Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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@KoL: Er... Yeah, how about let's not? That causes far more issues than I'd like to deal with lol. =w=;;
Fate? *rimshot*

But... Yeah, no problem with that. We're waiting on the other forms to roll in anyhow, so you have time.
@Riegal: I see no problems with Jekyll, so he's good to go.

Hm... I guess I should start planning more stuff now...
@Riegal: Irrelevant within the context of the RP as in "this is more a piece of fluff and I likely won't be making use of it so it's kinda superfluous." I mean, if it's something you wanna have in, by all means. =3=;;

But yeah, with that clarified I'd say she's good to go. =w=;;

Name: Kumozaki Keisuke
Age: 27
Appearance: I'll give you five seconds to calm down. Clock's ticking.
Personality: Keisuke is the quintessential straight-man: serious and quick to point out inconsistencies while also playing along every so often for the sake of it. The life of an Enforcer, after all, is one where a balance of cold-heartedness and sanity is necessary. Nevertheless, he has emotions and can laugh, cry, and scream just as well as anyone else; it just so happens that he ends up hiding most of those emotions during missions. When relaxing, Keisuke is fine simply reading stories or talking with others (and with things as they are now, listening to Servants and talking to them). He is usually neither humble nor arrogant, preferring to speak with people as if they are equals if he can help it.
Abilities: Keisuke's magic circuits are slightly above average when compared to an average Magus, but his tendency to hide his magecraft away until it is absolutely necessary means that he doesn't have as much practice casting anything that isn't good ol' reinforcement magic. His affinity is towards wind, with a subaffinity towards fire; in many ways, this has come in quite handy with his upbringing overall.
  • Lightning Infusion: With a small bit of preparation, Keisuke can electrify an object, be it a knife, bullet, his Mystic Code, or even himself. Of course, if left uncontrolled it's effectively a bolt that travels through and fries people, so it has some offensive capability. Not much, but it exists.
  • Mystic Code: Blade of the Half-Moon; It is a katana enchanted with heavy offensive and defensive safeguards, putting it on par with an E-rank Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm. Normally, the blade takes the form of a ring with the symbol of a half-moon emblazoned on it, but once activated, the blade returns to its original size and can be used for active combat. Because of its various enchantments, it cannot be easily destroyed by most normal weapons and moves incredibly rapidly for its weight and size. The movements are nowhere near on par with, say, Sasaki Kojirou's Tsubame Gaeshi, but they are fairly rapid.

