Location: Omega Building
Skills: N/A
As Jack spoke to Waverley, explaining the money situation, the young woman gave a small nod of understanding, tucking the bills back into her wallet and slipping it back into her pocket. She supposed it made sense; there were bound to be a variety of mutations that cut down on resource use. Still, in a country pushed by the mutant elite, she couldn't help but be surprised that they didn't use the age old tool of capitalism to keep some amount of control. Her lips turned down a bit into an uncertain frown as Havock spoke, giving a half shrug.
"Maybe...she already had lunch plans?" Waverley half-heartedly suggested, her hopes of spreading her optimism out to the grouchy man getting dimmer and dimmer. Her expression was dampened more when she saw the look of suspicion decorating the face of Sunshine, looking at her like she was trying to sniff out some grander scheme she was up to. Waverley, for one, was pretty sure she'd never been up to a scheme in her life, and the fact that Sunshine was gazing at her the way Waverley tended to gaze at Max rather than the unfiltered excitement that had been bubbling in Waverley moments prior made her shoulders sag. First she'd blown her off in favor of Max upon waking up, and now she was staring at her like Waves had spat in her sandwich. Waverley couldn't help but wonder if she did something wrong. "Dude, is it that hard to believe I want to record an important part of my friend's life just for the sake of having it?...and maybe showing it to the MarrBow kids, if, y'know, you two decide you want children." A life of geekdom had left Waverley pretty well capable of coming up with ship names on the fly, and she was about to give herself a pat on the back when suddenly the room faded away, leaving them in a strange, semi-futuristic version of on old Norse house.
It took Waverley a moment of confusion before she understood what was going on, at which point she watched young Zari and her tender mother. Waverley couldn't help but feel a hollow sadness at the memory playing out around of them; she would've expected some deep stabbing pain at the reminder that she was now without a mother, but instead, it caused her to look inside for a memory similar to Zari's. She found none. As much as she had mourned the stern woman, Waverley didn't have much in terms of vibrant, loving memories of her. Part of her wondered what would appear were the woman to use her powers on her, but the other part was scared to find out. As the memory faded away from the room, Waverley shifted uncomfortably on her feet, quickly nodding along with Callie, trying to shove past her own thoughts.