Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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"Hey, you know just as well as anyone else in this school that we've loooong since abandoned healthy sleeping habits cramming for tests or working on assignments or projects or whatever else they throw at us. If you threw the book at people for nodding off, we'd probably have to get caffeine through an IV or something to dodge punishment, y'know?" Keita responded in kind, walking alongside Manami with bags still casually slung over his shoulder. "Actually, rather than head home straight away, I was thinking about grabbing some ingredients at the supermarket near my place. Wanna tag along? Though, uh... I guess the stuff they'd be selling around now wouldn't be the quality I'd like in a dish. Gotta get to the produce early to get the best vegetables and all that..."

The young man let out a somewhat disheartened sigh before closing his eyes and silently calculating a few things in his head before nodding.

"Yeah. That'll do. Maybe."

"By the way, I gotta ask: you ever checked out my dad's place? I know it's a bit on the pricy side and all that, but the stuff he makes is totally worth the cost. No stupidly small serving sizes, either, since he hates that kinda stuff," he mentioned offhandedly before hastily tacking on another comment at the end. "Totally not trying to get more customers or anything for him, though, y'know? But, uh... I think all this 'Strange Gospel' stuff is causing a few of the regulars to not come as often. Man, everything ends up connecting back to that damn app. The sooner this mess is handled, the sooner we can get back to our daily lives."

With his cheeks now tinged a faint shade of red, Keita turned away from Manami in slight embarrassment before shaking his head and refocusing his thoughts. Awkward as that plug may have been, it was totally worth a shot. Maybe she could go with her parents or something. Every customer on the list was a good one, and though he himself knew little about the restaurant business, he could tell that not having customers was never a good thing.
@blumenk: I mean... If they appear as requests within the shrine, they should be a lot more substantiated and not trivialize the entire process (because for all most people should know it's not something supernatural stealing stuff). Informal requests should be fine, but also shouldn't necessarily be on the list itself. 's all.
@13org: I mean... If you can hit them well enough, then a lot of things are game. Nothing that looks too feral, though, of course.

I mean, we have a dullahan, y'know?

@Cuccoruler: Mine gave his name. :I
@13org: Nope, everything was contained and the sound was, like, 95% muffled (thus how I had Kuro's char listen in on the incident but only at point blank).

That's debatable. Everything will be circumstantial, situational, and based on GM fiat. :)

And.... Uh...
The PCs should all be able to blend in with normal human society. Neither char would fit in well if what you're declaring remains true. =3=;;

The apparent leader of the wolf pack snarled as the entire frontal flank ended up killed, its eyes still betraying a hint of rationale as it watched the group die and the rest of its companions attempt to regroup. Tamamo's subsequent magic did no batter to aid in that effort, though; the rapid drop smashed three of the wolves into the ground, and if it didn't crush their skulls on impact, the resulting damage to the bones of their legs coupled with the other seven in the air inadvertently using their bodies as cushions certainly did the job instead. Bruised and battered (but now somewhat free from the wind magic that had locked them up), the wolves only had a moment to react as plants sprang up from beneath the snow and blood-covered land to bind their leader. In a singular moment of sacrifice, one of the wolves shoved their leader to the side, taking the bindings in its place. The remaining beasts (leader included) stood motionless for a few moments before backing up. The leader of the pack was the first to break from that apparent stupor, though, and howled towards the moon. The others seemed to follow suit, giving birth to an unearthly sound that seemed to cause the guards to recoil in pain, their eardrums bleeding as the sound seemed to amplify in intensity. The mana in the air seemed to ripple as the noise resonated through the air, quite possibly affecting more than just the humans at hand.

After a few moments, four wolves from within the group near the back stopped their howling, as did the four surrounding Siegfried, before attempting to dash towards the nearest enemy (who just so happened to be the wounded Edeltaud). Rather than all of them striking out at her at once, the group simply left one wolf behind to deal with her while the others adopted a V-shaped formation in an attempt to pierce through the rearguard and cause chaos there. The one leading the charge would not be deterred, it seemed, so long as the two it was "escorting" made it to their destination.

The wolves that were previously at Siegfried's back, though, were now surrounded on their own. While two remained trained on Siegfried, the two at his back immediately turned to react and fight. The wolf facing Nevsky, after seeing how its comrades had fared, instead began to throw feints into its attack pattern, hoping to spook the horse enough to cause it to react before leaping in to tear its throat out in short order. The one facing Sinfjotli instead attempted to dodge or evade all of the Servant's attacks rather than attempt any on its own.

