Avatar of Frog Dog


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1 mo ago
Current Yes, I called the cops. Fight my character why don't you. I'll run away and call again.
1 mo ago
Yes, I called the cops. Fight my character.


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Sonny didn't like what he saw when he saw the woman and what looked like her boyfriend leave the coffee shop with the pup...and the other two. There was something about them and the rest of their party that smelled off. His brain was suggesting for him to be invasive about the situation. It was almost like what happened that supermarket, except he was concerning himself with keeping an eye on them. It was as though they were all on their way out of the shop as soon as they came in.

He waited a while to collect himself. Around here, listening to this gut instinct gets you labeled as a weirdo who can't mind their own business. There was little to nothing to work off of for this baseless concern either.

But, then again, there was what happened at the supermarket. What if someone got seriously hurt? It's not like that group seemed to be friendly. The one with the dog looked disturbed --- whatever the look could be called. It seemed sort of complicated. She had a lot going on in that moment, it seemed, when the others concerned themselves with her.

Maybe he needed to call the cops.

He replayed the moment they all left the shop in his head all over again. She didn't look like she was going to leave, she seemed like she was in a pretty comfortable position and was going to be there for a little while longer for work or something like that. She was clearly blind but the ear buds gave the impression things would be a while. There was also that guy with her who didn't particularly seem to be in a rush.

As Sonny waited in line to submit an order, he kept replaying what he saw of the group in his head trying to justify the perturbances with the smallest behaviors he can recall. From the placements of their arms, their distances from one another, and the looks their faces had while engaging each other; he made certain to overthink the situation. He may have been a failing comedian, but, he could read a room full of books just as well as a pro at his level in the game. The problem he had wasn't the social side of things. Sonny just sucked at making people laugh.

It definitely wasn't a stretch to say only the woman and the man she came in with weren't friends with whoever that was that put them on edge. It was totally accurate, in his brain, that there was clearly a problem between the person who approached that blind woman. There had to be. What blind person reacts to someone being there with that kind of timing? It was like it was out of a story or something like that.

Maybe Sonny was just being a creep. Sure, he people watched from time to time trying to understand them and their business he could rarely hear. For fun, he'd fill in the details on his own. He relished in grand assumptions and mad libs. So, perhaps, he wasn't being entirely creepy...aside from watching people like a pigeon waiting for its bread. If he could, he'd make money doing this kind of stuff. He was stuck in fiber optics though. He was just a dude who did nothing for long periods of time on the job, like he was doing now, off the job site, waiting until the managers get freaked out by a heads up from the company V.P. who ran the whole racket.

What a racket.

When he grabbed his coffee from the counter there was a gunshot.

Sonny had a feeling.

He ran outside and there was an alley.

He called the cops and gave them the location. Like the snitch he always was.

He was scared to go into the alley, but he walked to the corner of it anyways.

There was the man who was with the blind woman. And everyone else.
I've made an plot update post here.

If yall can think of anything that I should cover before we get to page two, feel free to tell me and I'll add it above somewhere.

My prophet character is submitted. I have a lot of personal background in this stuff (I studied philosophy works from St Thomas Aquinas and nerd dived into saints, demonology, and the nature of humans/demons/angels including how demons are born). If anyone reading this wants help to make their works more realistic I can support for accuracy. E.g. Demons are always in an uphill battle (even Legion) when possessing someone because their nature commands them to sanctify (save) the people they end up possessing.
Sonticus I. Mártyras (aka Sonny)


Human (Prophet) | Irish & Puerto Rican

The Gifts of Tongues, Prophecy, and circumstantial others (CO = whatever the GM deems necessary).


||Appearance of Mortal||
[hair color]

[eye color]


[body build]

195 lbs


||Personality & History||

It wasn't until he witnessed the death of someone who seemed to be an angel that Sonny began to realize the weight, depth, and irony layered into his name. They died unexpectedly. He had been to a super market that day, and when the moment struck he thought he saw and aura crowned on the head of his hero, though it was just a rush job. His brain was trying to keep up with that flashed moment.

The light hit their head in what felt like a divined alignment of the ceiling light and an obtuse angle on his dirty glasses. Signs and wonders, as the saying goes...his teacher's saying which was something like, "Signs and wonders, some are holy and some are unholy; both advance God's agenda for us." It was often paired by the trialed assumption, "Demons who possess us ultimately lead us to our sanctification. All the saints contended with them --- Padre Pio was noted to have physical wrestling matches with demons during the period in which his colleagues and parish members doubted his battles. Another Saint, Thomas Aquinas, was noted to contend with the intellectual side of the battle to reinforce the followers and fathers who held intellectualized waning of faith. There were the hot-stuff priests like Robert Baron who proposed ALL people can and will be saved, but, it was also the hot-stuff priests with their charisma and other means of social magnetism who unintentionally held to those beliefs in ways which seemingly let in Lucifer's legion. A corrupted exorcist was not unknown in these cellphone times. With just the right angle, any proposal from a priest and a saint could look like anything a person wanted it to be. Perhaps Sonny just wanted to see what he saw as he fell to the side of the chips aisle at the supermarket. Perception can always be a rush job. We humans tend to make up our mind fast before there's an opportunity to skim what we see from fatty fallacies. Sonny, just like the saints and the prophets, and, any believer --- even the pope himself --- struggled with this human nature thing.

The person who died wasn't even armed. They just went out of the way to take the plunge for a knife instead of Sonny. The cutter was twisted in the face by their expression. They also seemed panicked. There was something very off about them. "Kill the Witness," was what she kept saying to herself when it all went down.

Sonny had a bad feeling about the store before going in, but, he chalked it all up to a divine coincidence. It was New York anyways. Anything and everything goes in the city. This could have happened on the subway.

Before a lot of too-good-to-be-true events happened back-to-back, like the supermarket attack, he was a pretty quiet man who largely kept to himself. Now, he's always on edge and has become more extroverted.


||Current Alignment||
True Neutral (subject to change as the story unfolds)

Sonny is a construction worker in the Telecom Field (fiber optics telecom). He's a lineman's apprentice.

Sonny's pronouns are he/him/his.

<Snipped quote by Frog Dog>

Nope we are still going, a few collab posts in the work at the moment.

Sorry for the delay in replying, currently on holiday.

All g. I’d like to join in post-holiday.
..., so, she's alright.
Okay, how the hell do I share the cs? >~>

There's a save local (download to you pc) option, and, there's a share option that let's you copy & paste the link to the sheet. Try filling it all out and doing both before sharing the link here.
Copy boss.

I am your lowly bard who specializes in support shananigans.
Calling for Backgrounds and Histories!

Alright all. After doing some more reading and familiarizing myself with the adventure we're going to be doing, I'd like to ask for character sheets and backgrounds for characters from this list:

1. @rush99999
2. @Frog Dog
3. @meri --- Vasimiri Gau
4. @Cao the Exiled
5. @PatientBean --- Fleur Levellayn

If you've already submitted your character sheet, I've placed the link to pathbuilder beside your name. What I'd like you to do is please go to the "Details" tab of your character sheet in Pathbuilder and fill out your background.

Why am I asking?

I want to look at how I might adjust the adventure to be more relevant to your character backgrounds. Should I change the NPC's? Adjust the puzzles? Bring in a different boss that might be tied to one of your backgrounds? These are all questions I want to consider, but I need your backgrounds to do that!

Thanks in advance!


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