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If you didn't have anything in mind for that, I was going to attempt to bring Jason back into relevance by having him meet those two. Gray's probably got enough experience from being with Waver for a decade and a half to be able to figure out how to fix his problems (or at least get started on that) if necessary.

Also introduce a second plot thread if possible? I know I have one lined up for the next time that the NR crew updates that Vita will get rolling, but we'll get there when we get there.
Alter Ego — Meltryllis

Nanako's attempt at encouraging Meltryllis in her own capabilities fell upon deaf ears as the Servant in question simply scoffed in turn. The idea of accepting raw magical resources of that quality was distasteful enough, but processing that into low-level magecraft was far less efficient than simply handing it over to her to use. A Code Cast, at least, was uniform in its abilities, and the Alter Ego was well aware of her Master's capabilities just from their connection.

"If you're going to be wasteful with your mana, just give me the resources directly. I don't need halfhearted variable changes that don't add more than a few decimal places of a point's worth of bonuses, so don't bother if you can't cast something stable."

With that said, Meltryllis turned her attention back towards Othis. Though fully understanding what the alchemist's intent was, the purple-haired Alter Ego couldn't help but scrunch her nose in response to the way she had phrased her reassurance.

"Do you mean to say that you would pry into someone's heart like that if given the chance?" she asked, a half-smirk on her face as Othis stared at her holographic interface. "You're even more of a deviant than I had expected, hm...?"

That smirk soon disappeared, however, as the girl in front of them voiced her own thoughts and conclusions about Meltryllis' origins. She had expected a quizzical expression and more inquiry about her odd parameters, not... Well, this.

"Hmph. I guess I shouldn't have been so careless, then," she remarked, crossing her arms in dissatisfaction. "So? Does me being from the future change anything? Just so you know, I can't do anything as inane as predicting lottery numbers, so don't bother with something like that. Oh, and feel free to eat that massive stack of pancakes as you wish. If you want to move it, though, have that girl help you or something."

Ruler — Sherlock Holmes

"Your parfait, miss."

A server at the restaurant, tray balanced perfectly in hand with the fancy dessert in the center, walked over to the three young women. Without missing a beat, he slipped the glass (along with a larger spoon than was usually used for the desserts) in front of Meltryllis before easily moving the stack of pancakes from the table Othis had been seated at to the one the other two were at.

"There you are, Miss Obberhausen. Your own deductions are also quite accurate, given the single clue that you had. Well done."

With a smirk, the server changed his outfit and removed his disguise; the Servant now standing in his place, carefully-dressed hair and clean black cloak, simply stroked his chin in thought as he stared at the Alter Ego and her Master.

The costume itself, of course, was hastily caught by a nearby server, who was still in confusion as she brought it away from the dining area.

"Ruler, Sherlock Holmes. Miss Meltryllis and Miss Mihama, I hope you don't mind if my Master and I stay for a while to speak at length about your situation," the Servant said, bowing with a smile. "Though I believe that your circumstances may not be the best. That so-called AI... BB, was it? There was a great deal of information gained by simply overhearing such a conversation, and I wish to inquire further about this 'Moon Cell' and the state of the Earth in the year 2030."

"H-how long have you been listening to us?!" Meltryllis asked, slamming the table as she stood up from her seat.

"Since you left your apartment. After seeing those prosthetic weapons of yours coupled with that unusual attire, how could I not investigate further?"


Fusang University

The King of Conquerers smiled at Gilgamesh's words, nodding his head in assent before looking back at his Master.

"How long has it been, boy?"

"Roughly... Twenty-fi—" he began to say, only to be cut off a moment later.

"Perfect! You were too scared and too young to taste the joys of alcohol then, so let us make haste!" Iskandar said, picking up Lord El-Melloi II by the back of his suit and, with a minimal amount of effort, lifted the grown man off his feet and threw him onto his shoulder before following the golden Servant out the door. Left behind, of course, were Gray and Hinami. The former, of course, was left in a bit of shock after the storm that had come and gone in front of her.