"These wolves... Are far too intelligent for mere magical beasts!" Siegfried exclaimed as he cut down one of the wolves who leaped in to attack him, its throat spurting acidic blood as he turned to face the last wolf targeting him. Of course, whether or not his statement would reach the group was variable, given the din that seemed to be blocking out any other sounds from making it through to the group.

@VitaVitaAR@Lonewolf685@GreenGoat@Nanashi Ninanai@KoL@Beloss


Sakata Kintoki

"Er... Enkidu is coming along with us, though? But, er... One strike? You're joking, right?" Kintoki asked, slowing down his pace as he realized that his Master had decided to tag along regardless. While Enkidu continued to move on ahead, the Berserker acted as his Master had, his gaze flicking between his axe and the golem a few timed before shrugging his shoulders.

"Ah, well... I guess I could try to whack it down like a lumberjack or something," he said, gripping his axe in both hands before charging ahead after Enkidu once more. "No promises, though, but I think that I'm pretty golden shot if you manage to let me get a good hit in!"

"Rather than consuming even more mana to use your Noble Phantasm again, let me attempt the immobilization. I need you two to stall for a moment while I set up, though, so I'll leave it to you."

Kintoki processed the comment for a few moments before nodding and moving on ahead and the green-haired Servant stuck his hands into the ground and slowly began to change it from the inside.

Kumozaki Keisuke

Keisuke simply nodded his head at Atalanta's assertion, glancing around the battlefield at the few remaining beasts that had somehow managed to slip past Richard's cloud of death during the initial combat. It didn't seem as if there was any particular reason to take on what was the equivalent of a giant magical war machine while there were Servants to do the job instead, and so the Enforcer decided to move around and help clean up shop instead.

Richard, unluckily enough, would have no luck in his search for underground pockets of gas or other such natural resources underneath Uruk.

Gilgamesh looked at the two Masters waiting nearby and laughed a bit to himself, though it sounded more derisive than anything.

"Well, I guess I shouldn't have expected either of you to vote against your Servants, now should I? Very well, then; the victor of this bet shall obtain the freedom to explore this city and see what it has to offer. As for money... Well, I think you two should be fine figuring out something on your own!" the King of Heroes said, watching as the two mongrels fought in their makeshift arena.

The large Berserker roared in anger as it acted exactly as Lancelot had predicted, slashing down on the cape only hit cleave nothing but air. The subsequent entry of the knight's borrowed blade into his stomach caused the Servant to pause for a few moments, seeming as if the blow had ended his life.

Sadly, though, that was far from the case. With his neck slowly cracking as he turned up to face Lancelot from his current hunchbacked position, the Servant roared as it drew its axes into the air in another attempt to try and chop his opponent to bits.

The skeletal commander that Arturia had dashed forward towards had nary a moment to react, especially given the speed at which the King of Knights had closed the distance between them. With less than a fraction of a second to spare, though, the king's opponent managed to deflect the blow aimed at itself, only sacrificing the weapon it had been holding up until then. Throwing it off to the side, the skeleton grabbed another weapon off of a nearby elephant before mounting the skeletal creature and pointing at the King of Knights. In an instant, every skeleton in the nearby vicinity seemed to leap at their new target rather than continuing their charge at the city, a fact that the soldiers near the walls were very much grateful for.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Lonewolf685@GreenGoat@KoL
Yeah, both of those should be fine assuming they're in-line with the power levels of everyone else in the RP rn.
Case by case basis, but yeah, try sticking to Japanese races from here on.
The priest stared straight back at the oni, his expression unchanging as she asked if the prior fight counted as a request. A few more moments passed before he snapped his fingers, causing a shrine maiden to walk out from a side room with a small box in hand. When she opened the box, though, what the group would see was not money or riches, but instead a set of medicinal pills that emanated a relatively strong herbal scent. Ren scrunched his nose instinctively, but decided to peer a bit deeper in to see what they looked like. They seemed to be a deep green, though with a faint golden luster that made them feel far more otherworldly, and each seemed to be about the size of a marble, if not slightly larger.

"These pills are able to expunge any corruption from the world of mirrors; you must consume the entire pill in order for the effect to take hold. Each of you will be given three for free, but any more will have to be purchased, as the time and resources required to create them are no small order. We shall hold onto them for the moment, but any time you wish to obtain any, let one of the miko here know and they shall deliver accordingly."

With that statement, the miko snapped the box shut and left the room as Izawa moved to address the next question—the girl who seemed to be crackling with electricity.

