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9 yrs ago
If there are RPs/PM's I need to reply to- I am working on it, I'm a little overladen in life atm. I haven't forgotten about you :)
10 yrs ago
Aaand back.
10 yrs ago
ALERT- I'm going AFK for a week, anyone that sees this on here, I won't be about to respond, this is to both 1x1s/RPs.


I've RP'd for the best part of over 14 years now here on the Guild, and particularly like military settings, both contemporary, past and near future. I have even dabbled in a little more experimental RPs, as well as created a plethora of 1x1s over my time in the guild. I like creating RPs with a distinct flavour- and often shift between narrative-led RPs to semi-randomised plots.

I'm pretty flexible and try and get back to people on ideas and responses, but sometimes, I may become very busy and it will take some time till I am un-busy- though I always come back!

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We're accepting applications- if you haven't seen the Interest Check then the setup for a near-future, slightly wacky military RP is below.


Raven Squad is led by Skye Rosalind Lyons, and rotates the team with new operatives, ranging from lightweight infiltrators to heavy hitting juggernauts, with more than a bit of comedy ensuing. The team is an elite task force with multinational members and origins, and every member of the team is hardened and elite in what they do. Following a data recovery mission in Austria, and the follow up to chase down a high ranking officer in Artemis Group, a shadowy anarcho-militant group with nefarious aims. Since then, the team have relocated from Corsica to New Zealand, and a new rotation has joined.

Prologue Part 1: Wildspitze, Austria

Prologue Part 2: Ilha de Santo Antão, Cape Verde

The team embarked on a mission to assault a cargo ship stranded in the desert- and interrupt a high stakes arms deal in Aralsk, Kazakhstan. After stopping the deal, the team's drone was hacked and unceremoniously, Raven were hit hard- and fought off a counterattack, safely ensuring nuclear material was safely recovered.

In the aftermath and looking for revenge due to their drone hack, Raven attended a billionaire's ball in Singapore hosted by Vale Systems CEO, Pavel Andros- an associate of Artemis who was responsible for the hack. After interrogating him and hacking his systems, the team escaped a very James Bond-esque party in an elaborate fashion.

Following this, the team split into two- one to attack a drugs lab off the coast of Colombia, supporting the revenge for one of its members and to capture a possible Artemis Group leader, whilst the other team raided a observatory high in Chilean Patagonia, containing the controls for a possible satellite hacking superweapon. Both teams succeeded- albeit Skye Lyons discovering her doppelganger before extracting with the satellite core.

Upon return, the team has been interrupted by Skye's doppelganger once more- in fact, an original genetic copy of Skye, called Rose. She's jumping from body to body of Skye's original body using a neural uplink device, making her able to effectively die over and over again and "respawn" into a new body of identical genetic composition to Skye's, every time. After a tense standoff, the team have found the right Skye, and are fighting off a heavy invasion of Artemis Group soldiers who have followed Rose's lead to the base.

After a tight escape from Artemis forces, Skye has escaped dramatically from the team in addition after a stopover in Tokyo, taking a mystery route and leaving the rest of their team at the bottom of the barrel, licking their wounds with a new team leader, Adam Kajtanowicz in Finland- no Skye, Raven in shambles, Spectre recovered by Artemis and worse still, the fact that Artemis are planning something even worse. With new intelligence coming in that Rose's blood has been used to enfuse the drug the team found earlier with a high lethality into a neurotoxin compound, they're on deployment to Marrakesh, Morocco with a new infiltrator, medium operative and support from Blue Sword to find a scientist involved in the programme of spawning Skye, who may be invaluable to stopping Artemis and their terrifying plan.

On the other side of the world in Nagoya, Japan, Skye has found an old contact and called in a favour- using her identical appearance to Rose to break into a Vale Systems facility and with it, finding dozens of Rose's bodies- and an intelligence goldmine. After literally stealing a dead Rose out of a plastic bag and escaping the skyscraper, Skye has certainly left Artemis bruised, but Rose has fought back, and left a tragic outcome for Ban, Skye's old accomplice.

With Rose's body as a peace offering revealing the truth behind Skye's actions, the scientist secured and Rose's terrifying plan for Sol Hestia revealed. Rose's omnicidal, fanatical belief to kill a vast majority of humanity with an unstoppable, water-binding nerve agent based upon her previous torture and superiority complex needs to be prevented, before it's far too late. The team are racing to stop an all out end of the world event, involving a geoengineering scheme, a blimp and a repeater signal network that need to all be stopped. Divided into three, each team is on the hunt to stop each, and whilst the blimp team succeeded and have severed Rose's ability to die and respawn, her last version is out on the loose and set to go. The rig team are set to stop all out destruction from clouds of Sol Hestia, whilst the repeater has been downed, ensuring no signal transmission can take place.

