Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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*looks around*

So, uh... I'm gonna assume workload's got everyone held up atm?
@KOgaming: I was waiting for one from you, yes. =3=;;
@Raineh Daze: I plan on leading into multiple things next post, actually. Gil did mention 'surrounded on all sides by enemies', and that'll become apparent... Sooner rather than later. Far sooner.

Bear with it for just this round, please? ;w;
"A Duel with you?" Ayami asked, contemplating the thought a bit before shrugging her shoulders. "Well, seeing as how the shopkeeper won't be returning any time soon, I don't be-"

The young woman's words were cut off by the sound of someone abruptly falling flat on her face in an attempt to tackle Matt to the ground. Given her words, it seemed as if this wasn't the first time she had attempted such a silly feat...

Which raised a few questions in and of itself, but Ayami let the matter slide. What others did had no weight on her conscience, anyhow.

"...Right. As I was saying, I don't believe I have any reason to decline. I assume the one being challenged would decide the turn order, so I'll go second," she continued, letting her Duel Disk fan out in front of her. "Oh, that reminds me: are we still mimicking the tournament here with 8000 Life Points, or are we using the normal 4000 now that we've both been eliminated?"
"It's not cheating if I'm already out of the tournament, either," Ayami responded, taking into account Matt's choice of pack before nodding her head and placing a few bills on the counter for the shopkeeper to take. "In any case, six packs of Epic Dawn--three for me, and three for my friend here."

As she waited for the cashier to obtain the requested items, Ayami turned to look over at the girl once more before shrugging her shoulders.

"I think you can only go so far you can go with that sort of tactic, though. It might be better to keep to a single tactic in the long run, but keep a variant of the Deck in your back pocket as a backup. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing track of what you're running, and then everything likely devolves into a giant mess before you have to rework everything from the bottom up again."

That was purely speculation on her part, though; in any case, a Duel as part of the tournament wasn't an option for her any longer, so there was no harm done in discussing something like this in the meantime.
"Why are you a little elf girl? That's... Actually a pretty good question. Maybe the world's just trolling you right now," Aaron quipped, watching as the group decided to split up instead of checking out any location in particular first.

That was fine, though. Divide and conquer, right?

"Well, if you need me, then, I'll be in the guild, fishing around for info," he called out to the rest of the group as he walked into the building, glancing around furtively before noticing a very familiar face at one of the receptionist's desks. With a bit of a furrowed brow, Aaron walked up to the desk to get a closer look.

"Hello," the woman responded, her voice as businesslike as ever. "I see you've arrived. Welcome to the town of Lopel; this is the Guild Hall. Are you taking to your new equipment well? Any complications with the transferral process?"

Oh, yep. It was that secretary--Wyn. Of course.

"I'm fine, but a few others... Aren't, per se. One's a little elf girl now, and the other's a priestess who's gone off to get a drink at the tavern," he responded, shrugging his shoulders.

"Hm. That... Is strange. In any case, your first official assignment from Ferim is still not ready. We will send a message via guild card to you once it is ready, but until then, you are free to explore and take up other requests at your leisure. Let the other members of your group know to come here and obtain their card when you get a chance, please," she said in turn, handing over a piece of paper with a bunch of information written all over it--his, incidentally. "If I can make contact with them, I may be able to diagnose the origin of the problem... Though likely not reverse it--I do not have the strength to do any such thing, sadly."

"Gotcha. I think they'll come in here soon enough, though; anything to note in here?"

"Certainly. You can accept requests from either the board in here or within the tavern, then submit the proof of completion to obtain rewards. This location also has the functions of a bank, a storage, and a post office, so make of that as you will."

"That it?"


"Aight, thanks for the info. I'll go check out the board, then," Aaron finished, thanking Wyn as he walked off to go check out the job listing.

"...Huh. Hunt kulas for food... Kulas? The heck is a kula?" he asked, eyeing the notice in confusion before noting the illustration below.

"...Oh. Those Kyubey-like things... Eh, I'll put off taking any requests for now," he said, walking out of the guild to try and find the rest of the group.

The tavern was, even at this time of day, a tad raucous; people were getting drinks at the bar, food was being served as the norm... And so nothing quite seemed that unusual.

The bartender, an older man with greying hair and a moustache, nodded as Sophia ordered a drink and promptly filled up a mug with beer before taking the coins off the countertop and handing the drink to her.

