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Okay, I've decided. I'm going to make a post tomorrow night to move things along, so we'll see how things pan out from there. Either there is another post between now and then, or there isn't.

@Riegal: *waves arms*

Once you move, I'll continue on with the scene, so... Yeah. owo;;

In the meantime... I guess I'll clear Shinjuku free quests on JP and farm Nerofest 40AP on NA.
*waves arms*

People? Hello? There not there? owo;;
Sorry 'bout that taking a while, but it has been done, and so it shall be. Woo.

So... Give chase, or fix the burning city. Your call, people. :D
Kumozaki Keisuke

"The Witch... So that's her, huh?" Keisuke responded, glancing at the Servant as he continued to stare at the woman from outside of her direct field of view. The conflict between the two seemed to be at a standstill, with the blindfolded Servant managing to weave her way through Medea's barrage of bullets but never truly being able to come close. Of course, stepping in would overturn that careful balance, but at the same time, the conflict had to be stopped one way or another.

While the Enforcer was mulling over the options in his head, the arrival of Nero on the scene caused him to snap back to attention, doubly so when she went up to the two of them to...
Ask them to stop fighting.

The insanity of the entire thing, coupled with the arrival of a few more Servants and their Masters, caused Medea to pause her barrage for but a moment to look at the whole situation. That, ironically enough, was exactly the tipping point to throw the delicate balance of the fight out the door.

Taking advantage of the minor opening, the blindfolded Servant quickly closed the distance, the twin knives in her hands aimed straight for Medea's throat. Noticing her folly, Medea quickly swung her staff in an attempt to parry. With one hand, she barely managed to ward off the blow; her other hand, however, was hidden from view, seemingly digging for something beneath her cloak.

That was when Atalanta's arrow struck. Having been loosed right as the blindfolded Servant flew forward, the projectile found its mark straight in the attacker's side, giving Medea enough leeway to pull what she was digging for from within her cloak.

"Rule Breaker!"

In the minute opening that Atalanta had given, Medea took the chance to plunge her oddly-shaped dagger straight into the other Servant's chest, but quickly pulling it out and glancing at the congregation that had come... Likely for her, in all honesty.

And if the arrow loosed was any indication, she might be next. Letting the body of the other Servant fall to the ground, Medea quickly loosed a giant magic formation centered around her before causing a large white sphere of light to surround her, which then proceeded to shrink and fly off over the horizon... Somewhere to the west.

With that chain of events, Keisuke walked out from behind his hiding spot and sighed, looking at the Servant that was left behind in the chaos. The city was still in flames, yes, but...

"...I'm going to go off to chase Medea with Atalanta! Let's split the team in half; one group, stay here with this Servant and see if you can't gather any information from her; the rest, follow me. We have no time to waste!" he ordered, quickly dashing through the burning city and jumping around or over any debris lying around that could be a hindrance. The skeletons seemed to still be attempting to stop him, though that was less of a relevant issue right now than anything else. Their movements were more sluggish than before, which simply meant that they were easier targets to take down.

"Atalanta, let's move. Do you have any clue where that Servant might have fled to?"



With the threat of the neverending skeletons finally drawing to a close, Ozymandias took a deep breath and stared down at the citizens of the city now in flames. Half of them seemed to be staring at the Servants who had broken through the skeletons and into the city, while the other half seemed to be staring at him and his Master. Acceptable, but the time for spectacle there could wait. With the problem in front of them now handled, the pharaoh calmly walked down the hilltop he was standing on and, glancing at a few of the civilians in his way, beckoned that they move. The mob seemed to part before him, and the Servant continued into the city, only to see that one of their group had already left in pursuit of... Well, one of the culprits, or so he assumed, all the while shouting at some people to stay behind and for others to follow. The other Servant, left wounded here... Could be an issue, but what was more hazardous was the city in flames around them.

"You!" he shouted, turning around and pointing the the civilians who were staring from a distance, his voice managing to reach them even from their current distance. "Water! We shall extinguish the flames of this city—or would you rather live on the hillside while your homes turn to ash?"

Almost as if struck by a sudden jolt of electricity, the civilians immediately began to run off to the nearest source of water to try and calm the raging flames. Ozymandias, of course, could not conjure water, but he could direct and keep panic levels low. There were other kings and emperors here; delegation of tasks to at least begin repairs while they questioned the leftover Servant would not be an issue.

With that in mind, Ozymandias stepped forward, closer to the rest of the group, and simply shook his head.

