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Okay, here's something to toss on the table.
Shokuhou Misaki

The sudden feeling of someone grabbing her shirt and dragging her backwards was enough to make the young blonde to panic a little, flailing around for a moment as she lost the ability to actually continue down the street. Instinctively, she attempted to scream, but that amounted to nothing as she was dragged backwards out of view of any possible passersby. It took a moment after that for her to immediately pull out a remote and point it at her own head and hitting a button, forcing her mentality to return to a more neutral state. That didn't change the fact that someone had kidnapped her, though—that went double for the fact that it was some creepy old man who, for some reason, reminded her of Kihara Gensei. Well, probably minus the whole 'obsession with level 6' issue, but there weren't many old bald men wandering around Academy City that weren't weird researchers, after all.

With her mind now calm enough to think rationally, Misaki turned the remote on whoever had assaulted her out of nowhere and attempted to click a button to try and force their mind into submission.

She tried again.
Nothing. No response. Mental Out wasn't getting through.

"Oh no. Ooooooh no. This is actually completely terrifying," she thought to herself, the color rapidly draining from her face as she fished in her bag for something more mundane. There had to be a can of—.

"Yes!" she cheered as she pulled out what she was looking for—a small can of pepper spray for just such an occasion. Normally, there was no need for her to worry about thugs if she knew where to stay, but sometimes, things could become unfortunately messy. Like now.

Trading in her remote for the pepper spray, Misaki quickly pointed the canister behind her head and sprayed, hoping that whatever creep had just tried to kidnap her would let her go. Otherwise, well...
Honestly, she would rather not contemplate something like that. Probably fot the best.

Leonardo Watch

"G-goddess? You can't be serious, right?" Leo asked, a nervous laugh barely escaping his lips as the childlike figure seemed to flit around like some sort of child idol. The disjoint between what power she was giving off compared to how she was acting was almost like night and day, but that wasn't any reason to freak out right now. So long as there were people around and the self-proclaimed 'goddess' didn't suddenly decide to level an entire city block on a whim, he (and everyone else here) was probably safe.

That was, of course, when the girl decided to take note of his eyes. He had realized the inherent risk in showing them, of course, but to think someone would notice them so quickly. Since he had no clear way to figure out the girl's intentions, Leo decided it was best to just be blunt about the issue. Running around it would only cause issues in the near future (though this path had its own share of issues as well). The girl's claim of being a 'goddess', however, made Leo remember the incident that got him these powers in the first place. Maybe, just maybe, she might have a clue he was looking for. Ironic, considering how he was afraid of even acting just a moment earlier.

"Er... You're not wrong. But... If you're a 'goddess', then do you know anything about these eyes? Some thing calling itself a god took away my sister's eyesight and implanted these eyes in my head. I've been searching for a way to restore her sight, but I've had no luck. Please, if you have any clue about this, tell me," he asked, his own guard softened compared to what it was a few moments ago. Of course, the chance to find out the truth outweighed the current risks, even if he was still shaking a little on the inside.

Sonic, of course, was still nonchalantly nibbling on a french fry on Leo's shoulder, apparently having a staring contest of sorts with Suwako's hat.

Hinanawi Tenshi

Tenshi silently stood by the undergrowth as she listened to the guy's very obviously shady words, glancing between both him and the girl he was attempting to tempt before letting out a sigh. That sort of issue was on an entirely different level from an 'incident', especially if it involved actually killing people, but attempting to convince people with the power of greed... As a Celestial who was supposed to have abandoned all worldly desires, this sounded like a load of hubris. Or, well, at least, that's how Iku would have put it. To Tenshi, of course, this just sounded like an incident in the making. Heck, even the whole 'collecting orbs to defeat someone' was similar to the whole occult ball mess she was just musing about!

But that was what made it even more worrisome. If she intervened now, then there was the chance that she would pass up this very crucial chance to gather information; on the other hand, if she jumped in and beat the possible culprit up before trouble began, then couldn't she be considered the heroine here? If worst came to worst and she beat up the wrong person, she could always do what the witch and the miko did and just keep hunting for the real culprit... But it seemed like this guy was the real culprit anyway, so was there really an issue?

