Waverley Watts
"The world can suck, but that doesn’t mean we should give up on trying to change it."
Character Summary
Name: Waverley Watts
Aliases: Waves, the Bard
Age: 18
Birthday: February 11th
Ethnicity: African American
Birth Place: Greenbelt, MD
Godly Parent: Trivia
Legacy: Calliope (Orpheus' Bloodline)
Cohort: Cohort 5
How Many Years At Camp Jupiter: 8 Months
Gender: Female
Rank: Probatio
Occupation At Camp: Probatio Grunt Work (also plays music around camp and at the coffee shop, but she doesn't count that)
Languages: English, Latin
Height: 5'6
Weight: 126 lbs.
Body Type: Thin
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown and Purple
Skin Tone: Light Brown
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Rose on chest, illuminati triangle on middle finger, pierced ears, SPQR tattoo without any lines on her upper arm
Personal Style: Fashion isn't exactly Waverley's forte. If she's trying to impress, but isn't in a formal environment, Waverley tends to wear darker colored blouses and jeans. But more often than not, she can be found in nerdy t-shirts under rather plain hoodies. She tends to stick to darker colors, so she can blend into the background when she wants, which is odd for a wannnabe performer. The only pair of shoes she has are a pair of dirty old running shoes, and, depending on the weather, she'll wear a scarf.
Approachable * Gullible * Friendly * Pushover * Lighthearted * Anxious
Sexuality: Homosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: One might assume that Waverley's years on the streets might've hardened her into some vicious, jaded cynic focused on her own survival. But that assumption couldn't be more off. In reality, Waverley is as much of a sweet, dorky teenager as she was when she left home. While she's not the most outspoken person around, she's not exactly an introvert either. She's an anxious individual, and can often come across as awkward in conversation, but that doesn't stop her from being friendly. Unfortunately, her compassion, anxiety, and eagerness to please often makes it easier for some to use and manipulate her, but when push comes to shove, for better or worse, she'll do what she thinks is right over what she's been told to do.
Fatal Flaw: Naive
Habits: Nibbling on things (earbuds, pencil erasers, ect.), giving people and things nicknames, humming or softly singing to herself about things she’s doing (which often causes weird little magical effects)
Hobbies: Writing music, playing music, playing video games (when available), people-watching
- Violent Bigots
- Police
- Embarrassment
- Cats
- All Music (particularly enjoys classic rock and indie music)
- Coffee
- Movies
- Art
- Chocolate
- Dogs
- Stargazing
- Nature
- Travel
- Diet Soda
- Math
- STEM Subjects
- Unnecessary Education
- Bigotry
- Sketch Comedy
- War
- People Who Take Themselves Too Seriously
- Authority
Demigod Abilities:
- Musical Mystiokinesis: Due to her odd mixture of Trivia blood and Muse blood, Waverley has the ability to reshape and alter reality, but only when she's making music.
- Musical Empathy: When Waverley makes music, she's able to manipulate the emotions of her listeners.
General Skills:
- Pop Culture Knowledge
- Singing
- Guitar
- Perception
- Creativity
- Traveling Knowledge
Combat Skills:
- Stick Combat
- Combative Magic
- Stealth
- Combative Empathy
Magic Item:
- Orpheus' Lyre: Oddly enough, Orpheus'Lyre isn't a lyre. That is to say, it's not just a lyre. Orpheus' Lyre is capable of turning into whatever instrument the user desires, and for Waverley, that tends to be a guitar. It allows Waverley more control over her abilities, and also seems to be neigh indestructible, with the only evidence to the contrary being a carving on the back with the letters 'E + O' carved in a heart. If not with its owner, it can be summoned to them at will.
What Do They Carry On Them:
- Clothing - Subtle Gay Shirt for Pride, dark blue jeans, dark gray hoodie, worn running shoes, a gray beanie and a scarf
- Wallet - $47.38 US, 19 Denarius
- Imperial Gold Baton (worn on hip)
- Orpheus' Lyre (usually in case)
- Guitar Case
- Handgun (filled with imperial gold bullets)
- Old smartphone (cracked)
- Song Journal
- Compass
- Rubber bands
- Pencil
- Messenger bag
Possessions In Bunk:
- Photograph of Family
- Hunk of Rebar
- Shoebox of Souvenirs (old maps, fliers, tokens, ect.)