"Rash... But no matter; they have the communications device, do they not? I shall help calm the chaos here; anyone who wishes to pursue should go, before they travel too far. If they fail in their chase, they will return anyhow, will they not?" he asked, glancing once more at the fallen Servant before turning towards the flames to his direct right.

Maybe a sphinx to ferry water to and fro might be a good idea...

@Riegal@VitaVitaAR@Rin@Raineh Daze@Grey Star
Kumozaki Keisuke

"To say that you don't want to engage her in combat, then deliberately raining arrows down upon them under the assumption that they'll get her attention... You really want to try and pawn off your work on others this time around, don'tcha?" Keisuke half-joked as he readied his weapon. Atalanta's Noble Phantasm had, in fact, wiped out a vast majority of the skeletons that had been milling about between their current location and the giant cloud of smoke in the distance, and seeing as how the Saber in their group—well, one of them, at least—was already moving to clear out the stragglers, Keisuke was inclined to direct them forward.

Doubly so considering that a few of the Masters with them had already shown signs of fatigue. The trip was honestly no worse than a... Rather bumpy ship ride across the ocean. Or a plane encountering heavy turbulence. Nothing too bad for him, at least.
Maybe being an Enforcer meant he was too used to that sort of problem, rather than those two not. Either way, though, there was something to be done about the whole 'leadership' thing...

"Alright, it looks like any semblance of 'stealth' may as well be thrown out the window, so I say we just rush on over to see what's been opened up to us. Clear out any enemy that tries to stop us, all right?" Keisuke said towards the group, glancing over them all before nodding and beginning to break into a sprint towards whatever the hell was giving off the black cloud of smoke. Of course, something like that heavily implied flames, and so the Enforcer already had something of a sneaking suspicion for as to what was going on. The question now, though, was whether or not they could arrive before any clues in the area could be burnt to cinders before that.



His Master being slightly tardy made Ozymandias take pause, as he had never been the one to be made to wait during his lifetime... Well, as a pharaoh, of course. The time during which his father had control of the throne was a different story, as those were times of naivety and childish relaxation, but that seldom mattered now. With a slightly stern look on his face, Ozymandias turned to take in the words of the old man that had gathered them and listened intently. Though he only knew of the location he spoke of because of how a Servant's knowledge worked, it was no more than that. All he knew was that this was a war they were walking into, and he had plenty of experience dealing with those.

With that matter settled, the Servant followed his Master into the next room over and looked upon the object that had just been given to her with a bit of intrigue before shrugging his shoulders. What caught his attention, though, was the portal set up in front of him, shimmering like a mirage in the desert, yet eerily ten times as realistic (which, to be fair, made sense). The magicians under his command had tampered with no such forbidden realms under his watchful gaze, and so to see something like this in front of him gave rise to... Mixed feelings. On one hand, such petty things would be nothing compared to what could have been done, but at the same time...

Time passed forward and not backward for a reason.


No more was said from the pharaoh's mouth as he stepped forward through the portal and into a grassy field so unlike the deserts of his homeland. The verdant greenery caused him to pause for a moment, but only to remember the fact that there were indeed more realms than his kingdom contained. Of course, the sun watched over all indiscriminately, but experiencing it up close was another matter entirely. If only there wasn't the faint smell of ash and the sight of skeletons, though; that left a slightly bitter taste in his mouth, for sure.

Nanase's remark following the cat-eared huntress' Noble Phantasm brought Ozymandias out of his (slightly irritated) mood, with him returning half a smirk as he planted his staff in the ground.

"The grandeur of a pharaoh's true abilities... You have yet to see them, correct? Let me say this: that hail of arrows is nothing compared to what I have. Of course, I will show a fraction of my power... If I must," he responded before noticing one of the other Masters—the one of the Archer, if he recalled correctly—taking charge and moving straight to the source of the smoke in the distance. While he would prefer to lead rather than not, it might be better to spend this time saving his energy for any fights where his participation became mandatory.

"Follow that man," he said to Nanase, lifting his staff and pointing at Keisuke as he ran ahead. "Do not fall behind."


Kumozaki Keisuke

As Keisuke moved closer to the giant black cloud of smoke, his suspicions were indeed confirmed—a city was in flames, and people were fleeing from it in chaos. The skeleton soldiers seemed to be ignorant of them, though, as none of them seemed to be attacking the civilians who were running for their lives. Rather, their focus was now on the Masters and their Servants who were now charging towards the city. For some odd reason, though, there seemed to be less skeletons grouped in that area than there had been on the outskirts, but to the Enforcer that mattered little, if at all. Expertly cutting his way around any enemy that dared swing its weapon at him, Keisuke soon found himself at the gates to the city. This would be less problematic, of course, if the skeletons that he had just cut down weren't being replaced by more that seemed to be crawling up from the ground, temporarily cutting him off from the rest of the group.