"Oh, whatever, let's just beat this shady guy up first and ask questions later! If the first thing you do after trying to attack someone is try to threaten and bribe them, then there's NO way you can be anyone worth following!" the celestial cried out in irritation, breaking her cover and storming in front of the two.

"You! I don't know what you're planning, but as the daughter of the Hinanawi clan and celestial heir, I won't let you do... Whatever it is you're trying to do!" she haughtily declared, pointing at the armored man with the Sword of Hisou as a scarlet mist began to form within the area around the three of them. "Prepare yourself! I won't go easy on you!"
@Raineh Daze: Yeah, those two factors do indeed mean that the last Fate slot is open. Asterios gets the go-ahead... Well, once I get a feel for what can break down the labyrinth, of course, but details.

I'll get a post up in the next few hours. This week's going to be super hectic for me because of work and projects and everything stacking up.

Edit: Raven, I don't mind if you start late. There's a reason I'm leaving this RP open.
Kumozaki Keisuke

As soon as Atalanta let Medea loose, the Caster let out a sigh of relief and, after pushing herself off the ground and brushing the dirt that was stuck onto it off of herself, moved to pick up her staff and began to walk towards the port. Keisuke followed close behind, still wary of any possible issues or attacks that might spontaneously come flying out of nowhere. Luckily enough, there were none.

"We have arrived," Medea finally said, gesturing over to a ship docked at the port. The vessel itself seemed to be in pristine condition, if not a bit bland in terms of decoration save for the occasional magical inscription that could be seen weaving around the boat itself. "I should warn you, though: under no circumstances should you be attempting to break the spells I've set up on the ship. I will take no responsibility if you accidentally lose an arm or a leg due to your own curiosity. Now, if those matters are settled, we should take our leave soon. I do not believe the trip should take long at all, assuming something doesn't go horribly wrong."

With that nonchalant answer, Medea calmly boarded the ship, with Keisuke following close behind. After a few preliminary checks were completed, the Caster waved her staff in the air and the ship immediately began to move. Whatever had been anchoring the vessel to the docks was now gone, and only a few minutes after that did a timely gust of wind push the boat off into the seas ahead. The spontaneity of it all gave Keisuke pause, and he immediately grabbed onto a rope near one of the masts to steady himself as the group steadily headed away from the port.

"Honestly, I prefer riding an airplane over riding a boat. Even if I don't get seasick, at least the trip is a lot faster," the Enforcer muttered to himself before letting go of the rope and beginning to walk around the ship. The design of the thing, as far as he could tell, was a tad more modern than he would have expected from this era, though that may have been partially due to whatever singularity was being tampered with here. Not that he would complain, though; at the very least, it meant that the group might reach their destination sooner than expected, but...

"Er... Medea. Question. How long will this boat ride take, barring any unforeseen circumstances?" he asked, warily looking around at the port that was rapidly growing farther from his field of vision.

"Normally, I think this journey would take a few weeks, but because of whatever is causing this mess combined with my own abilities, I believe it should only take... Maybe a few days at the worst? Do not think this means that the trip will be an easy one, though; on my initial journey over, there were a great deal more aggressive creatures lurking in the waters than before. I shall leave it to you to handle them."

"...Great. Alright, I can deal with battles on a ship. Probably."

"Speak of the devil. Over there, over the horizon," Medea motioned, pointing towards a large serpentine creature breaching and re-entering the water as it made its way towards the boat. "I need to keep the ship on course; can I ask you three to handle that?"

Keisuke's eyes widened in shock as the beast continued to approach with ever-increasing speed, his hands now firmly gripped around his katana as the size of their enemy slowly grew in scale.

"...Understood. Atalanta, Nobunaga, are you ready to take this guy down? Because you have all of... I think ten seconds to prepare?" he asked as the creature reared its head out of the water and screeched at the crew before diving back down.

"Never mind, looks like it's starting now!"

Grabbing back onto the mast as the sea serpent caused enough waves to rock the boat, Keisuke gritted his teeth as the enemy exited the water once more and lunged at the boat, its mouth agape in an attempt to consume the crew all at once.


