they came to a halt, chuckling as he put the P226 back into his holster, ready to go. Yekatarina's offer was much appreciated, as he took the halligan over from her when offered, smiling at the sight of it.

"Not a bad tool. I'll trade yas too." Sean replied to her, fliping the machete back around its blade and offering it to her, the last parting gift he had before he left. After all, he had her axe, a tool to smash the window in so it made sense. Bethan sighed, looking back to the team in the car, nodding before they got moving.
"Alright everyone. No time to fuck this up. Like Hayden says. Find the truck, let's get in contact with each other and then, we get on with it." She added, nodding to Bethan, agreeing with her partner's thoughts, not a grin so much as a wry confirmation, sliding across the seat.


With the team now split, the Ulsterman got out of the car and followed after the Canadian, trying to act as incognito as he could. This section wasn't busy, but soon enough, there were bustling crowds of people up ahead, and they were white men sticking out in a fucking slum, a bird given to the car as they went another direction from it.
"Jesus. This is rough." He simply commented, moving through the slum, making sure to not make too much effort pushing through the crowd in the busy street, the bustle of kids, mothers carrying dirty water on their heads, and mopeds like something out of a documentary. He'd seen poverty in Iraq and Afghanistan, but these people had literally nothing, they looked feeble and like they had barely skin on bone, malnourished and broken. It was easy to be sympathetic, and no doubt, they had nothing to lose if they wanted to tear apart the two whites in their hood. But so far, they were moving too fast to be of any notice, and realistically, given how many mercs were in country, were not going to be messed with. Incognito it wasn't, but they could at least move through the tracks, making their way down the blocks. Kids bumped off of them, running around excited, as Sean kept an eye to Hayden.
"Let's keep it going. Once this goes off, be ready to run like hell."


Meanwhile in the Caddy, Bethan had shifted over as Yekatarina had gotten out, sliding into the driver's seat and getting a feeling for the pedals, putting it into gear and sighing.
"Fuck, no kidding, this is crap." Bethan added, taking her phone and punching Sean's number, getting it onto speaker, quietly so as to at least hear if he was gonna get shot and it wouldn't alert anyone outside.
"Right, don't put the phone to your ear, keep it in your pocket kept quiet and keep moving. We're rolling around behind you, can't get visual on you." She replied, looking to Yekatarina, sighing as they moved along.
"Nothing yet." Bethan added, Sean replying on his head.
"Yeah us neither." The Ulsterman replied, as Bethan looked to Yekatarina, putting the phone's mic on mute as she crawled the car along, knowing the Russian was keeping a 360 on their surroundings too, barely multi-tasking in her spare hand, looking across to the brown-haired Russian. She was of a similar age, a woman of a similar type to Bethan and someone she could definitely have a lot in common with. Apart from her shitty man, that was.

"Just so you know...me and Sean, we're in the middle of some complex shit at the moment, if you can't tell. He is a fucking arsehole...dragged me into this because of some stupid shit back home he did. He sold drugs, mostly coke and heroin...by choice too as far as I can tell. Bullshit me it was needed to pay for where we were living at the time when I found out....and when he got caught, turns out the people that sent us here thought they could get me for it too. Total fabrication, but hey, you make of that what you will. Can't tell if it was him or someone else...though to be honest, maybe he thought he could get off easy if I was helping him." Bethan simply said, the moment while they were moving forwards a chance to tell Yekatarina in private, away from her partner what the reality beneath was, even if brief, sighing as she looked over to the Russian.
"Not that it makes him any less capable. Guy has done his fair share of violent shit. He isn't gonna let you down in a firefight, I know what he did in the Marines. But in every other way, be fucking careful. Don't fall for any of his shit." She said, interrupted suddenly as the phone went live, Bethan unmuting it.

"Guys, eyes on. Truck at a stop, half a block ahead. Driver looks like he's getting fuelled. It's definitely it, definitely it." Sean replied, Bethan sitting up in almost a bit of shock horror.
"Fuck, already?"
"Yeah, but he looks well supported. Guy's got a lot of armed guards at his truck stop, they look like they're protecting the tanker they're at. No way we are taking that on, there's at least six. Recomend we wait till they move and hit them after. Gets us time." Sean replied, as Bethan put her foot down, accelerating a bit harder but not going flat out, wanting to get to their block. And lo and behold, around the bend was the truck, Bethan slowing down, eyeing it up from the side, aware that two girls in a Caddy might get away, not in that they would look armed, but they would be of note.

Checking her Glock by her side, she wound down the window, not wanting to make a mess of the Caddy, even if it was a horrible hunk of shit to drive. The guards did see the Caddy, but given the distances, couldn't tell the green shirt that Bethan had on, nor the pistols and tools they had their disposal as they went onto the small clear road ahead, able to go 100m down the road and out of sight, in position ahead.
"I'm gonna keep us here, in front. Yek, think you can get out and be a charmer once I'm past? Go help Sean when he makes that move. I'll stall that thing. Make sure he don't fucking write off that load."


In the meantime, Sean had the chance to turn to Hayden, nodding to the sight of that truck.
"Thoughts on how we do this? I'll smash that window I guess, I got the tool. You want to run security- just in case those boys come after us?"
Ah splendid. Got us moving, @Starlance I've tacked onto where you are, @BigPapaBelial feel free to point us from there on out!
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