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Uehara Mitsuki

Despite the chaos of the market streets, Mitsuki found himself quite at home in Fusang. Though he hadn't grown up in, say, Tokyo or Kyoto or any of the other major Japanese cities, they were always far more enticing to him than the laid-back suburban scenery that he had become all too familiar with growing up. It had been a few months since he had moved here for college, in no small part in thanks to his parents, and much of the time between then and now had been spent reorganizing all of his belongings and making sure that everything was in proper order.

Of course, given that he was in the city known for having Servants, it had only been a matter of time before he had gathered enough time and courage to do so himself. His grandparents had been requesting that of him since his arrival; after all, the possibility of contracting someone like Abe no Seimei left even them excited.

The ritual itself had gone as planned, but the result had both disappointed his elders and intrigued him.

Archer, Tomoe Gozen. The famed onna-bugeisha whose appearance in the Genpei War had etched her name into history, was now contracted to him.

That was two weeks ago, and here he was now with his new Servant as the two of them walked along the streets searching for food. Despite an admittedly awkward start (which involved explaining, among other things, that this was most notably not a situation that involved any sort of conflict), the fact that he could move about without worrying about anything superficial like 'keeping up appearances' said more about how things had settled more than any words could.

"Hm... Now that we're here, I'm not sure what to get..." he sighed, shaking his head before turning towards his Servant. "You have any preference, or should I just grab somewhere randomly off my phone?"


Alter Ego — Meltryllis

When Nanako moved towards her face with a tissue, Meltryllis unconsciously shifted away from her, closing her eyes and furrowing her brows as the young woman cleaned what had been left off of her face. It was a bit unpleasant, having to rely on her for such trivial matters, but given the alternative, she reluctantly accepted that this was a necessity.

Once that was finished, the Alter Ego simply stood up and, after somehow manage to crumple the crepe wrapper into a ball, unceremoniously dropped it into the nearest trashcan before crossing her arms.

"Fine, then. If you've had your fill, then we may as well get you some more exercise. Let's go; I was getting sick of the crowds here anyway."

A few minutes of walking had promptly brought the pair to the shopping district, and lined with malls and all manner of stores, Meltryllis' eyes could not help but move around in search of something she so desired.

The lack of figures in her Master's household was a travesty, of course, and one that needed to be rectified promptly.

"Hm... Not here, then...?" she muttered to herself as they continued down the streets, her eyes constantly scanning about in hopes of something catching her interest.

  • Name: Uehara Mitsuki
  • Age: 18
  • Appearance: "Oh, sorry, I'm in the middle of something. Give me a moment."
  • Personality: Mitsuki is a bit more sociable than one might expect, and despite his occasional weird bouts of focus or aloofness, he does have a tendency to get along with most others if given the time. He does not tend to anger easily and is often times able to keep a cool head in more stress-inducing circumstances, but that does not mean he cannot have lapses in judgement or respond to malice with malice. Due to his relatively strenuous upbringing, though, Mitsuki is a bit of a busybody; boredom (or what he perceives as such) is the bane of his existence, and there is only so much of it that he can take before he will actively search out something interesting to use his time and effort on in lieu of laying about aimlessly.
  • Abilities: As a descendant of a long line of onmyoji, Mitsuki is proficient in the creation and manipulation of Bounded Fields via the usage of ofuda. Coupled with his elemental affinity of Water, though, his Fields are able to shift in shape and location without sacrificing any defensive capabilities. Furthermore, Mitsuki is able to layer those Bounded Fields on top of one another, further increasing their defensive capabilities, or invert them to keep whatever is inside from leaving rather than entering. As is standard for onmyoji, Mitsuki is also able to create and use evil-warding talismans and charms, and, provided enough time, charms for protection or luck. Of course, the latter do not work for himself, but they are quite useful to make (and sell) when he is in need of money. Exorcism is also within his repertoire, as he can dispel lesser evil spirits with next to no work, but he is by no means able to handle anything beyond that without far more training or preparation.
  • History: As far as growing up went, Mitsuki found himself walking the odd line between modernism and tradition; though his grandparents were very steadfast in attempting to raise him as they had (with all the pride and decorum that came with being from a centuries-old line of onmyoji), his parents were nowhere near as conservative. That dichotomy had brought with it an increasingly more complex set of relationships—on one hand, he had an obligation to carry on the intense training that came with his lineage. On the other, however, the allure of modern-day life (and all the luxuries and excitement that came with it) only served to push him towards a lifestyle that, at the very least, would allow him some respite from the same monotonous cycles he had drilled into him.
    The rapid rise of Fusang in the public eye gave Mitsuki the perfect the solution to both of his problems. Though he was by no means a prodigy, a decade of his life being spent taking in the wisdom of his predecessors had, at the very least, allowed his parents to push his elders to let him travel overseas to study there. Not only that, but a land full of Servants, of Heroic Spirits with all their past experiences, might even allow him to find one of the founders of their craft and study under their tutelage directly.
    Of course, that last bit was more of a way to convince his elders more than anything; Mitsuki had no reason to pursue even more strenuous training so long as he was caught between these two ways of living. If anything, his time in a place like Fusang would only allow him to choose for himself what path to live.
  • Other: Surprisingly, he is multilingual; as onmyoji has roots from within Chinese mysticism, learning all three languages was something half-forced onto him. He's not fluent in Mandarin, but given the writing system, he can at least understand most of a piece of written Chinese if it becomes necessary.
@KoL: Tomoe accepted.