Seeing that there were no objections from the rest of the group, the old man smiled and slowly began to walk off to the seas. After what seemed like an eternity of slowly edging forward, the group finally made it to a small shack off the side of the ocean, along with an old boat anchored off the coast. There was a small dinghy able to fit the entire group on it, however cramped that ride would prove to be, and the old man simply smiled and gestured over to the boat.

"Well, here you are. A beaut, isn't she? Ah, but you might have to go hunting for supplies along the coastline, since I haven't been on there in ages. Even if I am an old man, I've still got enough love of the sea to get you where you need to be going. The life hasn't left these old bones yet! Wahahaha!" the old sailor laughed heartily before motioning everyone to get on. Once they did, Ozymandias chose to row the small vessel forward (even if such behavior was unbecoming of a king) before the group made it to the larger ship off in the distance. The sounds of raucous laughter and shattering glass, however, put a frown on the old man's face as he stared up at the boat.

"That... Is odd. I haven't let anyone on that ship in ages. Could it possibly have...?"

"Pardon me, but I believe some other group has taken control of this vessel. We shall head ahead and check; wait here," Ozymandias said before materializing a part of his own ship to climb up onto the deck. What he saw was... Rather within expectations, all things considered. A group of miscreants drinking booze and mocking one another...

"Pirates, huh? Disappointing," he said, waving his staff once in their direction. The spontaneous appearance of giant ship parts from out of nowhere knocked many a person off the side of the ship, and Ozymandias calmly strode on deck before beckoning the others to follow suit.

"Let us clean out this vessel before we depart. We might not kill them, but the ocean may not be so kind," he said, glaring at the angry drunks that still apparently hadn't clearly grasped the situation. The sounds of metal and footsteps from below deck made it clear that there were more enemies incoming, but the problem was still the same, was it not?

@KoL@VitaVitaAR@Grey Star@Rin@Raineh Daze
"Well, I can't have a bunch of books and papers lying around in the middle of the walkway; someone'd bound to step on them, and I'd rather not see precious documents wasted. Even so..." Tiral trailed off, pausing for a moment at the maid's blatant lapse in judgement when choosing her words to describe the apparent guest. It took a few moments for him to realize what she had meant by 'massive rack', but when he did, the mage turned away and took a deep breath. Breathing out heavily though his nose, the young man massaged his forehead before picking up another book to add to a stack... Or so it seemed.

"The commander really needs to train her maids more—or, at the very least, hire ones that aren't completely incompetent when it comes to social cues," he thought to himself as he chopped the maid on the head with the book he had just picked up.
"Manners. I should have hoped the Captain's maids would be less frivolous when it came to things like important guests, especially when judging them solely on body alone. Being so lax in such matters will only bring us more problems in the future. In any case, I shall aid in bringing them over. It might do me some good to discuss the recent events with someone who isn't trying to pin all the blame on me... Or someone who isn't completely clueless, I might add," he concluded, picking up whatever documents that were left on the floor and bringing himself to his feet.

"Well, where is she waiting? I would think you've already been made late by the fact that you were likely tottering around even before you crashed into me, and I would hate to keep her occupied any longer."

Actually, on second thought, if this scene is really tripping people up, I'll update tomorrow. I'll probably be dead doing a mix of coding/writing papers/staying up late to watch Dengeki Bunko Fall Fest 2017, but it's not that big a deal.
Tossing my hat in the ring.
Yeah, don't worry. Once you and Rin post, I'll move the scene right ahead. No point in needlessly dragging this scene out.
Kumozaki Keisuke

Once the barrage of lasers from the sky ended, Keisuke quickly dashed through the remains of the skeletal soldiers, moving ahead to see how the crash landing between Medea and Atalanta had turned out. The remaining enemies, at the very least, had stopped shooting outright, which made traversing the area far easier than it had been moments prior. Once he was actually able to see the scene, he came to a stop, watching from a distance and ready to back away at a moment's notice. He wasn't insane enough to actually attempt to interfere in another possible conflict between Servants, of course, but that's what Command Seals were for, right?