"A-ah... I... Lord El-Melloi II and I came to Fusang as official professors from the Clock Tower, and to do some investigation on the circumstances behind this location. Er... Shall we explore the city, then...? With that smile on his face, I'm sure my mentor should be fine," she said uneasily, glancing out the door as the two Servants casually strolled through the hallway with Waver in tow. "...Right?"

"Oho? 'The Spider's Thread', is it? What an odd name for a restaurant," Iskandar said, stroking his beard as he stared at the hole-in-the-wall bar that the King of Heroes had directed them to. "But if you recommended it, then it certainly must be something worth trying. You're buying, correct?"

Without waiting for a response, the Rider threw open the door (nearly causing it to crash straight into the wall) and walked inside, Waver still draped over his shoulder as he glanced around.

"So? Who is the owner of this place? We wish to purchase your finest alcohol!"

@Raineh Daze@DocRock
@Reflection: Aye, that sums it up. You can safely ignore anything involving pretty much every other scene, since they're not particularly relevant to setting the relationship between Diarmuid and our resident homunculus up. If information needs to be relevant, one of the GMs will let you know.

Deneb couldn't help but pause in surprise as the healer at her side began to act far outside the realm of what she had expected. Given how she had been acting just a few moments prior, the ninja was expecting nothing more than haphazard defenses and a small array of enhancements, not... Well, this.

"Hm. With that, I think I might be having second thoughts," she said under her breath, the grip on her weapon tightening before she dove into the fray. The wolves that hadn't moved to flank from the start of the combat were already somewhat immobilized, which made slitting their throats as the ninja moved past a simple task. One after another, the shining steel flashed, and with each motion another creature lay dead. Of course, the actual threat remained in front of them, and that wouldn't end as simply as this first half of the fight had.

"Eliminate the chaff, and deal with the boss last. Adds being gone relieves pressure from allies, and this boss doesn't call for reinforcements..." she muttered under her breath, diving to and fro across the hill to follow up on as many of the wolves that had been struck by the horizontal barriers as she could. Of course, some had made it through the gaps, wounded as they were, but with the main threat slowly making its way forward there was no room to deal with them.

In essence, that would have to be left to the healer; stalling was an inevitability until she could force the boss back... Unless, of course, Viri could kill them on her own.

A few of the wolves that hadn't pressed ahead with the rest—the bodyguards, as it were—growled at the ninja as she approached. With a deep breath, Deneb pulled out a few spherical objects and threw them at her targets before diving forward.

Said orbs were, of course, a smokescreen for her to weave in and out of the fight. A poison smoke might have worked better for the occasion, debilitating her enemies as she moved to strike them down, but that would also put her at risk if the healer wasn't available for immediate aid. Instead, Deneb took the opportunity to begin to strike in the midst of the smoke covering the area, stabbing at the obviously-bulkier wolves and rolling away before they could retaliate. It wasn't as if her strategy was perfect, of course; during the first few strikes, the target of her attacks had managed to claw at her arms and legs, leaving bleeding gashes where they met her body. The smell of blood would make her easier to track, of course, but dealing with these protective wolves meant that their boss would be left unguarded.

It was far easier to strike at a target as large as that without any sort of distractions drawing her focus away, after all.

@KoL: As you wished.

Alter Ego — Meltryllis

With a curt nod, the purple-haired Servant crossed her arms as her Master ordered the parfait. Seeing as how the waitress soon directed them both to a table, it seemed to Meltryllis as if she would have to remain at the restaurant to eat. While had expected such an outcome, it wasn't particularly one that she was looking forward to; after all, this was technically her first time eating anything without simply melting it down and absorbing it. Privacy would have been preferable, all things considered, but given that she was bound to a Master now, that wasn't exactly a possibility.

