Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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@jynmi88: I'm pretty sure that still requires parental supervision before college. In most (if not all) first world countries. Can't do it on your own. You can play hooky, but not necessarily drop out.

And... Fine, I'll cede there. But my prior point remains.
@jynmi88: I think that schools often send out notifications if a student has an unexcused absence from a class. It tends to escalate if done over an extended period of time. I would assume the parents would find out one way or another over the course of one week, much less two.

Does it have to be that sort of YT channel, though? There are a lot of ways to spin similar tales without going to something that... Honestly doesn't seem like it have much of a following in the first place. Heck, there are a lot of channels that specialize in things like food, pop culture, politics, games, and so on and so forth. Wouldn't those make more sense for someone chasing a pie in the sky ideal?

It'd make sense in turn if it was done to deal with that minor social anxiety, but this is just me rambling. Honestly, that's the only point of contention I have left in regards to the character.

@Hammerman: As I said before, I don't really wanna have people doubling up on abilities, so... Might I ask for a bit more direction as to where you're taking the character's spells and such?
Also, as I said in the OP, start smaller. Characters will scale well into the future, so you just need enough to get over that initial hump.
@Lonewolf685: Oh. So I did. 10/10 me. Freaking tired, I am.

It should be @ADamnFiddle. owo;;
@Eklispe: Okay buddy, your time to shine.
Ayami stared quietly at the biker, a copy of Nekroz of Gungnir shining in the light as she let him see it (if he even did) for a few moments before sending it to the Graveyard. The 100 Life Point hit was not making things any easier for her, but given how she literally only had the Kaleidoscope that she had pulled earlier, Valkyrus barely warding off death didn't make the situation any better.

Drawing a card from her Deck, Ayami glanced at Valkyrus once before going silent and nodding.

"I activate Nekroz of Valkyrus' effect and tribute Great Sorcerer of the Nekroz from my hand to draw one card. By Sorcerer's effect, I can add one Nekroz Spellcaster Monster to my hand--I add a second copy of Valkyrus," she said, drawing another card off the top of her deck while adding the monster to her hand. She glanced at the cards now present and, with a sigh, set two cards face down in her backfield, wary of any removal he could possibly draw into.

With a sidelong glance towards Matt, Ayami sighed and looked at the board her enemy had ready before nodding her head. If she broke Pyramid Turtle, who knew what sort of monster he would pull out in turn?

"...I skip my Battle Phase. Turn end."
@Blight Bug: Then Gungnir it shall be.

In class atm and I don't expect to be free a while, though. Later tonight is the earliest I can attempt a post.
@jynmi88: Humans don't glow in the dark, buddy.

At least, the ones I know don't. Miiight wanna get that checked out.

Jokes aside aside, I'm pretty sure that you can't just off and disappear for weeks without being noticed. Especially while still updating a YT acc. That oddity just stands out for me. Not in a good way, mind you.
Name: Aaron Zhou
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Appearance: Hm? Oh, I can work with that.
Aaron's about 5'9" tall; other than the outfit, he is as he was on Earth.
History: Is there really a story to tell about an average Asian kid? There were no 'mysterious occurrences' in his life, unless you call everything being kept perfectly in-balance as mysterious... Which, in all honesty, you kind of might. Aaron didn't act on life; he let it act on him, and only when he saw something noteworthy did he pick himself up and fight against the flow to check it out. That's how much of his early life was spent, actually; doing as he was told, passively working through every problem that rolled his way in a nonchalant manner.
That changed once he hit high school, though; suddenly, a whole array of different subjects opened up to him, and though he kept that same monotony in things he cared not for, those that he did, he excelled in. It was also here that he met friends that lasted; ones that weren't as hopped up on hormones or teenage angst as the ones in middle school. They stuck together and had fun, lent one another a shoulder when they needed it, argued, laughed it off, and so on and so forth. College meant just another door opening up to him, but as life will be, things aren't always so clear-cut.
Personality: Aaron's the sort of person who slacks off far more than he should. Work comes second to relaxation, especially if that relaxation involves not hunching over a pile of papers to figure out the most inane of issues. He claims that it's simply a matter of efficiency to his friends, but none of them really buy it. He doesn't, either, but he'll laugh it off if worst comes to worst and just stick it out.
As a byproduct of this lifestyle, he's got a tendency to only be motivated when things interest him--that usually only includes games and interesting anime or manga pop up, but Aaron does have a tendency to dedicate himself to scientific research and reading when it suits him. He lands in the middle of the introverted/extroverted scale, though he tends towards the latter ever so slightly. He's always got the right mood for the right situation--at least, in his mind--so his own thoughts are just to 'go with the flow' and add what seems necessary to the equation... In one way or another.
  • Magical Aptitude: While he himself begins with no offensive or defensive magic, Aaron is able to learn magic at a faster pace than most. It's only really because he's read so many different series, though; it's a lot easier to visualize something you want if you have multiple ways to reference it. He must fully understand how a certain form of magic works if he wishes to utilize it, though; doing so haphazardly and off of gut instinct will usually fizzle out and/or backfire.
  • Analyze: While he may not be able to cast spells to kill, Aaron does have one skill to use: Analyze. By casting this on an object, he can pull out information about things he finds, and the skill only grows in the level of information it dumps the more unique items he checks out. Like those berries you were about to eat being poisonous. Y'know?
  • Fancy robes. Because fancy.
  • Staff: Can be used to bop people. Should be for magic, but as he has none, bopping it is.
  • Bag o' Gold: Because starter funds.
Other: Has been friends with Akira for a while. The schadenfreude is palpable.
@TheFake: Accepted.

@Zynros: Nope. Overloaded kit, waaay too little history and personality, and... Are you trying to make some kinda statement by walking around all dressed in black like that? Not to say 'edgy' or anything, but... It kinda does feel like that.

In any case, form o' my own!
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