"Oh, so you finally figured it out? My, my, and I thought you were the fastest archer in Greece. That title doesn't apply to that brain in your head, it seems," Medea said back, shrugging her shoulders as Atalanta let go of her arms. "There are more questions being asked than I have answers to, but that's less of an issue at the moment. What I can say is that I came here alone. As for my own goals, though? Have I not stated them already? To be controlled by another and swept up by the whims of fate to act as they would not in life... I hate that. It was bad enough with fickle gods, but in the hands of a human? I would never tolerate it. I prefer having my own autonomy, thank you very much."

Sighing, the Caster paused for a moment as if to remember something before nodding her head.

"That woman... Medusa, yes. I know nothing about why she appeared here, but this turned out to be my first destination in order to get my bearings straight. In any case, she should be recovering from the effects of that control spell right about now. I was going to interrogate her before you so rudely interrupted me, but I guess that you and your motley crew have that handled. In any case, I have no time to waste; if my theory is correct, I need to head to Crete next. You are free to join if you wish, but... For now, could I ask if you could please stop straddling me? This is rather uncomfortable. In more ways than one."

Kumozaki Keisuke

With that issue having been settled (apparently), Keisuke turned towards Nobunaga and beckoned her to land before sending off a message to the other two Masters who were still in the city.

"Might split off from you two for a bit to follow after Medea. Nobunaga and Atalanta will likely follow. Keep me up to date on what's happening on that end."

With that handled, Keisuke slipped the device into his pocket and walked forward, glancing off at the port in the distance before looking back down at Medusa.

"Crete... The Minotaur, huh? I think I'm starting to understand the trend. Atalanta, we should follow; I don't think that Medea's a threat to our safety at the moment. Nobunaga, you should come, too. We can regroup with the others once we gather some more information."


Medusa turned her head towards Nero for a moment, a bit of anguish barely visible from her mouth as she bit her lip and shook her head.

"No, they are... Not immortal. I should know that better than anyone," she said quietly before shaking her head. "But even so..."

After listening to everyone else's thoughts on the matter, the Rider closed his eyes and nodded his head before turning towards the woman on the ground.

"Very well. If we are all in agreement, then we shall move out immediately! Though I assume the problem now is obtaining a seafaring vessel, since utilizing my own would be rather taxing on our Masters. Hrm. Would commandeering a vessel be possible? My authority as a pharaoh should be enough to do such a thing, but-"

"E-er, excuse me."

The sound of an old man's voice meekly requesting their attention caused Ozymandias to turn around and glance down. As expected, it was an old man, hunched over with a walking cane and wrinkles over his face while he continued to speak.

"Y-yes... Er... Thank you for your help in putting out the flames; all of us are very grateful for your help. I couldn't help but overhear that you needed a ship to travel on; I used to be a captain back when I was young and spry, so if you don't mind, I could help guide you to wherever you need to head," he said, a meek smile on his face.

"Hmhm. Well, I do not see any reason we should not accept such an offer. Any objections?" he asked, looking over the rest of the group for a response.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@KoL@Rin@Grey Star
Shokuhou Misaki

Slowly making her way through the crowd, Misaki let out a sigh of relief as she finally made it to the 109's entrance. Even at this time of the evening, there was still such a rush of people milling about to the point where it might have overwhelmed even her. It didn't, of course, but it was a bit of a refreshing sight not seeing a sea of students in all directions around her. There was also the slight loneliness of not having her usual group with her, but that couldn't have been helped.

"I do hope they take credit from Academy City, though. Far easier than paying by cash," she mused to herself before walking off to the side and staring up at the advertisements above her head. The pictures of girls in summer wear, however, caused her to freeze up.

"It's December right now, isn't it? Wait, now that I think about it... Isn't this place abnormally warm? I thought that was all the people, but I don't think that's the case any more," the esper thought to herself before deciding to start gathering some information. With a quick, singular motion, Misaki pulled out a remote from her bag and pointed it at the nearest person—or, rather, people, seeing as how her initial target was with two other girls chattering off. With a click of her remote, the three young women immediately stopped chatting and turned towards Misaki, the trademark stars present in their eyes as they were in hers.

"Give me the current date, time, and... Whether or not you know the name 'Academy City'," Misaki said, the usual playful tone in her voice drastically toned down. The three girls nodded before beginning to speak in turn.

"Today is July 7. The time is about 7:00 P.M. I don't know anything about this 'Academy City'."

"I also don't know anything about this 'Academy City'."

