Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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@Ryougu: At the moment? 4 seems like a nice number. It can scale up as the RP progresses, I'd think.
@Ryougu: Minefield might be overdoing it depending on scale, but fine otherwise. Accepted, but with caution on that one ability there.
@Ryougu: Magic + fighting = shenanigans. You can do a lot by making the mundane cool.

Example: Shoryuken. Don't actually just steal the shoryuken, though, but you should see what I'm getting at. Elemental shenanigans. Superpowered punches or kicks. Grabs, hold, suplexes, et cetera. Take a skill and add a bit of flashiness to it. Anyone can pull off an uppercut, but not everyone can, like, zap someone silly in the process.
@Ryougu: Your choice. If you want to keep them as-is, accepted. Else, let me see the changes.

Seriously, though, a normal knee or an uppercut isn't exactly worth a skill slot, but your choice, my friend.
@Rin: Accepted.

@AtomicNut: Also accepted.

I should probably get to work on something of my own here too.
@KOgaming: My response to Pendulums is fairly neutral. I wanted pure Zefras to work dammit ;w;
@Blight Bug: I should be able to write something up in a few, but first things first...

As I said before, I'm going to activate a Decisive from hand on the attack on Valkyrus, so that attack from Pyramid Turtle likely won't go off (and even if it's not Decisive, I can activate Gungnir, still take damage, but the Turtle still shouldn't swing). Waiting for an edit before I do that... Stuff. Then Eklispe can jump in and go wild to take you out after. 's how it'll go, right?
@Ryougu: Still got that sword prof. Make it martial arts or some equivalent?
And the abilities are a bit... I dunno, normal? You can go a bit fancier than a nutcracker and an uppercut imo.

@jynmi88: Even without that fact, the weapon's still got that non-standard bit about it. Everyone gets what is effectively standard equipment and will work their way up to the fancier stuff.

Also, imo will-o'-wisps would likely be better off being... Well, actual folklore will-o'-wisps than very humanoid ones. So race could do with a swap.
@Zynros: Definitely not a starter item, but they may or may not exist. :D

@TheFake: Modern day.

@Ryougu: Nope. I refuse to allow someone with what is effectively Killer Queen in. All those skills are borderline-cheat anyhow, with the exception of sword prof (and even then, two problems emerge: the fact that someone already had plans to write up a character that uses swords and has said as such and the fact that I don't want multiple characters occupying the same niche). I mean, depending on how different things are in respect to one another I may reconsider, but until then, well...

Swords aren't the answer to everything. =3=;;
They are the answer to a lot of things, but not everything.

Think early-midgame RPG characters for skills.
@Zynros: Internally-based.

And... Depends on what you mean by 'create' there.
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