- Collection of photographs of Waverley with a bunch of disheveled kids
- Laptop (heavily used)
- Small box of Legos (she likes using her magic to make them build themselves when she's alone)
- Suitcase (contains collection of clothes)
- Box of extra pillows (uses them to arrange in bed when sneaking out at night)
- Map of the US pinned to wall with numerous circles and notes written on it
- Old stuffed rat (named Fred)
- Stamps, envelopes, and other letter-writing necessities
Biography Officer Wyetta Watts and her husband Aaron were a stable little family before Waverley came along. They already had one kid, a boy named Sam, and they both had stable jobs. She worked for the Washington D.C. police department, and he had his own successful business producing and selling the plastic straws often seen in restaurants of all kinds. To call their marriage loveless would be an exaggeration, but not much of one. They'd come to the point where they were closer to business partners than lovers. Having already built a life together before the passion faded, they figured it would've been idiotic to rip that all apart on the vague possibility they might find someone they preferred romantically. Even so, it was an emotional blow to Wyetta when Waverley arrived on their doorstep with a note: both proof of her father's infidelity. It wasn't the first time Aaron had cheated, but it had been the first time he was caught. And it was the last time too, though it's hard to say for certain whether he actually remained faithful from that point on, or if he just became more careful.
At first, Wyetta could barely look at the child. Every time she did, she was reminded of her husband's betrayal. But as time went on, Wyetta took notice that Aaron was also neglecting the child, preferring to spend time with Sam. So, Wyetta, being a compassionate woman, swallowed her pride and raised Waverley as if she were her own. The two became close after that, and for a while, it was them against the world. Then, Waverley's sister came along. At first, things didn't change too much. Wyetta had to care for the baby, Riley, but she was still able to spend time with Waverley, who was getting old enough to not need pampering every minute of every day. But as Riley grew, it became clear that she was special. She was a smart girl, smarter than normal, and definitely smarter than her older sister. This revelation was enough for Wyetta to focus a majority of her energy on her.
That's how Waverely's life was for most of her life. She'd never claim to live a tragedy; her family was upper middle class, and she got a good education at a private school. But when it came to her home life, it would be accurate to say she was neglected. She was the middle child between a kid genius and a clever boy with charisma seeping out his ass. Compared to them she wasn't special. Or, at least, that's what she thought. When she was fourteen, her family home was attacked by something out of a nightmare. And it seemed to be coming after her in particular. Even weirder was that she was the only one that could see it. It wrecked their house. And, at first, she ignored it. She wasn't sure what had happened, but she was sure that it wouldn't happen again. Until it did. Once again, she seemed to be what was drawing the monster to her family home.
So Waverley left. It was a difficult adjustment. Waverley had never really needed to support herself. She tried to get a job the next state over, but she found that if she settled down somewhere for too long, the monsters would find her. So she had no choice but to keep moving. It was hard for a while; the little money she had ran out pretty quick, and she had no way of making more. That was, until, she found her guitar. It was in a pawn shop, and when she picked it up, it just felt...natural. Like it was meant for her. She bought it with the last of her money. It was impulsive, but it ended up being one of the best investments she ever made. Learning how to play came easy to her, like a second language. Not only that, but she found that when she played, she had more of an affect on people than the average street performer. It was a talent that kept her belly full and, on good days, kept a roof above her head. Not having to worry as much about such things allowed Waverley the peace of mind to start enjoying her vagabond lifestyle.
The monsters still found her sometimes, of course, but they were few and far between enough that she could defend herself with her hunk of rebar she tended to keep on hand long enough to escape. Eventually, she fell in with a group not to dissimilar to herself: runaways and homeless youth. Not only was it pleasant to have some people to travel with, but it was beneficial for both her and them. Her talents got her more jingle than any of them, which she was all to happy to share, and the unwashed group of teens seemed to give off an odor that threw off the monsters. So she stayed with them for a time. They're actually what lead her to the Wolf House. One of her friends was a Jack London fan, and when they were traveling through the area, they heard mention of a house he built not too far away. So they approached it at night, hoping to squat there, but before they got very close, they were jumped by what Waverely deduced was some sort of monstrosity of a wolf. As far as she knows, all of her friends got away, but she did not. Instead of being eaten, though, she was taken in by Lupa, who trained her.
How Long Have They Been At Camp Jupiter: Training with Lupa wasn't easy. Waverley didn't fancy herself much of a fighter, but Lupa saw enough potential in her to not eat her on the spot. But eventually, she managed to meet Lupa's standards, and was sent off to New Rome. Lacking a letter, she was unsurprisingly put in the fifth cohort. It's been eight months since then. She doesn't so much mind it. She gets along with the people, particularly those who share her lower status (and that weird blonde revolutionary chick), though she doesn't particularly enjoy the whole "warrior lifestyle". She doesn't plan on staying in New Rome forever, but it's the only place where she won't get eaten up by monsters. Plus, it supplies suitable adventures, and she likes to snatch up the ones that require travel.
Additional Information
Theme Song: Hammerhead - Penelope Scott
Extra Information: Greek, and my girl Persephone, the Destroyer
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