Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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@Kuroyomihime: You're the one I'm kinda waiting on rn, so a post would be appreciated.
Assuming you're coming back to the site and all that. 2 days MIA wow.

If you don't reappear in the next few days, I'm gonna dial the clock forward a bit, I guess.
Kamijou Touma and Komeiji Satori

The incredibly quick run-down of the groups' current location caught Touma off guard, slightly moreso after being handed a black box. The fact that he was going to obtain one upon entry caused him to blankly stare at the object for a few moments before turning back to the soldier who had handed it off.

"E-eh? Er, right, right," Touma responded, nodding his head yes almost out of pure instinct as he walked forward, looking around the area in curiosity before Satori stepped forward with a sigh.

"How convenient it is that we were given no place to start. I would assume our only lead for the moment is that city over there... Though I know of none like it. Maybe the architecture is more familiar to you?" she asked, calmly walking forward with a relatively unreadable expression on her face. "All the buildings where I live are made of wood and stone, not..."

"Steel. It looks kinda... I dunno, it gives off a really heavy post-modern vibe? The place is jet-black, though. Place must become seriously hot in the summer without some preventative measures in place. Color aside, the place feels... Kinda familiar enough from a distance? Ah, whatever, we'll figure out more stuff once we get there," Touma waved nonchalantly as he turned his head back towards Goldibanne. "I mean, might as well check whatever's closest, right?"
Sorry I took so long; figuring out where to shove everyone coupled with a death march work week make me have to temporarily put this RP to the side to get them done.

Back for real now, though!
Kamijou Touma and Komeiji Satori

"Ah... Say again, now?" the young man asked at the group's destination, which... More or less seemed to be a nexus of portal-generating devices? As far as he knew, such technology didn't exist in his world, so the fact that they existed in and of themselves was more shocking than anything thus far. Othinus was, of course, unfazed by the matter; it didn't take long to rationalize such things for her, given how the current trajectory of events meant that there was only so much logical distance one could cover. Especially with the explanation prior, the mission that the entire group was given was... Actually far more mundane than she had expected.

"...Really? Just to find a base?" Othinus muttered to herself as she slowly took in the small descriptions of each world and began to process them. Touma, of course, was still slightly in shock at somewhere conceivably being more advanced than Academy City, but that shock soon dispersed and he began to think about which world to head to.

Satori, on the other hand, was far from pleased with what little information she had managed to whittle out of that unreliable host of theirs, and was no less amused when directed into a room to pick a room to travel to. While the Konpaku girl (and the rest of the group) dispersed, she remained within the chamber, half in defiance and half in contemplation. It wasn't soon after, though, that she was one of the only ones left in the room alongside the black-haired boy with what seemed to be a tiny fairy or something on his shoulder and the blonde doll that the two seemed to have been speaking to earlier.

Maybe now would be a good time to begin to make herself acquainted with people.

"Excuse me," she asked, walking over to the small group of people still lost in thought at the situation. "But since that... Thing has left, can I assume we should be left to our own devices for the moment?"

"...Eh? Oh, uh, yeah, I guess we are, aren't we?" Touma asked, shaken out of his rare moment of deep thought by the appearance of the pink-haired girl. He could at least tell that she was the one who was badgering the guy to send people who wanted to go home... Well, home, so he had to at least give her some respect for that. It took a lot to stand up to power far beyond one's own; he should know, considering everything he had gone through in life thus far.

"That's a relief. Oh, and thank you for the compli-"

Satori's eyes widened in momentary realization before closing her mouth in a panic. Crap. Crapcrapcrap. She had already slipped so soon after. Would it take only a moment to take a fool's errand alone for the sake of her family?

"...Oh, uh... You're welcome, I guess? Though I don't think I said anything like that..." Touma responded in turn, a nervous laugh weakly escaping his lips as Satori let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh good, he's either a fool or just slow." she comforted herself before she caught wind of the fairy's own thoughts... And what speed at those thoughts came! At risk to herself, Satori steeled herself (though she herself showed no trace of it externally) and dove into the being's mind...

Only to be ejected in a matter of seconds. The so-called fairy's eyes snapped open and she glared at Satori, her lips clasped in a tight frown.

"Rude, aren't you? Letting my mental defenses down is no invitation for you to peer into my mind!" Othinus snapped, sending a slight shiver down Satori's spine. The youkai shook her head for a moment after recovering from that moment of shock before she stared back in return.

"You're no fairy or anything of the sort... The title of 'fallen god' would be more appropriate, would it not? Well, I can understand you hiding your identity from that man and the rest of the group, considering he didn't seem to recognize you but did your companion."