There's one last play left by Artemis however- and the team are on their feet to stop all out destruction driven by Skye's counterpart...



Raven Squad is a variant on an RP idea I've had for years, focussing on a military / spy-fi RP that takes influence from a range of sources. It's bombastic, over the top, ridiculous...and definitely an RP that lends itself to not being too serious while having a teeny bit of grounding. Trying to save the world isn't ever going to look totally realistic, right?

Taking influence from everything from an awful lot of video games and films- Titanfall to MGS, Rainbow Six to Arma and Bad Company among many others- with a sprinkle of a little insanity on top and a teeny bit of grounding to set up a near-future foe, this RP isn't exactly focussed on absolute tactical precision nor complete fantastical elements. It's hard to describe but if you're somewhere between The Expendables, MGS, Overwatch and Rainbow Six, it's roughly that with around the right amount of silly and serious and a dynamic team of elite misfits.

This RP is a reboot of an old RP! https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/187468-raven-squad-an-eccentric-military-spy-fi-rp/ic

The Setup:

Raven Squad (RS) is a mysterious task force, working against the forces of global terrorist groups in the near future (an unspecified date 20 or 30 years from now) who often who are armed with quite advanced technology- or nefarious political aims. Al-Qaeda it isn't, so in come our operatives to deal with the anarchy. In a world where mechs are prototypes, exoskeletons, jump-packs, optical cloaking and various other technologies are around the corner, the tide of warfare is changing...and Raven is there to stop the worst happening.

Raven Squad have access to that technology, and six of the most elite operatives that made it through a gruelling process to counter the threat. With different specialists allowing the team to have everything from a scalpel-like precision to brute force with heavy firepower, they act as a counterbalance.

Where an SF team cannot penetrate a facility, Raven Squad come in. When you have ten foot mechs trying to breach a high-security Gulag and you need them removed, they come in. Raven Squad are the people that stop the world ending as we know it. Problem is, they're a little dysfunctional- and well, they're not all the most....professional of soldiers, or spies, or agents, or well, anyone who is capable of getting the job done.


Character Sheet:

Sometime in the near future, your character was Special Forces, Mercenary, a Spy, a gangster even, or ex-whatever. But they were picked, selected even for a very good reason. The world is left vague intentionally so you're welcome to dabble with your character's journey and lore up to the RP's start.

Anyway, your person. They were more than just a regular operator, soldier, asset, mercenary. They were far beyond that.

It means that your character more likely than not is a bit of an oddball as well.

Your character passed a test known as "The Devil's Cooker", a fiendish double-triathlon level test coupled to psychometric and advanced weapons testing, truly seperating the wheat from the chaff in seeing who is truly unbreakable and more importantly, capable under pressure. 90% fail, but your character made it through, and brings something very unique the to the table- they're at the least capable of working well under pressure. Failure would have led to a cocktail of drugs being used to wipe part of their memory, and that's reason enough. Did we mention maybe Raven isn't always the most ethical?

Consider that a high bar for your character's entry. If they made it that far, they joined the very insignificantly small number of individuals capable of having the most advanced technology and equipment known to the world's intelligence agencies at their disposal, and the responsibility of saving the world....rather too frequently.

In terms of tech, there's nothing outlandish but it definitely allows for some more innovative, more interesting tech to be on the table. As a spy-fi / near future setting, everything from exoskeleton support to jump packs, nanotechnology among others are on the cards- but it's not going to be completely down the road of Cyberpunk (not to begin with, at least...). Modern contemporary weaponry is mostly still used but with experimental weaponry, if it can be made to work and you can make it work with all its advantages and flaws, then go right ahead. The playbook isn't compeletely open, but there's a hell of a lot to make your operative their unique slice of the pie. Feel free to come up with original, or genuine ideas if you think it might work- nothing too fantastical, but if it fits the theme of the RP.



Not much is known about Raven Squad as an organisation- only that it has shadowy links to the previous "Team Scimitar", a prior semi-independent mercenary group that similarly fought against a range of terrorist threats and organisations.

Though since those days, plenty has evolved in terms of technology and equipment used- and the organisation appears to silently select those who it wants through a contact named "Oracle", who recruits operators on a selective basis. RS after all, is the boogeyman that spies, special forces and various government agencies can't even confirm exists. The operatives have a comfy life on base, but holidays don't come often when the world needs saving.

Based in a remote cove in the South Island of New Zealand, RS has access to a short runway, as well as a small complex in a boreal wood- housing a firing range, armoury, R&R facilities (including a pool, of all things!), training rooms and brefing facilities that allow it to be a home away from home- out of sight and visuals from prying eyes.

Our characters, outside of being involved in taking out the baddies, will get a chance to chill, relax and do whatever takes their fancy back at base, and it's a nice little quirk to show off your characters a bit more too at base.



