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Jason Liu

Pausing for a second as he heard someone else speak, Jason turned to his side, only to see a man with a rather abnormal amount of snacks in hand. Ignoring that, though, the comment about Gawain's capabilities made enough sense to the high schooler. The 'Sir' given as a title in regards to the defeated knight made him feel as if the man in front of him wasn't as unassuming as he let on. There was no particular reason to pry deeper into matters like that, though; that tidbit of information was enough to let Jason understand how it had gone... More or less.

"Is that so?" he asked, half-minding the cashier as he swiped his card to pay for his food. "How long has it been since Gawain entered the brackets, though? I don't think every match takes place in the day..."

Trailing off as he picked the sandwich back off the countertop, Jason instinctively flinched as he heard the sound of someone spitting out their drink not a few feet behind him. The cashier sighed and rolled his eyes, motioning for someone else to bring a mop over to clean the place up, but Jason was far more unlucky.

The soda had, after all, hit the back of his pants and some part of his backpack on its way out.

"Oh, come on..." he groaned, moving off to the side of the walkway to assess the damage done to both objects. After a few seconds of scanning them over, the young man turned towards the culprit and the student beside her expectantly.

An apology would be nice, but something about the way they kept themselves made him feel like that wasn't exactly going to happen.

@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR@KoL

Alter Ego - Meltryllis

"Spring... 2019..."

The year her Master stated confirmed Meltryllis' suspicions, and the mention of a metropolis built in the middle of the ocean immediately caught her attention. This state of affairs was completely separate from the data she had received about Earth; it was almost as if she had been summoned to some alternate reality in the past.

Which, all things considered, made most of what she had seen in the past few minutes make sense.

"Hmph. So it's one of those situations, then? That BB... What the heck is she planning this time...?" the Alter Ego muttered as she pushed herself back to her feet. "In any case... If you want a name to call me by that won't cause you to stumble like a child, 'Melt' shall do. I shall be gracious enough to accept your offer of guidance, but is there really a need to change clothes? Am I not fine as I am?"

With an all-knowing smirk, Meltryllis walked towards the door and quietly left the apartment, half-waiting for her Master as she took a few tentative steps around the complex's hallways. The mention of a 'technological wonderland' in this mana-infused world gave her more than enough reason to think that there was merit in attempting to connect.

In her mind, there was no way that BB wasn't in some part responsible for this whole mess.

"Do you want to take the elevator or the stairs, Master?" she called back, waiting for a response. By now, her heels were leaving considerably lighter dents in the ground, if any... Which meant that the only casualty was the floor in her Master's room.

She could deal with that one way or another.
This is very true.

Also partially intentional.

What's the idea?
Alter Ego - Meltryllis

With her apparent Master's flustered reply, the purple-haired Servant raised an eyebrow out of curiosity and shook her head. There were a lot of questions at hand for both parties, it seemed, and as far as Meltryllis could tell this was most definitely not the Moon Cell. The reasoning for that conclusion was simple enough: the density of mana in the air was a far cry from the artificial world she was so used to.

Even more than that, though...

"Very well, then. Though I question your intent for summoning a monster like me in the first place if not for murder, it won't do either of us any harm to answer a few questions," Meltryllis said, walking over to the living room before taking a seat on the couch there. "But first, let me make this clear: I am not as confused as you make me out to be, Master; I am as aware of my own identity as any other Servant that might have been summoned to this place—maybe even more so. The only thing up for debate is where this is—more specifically, when. Do you understand?"

The Alter Ego was used to the odd glances at her equipment by now, and she found it far less of an issue to 'cover up' than her Master apparently did. But ignoring that minor issue, nothing about this place made sense to her chronologically. In her records, the place known as 'Earth' should have long since last all traces of mana by 2030—a far cry from this little hovel, which was so full of it.

Hopefully, the quivering, blushing mess that was her Master could regain enough of her ability to speak coherently... For both their sakes. It would do the Alter Ego no good if she was incompetent at speaking to her own Servant, much less giving orders or answering simple questions.


After sending the message, Deneb quietly brushed herself off and stretched her legs. Jumping so high so many times in a row was obviously abnormal, but to not receive any harm form doing so left more questions than it answered. While she wasn't going to question the logistics behind being able to effectively fall the equivalent of a few stories in height repeatedly and come out unscathed, it still bugged her. Physics were weird here.

Viri's comment snapped the ninja out of her own mental tangent, though, and a chill immediately ran down her spine as the sound of animals moving towards then immediately caused Deneb to glance in the direction of the wolf.

"We're upwind? Oh, this is going to be miserable," she cursed, glancing around the rest of the area in a quick attempt to make note of the actual terrain. With a distinct lack of cover or any ways to funnel the incoming enemies, there only seemed to be one option.

"Time to run. If we get flanked and surrounded, we're almost certainly going to die, and I don't want to test any theories with our necks on the line," she said, pulling out a 'Return to Town' scroll... Only to remember that the presence of field bosses negated the usage thereof entirely.

With a frown, the ninja put it away and, taking the healer by the arm, began to run back towards town. If worst came to worst, they could force combat in the hilly terrain closer to town and and use that to their advantage... But, well, that was under the assumption that they could make it back in the first place.

What in the hell did I just walk back to...?

Okay, backlogging, backlogging...


I mean... I don't know what to say other than the fact that I'm siding with my co-GM here? Like, putting aside the ignorance of how global politics works (EVERYONE knows about the comparative indestructibility of Servants and how futile it is to take them on with modern equipment in this context as well as their comparative power, so it's better to cede them their ground on that weird little island in the Pacific) and how it's been a decade and a half since this stuff all started coming out, so the 'global sanctions' and the rioting question falls through. Besides, the UN allowed this, so why would they backpedal now?

(Don't answer this.)

Not going to bother expanding on the 'Mystery' question, though, since that's been handled and I stand by Vita and the rest on this.

Honestly, at this point it kinda feels like you're asking why the RP exists in the first place, to which I say: "because reasons." If Requiem can exist, so can this.
I don't think it's a matter of 'good' or 'bad', just a matter of Master-Servant synergy. You could always hook them both up to NPC Masters instead; not like the PC Masters are all that mandatory anyhow.
Alter Ego - Meltryllis

The ensuing cloud of smoke that shrouded the kitchen room soon gave way to the arrival of a Servant very distinctly different from most of the ones that lived in Fusang City. The long purple hair and odd prosthetic heels would most certainly not match with the city's Servant database—or any database, for that matter.

With a somewhat irate look on her face, the Servant glanced over her apparent Master and let out a sight.

"This doesn't seem to be the Moon Cell... Well, it's fine. Alter Ego of pleasure, Meltryllis. Though it disgusts me from the bottom of my heart, it seems that you've summoned me here. So..."

With a bit of a frown, the Servant crossed her arms and bent down to look at the girl who had brought her here and smirked.

"You should feel honored. You are my Master, correct? So? Who do you want me to kill for you? I'll melt them down and consume them without leaving a trace, you know."

When did this become Pokemon? ._.;;
@DocRock: Airport north, ports south. On screen summoning fine, but optional.
And that kicks off this RP.

Because why wouldn't Servant battles being televised and regulated be a thing? \o/

People are free to hit Jason up to talk or start their own scenes; whatever works, works.
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