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Elise Kim
Saitama Prefecture — Western Front

It was only by the slimmest of margins that Elise could pivot away from the projectiles aimed towards her body. Thankfully, the source of the hostile attack had seen fit to aim towards her rather than the soldiers who had kept their weapons trained straight ahead. It was a small solace, but that meant that her attention would have to be focused towards the most direct threat to her safety before resuming any efforts in supporting the JSDF personnel fighting for their lives below.

With that said, though, it quickly became apparent from Rune's message to her that the Frame Pilots were their priority. It was a battle of the specialists against the specialists, then—not something that the young woman had any particular qualms about, but troublesome all the same.

"One moment, please," she remarked, quickly checking to see if anything had clipped her or not, "Need to stabilize before I try anything."

Swiftly reorienting herself towards where the projectiles had originated from, Elise brought her rifle back up to eye-level and took aim. The presence of five of the creatures was not particularly pleasing to the eye, but at the very least their heads seemed obvious enough as targets to fire at. Once one of them was dead center of her scope, Elise pulled the trigger and fired.

Unfortunately, though, the normal bullet seemed to not pierce through the target as it had the larger oni-esque Warped earlier. There was damage, certainly, but nothing anywhere close to lethal quite yet.

"...Damn. Sorry in advance, but you'll probably need to keep them occupied for a while. I need to use high-power rounds for these things, and those heads are small enough targets as-is without having to keep aim," Elise followed, the barrel of her gun beginning to glow as she prepared to finish off the one she had already damaged.


Though it had missed it's initial target, the airborne Warped seemed to have no reason to stop in it's attack upon the Pilots below. There was no way to ascertain it's thoughts (assuming it was even capable of such things)—only that it began to turn around to fire another blast towards the ground below.

What it did not seem to expect, though, was one of the Pilots below disappearing while it was turning. Their position would be revealed soon enough, though, as a direct from above swiftly sent the Warped off balance and spiraling—if only for a moment—towards the ground. Now aware of the threat from above, the birdlike monster seemed to accelerate for a moment, diving towards the ground briefly before shooting back up towards the sky. Again, it's head seemed to reopen, and the unearthly thrum of another laser preparing to be fired towards the new greatest threat here.

There was only one enemy that could meet it in the sky, it seemed, and once that was resolved it could continue scorching the ground below without pause.

@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR

Despite it's initial surprise attack failing, the Warped seemed to be rather unbothered by the whole affair—or, well, as unbothered as a monster that had no apparent emotions could be. Even seeing that it's prey had managed to land an attack back on it seemed to leave it unfazed as it began to stalk around it's target in silence, slowly circling it as their eyes remained locked onto one another.

So long as the Pilot's focus was wholly dedicated towards the Warped in front of it, though, the shadow of another in the shadows could easily be missed.

Eventually, though, the monster pounced to the side before catapulting off the broken wall of a nearby house to strike once more. This time, though, the howling of a gale piercing through the air behind Rozaliya made clear that this was not a creature that simply hunted alone.

@King Cosmos
I suppose I'm to throw my hat in here, huh?
I'll spin something up in the next while. Probably.
Elise Kim
Saitama Prefecture — Western Front

"An angel? I wouldn't go that far," the young woman responded offhandedly towards her companion before readying her own weapon of choice—a sniper rifle that seemed just as futuristic as the rest of her Chi-Mechframe. As the other soldiers began firing into the oncoming waves of Warped, Elise steadily raised her firearm up to eye level and began to scan the battlefield. A few holographic visuals popped up in front of her face as she took a deep breath, and the Pilot soon focused her attention on a cluster of larger Warped approaching the nearest barricades.

There was a brief pause as the tip of the barrel glowed, but the flash of light that shot forth seemed more akin to a laser beam than a bullet. One look at the young woman's target would only confirm that such a thought was much closer to reality than not; though it's head had remained largely intact, the hole burned clean through it meant that it truly was no more than a standing corpse now. Even then, the Warped could only remain standing for so much onlyer without any sort of brain to continue functioning, and after a few seconds what remained of the creature toppled to the ground.

Despite the firepower that she held in her hands, though, there was one issue with Elise's ability to contribute to the fight at large—namely, the speed at which she could push through the oncoming horde. All she could do in the end was make sure that every shot mattered, and prioritizing where to aim to begin with—especially in an open battlefield like this—was far from easy.

Hopefully the other Pilots would call if they needed backup.


