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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 38 min ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Dining Pavilion -- Camp Half-Blood

Ezekiel glanced at the other two Nancy was seated with and rolled his eyes a little before glancing back at his half-sister. Nancy knew these people and was close friends with them so he could hardly judge but it was hella fun to annoy them and poke holes. Madalyn annoyed him to no end simply because of how take charge she was. It was bloody annoying and Nancy did a far better job at leading. He smiled when Nancy agreed to a bit of a session later on. He liked training her because it helped him hone his skills as well. Plus, if she got good enough, she'd hopefully be favoured by their Aunt and if it pissed their father off? Well, that was an added bonus. At the mention of war games Zeke tuned in a little to the conversation of the table.
”Yes, yes you want to ask the Greeks to join.” What was a little friendly competition between people of different camps. Besides that, the Romans were intense. They could teach the Greeks a thing or two and they themselves could teach the Romans to be a bit more crafty and sneaky.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The Big House:

Chiron looked at Stella as she started to bombard him with a lot of questions and smiled towards her as he adjusted the blanket covering his fake human legs. "I usually use them so that way newer people to camp aren't freaked out as much and makes me feel more like the rest of you." Chiron answered as he finished making some hot chocolate for Stella and handed her the mug, before wheeling back slightly closer to the fireplace to get warm.

"It is usually about who your godly parent is, they will usually claim you after a few hours once you get here. Monsters usually always hunt down people like you, and either kill you for sport of for food usually which is never safe for anyone outside of camp even your mortal family would be in danger to. We train you so that way you can protect yourself and your family. If you choose to leave camp during the year, and come back in the summer, or if you choose to stay here all year round." Chiron said as he reached into a nearby bag and threw a piece of jerky to Seymour the large tiger trophy above the mantle who caught it easily and ate at it happily. "An Oracle are people who see prophecies, and then send people out onto quests. The people at the barrier are trained to protect the camp from monsters who stray to close to camp or in situations like yours help safe those who are just coming to camp."

Apollo Cabin:

"Both of you just relax, alright? This is going to sting a bit." Bryan said as he took out a suture kit and then started to get ready to sew up the claw marks on Mary's back slowly. It didnt take to long for it to be stitched up and handed Mary some nectar just a little bit, and smiled some. "The stitches should disappear after a few hours, just don't tug at them or anything like that unless you want some scaring. The nectar should get rid of the Manticore poison in you." Bryan said to Mary

Alexandra looked at the wound in Leandra's shoulder and rolled her eyes slightly seeing the damage and stared at her for a moment. "Did you pull a manticore stinger out?" Alexandra asked, usually pulling things out like arrows from the wound always did more harm than good and usually it would cause the bleeding to be worse since it usually kept the wound from bleeding profusely. Usually Alexandra was always gutting stuffed animals for prophecies kind of like the Greek's Oracle but she was good with medical stuff as well being a child of Apollo. She finished up sewing the wound looking at Leandra for a moment and patted her on the shoulder. "You are good to go now." She told Leandra as she handed her some nectar as well.

Bunker 9:

"What? I didnt say anything at all to her, it was a secret just between us girls." Lauryn said jokingly as she led the way down the trail that led towards Bunker 9. It didnt take to long for them to get there, it looked like it was a large cliff face just close to the water as well. She opened the door and walked inside holding the door open for Demi to get inside, it was the Athena and Hephaestus cabin's little haven. The Argo III was hanging above them, suspended by a few cranes as some Athena, Hephaestus and even a legionnaire or two most likely kids of Vulcan were working. In the middle of the floor was what looked to be a submersible of sorts as well to that looked like it was slowly getting finished.

"Alright c'mon, lets get your butt to work. Then we can do your side project thing." Lauryn said as she climbed up some ladders that would be coming out of the Argo III that led directly into the cargo hold of the ship. Lauryn made her way towards the engineering area rather quickly and started to get to work.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"I'm always nice to them, they just like talking a lot of shit all the time, they are more like the kids from Aphrodite's cabin." Kiera said with a slight laugh and shook her head as she finished eating the rest of her breakfast as she listened to her girlfriend. The gods choosing sides didnt sound like a good thing at all, and took a moment and looked at some of the other campers who were there and wondered how long the influence from their godly parents would flow into camp. "That doesnt really sound like a good thing at all." Kiera said softly.

Kiera got up and leaned in to kiss Leda once more. "So did you want thirds and fourths?" She asked teasingly, knowing that Leda would probably end up eating some more. She was ready to go out and help tend to the shrines as she watched the two Roman leaders and their friend talking and Zeke approaching, wondering what they were talking about.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Kristin nodded to Jason as she finished up eating her breakfast and got up giving what little was left to the brazier for her mother, and went back to the Ares table. "C'mon lets get going then." Kristin said giving Jason a smile, she was curious who the newer camper actually was and wondered how they got to camp as well.