Closing his eyes and thinking for a moment (again, in the middle of a panicked crowd, no less), Keisuke breathed deeply as he began to run deeper into the city. The others wouldn't take long to catch up, but that didn't mean he could dawdle, after all.

As he worked his way closer to the epicenter of the chaos, Keisuke noticed that the amount of skeleton soldiers (as well as the amount of broken skeletons) had gone up exponentially, a fact that didn't necessarily bode well for him. What he did notice, though, was a quick glimpse of two figures fighting over his head. One, a blindfolded woman with a pair of daggers; the other, a cloaked figure wielding a staff firing absurd amounts of magic bullets from a series of giant magic formations that seemed to spontaneously appear behind her whenever she swung her weapon.

"Atalanta, do you recognize either of those two Servants?" he asked, cutting a few of the skeletons in front of him down in a single horizontal slice before diving off to hide behind a wall to try and monitor the Servant fight from below. "I'm almost certain that the rest of the group's going to raise enough of a commotion to make them retreat, so before they do, can you try to ascertain if you know them or not? Do NOT attack, though; I don't want them turning both of their weapons on you instead of each other, though you may be able to dodge their attempts without much trouble."

Of course, the giant mob of skeletons probably meant that the one who was controlling them (the cloaked one, if appearances meant anything in regards to Servant traits) was already aware, though, but at the very least it was possible that his presence alone might not be anything for her to worry about right now.

The faint sounds of explosions from behind him, though, might speak for the opposite.


Ozymandias, of course, took the lead in front of his Master, taking care to not move fast enough to the point where she might tire (though that in and of itself was quite unlikely), and his smirk turned (very quickly) into a frown as he noticed that there seemed to be a sea of skeletons (and people) in front of the entrance, and the skeletons seemed to be running straight for the rest of the group.

How vexing.

Slowing his movement down to a standstill, Ozymandias stood by on top of the hill he was looking down at the skeletons (who, unlike the civilians, were actively charging at their group) and, once they moved far enough away from them, raised and slammed his staff into the ground. In an instant, far above the group, what seemed to be a large cannon materialized in midair and fired a giant white laser onto the mob. The ensuing explosion scattered bone fragments and the like across the area, leaving a small spot of scorched earth in its wake as the pharaoh looked around for more. He couldn't exactly blast the people running from the fire; Nefertari would never forgive him if she knew he had done such a thing for no reason other than to speed his own life up. But this? This, he could do.

"Master! We shall remain here and provide support for the vanguard!" Ozymandias said, pointing his staff at another stray group of skeletons and blasting them apart with another laser from the sky. "Once a clear path to the city's gates is made, we shall move in with them! Is that clear?"

How strange it was for him to be giving orders as a 'Servant', though. Truly, this was a role he would have to get used to.
Well, if he was to be berated, then let it be so.

@Rin@VitaVitaAR@Grey Star@Raineh Daze
Haha whoa right when I was about to start I got swept up in a birthday for my brother and other stuff and before i knew it the time was *poof*. Uh...

Mind's kinda frazzled by now so I'll likely get an update out sometime in the next... 24-48h, I guess? Probably.
Kumozaki Keisuke

Atalanta's sudden appearance received a quick nod from Keisuke, and with that being nearly in sync with the elevator arriving, the Enforcer couldn't help but be pleased with the timing of it all. It was times like these where he really appreciated the benefits of modern life, as compared to... Well, having to travel up and down half a dozen flights every time he wanted to get somewhere. Being diligent didn't mean he didn't want to be lazy at times, after all.

"Well, I have nothing else to pick up from my room, thankfully, so we can head straight down," he said, entering the elevator car with his Servant and hitting the relevant button before waiting for it to descend. The long hallway leading up to their destination—the room preceding the Kaleidoscope World Altar—was empty, which... Probably meant that they were the first ones to arrive. Well, barring the ones who called everyone to action here, of course. All the better to get a front row seat.

"Even so... Using magic to traverse through time and space... This is on an entirely different level of 'new' for me..." he muttered as he strode forth, still slightly tense about the situation to come.



