Alter Ego — Meltryllis
Meltryllis simply took another bite of her crepe as she half-listened to Nanako, not entirely caring for her Master rambling about food as she was. As a Servant, there was no real necessity for her to eat in the first place; it was the same as someone indulging in a hobby, or so she assumed. Despite that, though, it was not like she disliked that aspect of things; as her body would never change, she could indulge in such things without worry.
"Well, for you, it might; I have no need to worry about health. That doesn't mean you should neglect yours, though," she responded coolly, taking another bite of her crepe and savoring the taste for a moment before glancing around at the people wandering to and fro. As far as they went, it certainly felt less like 'people moving about' than it did 'a wave that happened to be made up of people'; distinguishing individuals from one another seemed to be nearly impossible—a far cry from what she had been used to since her creation.
"...How vexing..."
A few more minutes of eating later, and the crepe in her hands was no more. With a small sigh, Meltryllis turned towards her Master expectantly, waiting to see when she would finish.
"So, what now? You've had your fill, I presume?"