"Ah, damn it all!" one man, whose larger body type mixed with less ragged clothes made for a strange sight in the middle of the tavern, shouted, slamming his own drink onto the wooden table in front of him. "Freakin' bandits raiding my carriages. Hard enough to get those goods from the north, and those so-called 'bodyguards' turn tail and run at the first sign of a fight. Goddamn cowards..." he grumbled, downing the tankard in his hands before tossing a few more coins to the bartender (who caught them rather deftly). "Another one!"

He didn't seem that drunk, all things considered, but his irritation was made well aware to those in his general vicinity.

As the rest of the zombies were laid to rest one final time, Shakespeare let out a sighed of relief as he patted his chest before turning to the group.

"Ah, simply splendid work, my dearest of allies!" he exclaimed, a smile on his face as he gestured towards the group. "This strength of yours is unmistakably borne of desire--what that desire is, though, I would hope to find out."

The Caster beamed as Seyrun praised his works, though, and elicited a laugh from the bard as he extended an arm to shake her hand.

"Dear girl, you flatter me so. I appreciate the gesture, though I must ask one thing of you:

How fare my works from where you are from? Whatever brought me to this frozen land told me naught of how they have proliferated, especially considering I was likely not born as of yet. 'Tis a shame, but I should hope that they are not simply antiquated works by now, correct?"

As Shakespeare continued to blather on, Siegfried thought for a moment at Tamamo's query before shaking his head.

"I... I haven't a clue in the slightest as to why that woman attacked me. I had heard there was a conflict in the area after being dragged here by some unknown force, and so I came to check. By the time I had arrived, that woman stood here, in the midst of all these dead, and began to speak of a man named Sigurd and of matters of love before attacking me. I swear upon my sword that I have no further insight into this problem, but upon my honor I will stop her if this wanton destruction is what she wishes upon the men and women of this land."

With a sigh, the Saber shook his head before turning off to the side and pointing his blade towards a small, dimly-lit village off in the far distance.

"That way. We should make haste, though; I fear what would happen to the townspeople if some other incident were to occur near them."

As he began to walk off, Siegfried turned his head back to face Sinfjotli, a somewhat worried expression on his face.

"Are you well? Come now, we may talk further en route. I, too, would like to know why you have arrived in such a timely manner."

@VitaVitaAR@Lonewolf685@GreenGoat@Nanashi Ninanai@ADamnFiddle@KoL@Beloss


Sakata Kintoki

Kintoki's eyes seemed to sparkle as he looked on at Gilgamesh's armor, taking a few moments to stare at the lustrous equipment before realizing his Master seemed to be a bit winded from the run up.

Maybe it would've been a good idea to carry her up in the middle of tackling soldiers down the stairs. Maybe. Or maybe it was the winter coat in the middle of a really hot place. Probably both.

Trying as best he could to slowly move over to his Master's side, the golden Berserker knelt down by her side and began to whisper.

"Yo, you okay there, Master? Need me to hang onto that extra layer for you? I don't mind," he asked, half-oblivious to the Archer's stares at him as he did so.

Kumozaki Keisuke

This was... Unfortunate.
Keisuke had, of course, read whatever reports he could dig up regarding the Fourth Holy Grail War, and the name 'Gilgamesh' stuck out like a sore thumb to him. Luckily, it seemed at if both Lancelot and one of the other Masters had it handled in regards to trying to placate the Servant who stood above them, but...

Well, what worried him more was how eager Atalanta seemed to be to hunt things. That timing... Honestly felt a bit odd, if anything. But now, he could only wait and see what the response from the Servants was.

Gilgamesh stared down at Lancelot and Montag for a moment, pausing for a moment after to close his eyes before extending his other arm forward, creating a rippling portal from which a rather large golden cup fell into it from.

"Dog, if there is another one of those Grails in this timeline, then say so sooner. The device this mongrel used to summon us three was what you see in my hand now, and I can detect no foul stench of corruption from within its confines. The city that burnt to the ground was of no matter to me, but I will not stand knowing that the same could happen to Uruk," he responded, flicking the vessel back into the Gate of Babylon before crossing his arms.

"Semiramis, remain here and take care of the logistics to reinforce the city's defenses--you spoke of your Noble Phantasm earlier and the preparation it necessitates, and so I will allow you to delegate men and resources as you please to create it. Do not abuse your authority, else I shall come after your head as well."