Now I can use this Master I've had on hand!
Alter Ego — Meltryllis

Meltryllis simply took another bite of her crepe as she half-listened to Nanako, not entirely caring for her Master rambling about food as she was. As a Servant, there was no real necessity for her to eat in the first place; it was the same as someone indulging in a hobby, or so she assumed. Despite that, though, it was not like she disliked that aspect of things; as her body would never change, she could indulge in such things without worry.

"Well, for you, it might; I have no need to worry about health. That doesn't mean you should neglect yours, though," she responded coolly, taking another bite of her crepe and savoring the taste for a moment before glancing around at the people wandering to and fro. As far as they went, it certainly felt less like 'people moving about' than it did 'a wave that happened to be made up of people'; distinguishing individuals from one another seemed to be nearly impossible—a far cry from what she had been used to since her creation.

"...How vexing..."

A few more minutes of eating later, and the crepe in her hands was no more. With a small sigh, Meltryllis turned towards her Master expectantly, waiting to see when she would finish.

"So, what now? You've had your fill, I presume?"

Alter Ego — Meltryllis

Choosing not to respond directly to Nanako's quip, Meltryllis simply stood by and watched quietly as her Master placed the order. This was one of those shops that made a show of making their food in front of the customer—something to be expected, given the way that they were set up—and so the two stood by watching as their food was finished right in front of them. Once that was done and Nanako had taken both crepes in hand, Meltryllis nodded and followed after her as she sought out a seat.

"I'm not so rude so as to not accept a gift when it's presented to me," she remarked as the girl handed her the crepe as the two sat down next to one another. There was no space to place any distance between the two as she usually did, given how claustrophobic the streets were, but that wasn't much of an issue.

Now that she had the crepe in had, though, Meltryllis had to admit that it was much easier to manage holding than any sort of fork or spoon. All she needed to do was cup her hands; no force beyond that was necessary in the least.

"Well, in any case," she began, using her wrist to push some of the hair that had fallen in front of her face out of the way, "I may as well try this. The presentation isn't too shabby, at least."

Leaning forward for a moment as she took a bite from the crepe, the Alter Ego paused for a moment as the took a moment to savor the taste. She was not used to eating, after all, and though this was not her first time doing so, the flavors were definitely a lot more in-line with her preferences this time around.

"Sweet, but not overwhelmingly so. The taste of tea is nice, though I would prefer something a bit more pronounced," she mumbled to herself before taking another bite. "Mmm. Acceptable."

Okay not sure how else to go about it but, well...

I think I'm also tapping out. I don't know why or how, but I've lost motivation to run my character over the last few weeks. Sorry.
Alter Ego — Meltryllis

Though she had taken intrigue in the crepe shop that her gaze had lingered on, Meltryllis did not by any means expect her Master to actually notice her own curiosity. By this point, it would have been more prudent to have done so; as convenient as it was to be able to try something that caught her fancy, having her hand be read so easily was a bit irritating. Even so, it would end well enough anyhow. Probably.

"A crepe, then...? Well, that's fine. I guess if I had to pick..." she trailed off, glancing over the sign hanging over the streetside window shop before pointing, her sleeve dangling in the air as she gestured towards her choice. "That one. Matcha, apple, strawberry, whipped cream, honey. I don't agree with the name, but the taste sounds good enough to warrant at least a try."

Logically, eating a crepe would be easier than eating a parfait, at least; all she had to do was being it up to her face and eat, right? It was better than embarrassing herself in public by fumbling about with some sort of utensil, at least...

I feel like that could be an interesting way to kick the scenario off, if anything. Then again, I've also got no preference for this one way or the other, so anything everyone else is on board with here, I'll follow.
Alter Ego — Meltryllis

The idea of leaving the house to go and get street food was not exactly the most enticing of thoughts for Meltryllis, who had already decided to follow her Master as she wandered around regardless of her final destination. Though her body would remain the same no matter what she ate or what she did, the same could not be said of her Master's. Coupled with an empty stomach, and...

Well, so long as she could maintain some level of restraint, that wasn't exactly an issue in her mind.

"Street food? Fine, as you wish," she responded, shrugging her shoulders as the two walked out of the elevator. "I would have preferred something a little more sophisticated, but I suppose it can't be helped."

As Nanako had said, the market district had stalls set up left and right; some seemed to be in preparation for a night market instead of simply appealing to the students who wished to while away their afternoons, but there were enough to warrant at least a few careful looks here and there. The tantalizing smell of foods from all over the world seemed to drift about, and despite the street that they were walking down having more than its fair share of Japanese street food available, there was definitely enough variety to surpass many of the other famous multicultural meccas of the world.

Having Heroic Spirits from across time and space tended towards that, anyhow.

"Have you found anything that you want yet?" Meltryllis asked, making sure to stay close enough to her Master to make sure that she wouldn't get lost in the crowd. Her gaze seemed to linger over a windowfront crepe shop for a little longer than it had for most of the other shops and stalls in the area, but she soon returned to simply looking over the area carefully. The crowd made it a bit harder to memorize the area, but there was enough that stood out about the place to name that less of a factor than it might have been compared to the residential areas that seemed to blend into one another.

I'm fine with either 2 or 4, personally.
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