"That is... Correct. My name is Othinus, and this is Kamijou Touma, a rather... Hardheaded student. Given how suspicious you are of this entire situation, would I be wise in suggesting we work together? I cannot say I trust that man either, since his motivations and mentality escapes my grasp on understanding, and since you are one of the few people willing to confront his methodology rather than quietly accept it like many others here have--" she began, glaring at Touma for a moment before continuing, "I would much prefer your aid. Blind obedience is a danger, after all."

At this, Satori was shocked. Rather than be rejected after her abilities came to light, this Othinus person was actually... Inviting her? That was more a shock than anything else, and it left the youkai girl speechless for a moment before nodding.

"...Certainly. So. Have you decided where to go?"

"...Possibly. But first... I want to talk with you... And that Goldibanne doll as well, considering we are the only ones left here. I would like us all to discuss our capabilities in combat. Touma here is less brains than he is pure luckiness and unluckiness fused into a single being--"

"Hey, I resent that comment! Though, uh... I really can't deny it..."

"It is true, is it not? Anyways, a dialogue between us should be fine; it isn't as if the world is ending or anything at this very moment, is it?"

The conversation between the four people panned out for a while, with each giving the others insight into their own worlds and abilities (Satori was far less surprised at the living doll and had taken a great interest in Touma's Imagine Breaker, while Touma himself was just happy to know he didn't have to treat Satori like a hot stove with right hand) with seldom (if any) intervention from their 'host'. It was a moment of "peace" for Satori, at least compared to the last hour or so. But at least now they were more prepared in knowing what to expect from one another for the mission to come.

With that settled, Othinus directed the group towards the third portal--the one that no group had decided to enter. Satori and Touma had no objections to the suggestion, and so they walked forward, with... Mixed feelings at the end of everything.

Technically it might have been faster to discuss this en-route, but that would also give the possibility of being attacked if the world was hostile... And thus cause them to lose track of their conversation. That on its own wasn't something either side wanted, though for inherently different reasons altogether.
@Crimmy@banjoanjo: Uh... Just got the time to read through every different scene just now. Um...

Japanese archery clubs aren't focused on any tournament results in the least . It's treated as more an art club than a sports club, and they are inherently different from archery clubs in the West because of how formalized the 'ritual' of the shot is.

That aside, it's also one of the most popular electives in the nation afaik, and considering that tournament results are a talking point in your posts when it's less about hitting a bullseye and more about the process in which the bow is drawn, raised, and fired, I... Am not entirely sure why they wouldn't have funding on par with other popular clubs. Results wouldn't impact the funding of a club that is more cultural in nature, even if it is seeing low success in competitions (which themselves are treated like formalized practice than anything else).

I'm also fairly certain Western archery clubs wouldn't exist in this context because they aren't prevalent enough in the nation to give rise to any formal competition.

Just my two cents here. It's been bugging me for a bit now, but yeah.
@Kidd: Soz. 'bout dem posts.

In any case... Yeah! I'm splitting the cast into multiple squads to make things easier to prep/GM for. @VitaVitaAR will decide on the first group (by decree of myself), and everyone left will decide how to pair up... And then decide on leaders for each group. I will end up outsourcing in the future in terms of mission execution, and other people will get a chance to draft their own squads in the future as well.
'til then, though, you guys should get to discussing! :D
Ren waved hello in turn to the girl who had just entered the room, only vaguely remembering that she was the one eavesdropping on them all the night prior, before more familiar faces seemed to file in. While the okami (whose name he hadn't quite caught last night) seemed to be a man of few words, the oni was just as raucous as she had been last night. He couldn't deny the 'coward' claim, sadly enough, but to be fair, he had no weapons or anything then! At the very least, he could be a pack mu-

The sudden appearance of the electric teenager demanding to move through the portal caught Ren off guard, his head jerking to look over at her before noticing the (assumed) weapon bundled beneath layers of cloth. The glint of metal caught his eye for a moment, and Ren realized not long after that she was indeed carrying an actual weapon.

What the hell?!

Before he could make a remark on the situation, a few of the others arrived, including one face he wasn't familiar with in the least. While the two older men attempted to calm her down (mainly the dullahan, but thank the gods for rationality), the spontaneous questions of the one who Ren had internally dubbed as 'that guy' didn't seem to help the situation as much as it seemed to be pestering for the sake of personal curiosity.

And how the hell did he know it was a kidnapping?!

Before Ren could make his own remarks on the situation, though, Izawa walked in with an exasperated expression on his face.