"Well... Rather than asking me that, young lady, you may be better off asking your parents. I cannot answer questions of heritage, but they may very well give you the answers you seek," he said, his non-answer casually dodging around her question before he turned back to the rather rude young man from earlier...

Who seemed to be giving more excuses than simply apologizing. Shame.

"The fact that there were circumstances that caused you to be evicted from the shrine grounds before is not something you want to be telling the priest of the shrine, don't you think? In any case... To answer your questions in order:
First, it depends on your tolerance to the world itself. In a manner similar to this world's diseases, your bodies will gradually build up an immunity after multiple visits. At the moment, it may be no more than a few hours at maximum for you.
Second... The answer to that is both yes and no. No one I know has found any residents of the city willing to negotiate at length, but the possibility of such beings always exists.
Third. I don't believe I need to mention anything more than special effects movies, correct? Even putting the possibility of them assembling aside, the more people that enter, the higher resulting risk comes forth if we cannot successfully cleanse them all every time.
Last... Well, there lies another problem. We have used most of our resources in prevention and restraint, and have thus barely even ventured into the world in search of answers. We know nothing other than what has been said and what we have done, but what we do know is that it is a strange amalgamation of modern architecture and old Edo-era buildings. You may find some familiar points of reference from the city you all live in, but I cannot elaborate on what I do not know. However, the possibility exists for the creation of outposts in the future, but at the moment our resources are spread too thin to work on such projects."

The last question was, at least, easy enough to respond to, and soon enough another miko came out from a side room to deliver a spool of thread to the dullahan as Izawa took a deep breath.

"...Does that answer everything? In that case, I await your return in the future. Best of luck to you all."

Ren sat in silence as the question-and-answer session bounced inside of his head. Between a possible doomsday scenario, the existence of youkai and an alternate world, and the powerless person that he was that had quote-on-quote 'potential', things were still slightly difficult to process. The girl who had the bravery to confront the gashadokuro (or one of the girls, at least) seemed to be singling him out, but there was another person here who had done even less that he had...
And seemed to be twice as eager to jump into the fray despite seeming younger than he was. At least the old man had a gun or something, which would explain a lack of chastisement on that front, but still!

"...Ren. Amazawa Ren.. I'm just a normal human in an extraordinary situation, I guess," he said, sighing as he stood up from his seat within the barrier. "I... I'm going to head home to rest a bit. I think I still need some time to process this whole thing; probably gonna come back tomorrow or something. As for the possibility of getting hurt... Well, if it means not watching the city go up in flames, I guess I'll just have to suck it up and deal with it, right?"

With a sigh, the young man walked out of the shrine's back entrance before noticing that a girl had been eavesdropping on the entire conversation. Opting to just let the priest handle this matter, the young man gave a bow towards the priest before leaving for real, slipping back around the building and into the crowd as he headed home.

What a crazy night.

The afternoon of the New Year was definitely a time that Ren would've expected to have been far more busy for those at Koumi Shrine, but it seemed as if most of the resident had handled their yearly visits earlier in the day, if not the night prior. It... Was a bit strange, he had to admit, but the priest standing outside the shrine waved to the young man once, motioning him to come over to speak with him. When he did, Izawa cleared his throat before beginning to speak.

"The New Year really is quite chilly this year... In any case, if you recall from last night, there were a few side rooms from which the miko were entering and exiting. We've repurposed one of them for anyone attempting to enter the city of mirrors to use as a place to relax, check requests, or otherwise cleanse themselves after a trip. There are already a few people waiting inside, and to be honest, I wasn't expecting you to return. Just to make sure... You are willing to do this, correct?"

"...Well, that conversation confirms that entire thing was real, so I have no reason to think otherwise any more. Even if I'm useless right now, I'll find some way to help the efforts here. Sitting on my hands just doesn't feel right," Ren responded before bowing and donating a 500 yen coin to the shrine before entering.

The center of the shrine, as before, had the glowing portal still hovering in existence, but what was of more interest to him right now was the side room. It seemed unlikely that any requests had come in so soon after this place opening up, but maybe the people already there were ones he could reason in letting him tag along to gain some sort of valuable experience or knowledge.
@13org: Yes.

As for everyone else: I'm writing up a post now. Will timeskip to the next day once it arrives, so be ready.

Also, once again: If anyone here has ideas, do let me know. I want the players to be split into groups of 2 to 4 per mission, so I'm gonna need a lot of input from you guys and what you'd like to see.
As an fyi: I'm likely going to timeskip once everyone's done grilling the priest for info and leaves. Everyone in the RP is free to propose missions to run, and I may or may not delegate responsibility to running them accordingly. :D
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