Isaac smiled and nodded towards Janelle as he continued to eat his breakfast as he noticed Kristin making her way over towards the table and waved towards her. "Good morning." He said to Kristin and she smiled and returned the wave. "Good morning you two." Kristin said as she turned to look a Janelle for a moment. "Rosie said that there was a new camper and Chiron wanted me to give the tour I offered Jason to come with, did you want to come to?" Kristin offered.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Dining Pavilion
Skills: Mystiokinesis

Madalyne smiled when both Niah and Nancy agreed with the idea, and now they just needed to get permission from the Greeks if they could let them loan the Argo III for the games tonight. She looked at Zeke for a moment. He always seemed to be really annoying in her opinion for some reason it always felt like he was pushing her buttons on purpose sometimes with the way he spoke. "I was going to ask and see if Chiron would let us use their ship and see if the greeks would want to join in to after this actually" Madalyne said, catching Andy waving to her and smiled returning the wave to her niece.

Madalyne continued to eat her breakfast while occasionally giving Zeke a slight glare, she knew that Nancy was fond of her greek half brother so didnt really say anything right now. She was close to finishing up eating the rest of her breakfast now as well, and wanted to get things started as soon as possible.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Dining Pavillion > Bunker 9

Demetri was glad to see that Arthur and Andy didn't take it too harshly when he had to decline hanging out with them. He couldn't help but smile as the two began to protest on his little tease about Arthur causing trouble. He got up and made his way towards Bunker 9, following behind Lauryn's lead. "Oh I'm sure that's all it was." He said rolling his eyes. Demetri mimed the tip of an invisible hat towards Lauryn as she held the door for him. Making his way inside he looked around and marveled at the sights of it all. He'd seen the Argo III before, but something about seeing it suspended above him made it all the more fantastical. He walked past the submersible's, awe struck as he took it all in.

"Nice place you got here." Demi said, punctuating his statement with a whistle of amazement. He rubbed his hands together as he looked towards Lauryn. "Alright, so whatcha need me to do? Heavy lifting? Clean up? Whatcha got for me?" Lauryn looked at Demetri surprised before speaking. "It's been here for years, surprised you didnt even know about it." Lauryn said as she started to move a few things around. "Just a bit of cleaning, and heavy lifting a little bit of everything." She said as she dug into her pocket and pulled out a small little bag and tossed it to Demi. "Also been meaning to get this to you finished it a few weeks ago." Inside was a celestial bronze eye.

Demetri eye'd the bag warily, wondering what could be in it. He was surprised to see a celestial bronze eye in it. There was a warm smile on his face as he looked up back towards Lauryn. "Hey, thanks. I'll pop by the Infirmary later to see if they can help me put it in. Knowing me I'd mess it up somehow." Demetri pocketed the bagged eye before allowing his body to shift slightly. Growing a little more muscle mass. "Just point me where I'm needed and I'll do my best."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Location:Dining Pavilion -> Outside
Skills: N/A

Arthur still got blushy when Andy held his hands, but it was the giddy, happy kind, and not as much embarrassment. She and Arthur had gotten even closer over the past few months, and he was so happy he had her. As they ventured out into the snow, Arthur shivered, but kept up with her. The wind was brisk and cold against his skin, and his nose felt like it was going to freeze off, but he was just happy to be here with her. As they settled on a spot, Arthur started building the first mound of snow for the base of their snowman.

As they worked, Arthur started to talk, "So, What do you think comes next?" He asked, before realizing he should probably clarify, "I mean, with the weather, something is probably going on, and I guess... do you think there's gonna be another mission? Or another prophecy? And I guess..." Arthur trailed off, before wringing some snow off of his hands and looking down, "Do you wanna go, if there is? I will if you do, and I don't wanna stop you, but... I just don't want anybody to get hurt, and I don't know how to stop that from happening."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Apollo Cabin

Leandra continued to hold her shirt to the side for Alexandra as she came over with needle and thread, leaning down to close the distance between her and the wound. As she felt the needle pierce her skin, she let her eyes drift up to the medical supplies off a few yards away. Her mind went into overdrive, immediately looking for any equipment Alexandra and her co-medics might not have in stock. She was pulled out of her mind when Alexandra spoke, causing Leandra's eyes to dart down towards hers.

"Oh, yes, yes I did. I tied it to an arrow, hoping to give the creature a taste of its own medicine, but unfortunately it missed. Had it hit, it would've been one for the books, let me tell you," Leandra said with a small chuckle, lips twisted up in a smirk. When the oracle pulled back, the job done, Leandra slipped her sleeve back over her shoulder. She graciously took the nectar from Alexandra, sipping a mouthful, letting the taste of expensive French champagne fill her mouth, the phantom bubbles prickling softly at her tongue and down her throat. "Lovely...Now while I'm here, Alexandra, is there anything you need in terms of supplies or equipment you don't have or are running low on here?" As soon as she was patched up, Leandra hopped right back into her mama lion business mode, looking down to pull out her notebook, only to quickly catch sight of the bright red hole left in her shirt. "Oh and...you wouldn't happen to have an extra top I could borrow, would you? I'm not sure blood-soaked chic is really my style..."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Outside in the snow

Andy reluctantly let go of Arthur's hand as she started pulling snow into a large base for the snowman. Andy paused as Arthur asked what she thought was going to happen next. She knew that the snow was because her dad and his dad and Posiden were fighting. She didn't know why though, and honestly, she thought it was petty anyway. Siblings fighting was always weird to her. Siblings were supposed to be there for each other and help each other.

