Avatar of Frog Dog


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1 mo ago
Current Yes, I called the cops. Fight my character why don't you. I'll run away and call again.
1 mo ago
Yes, I called the cops. Fight my character.


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Layers, ice cream, and popcorn.
How easy would it be for a demon to pass themselves off as an Angel born? Like could you realistically infiltrate their ranks? Demons are eternal right - if one wanted, say, to play a strategy game rather than a straight up kurder game and rot the angel born amd knights from the inside out? Or even pose as a Knight to protect the charges only to turn on them in the field kind of thing? Or would the propehts etc be able to sense their demonic essence?

Also, is there any like... formal magic that the knights use? Like angelic script/runes for inspiring bullets etc?

Angels vs Demons is basically espionage, subterfuge, and psyops that leverages the limited knowing & comprehension humanity has:

* If you commit a sin without knowing you’re a sheep still. Learning about the sin and carrying forward with doing it makes it sin.

* Only SOME people will be goats once the seals are broken. Basically all goats will know they are and will have turned their backs on god comprehending the act of doing that.

* Because angels and demons have free will too, demons are born when they choose to reject god for whatever reason (pride comeths before the fall; pride causes them to reject).

This is how the IRL interpretation of angels and demons work. Basically the demons and the angels always know what is up except humans. Human can be blind and blameless for what would be sinful, and, all of the commandments were always in place before Christ and Moses’s time. That fact feeds into the pride of demons; rules are flexible for humans to a degree.

If you look at the story of Lot in Sodom & Gomorrah, the story opens with angels possessing humans. They were like magnets for evil. Angels can do anything a demon does except turn its back on God. When Jacob became Israel, that is a physics event meaning his assailant was possessed too.
I’m very much so interested in this. I personally have a background with St Thomas Aquinas’ works and would love the opportunity to explore in this world.
Ezekiel, is this venture closed?
If that’s a promise I fear its future integrity.
In 3 Word Story 2 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
older than spam.
Lonely Island
I love making stories.
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