Avatar of Framing A Moose


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current i'm gonna puke
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7 mos ago
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4 yrs ago
Aaaaaand it’s back. It was gone for a while, but it’s back and it feels awful. *Singsong Voice* ♫ I have self-destructive tendencies ♫
4 yrs ago
New Hyperfixation Unlocked: Seeds the Musical
4 yrs ago
Current Mood: Penelope Scott
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User has no bio, yet - or do they?

Most Recent Posts

@Mike the Bloodwolf
Hey Mike! So the CSes are okay as far as I'm concerned, however I think you should include a power section, to more clearly define their powers.
@Azure Sea
Hey, quick question: how are the characters going to form the group? Will it already have been formed before the start of the RP? Will the characters even know each other?
Ah shit, I totally forgot this was DC! I must've got it confused with another RP I was doing a while back. Anyway, sorry, and, if @Azure Sea hasn't a problem with your CS, then you're all good!
Hey! So I don't have any real problem with your character, but I do have a quick lore question. Now, I'm not an expert when it comes to comic book science, but from what I understand of Venom's nature as a Symbiote, every drop of his goo form is sentient, almost like a hive mind. This is why he can be torn apart and still reform around a new host. Also, I'm pretty sure that Venom's goo is able to multiply at a fast rate, which is why it's able to, in its first appearance, stretch from Peter Parker's hand up his arm, and so on. Now, for my question: wouldn't having even a trace amount of Venom in Chemical Omega be extremely dangerous, possibly resulting in the user becoming bonded with the Symbiote?
Hey guys, sorry for the wait! I've been extremely busy lately! Anyway, if all goes according to plan, I should have a post up in a few days!
Also, I just thought I'd mention that we're sort of trying to make the RP centered on a younger group of heroes, like, high school age, maybe a little older, so you might want to make your characters in the late teens. But that's up to you and @Azure Sea. I just thought I'd throw it out there.
I'm still here.
I take it this closed?

Not necessarily.
I'll see if I can post when I get the chance.
Don't we need to wait for the second villain?
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