"I don't know what will happen, but if there is a prophecy and I can help make it end well I'll go." She said determinedly. "The gods and everyone fight each other when they could work together to make things better. Why anyone has to do dumb things or be lesser than the others is weird to me." She shrugged. "But I know that if we don't help it'd end up worse. More people would get hurt." She knew that Arthur was timid about fighting and she understood that, but she wouldn't stand by.

"You don't have to go though. If it is like the big group thing again." She knew that sort of thing was actually kind of rare. Usually, it was only small groups of three, like what Zeke had gone on. "That is even if you have the option. Sometimes the prophecy is really specific."

Location: Dining Pavilion

Niah saw Mads wave and looked to see who it was. She assumed that it was Andy since the girl was walking away with the other kid, Arthur. The pair of them were close. She wondered if it was just cause of their ages being the closest out of everyone at camp, or if the two of them had feelings for each other. Niah could barely understand trying to start a relationship. And it wasn't because she wasn't interested in one, they just were so much effort.

Niah couldn't help but smile at how Zeke insisted they ask the Greeks to join. "Yeah, I think it'd be good. But we should not have it be Greek vs Roman. I think we should split it up. Mix the teams up. It'd be good for both groups. Add a bit of structure to the Greeks fighting, and a bit of...whatever it is that Greeks do into the Roman fighting." There was a civil war going on, if the Greeks and Romans started fighting and it got too competitive it could become dangerous. At least this way if they intermixed the groups there would be fewer hard feelings, hopefully.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Leda kissed her girlfriend back, smiling slightly. She was trying not to get too worried about the entire situation with the gods. There wasn't much they could realistically do about it, especially without a prophecy. Upkeep on the shrines was a small action, unlikely to influence godly relations. "Nah, I'm good," she said, shaking her head. "I'm ready to head out when you are, love," she then added. She glanced over, spotting Zeke over at the Roman table bothering the praetors. "Wonder when that'll erupt into some interesting drama," she muttered.

She stretched her arms out up above her head and let out a yawn. She wasn't really tired, more of just mentally and emotionally waking up for the day. She had eaten a ton and now it was time to get going. She stood up and offered Kiera her hand, figuring that they could hold hands as they walked on over to get some work done. "Later today, wanna go canoeing? We could try to make a jet ski, if we can find some rope and if I can run fast enough," she proposed.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Nancy chuckled slightly at Zeke's eagerness for the War Games. She wasn't sure how cut out for it the Greeks would be, but they had been (admittedly) helpful during the battle. While they had lost New Rome, it could have been much worse if the Greeks hadn't been there to help. She wasn't too sure what to think of their fighting style, though if she had been pressed to describe it, she would have called it disorganized and individualistic. "Mixing it up would be very," Nancy agreed. It might help a little bit with the tensions between the two Camps as well. She knew that the Greeks tended to organize everything by godly parent - which didn't make much sense to her - but they probably felt the same way about the cohort system.

"With the two groups, each group could have one Roman leader and one Greek leader," Nancy suggested. "Doesn't have to be me and Mads, could be any member of leadership from our side, and the Greeks... I dunno, you all could draw straws for two?" she teased Zeke slightly. It'd be an interesting test in cooperation. She wondered if the Neptune kid would end up being leadership for whatever side ended up with the boat - either way, with the naval themed battle, the Neptune kid would be invaluable to whatever side she was on.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood - The Big House
Skills: N/A

Stella gently held the warm mug of the hot chocolate in her hands and listened as Chiron explained what the camp was and why being what she was was dangerous. She sipped the cocoa and then looked up at him and took another deep breath before speaking. "What I meant about the girls was that they seemed to be fighting with one another rather than just the monster. Marygold seemed nice, Leandra seemed... I dunno what to say... it just... it seemed they didn't like one another even while they were both helping me. I mean I get that people are like that but I was wondering if it might be more than just that."

She took another sip before she spoke again. "So... I'll get to know who my mother is then? Why I can do the things I do with plants? When ever I asked my dads they just said I was blessed... or... a gift. Their gift. I mean I love my dads and I do want to go home to see them, but... will monsters hurt them too?" She looked worried at that as she set the mug down. "Do... does that mean that I can never see them again?" She teared up at that as she sniffled again. The thought of never being able to see her dads again hurt more than any part of her body. She had been running at the insistence of that satyr and now she was being told she might never go home? It was too much for her.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Jason just shrugged slightly when Kristin said to get going, and he finished up his food and was just about ready to get going, wherever it was anyway. He was a bit curious as to who the new person was, and who their godly parent likely was going to be, but figured that they'd find out eventually when they got there. He wouldn't be too surprised if Janelle decided she wanted to tag along, but then again it was entirely up to her and he learned trying to tell her what to do was never a good idea.

Janelle finished up her food, and glanced up somewhat when Kristin came up to the Hypnos table. She waved slightly at her, wondering what it was that she was wanting to go do at the moment. Then Kristin came up to the table, and provided her with an option of what she could do at the moment. She waved at her slightly when she first walked over, before listening to what it was that was going on, and she thought about it. It would be an interesting thing, to get to go greet a new camper, and she was wondering who it was going to be or what sort of person they'd be like...