Post your CSs below, and I'll review them before accepting- then once we get those all in we'll get started! I'm thin on details at the moment at just how things will kick off, but it'll give a nice idea of the world and a good chance to showcase your characters!

Yep curious to see what you have! PM a CS and who knows, I might put something up next week.

Count me in. Shame this isn't getting more interest but I love this sort of flavour of RP, and wonder what your take will be on it.

Got a spot saved if you do want in on a reboot!
Someday I might throw this back up- the idea/'verse is always spinning so who knows, at the moment life is really busy but I'd love to!

PM me your character idea if you would like- happy to see what you might have in mind as it could come back!
Sean moved as swiftly as Hayden did, clattering into the man he stumbled past, while he took out the girl. His method wasn't as relentless, but quick, and just brutal. He had been taught the basics of hand to hand, and particularly, when armed with a weapon like a machete, how to use it efficiently. There wasn't much aside from a single swing to the neck that did it, as Sean pushed into the man, pulling back and feeling the blood begin to pour and the guy rasp, throwing his ever-lifeless arms into Sean, grasping away and dropping down against the dirty wall.

In the interim, Beth had followed onto the next man, and brought her own knife into place, aiming for his neck, yet finding he was a little taller than expected, and she hadn't pulled it off as cleanly. With a slash she caught his side, but he turned, raising his rifle as she brought pressure in on it and pulled downward, using his momentum to bring them both down and time for her to reposition, feeling him throw a punch straight into her that hit like a train. It had been a while she had done this, and he was about to yell, well, not before she stabbed him straight through the top of his thorax on the turn, hand against jaw, pushing hard upwards as he felt him go limp, the heartbeat of arhythmic pumping enough to let her know he was gone. It was a sticky one, quite literally, as she looked across at all four, a little in awe.
"Christ." She didn't really have many words to add, as Sean looted his man down, pulling a suitable Bakelite mag off the skinny he had gotten, and checking the round, noticing it was 5.45- spot on for the Russian in the team.

"Yekatarina, one more mag for you, heads up." Sean called out, sliding it across the floor so as to avoid noise, as Beth cast the crappy and rust-strewn AKM the man she'd killed aside, standing up and adjusting her hat, slinging her FNC back into hand.

"We all good?" Beth asked, looking across at Hayden, a little dismayed by the state of what had happened. He was an animal, and what he had done was nothing short of savage. If she didn't know better, he definitely didn't enjoy this, he just didn't have any control. Sean did seem to be moving on better than everyone here though, and she wasn't sure if that was worse, or better.

"Not bad. Let's just get moving." Sean added, spitting out past the dead man and over the two other bodies, getting an eye on the others, aware that while it was never an ideal situation, they had to make the most of it.

The alleyways and corridors snaked on, and within time, they were getting closer, close enough that Sean could start recognising where they'd been dragged into. Past the markets, there it was, the fences and walls of the compound Melani was holed up in. Crouching down behind a balcony wall, he looked back across to the Canuck, taking it in.

"Alright Hayden, your play here. We'll need to clamber it, looks like there's a few points but it's a risk. So get inside, pop the bitch, get out. Looting might be half an idea, but I don't want to stay in that shitshow any longer than needed." Sean said, looking down on the setup down below- the edge of the market and the beginning of the compound. Once they were in, they were in for a fight- and against what, they'd just have to fight through. It couldn't have been more than a couple dozen, and even then, they likely weren't well trained if they were non-SAMC. If they were however, then the odds were going to be tough. Still, shit or bust it was today, and they were gonna give it all they had.
Apologies for the delay- a reply should be in tomorrow or so!
The car rattled through the corners, and the racing that followed, for the absolute rookie, was inevitably a bit of clear air. Occasional blue flag, with Hamilton, Verstappen and even Bottas passing by. Yet in their own race, they were holding their own. Valkyrie really was onto something here- and they knew this could change all of a sudden, a few retirements and they would be bumped. Kasumi was in front though, and that to Hugo was only a temptation- and with a slight turn up of engine mode, Hugo was keeping up, and through the DRS

The chequered flag was coming- and it all felt a little anti-climactic. Apart from their little race that was, and Hugo knew no matter what, he could not make contact with her. But she'd know the same too...and he was up on delta. It would be a matter of time before he was in a position to overtake, the green and white liveried F1 car roaring through the last corner and back onto the start/finish straight again.


Part Five: The Underground

Los Angeles, California

Heat Waves- Glass Animals

Post Meet, Two Days Later

Sitting on the beanbag in the AirBnB felt a little deflating to Max, the feeling of sitting around and doing nothing not really appealing to him much.