History: The Kumozaki clan's history is shrouded in mystery, even to Keisuke, who grew up for a decent chunk of his life not realizing that his parents that were supposedly off handling business affairs were instead hopping around the globe to fulfill age-old favors that just so happened to be called in right after he was born. Raised instead by his sole living grandfather, Keisuke was made to learn the way of the sword due to the insistence thereof. He was 8 when he learned about the world of magi when his grandfather (after a night of drinking with his acquaintances while he was supposed to be asleep) began to ramble about how "magi these days don't understand the importance of keeping balance! They're all either complete brickheads like my son-in-law or wimps like my daughter! In my prime, I could punch a mage in the face with one hand and blast five with the other, no problem!"
Intrigued, Keisuke began to probe around the house, occasionally asking his grandfather a few questions about what was lying in those strange unopened corners of the house (which were often met with a secretive laugh and a "you'll find out eventually) until he finally found the location of the workshop there. Seeing that he was no longer able to keep this sort of thing hidden, Keisuke's grandfather ceded on the topic and let him into the world of magecraft.
The thing was, though, that the Kumozaki clan didn't seek the Root as fervently as every other family did, but instead used it for more practical applications... Such as self-defense. Or, well, being hired as Enforcers.
It took a while for the curious magi-to-be to pick up a few rudimentary spells, but by the time he had graduated high school, people were already pressuring his family to cede him for more focused anti-magus training. Unable to gather enough influence to withstand it, Keisuke was soon sent off to the Clock Tower for some more training. Of course, given the general outlook of magi towards Enforcers, his time there was far from pleasing. This time was, of course, the first time he was sent out to kill a magi.
The job was simple--kill a magus that was experimenting with chimeras and transmutation far too openly, clean up shop, then return with the Crest. He was to go alone, since that was what was expected of him, and Keisuke broke through by the skin of his teeth. Even so, killing the magus felt inherently revolting to the young man; to take the life of an animal to eat was something, but to kill another person was another thing entirely. Expecting a long fight after horde after horde of chimera, Keisuke was instead met with a man far too close to the brink of death anyways, desperately trying to finish one last bit of work before he passed on.
There was a moment of pity towards the magus, but it was one that didn't last for long. Without any ceremony or any fanfare, he completed his job, took the crest, and returned to the Clock Tower.
Life continued like that for a while, with each successive job more difficult than the last. Sometimes he would go alone; others, he would travel and work with others. Most jobs gave him enough to live well enough anyhow, so he only killed when he had to, or when others requested it of him, depending on the payout or if he owed the one requesting a favor or not. Eventually, though, a strange request came in--from his parents, no less. Apparently, this wasn't a quest to kill any magus in particular, but just to 'handle a few problems that popped up one day'; they hadn't the energy nor the time to handle the request at the time, and instead sent for their (somewhat estranged) son to handle it instead. As usual, he accepted; it didn't seem that worrisome, but something about the meeting place being in the middle of the Pacific caused him to be a tad on guard...
Other: No guns, no problem. It's been unnecessary until now, and probably (hopefully) will stay as such. Also knows enough about modern science and stuff, because sometimes that stuff can be handy. Emphasis on sometimes.


Name: Ozymandias (Ramesses II)
Class: Rider
Appearance: I shall allow you to witness the strength of the pharaoh!
  • Parameters
    • Strength: C
    • Endurance: C
    • Agility: B
    • Mana: A
    • Luck: A+
    • Noble Phantasm: A++ (ranked down from EX)
  • Skills:

    • Riding: A+
    • Magic Resistance: B
    • Divinity: B
    • Charisma: B
    • Imperial Privilege: A; the skill itself is limited to give access to extensive knowledge of the fine arts and some degree of Military Tactics. In times of need, it can be activated to allow Ozymandias to defend himself at a short range with his staff (since he has no way of fighting head-on otherwise, this is essentially his only means of close-range self-defense).
    • Protection from the Sun God: A+; by utilizing this skill, Ozymandias can utilize the mana from his surroundings (if it exists) to fuel his Noble Phantasms or to funnel it towards other people or places. The prerequisite, though, is that he must be able to see the sun directly during activation and usage, and that the skill's strength, in turn, scales with the strength of the sun at that given moment (and so it is strongest at high noon and weakest at sunrise or sunset, and cannot be used at night). To give a sense of scale, an hour of using this skill at noon is able to fuel the full usage of Ramesseum Tentyris for 5 minutes at a location in modern-day Earth that is not near a leyline (where the mana of the Earth is, by nature, more plentiful).