Getting up from the Ares table ready to go at this point, he walked over to the Hypnos table to see his sister and heard Kristin talking to her about tagging along. "Come on Janey, it'll be fun, new people is always a fun thing," he said to her, not too sure if she was going to tag along or not. He was mainly just giving the suggestion, not necessarily telling her what to do, since that would end poorly for him, probably anyway after all.

She thought for a moment, before making her decision. "Alright, I'll tag along, it might be fun to meet a new person," she responded with a shrug before she finished up her food and got up from the table. Janelle had her cane in hand and was ready to go, though she wasn't sure where exactly they were going, so she was currently just waiting for someone to lead the way so that she could follow them.

Marygold Isley

Location: The Apollo Cabin
Skills: N/A

"You say that, but you didn't do anything, aren't Romans supposed to be fighter types? You were completely useless and seemed to think that you somehow were better then the rest of us. Oh, and about the girl, how about you clean out your ears, since I did acknowledge her, and actually had been contemplating doing that exact same thing, since it is usually something I do, but no, keep your ego going and thinking you actually accomplished something, cause you didn't, and once again, based on what you had been saying or trying to get me to do before, you would have been perfectly fine letting that damn Manticore walking around the barrier. Since you were trying to get me to fall back when that thing was still walking around and alive. So how about you just shut your mouth."

Yup, Leandra had definitely struck a bad cord with her. Mary could at times have a temper, she knew that, but at the moment Leandra got a double whammy in the form of her pride, which for the most part seemed to be what she was really attacking, at least in her mind. Of course, she didn't expect her to know, or probably even care about that. Everything she was saying seemed to be hitting Mary's ears wrong or something. As her talk about supplies and everything was really dumb if she paid any sort of attention at all. "Ignore her, ripping something that was plugging up her injury was stupid, which probably helped lead to her incompetence. Not to mention Leandra, they don't typically need much of anything in terms of supplies, that's just common sense!"

She knew that she probably could have been nicer somewhat about it, and took a deep breath. Leandra was pissing her off with every single word that she said at this point specifically because she had already hit a nerve with her talking and it hitting the thing that typically bugged her. It would probably be a bit obvious to those who knew her what probably was going on, but she didn't really care about it too much anymore. "Thank you," she said to Bryan a lot more calmly, completely ignoring Leandra's existence at this point as she took a drink of the nectar.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 38 min ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Dining Pavilion -- Camp Half-Blood

Ezekiel caught Madalyn glaring at him and he just winked at her before laughing at Nancy’s suggestion of drawing straws. When it came down to it, the Greeks could get along and fight together in battle but in daily life or training it was a different story. Zeke liked to pick fun and bring humor into fighting but he would listen to his leader as he needed to or make decisions as was called for. And if Nancy was a leader, he wouldn't have a problem following her. Zeke knew how important getting to join Athena was and so he would do what he could to help her achieve her goal. He shifted his weight and sat down next to Nancy, his back leaning on the table and he shrugged.
”Oh I’m sure Kristin will vy for leader and someone from Ares as well. They can hardly keep their hands off of leading anything. As for separating us evenly, where’s the fun in that?” Zeke could follow Niah’s thinking but really, what was wrong with a little healthy competition; although, after New Rome perhaps they needed to learn how to work together a bit better. ”You should definitely be a leader though Nanc, you could get a few of us into working shape. Besides, don’t you want your archery teacher on your team? I’m also fairly good at healing in the midst of battle.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The Big House:

"Well Leandra is from Camp Jupiter, the Roman version of this camp they have been living here since June, Romans and Greeks tend to have tensions with each other while Mary is from here." Chiron explained as he noticed her starting to tear up at the thought of not seeing her family ever again. He wheeled himself over to Stella and gently rested a hand on her shoulder, it was common that campers didnt always stay all year round and were permitted to just attend here in the summer.

"You can go back home anytime you'd like though I would recommend staying here for a bit and learn to defend yourself. You'll see them again I promise you, and we'll find out who your godly parent is once they claim you." Chiron told her, when he heard the door opening and saw that it was Rosie coming in. "She's on her way over now." Rosie said to Chiron, and gave Stella a friendly smile. "Do you need anything?" She offered, seeing that the girl looked a bit upset.

Apollo Cabin:

"The supplies are good usually the fawns here provide what we need." Alexandra said using the Roman term for the Greek's Satyrs, she turned to look at Mary as she went off on Leandra and sighed slightly, taking a step back. "Though maybe you could help me with something later i'll get you when I need you." Alexandra said to Leandra as Bryan stared at Mary and shook his head slightly, sometimes he thought that she was more of an Ares kid than anything with that anger of hers. "No problem Mary, need anything else while your here?" He asked her.

Bunker 9:

"Though i'd also get a Hecate kid to like enchant it or something make it look at least human, unless you wanna go by the name Pegasus for the rest of your life." Lauryn said teasingly as she went over and motioned for Demi to come over. "Theres a toolbox over there if you can go and get that for me." She asked Demi as she stretched out and inspected the pipe seeing that it looked like it was leaking a bit, which wasnt good at all really.