"Calm yourself, Miss Tanikawa. We became aware of the incident soon after dawn broke over the horizon, but before any of that, I need to relay a few messages to you all... As it seems that some people would ask and leave without an answer," he stated, glancing at Aya for a moment before placing her gift off to the side. "First and foremost: if I haven't said it yesterday, I shall state so now: I have no idea what will happen if someone past the portal consumes a pill. I strongly urge you to consider the costs and benefits to doing so if ever given the chance, though I do ask that you report any results if you do go through with such actions. With any luck, you may succeed and allow us to learn more about the nature of that illness.
Next--and this is addressed to everyone here--there have been a few reported cases of missing people since last night. I would assume one of them is Miss Tanikawa's friend; am I correct?"

Without even waiting for a response, Izawa walked over to the requests board and calmly waved his hand over it, seemingly creating three pieces of paper out of thin air, and on each was written the name of a different person and a description of their appearance.

"Interesting magic trick, is it not? In any case, this leads me to my next point. After last night's incident, one of the miko examined the talisman that you used to seal away the gashadokuro last night and found a very interesting inscription on it. By applying it to a few of the charms that we already had here at the shrine, we were able to create small bounding arrays that can be used to reduce the onset of infection. The problems, though, are twofold; one, the array only sustains four people at maximum, with each be carrying one charm on them to activate its effect; two, that travelling near another group with a similar array will cause both to malfunction and cease to work until you move a sufficient distance away from another. The charms themselves will be on loan but free otherwise, considering how you will all be forced to work in small teams.

Considering how Miss Tanikawa's acquaintance is likely on the line here, I will let her pick out the members of her team from among you all. The rest of you may decide among yourselves how to divide up. The charms are hanging on the side wall over there, if you haven't noticed already; the reward for each person saved will be 20000 yen, split among the group that successfully escorts them back. I wish you the best of luck."

With that explanation done, Ren's brow furrowed as he walked over to look at the listings, then back over to Ayumi. To say he wouldn't mind being part of any group right now was a bit of an understatement, but given the results of last night, it seemed unlikely that anyone would want to listen to him if he was to take the role of 'leader'...
Tiral let out a sigh of disappointment as the rest of their search led to absolutely no other results. While the discovery of necromancy was good enough with respect to prevention of any further shady efforts on part of whatever conspirators caused this entire ordeal, the fact that the Shard was now floating around somewhere unknown now was quite troublesome. Given that the Roses on the mission (as well as the heir to the Cal name) knew about the entire matter now, the mage felt as if there was now a giant target painted on his back.

"...Honestly, I really hope those old mages don't try anything stupid to silence me or something," he complained, rubbing his shoulders in exasperation as the group arrived at Candaeln. "Knowing my luck, though, they're probably already working on something..."

The somber mood of the knights was not something he much cared for, but as things were, he couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy himself. Locating the culprits was a matter entirely its own, and though he (along with everyone else) was loath to admit it, there was no more to be done at the moment.

Given what the Shard was, though, the mage had confidence that it would reappear sooner rather than later. The question then, though, what when. At least they could be prepared for it now.

"Captain, I'm going to head off to my room if you need me. I have a bit of a headache from today's... Mess," he commented, bowing as he left to go stew in his own thoughts for a while.

And maybe sleep. Sleep was sounding good right about now.
"Yeah, don't worry, I shouldn't be too long," Keita responded in turn, pausing for a moment as his companion commented that she'd end up discussing his 'slacking' with his family instead. His pace slowed for a moment before the programmer shook his head and looked at the young woman beside him with a look of incredulity.

"...Really. My slacking? I don't think you can call placing in the top 5 rankings on every exam we've taken 'slacking', Motoyama-san. Though it may be the start of the school year, I'm still able to keep up with you, y'know. Well, 'cept for anything athletic, but that'd cut into time I have set aside elsewhere. Even so, catching a few z's during break isn't on the level of 'slacking', is it?" he continued on, a plastic basket whisked off its place on the stack and now hanging on the crook of his arm, before the young man walked over to the produce section to scan over what they had of... Reasonable quality.

"Regardless, thanks for hearing me out, though. My dad's been getting waaaay too many grey hairs over this mess, and I fear I might follow suit. Most stressful weeks of my life, I tell you what," he remarked, picking up a potato and looking it over from multiple angles before chucking it (along with a few others) into a plastic bag. "Hm... Today's feeling like a curry day, from the looks of things... Meat's next on the list, I guess... Ah, goddamn, can't decide. Yo, whaddya think is a good fit for curry in April? Pork, chicken or beef?"

The question itself seemed to come out of nowhere, but as programmers were, lazy was lazy. If someone else could make the choice for him, then it'd end up saving him some time staring at the choices until he finally gave up.

Deciding on food was easy, but when it came to choices within choices, well... He wasn't so quick on the draw there.
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