Demetri Rowan Howell

Character Quote:
Character Summary

Name:Demetri Rowan Howell
Aliases:Demi, Rowan, Metri
Age: 15
October 20, 2003
Ethnicity: British
Birth Place: Seattle, Washington
Godly Parent: Zeus
Cabin Number: 0
How Many Years At Camp: 0
Gender: Male
Occupation At Camp: (What do they do at the camp usually?)
Languages: Ancient Greek, English, Spanish

Height: 6’2”
Weight: 175 lbs
Body Type: Average
Eye Color: Electric Blue (Wears them Brown)
Hair Color: Black
Skin Tone: Fair
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Ear Piercings
Personal Style: Demetri opts to wear dark colored clothing over any other type. He can usually be found in blacks, dark blues, greys, or any other dark shades that help represent his existential dread that he feels inside. Though many may not take notice, part of his personal style is using his ability of shapeshifting to keep his eyes a dulcet brown as opposed to the electric blue granted to him by his father.

* Kind * Introverted * Caring * Self Concious * Versatile * Wines*
Sexuality: Homosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Demetri tends to be a bit of an introverted kid. Although, the phrase Extoverted Introvert fits him much better. He’s a bit of a prankster, loving to use his powers to trick others for a spot of a laugh on his gain. His most notable trait may be his great disdain for his birth father Zeus. Believing him to be a useless prick that pales in comparison to his much cooler brother Hades, who he believes would understand him much more than his father ever could.
Fatal Flaw: Insecurity: He never truly knows if someone likes him for who he is or what he can do.
Habits: Nail biting
Hobbies:Practicing with his dagger, reading up on Greek Mythology
- Isolation
- Letting people get too close
- Hades
- Greek Mythology
- S’mores
- Pranks
- Zeus
- Hera
- Bullies
- Ranch

Demigod Abilities:
- Shapeshifting
- Vocal Mimicry
General Skills: (What does he or she know, must fit in within what the character knows)
- Deception
- Impersonation
- Cooking
- Greek Mythology
Combat Skills: (Must fit what your character knows)
- Knife Throwing (Novice)
- Hand to Hand Combat (Not Yet Known)
- Dagger Weilding (Novice)
- Agility
Magic Item: (It can be something like Percy's Riptide, Annabeth's invisibility cap, ect)
- Επιστροφή στον αποστολέα: Celestial Broze Dagger (Returns to its owner)
What Do They Carry On Them:
This includes your clothing, jewelry, your wallet, your id, your keys; cash (denote which country), a picture, lighter, cigarettes, weapons you may carry, shoes, purse, bag, pistol and so forth. If it is not listed you are not carrying it. Again, keep it grounded in the real world. Limited to spots provided.
- Clothing -Dark washed jean jacket with buttons on it, plain black T-shirt, Stretch Skinny Jeans, Black Converse.
- Purse/Wallet -100 US dollars, Old movie stubs
- Επιστροφή στον αποστολέα
- Polaroid Camera
- Leather Messanger Bag
- Spare clothes: female
Possessions In Cabin:
(What Does he or she keep at their assigned cabin, anything from weapons, trophies they have take while on quests, and any other personal possessions they have.)
- Trunk full of female, male, and unisex clothing.
- Bronze leg of the first Empousa he killed
- Record Player
- Milk Crate full of Vinyl Records
- Leather bound set of Greek Mythology books

Biography Three paragraphs minimum.) Demetri’s parents were quite happy before he arrived. They lived a modest life with no children of their own, though not for lack of trying. His mother, Rheya, used to stand outside in storms, dancing about as she took one the rain and winds, feeling the thunders boom on her feet as its sounds rippled through the sky. One morning, after a long and storming night, she was awoken by the golden light of the sun, creeping in through her window and shining onto her womb. His father witnessed the sight and saw it as a blessing, thinking that perhaps they would finally have a child if they attempted again that day.
Nine months had passed and Rheya was ready to give birth, both parents were ecstatic as she wend into labor and finally gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, although there was one issue. The child was born of shining blonde hair and electric blue eyes, neither trait that the father possessed. The nurse assured the couple that some children take on recessive genes of their parents and that the blonde hair may grow to become a much darker color later on in life. Sure enough as the years went by the hair began to darken and change into black. Demetri’s father was still not convinced as to how his Red headed wife and his brown haired self were able to make a child with hair as dark as night.
As Demetri grew up, he was loved greatly by his mother, and loved still by his father, yet there always felt as if there was a bit of animosity between the two. Demetri was always picked on at school, called names, prodded and poked, as well as being chased to no end. He slowly began to take to himself, becoming a bit more mischievous as the years went by. After all, if he couldn’t beat them, he may as well play by his own rules from afar. This did nothing to quell the anger of those who bullied him, and made more problems than he cared to admit. Schooling only became more difficult with the rise of a sudden onset of dyslexia and ADHD, the latter of which they attributed towards his behavioural issues.
How Long Have They Been At Camp Half-Blood: One day on his way back home from school, his ever so loving bullies had decided to remove the tires from his bicycle, forcing him to walk home. A great storm began to pour, and as the deluge continued, Demetri was forced to find some shelter nearby. Unfortunately for him his bullies were more than mere muscle heads, knowing full well he would need to take shelter there, they awaited his arrival and gave chase to him at first sight. Demetri, luckily, was quite fast from the years of running, and made his way into the nearby forest. There amongst the foliage did he hide, mud spattered across his face and pants, his raven black hair slicked onto him from the rain, after a few hours of hiding he passed out from exhaustion.
He awoke almost unable to move, a slender woman near his body, moving in a serpentine motion. As she moved closer her shape began to change, and her limbs became more and more with an impossible amount of legs. Just as she was 10 feet from him a bolt of Lightning struck the earth between them and in that spot laid a celestial bronze dagger. Demetri stretched his hand as much as he could even though his body lay paralyzed, and the dagger sprung to life and went into his hand. Holy crap I have the force! Was all that could run through his mind. He broke free of the Empousa's bind and sprung to his feet, dagger in hand. He threw the dagger at the beast, unbelieving of the mythical creature he was facing, and his first battle ensued.
For the next 2 years Demteri would enter the forest, willingly searching for monsters to slay, practice for him and his weapon. He fended off cyclops', harpies, and empousa's for sport, utilizing the range he could get from tossing his dagger to have an advantage against the creatures. He wasnt sure why, but they always showed up when he traveled alone and seemingly unguarded. One day instead of a monster he ran into a satyr from the myths and legends that he loved to read about, he just appeared to him and said he knew where he belonged.
Additional Information
Theme Song:
Extra Information: Post
Greek- Hades.
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