Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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@KOgaming: I'm currently up to my neck in work. I'll try to post when I can, but I can't make any promises for the next day or so.
@KOgaming: Can I ask if you'd be controlling the shopkeeper at the store, or should one of us handle that?
Also, how would you handle card pack opening?
So... I think the ones who need to post rn are @ADamnFiddle and @Flamelord. @GreenGoat too.

I'm gonna be a bit busy with stuff, though, so you have time to work.

I want that MHX Alter qwq
Having stood off to the side for much of the... Stupidity that was the last few minutes of chattering, Tiral turned his head towards the Cal as she both mentioned his name and the Mage College. Pairing that with what had been the focus of their discussions thus far, and...

Well, it seemed the cat was out of the bag now, wasn't it?

"Rather than that, Ms. Cal, I would say that your sources are correct," the mage said, dismounting from his horse and walking over to the group to join in the discussion. "You are, however, missing a few crucial details. I was technically under contract to not say any of this, but if things are developing any further in this direction, I shall break that right now. The investigation so far has erased a few missing links, and I am fairly certain this is the case."

Clearing his throat, the ice mage sighed and shook his head. This... This was going to be a hassle to explain.

"The Mage's College has actually had possession of that Shard for a while--at least a decade now, if my memory serves correctly. Someone--I cannot remember who--had delivered something only spoken of as 'highly volatile' for research purposes, and the other magi quickly got to work. They cordoned off the lowest floor and layered barrier after barrier on top of it, in an crude attempt to keep it contained. It went about as well as you'd expect," he began, piecing together the information in his head as he continued on. "Before I joined the Knights, some of the magi working on the project decided to bring me in to help research. Their goal, initially, was to destroy the Shard by less religious means, but that soon changed."

With a grim face, Tiral clenched his left hand into a fist before continuing.

"The power contained in that shard alone was enough to tempt some of the more ambitious among us. Rather than destroy it, they wanted to harness its power--turn it into a weapon to destroy anyone who wanted to cross them. It was at this point that a few colleagues of mine had noticed that the barriers were being corroded over time--it was slow at first, but the pace was rapidly increasing, to the point where there was a visible difference from one day to the next.

I left for the Knights soon after, still bound to secrecy about this entire ordeal. Neither side made much headway afterwards, at least; they always seemed to be butting heads. However, a few days ago I was called in to examine a small hole in the barriers that had penetrated through to the center of the sealing area. The shard then, at least, was still in place, though more temporary measures were used to seal it up until more powerful magic could be used in its stead. Needless to say, today's events prove they failed."

Turning his gaze towards the sky, Tiral took a deep breath before finishing his bit of exposition.

"Once this whole matter is resolved, those two sides are going to go back to fighting. I would recommend someone monitor the College in the near future to try and... Try to keep the civilians away for a while. There's going to be a lot of chaos in the near future."

If his guesses were correct, the culprit was likely on the side that wanted to turn this shard into a weapon... Which technically meant that this was an act of treason just as much as it was anything else. Or, at least, one of the culprits was. No person could execute something like this alone.
@Hammerman: People started with money, yes.
As the other people in the area began to awaken from their little naps and began to discuss a course of action, Aaron nodded his head in silent agreement before clapping his hands together.

"Alright, let's get to moving, then. Road's looking good... And thank that god for dropping us near a road and not in some random wasteland. That's not something I'd want to deal with, after all."

The young man motioned to the rest of the group to move forward before noticing that a rather petite elf girl was freaking out a bit internally... As was some lady in priestess garb, with the latter being more vocal than the former.


Maybe dealing with the former would be simpler.

"Yo, you okay there? 'Cmon, we should get moving... Though, uh... I guess this is a good a place as any to have a freakout. Just don't fall too far behind or I'm dragging you along, aight?" he called out to the elf before walking down the road with whoever else followed (which was, presumably, everyone else in the group).

Luckily, that secretary had decided to not drop them far away enough from a town to the point where they'd be hiking for hours with no goal in sight. Only about ten minutes into the walk did the group find their first stop: a town, rather rustic in its appearance... And notable European in origin. Well, at least it was appearance-wise.

There were no guards at the entrance to the town, though it was surrounded by a decently-sized wall to keep out undesirables from entering. There were a few strange animals that were moving around the outskirts, though; some strange mix of rabbit and cat that reminded him of a certain contract-making alien, but with a rather distinct lack of sapience in comparison. It would be weird to suddenly wander off the path to murder them now, though, but he could probably handle that later.

The buildings inside the town were, for the most part, built of stone; a few thatched-straw buildings were scattered around here and there, but those were mostly located at the edge of town. The town itself was neither dead nor bustling--it lay somewhere in the middle, in a perfectly average manner.

"Wow. They really went with ol' faithful here, didn't they?" he quipped to himself as he wandered deeper into the heart of the twon. The language on the signboards outside of all the buildings didn't look like any language he knew, but by some miracle he could read them all the same.

Thank god for auto-translate.

"...Well... There's a lotta buildings to check out here, I guess. Thankfully, our clothes don't stand out all that much, so we're not getting any weird looks... But I guess we should figure out somewhere to check out first."

The guild, the tavern, the inn, half a dozen different specialty shops... Their options were by no means limited, it seemed.
The walk to the school store was a bit more roundabout than Ayami would've liked, but on a day like today, that couldn't exactly be helped; with half a dozen duels clogging up the area, it was only to be expected that she'd have to weave her way through the crowd with Matt in a less-than-efficient manner. Honestly, it was pretty annoying, considering that she ended up having to walk around the long way just so she wouldn't get caught in any crossfire, but in the end nothing particularly bad had come flying her way, so she could only hope that Matt had similar luck moving alongside her.

The store was a bit more spacious than she had imagined it to be, especially with the variety of other stores packed into the area. It took the young woman a few moments of looking around to find her target, though, and she took the opportunity to motion to Matt to come check it out with her. Even from outside, she could see the displays lined up throughout the store, the cleanliness of which made her clap internally.

"...I wonder how the shopkeeper is..." she mused out loud before entering. Hopefully it wasn't as crowded in here as it was outside...

@Rin, you there, friend? I think you're the last one left.

@KOgaming, can I ask if you could give us an idea on what the school store would look like next chance you get? Please?
@manapool1: Nah, heading to a locals to participate. =w=;;
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