"So what did you want to make anyway that way I know what you need, also who's it for? Cuz otherwise I don't know what supplies are needed." Lauryn decided to interrogate Demi a little bit trying to know what it was actually for and what supplies that would be needed for as well to.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion -> The Shrines
Skills: N/A

Kiera gave a slight shrug she wasnt really sure either honestly as she noticed that Zeke had gone and sat down next to Nancy, she knew that he usually got along pretty well with Nancy. "I'm not sure really though he seems close to Nancy for some reason from what i've seen." Kiera said shrugging slightly and smiled as she took her girlfriend's hand and stood up. Going out to the canoe lake would be a lot of fun as she smiled to Leda. "That would be really nice, the lake isnt super busy right now anyway because of the weather so it would just be the two of us probably." Kiera said giving Leda a wink it would be pretty romantic there to as she walked out of the Dining Pavilion.

Kiera noticed both Arthur and Andy were working on making a snowman from the looks of it and gave the two a friendly smile and wave. "Hey you guys." She said as she continued to make her way over towards the shrines. "So how did you want to do this, divide and conquer, or work on cleaning them one at a time together?" She asked her girlfriend.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, Dining Pavilion -> The Big House.
Skills: N/A

Kristin smiled when Janelle said that she would go to and nodded towards her. "Perfect, lets get going then." Kristin said as she offered her hand out for Janelle to take and started to make her way towards the Big House. She noticed that Andy and Arthur were making some snowmen while Leda and Kiera were heading over to where the shrines were to clean them most likely. It felt like a awhile ago that both Jason and Janelle were new to the camp as well to. "Do you guys remember when you first got here?" She asked turning around to look at Jason and Janelle as they were at the Big House now.

She opened the door seeing Rosie again along with Chiron and the new girl and smiled towards her. "Hey there." Kristin said as she gestured to both Jason and Janelle. "Thats Jason and Janelle, and i'm Kristin it's nice to meet you. We can take you on a tour of the camp whenever you are ready." She said offering a hand for Stella to shake.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"I think mixing our groups together would be a good thing then, we can learn each other's tactics more and i'm fine with mixing up leaders for whoever wants to lead the teams anyway, we should run it by Chiron in a bit." Madalyne said as she watched Kiera and Leda leaving, she would be a key player for the war games for sure. Madalyne shook her head slightly letting out an annoyed sigh when Zeke winked at her, that felt really annoying.

Nancy's vision would suddenly fade away, and she would find herself in what looked to be the Labyrinth again she would see Madalyne, Andy and Mary. They were running from something it was to dark to see as the group approached what looked like a bottomless pit as well, Madalyne was carrying a stygian iron sword in her hand with a symbol on the blade of it. When something large flew out of the darkness and impaled Madalyne through the stomach, dropping the sword and the Gem from their quest onto the ground and her body falling down into the pit as a black tentacle was reaching for the two items when the vision suddenly ended.

Madalyne started to nudge Nancy a bit seeing that she was in some kind of daze. "Hey Nancy are you alright?" She asked her friend knowing that look pretty well there was some kind of vision that she would occasionally have same thing that happened when they went on the quest for the Gem, and what had happened before the greeks came to camp as well.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Dining Pavillion > Bunker 9

Demetri chuckled at Lauren's comment. "Ooooh you're quite cheeky today. Didn't know you knew about anime, I'll have to keep that in mind" He debated on changing his voice to sound like Maximillian Pegasus, but thought better of it for now. He hadn't considered asking the Hecate kids for an enchantment. His mind began to wander off towards Rebecca, wondering how that cool witch was doing. She had promised to show him some magic, but no sooner did she agree to it that a door to some island opened up and she simply vanished. Demetri looked up towards the ceiling, offering a silent prayer to the gods hoping that she would be alright. That they watch over her and guide her. Demetri was brought back from his thoughts as Lauryn asked him to grab a toolbox.

Demi made his way over towards the container and grabbed it, brining it to where Lauryn knelt. He could see the leak coming from the pipe and began rummaging through the toolbox looking for a monkey wrench and clamping it around the pipe. He tightened the wrench and slowly began to apply pressure down as the bolt began to twist and close up. "Can't say who it's for Lauryn. I made an oath, and I've been told they're something that should bebheld with your life. Especially with the daughter of the Styx around. She could probably smell a broken oath from a mile away." He said matter of factly as he continued to apply pressure. "As for what it is, I want to make an acoustic guitar. Should be simpler than some mechanation or whatever. At least I hope it should be. I'd hate to make a bad guitar ya know?" Finally the bolt stopped moving and Demi waited a few moments, noticing it had finally stopped leaking and giving a sigh. "Task one done, what's next boss?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Skills: N/A

Arthur puckered his lips for a moment. He hadn't considered for the possibility that the prophecy could call for one of them and not the other. He really didn't like the feel of that. If the prophecy called for him, then he practically had to go, lest the world burn at his feet, but if it called for her, he'd be worrying constantly. This sort of codependency wasn't healthy, they needed to be able to exist as individual people, but he really didn't have the capacity and life experience to fully understand that. All he knew, was that he was scared to be seperated from her.

