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Alter Ego — Meltryllis

When her Master showed that her injury had all but subsided, Meltryllis sighed before crossing her arms and leaning back into her seat. Both of them were aware of her inability to do much of anything to make things slightly more bearable as the arm in question healed, which obviously included preparing or producing any sort of food or drink. As far as she could tell, there wasn't actually anything she could actually do besides play bodyguard at the moment. It was a bit of a shame, but after that incident, even she would prefer to play it safe if possible.

"Well, if it's just about healed, then I guess that those Casters really are something special," she scoffed, motioning with one arm towards Nanako's injured arm before hearing the sound of her Master's stomach growling.

"...Well, if you're a human, I guess it can't be helped. Are you going to call for food again? If so, I'm leaving; there's no point in me staying around and causing needless panic if it's for a simple meal."

No, no, we understand how Servants can be summoned in different classes. The question was regarding the justification for Caster class in particular as a supposed 'best class' more than anything else.

And 'Noble Phantasm' and 'Skill' refer to two different things. There are active and passive Noble Phantasms, but a 'Noble Phantasm skill' is just a confusing way of referring to... Anything, really.
I mean, fixing it is fine and all, but Vita was asking for an explanation, not necessarily for a fix re: Caster (yet). It'd be appreciated if that, at least, could be answered.

I mean, no problems if it's excised entirely of course, but... Still.
@LukasVolkov: That argument is fundamentally flawed. On multiple levels, actually.

The Nasuverse has a confirmed precedent for noting that Servants closer to the Age of Gods are more powerful than those of the modern era, as we can clearly see by Gilgamesh's power relative to... Pretty much everyone that might fall under the 'modern' bracket. What you're essentially describing—at least, as far as I can tell—is that an Olympic archer could shoot as well as an ancient-era archer on horseback, regardless of scenario. Even placing aside relative skill, you cannot say with the utmost confidence that you could place the two into the same in-combat scenario and expect ANY sort of comparable result.

Or, if we want an example focused around Heroic Spirits, comparing Orion and William Tell. A man who can hunt and kill any thing alive, as opposed to a guy who shot an apple off the top of his son's head? No contest, match in Orion's favor.

It just doesn't work. Period.

Also, yeah, what Rain said.
-has been watching from the sidelines as I clear Olympus-

Okay, uh... No? Being able to match the strongest Saber in-lore (cited multiple times throughout pretty much all of Fate) despite being a comparatively modern Servant in a setting where relative age compared to the present tends to be a good indicator of skill? Don't think so.

That'd be like saying you could match Lancelot head-on, which... Logically isn't possible either.
Alter Ego — Meltryllis

The days following the incident with the Shadow Servants had left Meltryllis with a distinct lack of anything to do. With her Master out of commission from doing one of the dumbest things she could have imagined a human doing, it was a wonder to the Alter Ego that she was even alive right now. Questioning the logic behind such an action was impossible so long as she was unconscious, of course, and she planned to thoroughly berate the girl on her stupidity, but that would have to wait until she woke up.

It made sense, then, to spend the next few days exploring the city; so long as her Master was not dead, then she wouldn't have to rely on Independent Action to continue manifesting. Though wandering around at ground level was next to impossible due to her legs (and her dislike of the prosthetics that her Master had chosen), leaping from rooftop to rooftop was not.

After two days of exploring on her own, Meltryllis was surprised to find that her Master had actually managed to recover enough to break out of her coma. It was surprising how slow humans were to recover, but given the current year that sort of issue could not have been helped.

The following days had been a far simpler affair; a doctor would come to Nanako's room, check on her condition, and leave; it only took a few days of checking in and treatment before the arm had begun to set properly, which meant that she could be sent home with little issue.

Needless to say, Meltryllis made sure that she was at least able to get home without issue before resuming on her daily outing. The freedom compared to the first few days she had been with her Master felt like a breath of fresh air, and she was more than willing to take advantage of that time for herself.

It wasn't like Nanako was often conscious for more than a few hours at a time thanks to her medication, either. She was slowly recovering enough to not require painkillers, at least, which meant that spending most of her time sleeping was also coming to a close.

With that said, though, the purple-haired Alter Ego's return to her Master's home this time coincided with Nanako's own awakening—a fact that Meltryllis did not fail to acknowledge as she entered the apartment through the window.

"Oh? It's rare to see you lost in thought," she remarked, taking a seat across from Nanako, a single eyebrow raised as she looked at the girl in curiosity. "Has the pain finally gone away, then? I should think that a broken bone wouldn't be that debilitating, but what do I know?"

Fusang Airport, April 2019

As far as flights went, the one that Waver had been on was only slightly less troublesome than he was used to. Despite flying on a separate flight from his assistant, he had only arrived an hour after she had, and by the time that he had touched down, Grey was already waiting for him, luggage in hand. If there was anything to complain about, it would have to be the mother desperately attempting to keep her child from kicking his seat from behind. One would think that he would have ended up in something better than economy class, but as it turned out, there was only so much money he could afford to throw around.

Even so, he didn't particularly mind the problem; the flight attendants were understanding enough to give him some extras to compensate for his troubles, and the flight had otherwise gone without issue.

Once both teacher and student had reunited at the airport, though, the first order of business was making their way to their place of residence for the forseeable future. Reines had, apparently, handled the problem, which was more than worrisome to Waver, but if worst came to worst, he could handle moving in short order. In a city as advanced as this, such a thing would likely be managed in short order, anyhow.

Leaving the airport by train meant that Grey had ample time to take in the sights of a modern city, which itself was a novel experience in its own right. Seeing so many students filling the streets below as they spent their weekends relaxing caused a slight smile to cross her face, and after a slight few utterances of confirmation to herself, Grey turned towards Waver and spoke.

"Um... Teacher, where exactly are we staying?" she asked, glancing around as the skyscrapers that were indicative of the city's center were slowly growing larger in the distance.

"Reines seems to have set us up with an apartment close to the university that I will be teaching at, which is located close to the center of the city. Luckily, public transit means that we should be able to move around the city as we wish. Once we have finished unpacking, you should feel free to explore on your own; I'll be handling some other matters on my end, anyhow."

As far as that went, though, there was more than just meeting with the head of staff on his mind...
@Pyromania99: Seems fine. Accepted.
@VitaVitaAR: I, uh... Accepted, I guess?
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