"My brother mentions it every so often, but he's a weirdo so I don't really pay attention to his babbling. It usually comes up whenever he brings friends over and starts talking about his games and light novels or something."

The three lines caused Misaki to pause and frown before cancelling the temporary mind control, erasing all memory of the time she was interrogating them (which was honestly no more than a minute or so) before slipping the remote back into her back.

"This is bad. Looks like the 109 will have to wait; there's no way people don't normally know what Academy City is with everything that's been going on recently," she said to herself before looking around for any more abnormalities. The possibility that this was another Mental Out incident, but nothing in the last few minutes made it obvious to any degree that it was anything more than a slim chance of a repeat.

No, what she needed now was information. Well, information and money. In a rush, the young woman quickly slipped off towards a side street at the crossing and began looking for some sort of cafe or TV station or something like that. The sooner, the better.

Leonardo Watch

With sweat running down his brow as he dashed through the streets of the city, Leo (and Sonic) soon found themselves at their intended destination. Or, rather, what would have been their intended destination if the building was completely different from what they were looking for. Rather than the usual entrance to the building, Leo instead found a giant skyscraper made of steel, concrete, and glass. The young man stared in complete shock at the overwhelming shininess of the structure before sighing.

"I don't think we're going to find anyone from Libra at this rate," Leo sighed before the sound of a young girl behind him caught his attention and caused him to turn around. She seemed like she was a little too young to be walking around at this time, but there were more worrisome things on the photographer's mind as she asked him for food. Her calling it an 'offering' caused him to tilt his head in confusion, but he soon noticed the hat and outfit that definitely made her stand out among the crowd of men in suits milling about.

Then the hat blinked, which made Leo sure that she wasn't from around here. That wasn't necessarily a good thing, though, but...

"Well, at least Zapp's burger won't go to waste. Please forgive me," Leo prayed internally before pulling the food in question out and handing it to the child. After a moment of hesitation, Leo turned to Sonic (who was still perched on his shoulder, this time with two fries in its hands) before looking back at the girl and opening his eyes wide. The All-Seeing Eyes of God now in full view, Leo stared at the child in front of him before taking a wary step back.

"That... You're definitely not a human, and you're not from the other side of Hellsalem's Lot... Not a vampire, but... What's with that incredibly dark green aura surrounding you? It's almost suffocating..." he began to mutter himself, half in fear as his feet seemed to lock in place where he was.

Hinanawi Tenshi

The Celestial could feel her eye twitching by the time that the people around her had finished asking for pictures. That 'small crowd' had grown into a 'large crowd' soon after she had started ready to finish, but at the very least it seemed as if everyone had stopped trying to bug her for another bit of time. This was definitely cutting into her exploration time, which was more annoying than anything. Before the next batch could even think of appearing, Tenshi quickly broke off into a sprint and slipped into an alleyway before jumping forward, letting the sword in her hand disappear before landing on the pavement. Immediately after, a rock sprang out of the ground and launched the young woman into the evening sky. Luckily enough, her outfit seemed to blend into the darkness (save the rainbow-colored cloth around her waist), and without the Sword of Hisou glowing like a beacon in her hand it wasn't as if any normal human would spot her easily (if at all). With a sigh of relief as she was able to escape from the incessant photography, the young woman looked down at the city's landscape from above, a faint smile on her face as she saw how brightly lit it was.

"Even at night, this place seems so lively. I'm not sure how to feel about that, though..." she trailed off before noticing a distinctly natural area in the middle of all this modern uniformity. That, coupled with what seemed to be a distinctly less modern castle in the middle of it, piqued the Celestial's attention more than anything else. With her next destination confirmed, Tenshi nodded and few down to the outskirts of the area, flying around and observing the park before deciding to land in the middle of the trees. The place felt natural, yet, but it was more of an 'artificial' natural than 'natural' natural to her. Walking around through the array of trees and foliage, Tenshi slowed down as she noticed what seemed to be two other people in the middle of the area doing...

Well, she herself wasn't quite sure what was going on, but Tenshi held herself back from just jumping right into that mess. No matter how curious she was, even she knew what swinging around the Sword of Hisou in the middle of a bunch of trees and other assorted plants would do.
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