"Outside, hm? Though the situation inside calls for you, to bask in the glory of the sun before your mission... Very well. I shall allow your momentary absence, but do be quick about returning. I would rather not have to repeat what was said by the one gathering us, after all," the Rider responded, a smirk on his face as he traveled down to the bottom floor in short order, taking note of those who he passed by with a grand smile and a nod. Most of them, sadly enough, were researchers or scientists with their noses stuck in their books, but since he was not petty to the point of forcing everyone to look at him, Ozymandias allowed that to slide. He, too, had a job to handle, after all.


A few minutes after the rest of the Masters and their Servants had gathered in the room and were seated at the large U-shaped table, the Wizard Marshall (who had thus been reviewing documents off to the side at his own pace) suddenly got up and, after a quick clearing of his throat, began to speak.

"I thank you all for arriving in such a timely manner; as you have heard, I will be giving each of you a quick summary of the current singularity and its location within the world. As of right now, I shall clarify one thing: the Holy Grail that you are seeking is on a different scale of the one used within the Fuyuki Holy Grail War system. More specifically, these Grails are imbued with the ability to bend space-time rather than the ability to simply 'grant a wish'. They are still bound in accordance to some set of rules, but as to what those are... Well, the researchers here would need more insight before coming to any conclusions. Regardless, though these objects may not be omnipotent, they still act as a central catalyst to the changes in these eras, and thus must be retrieved, if possible, or destroyed. That is your primary goal during these journeys, and no more. Due to the warped space-time, anything that you do that might have otherwise thrown history off course will rewrite itself as normal once the Grail is removed from the singularity, but that does NOT mean that you can do things for the sake of greed and no more. I should hope that the people I have chosen would be above such things.
In any case, your first destination is Greece in 1180 B.C.—in other words, around the middle of the Trojan War; for the sake of safety, however, your arrival point will be to the northeast of Greece itself—more specifically, the kingdom once known as Colchis. Now, do take note that history might not always go as you expect it to; in fact, it may have already been warped to the point of chaos. Take caution. Accompanying you will be an aide that Atlas Academy has supplied us with; she has a few Mystic Codes prepared for you all for the sake of convenience, so do make good use of them. I await your safe return. Dismissed."

With that, Zelretch nodded to the group and left the room, returning to who-knew-where to do who-knew-what.

Keisuke sighed as the speech ended, some of the tenseness in his shoulders released as their destination was made clear. Greece... Trojan War...
"Huh. I guess we're pretty lucky, aren't we, Atalanta? You should know this place like the back of your hand," he remarked, standing up from his seat and glancing over at his Servant. "Well, there's no time to waste, I guess. Let's get moving."

The Kaleidoscope World Altar—a grand name for what was essentially a giant magical formation constructed to manipulate a derivative of its namesake—was already active by the time the Masters and their Servants entered the next room; at the center of it all, of course, was a large, spiraling portal that seemed to be leading to... Well, as far as everyone there could tell, a shining white pathway that seemed to stretch on for eternity. This was only a visual effect, of course, but the intent of such magic (and the effort required to recreate such a thing) was very much clear. The sound of the magic pulsating as it waited for entrants, though, seemed to reverberate around the empty room, creating a somewhat eerie effect even if the place was bathed in light.

Keisuke sucked in a deep breath as he stared at the portal, subconsciously touching the ring on his hand before shaking his head and stepping through, hoping that wherever they ended up wasn't going to be... Too much of a mess.

Greece, 1180 B.C. — Of Gods and Men

After stepping through the portal (and the accompanying experience of feeling like he was just tossed around in a washing machine), Keisuke held his head for a few moments before noticing the stark change in scenery; it was to be expected, of course, but a wide open pasture of nothing but green grass was most DEFINITELY a far cry from the cold, sleek feel of the facility he was just in. With a deep breath, the Enforcer took a moment to stead himself before looking around. Nothing seemed... Particularly out of the ordinary.
Well, save for the giant pillar of black smoke off in the distance. That was probably an issue.

Oh, and the skeletons that seemed to be (very sparsely) dotting the hillside and walking around, weapons in hand. Those too.

@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR@Rin@Grey Star
Well, lemme just step in right here before things get heated, aight? =w=;;

There's no need to be sharp-tongued to this extent, so let's take a step back here and not try to get people riled up, okay?

Assuming I'm not misinterpreting something. That tends to happen. =w=;;
@KoL: Ah, no problemo. We're all only human, after all.
I think.
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