Arthur started to roll out the middle and said, "I get that, I just... It doesn't feel right to be able to do something, and not do anything, and I don't want people here to get hurt, and I don't..." Arthur didn't have all the words he needed, but he was trying, "So, where you go, I go, if I can. I'm not going to hold you back from helping, and I'm going to do what I can to make sure I don't hold myself back either." He said, committing to the idea of helping people. Selflessness was a difficult thing,or at least there was when stakes are involved, but he had to try.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Apollo Cabin

"I'm a bureaucrat, Ms. Isley. Most of my strength lies in the pen rather than the sword," Leandra said, though the statement was only partly true. She was a fighter, but she'd found that her strengths were most powerful when she was underestimated, so she didn't mind understating her role in New Rome. "I was calling for a tactical retreat. I was loving Team BureauCat as much as you, but I thought the battle would end with less injuries had we the aid of more warriors, perhaps even a plan. And inventory is the lifeblood of any organized institution. Back at New Rome, keeping a close eye on it was part of my job. I've made an effort to do so here as well. You can never be too careful." With that, Leandra exhaled a breath from her nose, letting any desire to engage slip away with it. She let her eyes glide back over to Alexandra, giving her a nod.

"Yes, of course. You can always just...come get me," Leandra stated, letting out a small sigh at the words. She so dearly longed for the days back home when the scheduled appointments and meetings outweighed the "I'll find you when I need you"s that Camp Half Blood seemed to inspire in its residents, even the new Roman ones. "Anywhom, I'm going to fetch myself some breakfast. Would you like me to grab you anything? Or have you already eaten? I know it's a cliche, but breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Also, erm..." she reached her finger under the neck of her shirt, poking it through the bloody hole. "Is that a no on the top?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Outside Dining Pavilion -> the Shrines
Skills: N/A

Leda grinned a little bit, seeing the snowman that was under construction. It was nice to see that despite all of the doom and gloom in the air, kids were able to just be kids. It was reassuring - that even if things were at their absolute worst, there was still a little love and light to be found. "I'm good with cleaning them together if you are, luv," Leda said, mostly because she didn't want to be apart from her girlfriend while doing the task. It'd be more fun to have someone to talk to anyways. "Figure we could start with your dad's shrine, yeah?" she suggested.

Ordinarily, Leda started with Zeus when it was time to handle the Big Three, but she figured it'd be fine if they went out of order, as Kiera was Poseidon's kid. She also really hoped that the gods wouldn't somehow get into more of a fight over who had their shrine cleaned first that day. They were unbelievably petty at times... but hopefully not that petty. "Gotta scrape the barnacles off of it," she teased. "Although more seriously, the main thing is just replacing the water, as somehow dirt and shit always ends up inside of it no matter what."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Nancy had an ulterior motive for not necessarily being the leader during the War Games - she was quietly scouting her replacement. Romans elected their praetors of course, but she wanted to know that there would be someone suitable to step up to the plate once she left. She really didn't want the only person interested in running to be Leandra. After everything Leandra had put her through, she didn't want to imagine what New Rome under her administration would look like - they'd probably be well supplied but instantly wiped out the minute trouble came knocking. "I'm not sure even I could get the Greeks into--" Nancy cut off suddenly, a distant look coming into her eyes. For everyone watching her, it was like she had started to go into a trance...

... And then it became something much worse. Her body stiffened up, before she started convulsing. She fell off the bench she had been sitting on, hitting the floor as her limbs were jerking and twitching all about. To anyone with medical knowledge, it looked like she was having a seizure.

Nancy wasn't aware of any of that though - her mind was somewhere else as her body was twitching and convulsing about. She was in the Labyrinth, with Madalyne, Andy, and... dammit, which ginger was that? They really needed to limit the number of gingers. The group was clearly running from something, but it was too dark to really make out just what it was. Nancy was incredibly confused and terrified, as the group then approached a pit - a pit that something told Nancy didn't have a bottom. Mads had a sword in her hand with a symbol on it that Nancy didn't recognize and Nancy, in her vision, screamed as something impaled Mads. Mads dropped the sword - and the gem? And then some tentacle like thing went after the two items as Mads fell into the pit...

Her vision cleared and Nancy found herself on the ground, her head aching - she must have hit her head during the vision. She didn't want to get up, knowing that likely a majority of the Greeks and Romans had witnessed her go into the prophetic 'trance.' "I need something to draw with," she mumbled.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood - The Big House
Skills: N/A

Stella had more questions when he said Roman and Greek versions, but she was too caught up in her sadness and sniffling. Her fathers had bid her off with hugs and kisses, and loving goodbyes, and now she wasn't sure that she would see them again for a while However, she did perk up a bit when he said that that she could go home eventually, but maybe after learning how to defend herself. That did make sense, that manticore from earlier was pretty determined to kill her and the other girls. She hiccuped for a moment and then took another sip of her cocoa when a small group of people arrived.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Stella Herbalem... and uh... is it okay if I don't know whom my mom is yet? Chiron said she'll probably claim me later or something?" She gently reached out and shook Kristin's hand and looked at the trio again. She lifted her hand to her mouth and started to chew as if guided by some bad instinct. Her old bad habit was kicking in because of her nerves. What if her mother never claimed her? What if her dad's hated her because it turned out her mom was a goddess? It didn't even occur to her that they might already know that.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Outside in the snow

Andy waved as Kiera said hi and passed them with Leda. She liked Leda. Leda talked about stuff and didn't require Andy to say anything when she was in a quiet mood. She turned back to Arthur and listened to him as she worked on gathering snow for the Snowman. She briefly wondered if Kiera could make the snowman real like Elsa since she controlled water. Would that work for snow and ice?