Leaning against one hand, elbow on the the table, Meltryllis quietly stared out the nearby window in mild annoyance as she waited. To go from the insanity of the Far Side of the Moon to some random nonexistent city on Earth was one thing, but to be tied to a Master that was both weak-willed and clueless... That was honestly more irritating than BB's blackmail and baiting. The qualms that she had with said Master's reaction after learning about how her body was... That, in all honesty, was what angered her. She was proud of how her body was, despite its shortcomings, and here she was with the gall to act as if it was something to be pitied.


Meltryllis' train of thought soon paused, however, as one of the other patrons of the restaurant came over to their table and struck up a conversation. Though unsure of how her Master might parse all of the information that the girl was saying, Melt herself was more than capable of giving a coherent response.

"An Atlas alchemist, hm? So long as you don't attempt to poke at my SG, I don't particularly mind," she said, lifting her head off of her hand before giving the girl a quick once-over. "Actually, speaking of spiritron particles, does the concept of spiritron hacking even exist in this era? I would prefer having access to code casts for boosts, if at all possible, but if they don't exist then I believe I'll simply have to work around the issue instead."

The giant tower of massive pancakes that was soon plopped onto the alchemist's table did cause her to pause, however, and take a moment to assess if the person in front of them wasn't secretly some sort of black hole given human form.

Alter Ego - Meltryllis

While the purple-haired Servant had expected a lack of finesse when her Master had said 'restaurants', she hadn't expected to be brought to something as simple and blase as a chain restaurant. Not like she had ever actually eaten any proper food in the Moon Cell, of course, but a place like this was not somewhere she had expected to have her first meal. Ever.

"Anything I would like?" she parroted, glancing over the menu with an indifferent gaze, silently flipping through what was present before her eyes finally stopped. "Then this. There should be no issues if it's something this simple, correct?"

It was a fruit and yogurt parfait that Melt's oversized sleeve was now pointing at, and it seemed fairly obvious that it was that or nothing given her tone. It wasn't as if she cared about whether or not it had to be eaten here, though; if anything, being unreasonable was simply her way of coping for the moment... And if her Master caved one way or another, she had no reason to complain.

With a nod, Tiral made his move reconfiguring the spell that had been set up in an attempt to directly seek out their target. The needle, useful as it was, did not dictate where exactly at the town their current target was. To say it was troublesome was a bit of an understatement, but it wasn't completely impossible.

It took roughly half a minute to change the needle into a mirror and for Tiral to attempt to scry for the witch, only to come up with a hazy image that gave no clear image.

"She's taken countermeasures, as expected. We're just going to have to hunt our enemy down and hope we find her before she finishes whatever inane scheme is in progress," the mage-knight sighed, picking himself off the ground before beginning to move back to the outskirts of the ruins where the horses had been left. Talking more now would only waste time, and lost time was something they couldn't afford right now.
Astrid Kim

it took a few moments before Astrid realized what her Servant had meant by 'promise'. It had been a bit of a passing comment, yes, but it wasn't as if the thought had been wiped from the half-Valkyrie's mind from a few hours of sleep. Emphasis, of course, on few.

"You wanted a pair of glasses, correct? I'm not sure if finding a courier to deliver a message to the Church is as simple as buying some clothes, but glasses are definitely doable," she said, taking the chance to switch to her phone to look up a map of the area. That action was soon interrupted by a growling stomach, causing Astrid's face to turn red in embarrassment in turn.

"A-ah... Maybe some breakfast first might be in order," she said in haste, scrambling to look at nearby restaurants that were cheap enough to grab a quick bite to eat at. "If you want to eat too, then you're free to use some of the spare clothing in my luggage for the moment. It'll make trying clothes on later need less of an alibi from me, regardless of whether or not we actually need one."

A few seconds later, the young woman had found a diner not too far away from the hotel; convenient, considering how she planned not to throw her money away by ordering room service.