"Of course, King of Heroes. This is the land that I shall inherit, after all."

"Enkidu, you shall travel with me alongside these... Volunteers... To do as you suggested. The citizens should be pleased knowing that we have returned to lead them once more."

"Of course, Gilgamesh."

As the three finished conversing, Gilgamesh and Enkidu walked down the steps from the throne above, the former glaring between Svetleaze, Arturia, and Lancelot and the latter trailing behind to respond to Atalanta.

"I would be happy to tell you tales of our hunts in the future, but for now you and the others should probably follow Gilgamesh. He is still a bit selfish, but far less so when it comes to his kingdom--and if what your companions state is to be taken as truth, then it is probably for the better. If you want some more information, feel free to ask; your intentions seem to be noble enough, so I shall trust you for the moment."

As Gilgamesh walked out of the ziggurat, he was met with a group of soldiers who had finally decided to move into the structure to see what had caused the earlier explosion. Their spears were held at the ready as he calmly strode out, his presence expounded by the armor he was wearing before he held out his arm to the men.

"Citizens of Uruk! Your king, Gilgamesh, has returned to lead you!" he declared, pulling a golden weapon out of his Gate of Babylon and pointing it at the sky. "At ease, brave soldiers!

The men took a moment to process the scene in front of them before Enkidu stepped out, at which point they stood at attention and saluted towards Gilgamesh.

"That charisma of yours certainly does well, doesn't it?" Enkidu quipped, a slight smile on his face as he and Gilgamesh began walking down the steps towards the citizens waiting down below.

"The Age of Gods is just barely waning--a regal appearance such as mine goes a long way, friend," Gilgamesh retorted, a smirk on his in return as he placed the weapon back into his armory. "So, what do you think about our guests? That blonde knight, Artoria Pendragon..."

"They are trustworthy enough. Even I could tell after a few moments of looking that they meant us no harm... Save for the one you mentioned. Is she a problem?"

"Far from it--she's the one I'm most interested in. But she shouldn't be a problem--her ideals as both a knight and a king are far too righteous to attempt something so slanderous as to attack me in any regard here. She shall be a useful ally for the days to come."

Enkidu, of course, found Gilgamesh's familiarity with this group of people to be rather strange, all things considered. Slowing his pace as Gilgamesh walked ahead to continue his earlier plans, Enkidu hung back as the rest of the group form within the ziggurat followed by, and decided that questioning the two knights about the situation would be in both his and Gilgamesh's best interests.

"Sorry, I had a bit of a discussion there about what to do. Before anything else, though, would you mind if I asked you something?" the Servant asked Lancelot and Arturia, not waiting for a confirmation before continuing. "How does Gilgamesh know you two already? The female knight--Artoria, was it?--seemed to be someone memorable to him. Then there was the matter of that Grail, which he seemed to understand... May I ask for some sort of explanation about that, or is it a matter better left untouched?"
@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Lonewolf685@GreenGoat@ADamnFiddle@KoL@Beloss
If @ADamnFiddle doesn't post by the end of this weekend, I'm going to continue on.

@Beloss, see if you can't figure something out there, I guess.

In the meantime... I gotta code. And write. Yeah.
By some miracle, I got a post out in between working on my stuff. =3=;;
Ayami shook her head no in response to Matt's question; browsing the shop was simply her priority, and her one-track mind had ended up leading her to want to buy packs. As it was right now, though, nothing in particular caught her eye. Nothing too important to buy as of yet, it seemed... Which was fine. For now, she could just buy a box or something; the problem then, though, was picking which box to pick...

"...Hm... I can't make this choice. Too many to pick from," she sighed, shaking her head before turning to Matt. "Pick a set for me, please."

Before she could go back to looking through the displays for something interesting, though, another group standing off to the side seemed to be vying for her attention. The girl, apparently enough, was trying to goad her into Dueling someone...

Which, considering how she had just forfeited the tournament... Probably wasn't going to have any major significance in the end.

"Ah... I don't believe I've the right to challenge anyone for this tournament, to be quite frank," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "Rather than that, I've come here to look for cards to make my deck better; that would imply I don't believe it would have enough strength as it is, no?"

Something about the other girl's demeanor made Ayami thoroughly wary--she couldn't put her finger on what it was exactly, but that premonition was enough to keep her wary for the moment.
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