She ignored the train of thought and focused on the more important conversation. Andy smiled. Arthur seemed to accept that being a demi-god meant they'd have to risk themselves for others. It was odd that Andy had gotten their first. But she enjoyed the fights. And she knew how much those fights sucked when you were alone. It was better in a group. Better when you had other people who could watch your back.

"And I'll go where you go." She didn't put a modifier on it. She didn't care if she broke all the camp's rules. If Arthur was called on a quest she would follow him. She would protect him. However, if she was called away and he had to stay that was okay with her. The camp was safe, which meant it was a good thing no one told her about how the camp wasn't always safe.

Location: Dining Pavilion

"It'll force some outside the box thinking. We're all used to fighting in the way of our camp. I think the shake-up will be good for us." A part of her wondered if the two camps working together would help the gods settle down too. Her thoughts about the matter didn't go any farther though as Nancy went into a trance.

She stood up from the bench and got to her friend's side. She had seen this enough to know exactly what was happening. When Nancy came out of the trance and asked for something to draw with Niah pulled from her bag her sketchbook and pen. She wasn't very good at drawing but kept at the sketches, and it was a good thing. This wasn't the first time the notebook had been used for something like this. She handed the items to Nancy.

Niah then reached up for her cup, finished the contents real quick, and requested water. And held that out to Nancy as well. Though she should have gone for the sweetest frappuccino she could imagine knowing Nancy.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Dining Pavilion -> The Big House
Skills: N/A

Janelle nodded slightly, and she accepted Kristin's hand to lead her and make it easier for them to walk around. Since she still hadn't quite mapped out the lay of the camp, she typically moved around slowly so that she didn't fall or run into someone by accident. It likely wouldn't end well, either that or she'd fall over and whatever, which is typically something that she tried to avoid. Of course, nothing to worry about at the moment as she went along with the other two to go greet the new person.

Jason followed along after his sister and Kristin, staying a few steps behind them so that he didn't accidentally trip Janelle or something as they went along to the Big House. "If I remember cahrrectly all 'ell brahke loose immediately after we gaht to camp," he commented with a shrug. Once they reached the Big House, they were introduced to a young girl who also was a ginger, and he was standing next to Janelle now, before he leaned close to her ear and gave her a rather quick description of the young girl who was now in front of them for her.

Listening to her brother's words, her head turned so that she was looking more or less in the direction of the young girl's voice, who identified herself as Stella. "It's a pleasure to meet you Stella, it takes a while in ahrder to get used to sahmewhat de insanity dat 'appens 'ere, but after a while you get used to it," she said to her with a bit of a smile. "As Kristin said, my name is Janelle." She was a bit curious about how this girl would take everything that was going on around her.

He looked again at the girl in front of them, deciding that he probably should say something instead of just standing around and doing nothing really. His brain went to what she asked about her mother claiming her or something, "It's fine you dahn't know. Janelle and I dedn't know when we first gaht 'ere, she gaht claimed rather quickly, took a lettle bet lahnger fahr me, so dahn't wahrry about it," he said to her, which was true. It had been a little while after he got here that his father claimed him, so there wasn't anything for Stella to really worry about with that.

Marygold Isley

Location: The Apollo Cabin
Skills: N/A

"Yeah well here isn't New Rome so how about you stop acting like it! You are lucky you guys were even allowed to be here! You come to our home and then basically just insult how everything is ran! You are a selfish bitch is what you are, acting like we never knew what we were doing and actually need your help in everything. We were doing perfectly fine before you all showed up, so what the hell made you think we actually needed your help! We let you stay here, we can kick you all out again and let you deal with your own damn problems, so how about you start actually acting somewhat grateful for the fact that you are even alive and not acting like you all would have been fine without shelter or anything on your own. You are so damn lucky that Chiron is nice to you people stay if you are going to be so damn rude and insult how we operate!"

She really was starting to not like Leandra at all, and she turned to look at Bryan, "No, just need to get away from the girl who sees fit to insult everything about our camp and how we aren't seemingly, how did she put it? An organized institution? I'll see you later Bryan," she said surprisingly calmly to him, before she waved goodbye and just left the area. Typically she wasn't someone who snapped at everyone else like that, usually she kept a level head, but what Leandra had more or less been saying felt like she was insulting the place that was her home, it didn't matter though, not right now. She just needed to remove herself from the situation at the moment, and anywhere would be better then the same place as Leandra at the moment.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 38 min ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Dining Pavilion -- Camp Half-Blood