The rush of unpacking the R33, going straight to a meet and straight into a serious street race had given him a surge of energy, a rush that he couldn't compare to back home. But reality had hit home. You had to make your bank to keep afloat, and out here, he hoped he'd find some work in the scene. Magnus had talked about it, but he'd been far too busy to pick up his phone, probably dealing with a heap of other shit right now. It pissed Max off, he was hardly patient for it, but then again, that was life.

The problem with high heat races of course was that even without a plate, a bright white R33 was gonna show up on the streets like a magnet. It was far too hot, so for right now, he'd been chilling, getting his shit together, and figuring out other options. He was on a temporary visa after all, an ESTA, and the car was totally not legit if he was pulled over properly beyond his fake plates for it, a right hand drive import after all. A weapon, but taking it outside LA was gonna be a risk, though if all went well, he'd sort himself out something local.

Finding work wasn't legit either, but hell, there was always work moving stuff, being a getaway driver, doing the grime, and back home had problems. Shit he didn't want to think about, the world of drugs and county lines too messy to be involved in, and greedy fuckers getting a mark on his back. Something he didn't need to show. To be honest, it wasn't a problem now he was here. His YouTube of the race was popping, and while he hated exposing the scene he loved, it sure fucking got views. It got cred, and in time, it'd pay off. Work would come through, it just had to, right?

So there was one thing left that came to mind. Perhaps a random call as he scrolled through socials, feeling a bit more like he could muster up the courage to do it. Behind the wheel he might have been fearless, and in the streets too, but he was a bit introverted. At home with his wrenches and tools and kit. Maybe even with a piece, but shit, people were fucking complicated and couldn't be fixed with an 8mm spanner. Kait seemed cool, and right now, outside of Magnus and a couple of other guys he was waiting for some word on, was the only other person he knew in LA. Flicking his WhatsApp, he hit the record, not being able to type the words.

"Hey Kait, uhhh....I thought I'd drop you a line, see how you were doing. Look, I feel bad about the other night, not saying goodbye properly. Thought if you're up for it, fancy grabbing a coffee in Hollywood? I think this place I just pinged you seems decent...may keep off my car for now after you know what. Up to you totally, just trying to figure this town out....uhh yeah, cheers." Max tried to remain as smooth as possible, yet inside knew he wouldn't be. With a sigh, he leaned back in the beanbag, staring up at the ceiling fan on the mid-day lunch, exhaling a long hard breath.
Sorry for the delay my end- been a bit creatively buzzed lately!
"Done, that works for me." Beth replied, before Sean could even get a word in, the Welshwoman clutching her FNC in hand and nodding to the Irishman, aware that while he'd be frustrated with that, it did make sense. Taking down the guys on the roof risked a bigger fight, and while Bethan liked the idea of taking them out fast, avoiding would be the best route if they could take it. Got them closer, but made it harder on the way out.

"We'll need to work with what we can prune when the opportunity arises. We've got nowt in the way of quiet weaponry, so moment we open up, we are fucked. We deal with whatever happens from that point forward." Sean put bluntly, Beth shrugging.
"Better that crucifying bitch is dead though if we get there though, eh?" She nonchalantly commented, and with that, Sean was on point, the team clambering out from cover out into a building at the side.

Sean kept his P226 in hand, FAL on back for the time being, in a point shooting stance. He had aggression and timing on his side, that at least would come to something. He's never had to kill anyone in close quarters in the army, well, outside so far, that had happened a few times. So he was ready for everything, his machete in close reach and accessible if he needed it. He reasoned he was tall enough to at least rugby tackle one of them worst came to it, and the fact that four in a room with specialist training would be able to batter someone. And so far, so quiet, the small complex. Up a set of stairs, and they were going through an alley of what seemed like some sort of flats, enclosed on all sides, and out of sight. There was nobody here, anyone sane had run because they knew what turf this was.

It grew inside of Beth that there was probably good reason- nothing good could happen from being a bystander here. She looked across to Yekatarina, moving the corner and covering the Russian, aware she was laser focussed, and a capable breacher.
"So what's your plan when we get to the compound, clamber in somehow?" She asked, wondering out loud a little perhaps, as Sean turned the next corner, then pulling back as he saw a handful of militants come along the alley, pushing back against Hayden and putting his hand up to the rest of the team.

"Shit...incoming." Sean barely uttered it, hearing them chatting among themselves, and very much aware that shit was about to hit the fan. The gang members were coming their way. There must have been at least three, from what he could tell. This could turn into a shitshow fast- two at once might have been capable, but more than that, it was risky. Sean wasn't thinking too much on that, as he took his machete, looking across to Hayden, knowing if they wanted to keep quiet, this might be a better shot. On the corner it would be tough to take them down, and it wasn't even the first time they'd got their knives out either- the P226 spare in hand, he could at least keep it out if they did need to open fire.
"Go for the first, H, I'll nab the next. The girls can have the rest."
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