With his Master's assent given, the Archer smiled and nodded as he took a sip from his own cup. The aroma and taste was pleasant enough as a way to start his day, though some part of him desired a light snack to eat before he went on his way. Not as if he actually needed food as a Servant, of course, but simply tea wasn't enough in his heart.

"Well, of course. One does not need an exorbitant amount of money to get the homeless to work. Not all of those on the streets are panhandlers, and those who live without walls tend to see far more than those who do," the Archer said, calmly finishing the rest of his tea before donning an outfit to disguise himself with. "In any case, Master, I shall be off. Do call if any developments arrive from your end as well; I'll be spending some time verifying claims for the moment."

And with that, the Archer set off, walking out of the building as a normal human might. In the current situation, drawing attention as a Servant would only throw wrenches into his plans, and having that occur during setup, while not impossible to work around, was a tad more of a nuisance that he would like.

The vagrants that he had offered the job to had done their job far better than the old man had expected them to; the establishment of the existence of two odd pairs, both apparently composed of strange young woman (one of whom was wearing an abnormally large hat?), was enough to give him somewhere to start. While the pair that had went to the Church was likely unable to be tracked in detail, the vague description of their facial features and apparent age was enough to look out for.

After all, who else would visit an old church in the middle of the night like this other than a Master and their Servant?

No, what was more interesting was the pair of Asian girls that had apparently popped up out of nowhere and were currently squatting in some old abandoned building. The largest warning sign here was, of course, that two Asian women (when the general demographic of the region would have none if the census was to be trusted) would come and live in squalor than, say, rent some sort of room. It was possible that the Master of that pair was attempting to set up a workshop of some sort, but given how one of the vagrants mentioned her outfit being far more like a generic schoolgirl's uniform than anything more formal, that seemed less likely than anything.

As such, it was only fair to go check out the two in person. He had an alibi, and concealing his nature as a Servant was simple child's play, especially with a disguise such as his. Hopefully, they weren't the type to attack old men on sight, or they'd have to be moved up on the list of Servants to eliminate. Respect was of the utmost, after all, even in the underworld.

Once he had arrived at the building that the homeless people had pointed out to him, the Archer cleared his throat and slowly walked forward. The police tape cordoning the area off was cleanly cut, and given how the tape itself was laying about it was a guarantee that it had been done recently. In order to avoid any needless conflict, though, there was only one route that had to be taken, foolish as it may have sounded.

"Hello? Is there anyone here?" he called out, glancing around with a casual air of coolness as he waited for a response. "I heard that a pair of young ladies from out of town spent the night at this place, and I'd like to confirm that for myself. This is no place for anyone to rest if even the unfortunate avoid it, after all."

Play the benefactor and take them by the strings. A simple matter, and at worst he could act like a kindly older British gentleman and simply take his leave. Their presence alone would speak volumes to him, after all.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@King Cosmos
Alter Ego - Meltryllis


That was something that Meltryllis, above all else, would not accept. She would accept scorn, disgust, and hatred with open arms; it wasn't like those ugly human emotions mattered much to her. Silly things like affection and love did not matter if they were not reciprocated, and she had no intention of bestowing such treasures on people that didn't deserve them in her heart.

But pity was out of the question. To see her as someone worth pitying, someone who had less than them while she was perfectly content with how she lived her life? Had this been the Moon Cell, the Alter Ego wouldn't have hesitated in executing the girl on the spot for such disrespect. But with how BB was acting as she was now and the circumstances of this world as far as she could see, that was out of the question. This did not mean that Nanako's slight, however brief, was forgotten; no, it was something to be punished later. To push her away, rather than let her grow close enough to believe that she had the right to act in such a manner was the only natural course of action.

But that could come later.

"Don't remind me of that clinical place," scoffed Meltryllis, tapping her artificial foot on the floor as she stared coldly at Nanako. "Restaurants, then? What are you waiting for? Move yourself, unless you want me to make you. I'll happily oblige."

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