People were starting to shuffle out of the pavilion after completing their breakfast and things. It was starting to get quiet and the less people here, meant the less people harassing Ezekiel. Although, he imagined he would still get ambushed with more snow thrown at him at some point. Ezekiel tried to let that thought go when he felt a light breeze and heard a thud. The shift had been Nancy falling to the ground.
Ezekiel moved quickly to the floor, cradling Nancy’s head as much as possible but the damage had been done as she hit the floor first. It was only a few seconds more before Nancy came to and Zeke sighed with relief. She started asking for paper and a pen to write on but Niah supplied that for her quickly as well as some water.
”Do you want some ambrosia Nanc? Or if you let me, I could use my power,” Zeke offered, worried clearly colouring his face. He had never seen Nancy have a vision so didn’t realize she would seizure like that. ”Does that normally happen?” He looked to her friends for the answer to that one.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Apollo Cabin:

Bryan remained pretty quiet for a moment as he looked between Mary and Leandra as Mary went in and verbally abused Leandra again, not even two seconds from the one before. "Are you sure you aren't an Ares kid?" Bryan asked Mary jokingly as she finished up and left the Apollo Cabin, he turned to Leandra and sighed a bit. "Sorry about her, sadly she's right this isnt New Rome and we go about things differently here." He said as he reached over and pulled out a Camp Half-Blood shirt. "Sorry it's all we got here right now." He said towards Leandra.

Alexandra stretched slightly, for the most part she didnt really want to get involved with the drama, they were guests here after all as well to and didnt want to piss off anyone right now. "I'm a bit hungry, i'll join you at the Dining Pavilion with you." Alexandra said as she looked at Bryan and nodded towards him as she headed out. Mary, Leandra and Alexandra would feel the area around camp starting to warm up rather quickly and the snow was melting now.

Bunker 9:

"What? A girl has her interests to other than just building things." Lauryn said with a slight laugh as she got up and stretched slightly and then gestured towards the cargo hold. "Theres some of that fuel we use for the Argo III in a nearby barrel if you can grab that and bring it in here." She told him as she went and started to open up a small compartment for where the fuel would go down, before turning to face Demi.

"Well you aren't fun at all, I really don't know much about instruments i think we have some molds or whatever, just let me know what materials you are needing." She said as she went to tightening some loose bolts around the main engine itself.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, The Shrines
Skills: Hydrokinesis

"Sounds good to me then we can get this done quicker." Kiera said giving her girlfriend a smile as she went towards a nearby shed and pulled out some cleaning supplies and handed some over towards Leda. She nodded she didnt mind starting with her father's shrine first, Kiera had met him for the first time during the Winter Solstice. She laughed slightly at the barnacles joke as she went to cleaning the shrine. She used her power as the water from the air started to fill two of their buckets and looked towards her girlfriend as she got down and started to scrub around the shrine.

"So, how many times have you seen your mom and is it always just during the Winter Solstice meeting thing and what was it like meeting her for the first time?" She asked her, as she went and started to scrub the floor of the shrine, making sure that the dirt and whatnot was off of the floor. Kiera paused for a moment as she felt the area starting to get rather warm pretty quickly. "Is it getting hot or is it just me?" Kiera asked as she started to take off her jacket and noticed that the snow was melting pretty quickly.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, The Big House.
Skills: N/A

"Stella is a cool name." Kristin said giving Stella a smile as she went and sat down on a nearby chair turning to face her as she started to ask about being claimed by her mom. "It usually varies, it could be as soon as you enter the camp, or sometimes a day after you arrived." Kristin said, she remembered that sometimes the gods wouldnt even claim their kids and they would be forced to stay in the Hermes cabin. "It took almost the entire day before Athena who is my mom to claim me." Kristin said trying to reassure Stella as best as she could.

She looked at Jason and Janelle as the two of them introduced themselves to Stella. "Jason and Janelle came here last summer actually so they have been here for awhile now. You'll like it here a lot though." Kristin said as she stood up and offered a hand for Stella and smiled. "Would you like a tour of the camp now or get something to eat first?" She offered the new girl.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

As the temperature started to raise the snow quickly started to melt, which ended up ruining Andy and Arthur's snowman which ended up turning into a large puddle on the ground. If the two looked up they would be able to see something falling from the sky rather quickly, until it stopped just in front of them. Which turned out to be a fancy looking car as it stopped the door opened revealing Apollo. He turned to look at the two of them and waved. "Whoops my bad sorry." Apollo said as he started to make his way towards the Dining Pavilion,

Madalyne quickly went in and helped to help Nancy remain still, she knew that it was a vision right away and they always did take a toll on her friend. As she looked at Niah and nodded towards her friend grateful for her help as Nancy finally started to come to she reached over and felt a small bit of blood on the back of Nancy's head. "Your bleeding Nanc." Madalyne said as she quickly went to grab some napkins and applied them to the back of her head.

"Yeah it's something that happens when Nancy gets a vision.." Madalyne said to Zeke as she looked up seeing Apollo coming into the dining pavilion. Her eyes going wide knowing that Nancy really and truly hated her father with a passion, as Apollo looked at everyone there and spotting Zeke again as well as Nancy. "It's good to see you again Zekey." Apollo said as he walked over and knelt down in front of Nancy, putting a hand on the top of Nancy's head and proceeded to heal the wound rather quickly.
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