Noble Phantasms:
  • Ramesseum Tentyris: Anti-Fortress, EX; A Reality Marble that Ozymandias controls, Ramesseum Tentyris is a manifestation of the Egyptian Gods believed to have been manifest within the pharaoh's body. That is, in essence, the Ramesseum Temple Complex and a giant pyramid, which acts as the throne room from which Ozymandias controls the area outside. From within this Reality Marble, Ozymandias is able to manifest magical creatures from Egyptian lore (primarily sphinxes, though those also consume the most mana to manifest) and seals the Noble Phantasms of any Servants that are not either closely related to (or are) Divine Spirits or do not have countermeasures devised. For the purposes of this RP, the following limitations are imposed on this Noble Phantasm:
    • No curse that acts like poison. The Divine Spirit that causes this is instead one that guards the main temple, cannot leave the Reality Marble, and can only debilitate enemies that draw near (aka weakening resistances).
    • No immortality of any sort to Ozymandias or his creations. This one's self-explanatory.
    • Dendera Electric Bulb no longer has the power to annihilate a city in a single shot; instead, it can only be fired twice daily and has roughly a third of the power of Excalibur (or once for 2/3 the power and size). Of course, this lapse in power is not without merit; if a Servant is struck by the attack, the effect of being within his Reality Marble will take hold (depending on the severity of the shot and proximity to the attack). This attack can manifest and be fired outside of his Reality Marble, but the same limitations still apply.
    • Magical beasts require Ozymandias' mana to manifest, and their strength is relative to the amount of mana he adds in (the cost of which scales linearly higher). They're self-sufficient otherwise (so yes, in theory, he could make little sphinx cubs that act like pets or something but have no practical combat use whatsoever).
  • Meseket: Ozymandias' flying ship (and the reason he qualifies as a Rider). Meseket can be partially manifested in order to fire out beams of light (or to just crash into stuff for the sake of it). Of course, KEEPING it manifested for too long is such a heavy drain on his mana supply that it becomes entirely too burdensome for him to keep up, even with the usage of Protection of the Sun God. The same goes for causing any major section of the ship to appear aside from the cannons (where, again, he shoots the lasers from). In theory, if he had the mana to manifest it, he could, but that sort of luxury isn't ordinarily available in the modern era. Of course, things are a different story the farther back in time that we go, but a giant ship is still a giant ship.

Personality: A man with an ego as large as the kingdom he led to wealth and glory, Ozymandias is a man who regards himself to be a "King among Kings" and the living incarnation of the Egyptian gods (which, as things turn out, are fairly true given the nature of pharaohs). As such, he often sees himself as far above those not on the level of 'gods', though he does respect them in his prideful arrogance. Even so, in all his grand demeanor he judges things as a fair ruler would, and is neither inherently greedy nor tyrannical—though he is a pharaoh, he is also the ruler of his people and a 'god', and thus keeps himself in order to maintain such appearances. The exception, of course, is when matters regarding his beloved Nefertari come into play, for that is the only time his godlike facade may cease, if only for a moment. Placing that aside, Ozymandias is a Servant who would announce his return given the chance (not unlike another charismatic Rider), and the whole 'saving the world' matters aren't helping sate his ego all that much.
Other: As an incarnation of Horus and Ra, Ozymandias has a somewhat amusing worldview regarding other Servants affiliated with the sun. As to what that is, well... You'll see. Also prefers the name Ozymandias than the title 'Rider' or being referred to as a 'Servant' (he is a king, after all).
@Riegal: Putting aside how origin's kinda irrelevant in the context of the RP...

I don't... Think that the character needs to be edgy, per se? Semi-serious maybe, but not edgy edgy.

The only question mark that pops up at the moment is the mention of 'heretical humans' there. I'm... Getting an idea as to how to parse that but I'm still kinda unsure as to what that represents.
@KoL: It probably goes without question that Atalanta's accepted. =w=;;

Speaking of forms... One old and one new. Woohoo!

Man, don't you love it when life is nothing but chaos? =3=;;

But, uh... Yeah, if Atalanta's making a return I'll probably be running Keisuke again as well. As for servants... Yeah, nerfed Ozy seems aout right. I can work with a nerfed Ozy.

Given current trends, we probably won't start for another week or two just because of the lack of forms at the moment though. =w=;;
@KoL: Given the way things are looking right now, you could probably get away with signing on. I don't think we'll be getting off the ground for a while, if only because I'm trying to decide on a Servant to use.

Contemplating a nerfed Ozymandias but hm...
@VitaVitaAR: Well, I'm pretty sure I'd be foolish if I didn't give a pass to a form that came from the last time I ran this, especially considering you were a) my co-GM and b) stuck through until it fell last time. So accepted.
Also, have your title back.

Currently contemplating a new Servant idea, though, so yeah. owo;;

I guess I should've also pinged the other people in the interest check here, shouldn't I?

And something addressed to other people who may be looking at this: We're still open/accepting. =3=;;
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