Despite the efficiency by which the Warped were being dispatched, the horde showed no signs of thinning. Given what they were, such an outcome should have been expected to some extent. This was more a marathon than a sprint, and expecting things to be so simple would have been more naivete than wishful thinking.

Even so, the corpses of Warped strewn about the ground made clear that the capabilities of Frame Pilots were well beyond those of ordinary soldiers, and that their presence here on the battlefield meant hundreds more soldiers could live to see another day.

But if all of the Warped that roamed these wastes were as strong (or as weak) as those here now, would humanity not have taken back what was once theirs sooner?

A ear-splitting screech erupted from the skies near Jennifer, and turning towards the source in the skies above would reveal the cause—a massive avian-esque Warped, sailing through the skies above. The 'head' of the monster had since parted, opening and twisting into a gaping maw from which an ominous red-black light could barely be made out.

Then, the ground was ablaze. The light as it had been quickly turned into a laser that swept across the ground, carving through asphalt and rock alike as it left the ground scarred. It mattered not that the Warped's "kin" tread where it struck. So long as there was "something" that tried to fight back, it only made sense to keep attempting to fire away until the threat was gone.

@Raineh Daze

At the same time, something far swifter had drawn close to Rozaliya. It would be subtle at first—a blur in the distance here, the feeling of 'being watched' there—but as more of the nearby Warped were executed, those signs would begin to increase in frequency.

At some point, it was very clear that the Pilot was being hunted down by something. Once the Warped that had been tracking her realized that it's presence was known, though, the tactics it employed would swiftly change to match. Rather than lurk in the shadows, the quadrupedal, weasel-like Warped—whose size was comparable to that of a small truck—began to close the distance with alarming agility that seemed unlikely for something of it's size. Bounding about from wall to rooftop to wall, the beast eventually chose to close the distance and attempt to pounce upon the prey that was within it's sight. From it's forearms, a pair of blade-like appendages seemed to snap out and into place and aimed right for the Pilot's neck.

@King Cosmos
Elise Kim
The Horizon — Engineering Bay

With no real questions about their mission proper, Elise returned the commander's dismissal with a brief nod and salute before following her peers out of the room. The engineering bay, as ever, was abuzz with activity. The young woman had long since given up trying to understand the complexities that came with managing both the ship and their equipment, but the efforts that the staff present put into maintaining was not lost upon her.

Regardless of those matters, the Pilot soon broke off from the others to retrieve her own piece of equipment: a small glove, into which the polished core of her Chi-Mechframe, Selene, was embedded. After confirming that everything was in order with the engineer who had handed it off to her, though, the young woman promptly gave her thanks before following the others to the hangar.

Given the size of her Chi-Mechframe, though, Elise chose to wait for the others to head out first—or, at the very least, wait for the advance team to make their exits first. Their eagerness to head out into the fray soon left only her and Rune on standby, and the larger man had soon thereafter made his own parting statements.

"Try not to leave too big of a crater."

As the last to leave, though, the Pilot was left to transform at her own leisure.

Elise held her one gloved hand over her chest, the jewel-like stone embedded within glowing ever-so-brightly as a halo began to form over her head. Though slow and measured at first, the sound of the halo whirring around her head soon gave way to an imperceptible silence as the rest of her Chi-Mechframe—vaguely winglike armaments, a set of mechanical shoes equipped with stabilizers, auxiliary tools to feed her information around the halo, and the rifle she had come to know inside and out—formed, piece by mechanical piece.

With everything in order (and a brief test of her own equipment while still in the hangar, just to be safe), Elise nodded and took a deep breath before following after her peers. Taking an aircraft down would have been far more preferable in her opinion, but going down alone in one felt a bit too uncomfortable.

Doubly so given everyone else's penchant for superhero-style landings.

With her wing narrowed to a point, Elise began to dive towards the ground headfirst, a thin barrier projected from the machinery around her halo to protect her as she sped forward. Through the parted clouds, the young woman could make out the front lines—and with them, a small crater that marked where her partner for the mission had touched down.

Rather than make a similarly spectacular appearance, though, Elise simply slowed her descent once she drew close enough to the ground. Her mechanical wings unfurled as she seemed to hover in midair, casting a slight shadow upon the battlefield as she made her presence known.

"Elise Kim, present," she spoke in Japanese as she gave a slight bow towards the soldiers, "I shall be in your care."


Saitama Prefecture

What had once been a sprawling suburban residential area had long since been ruined, unmistakably scarred by the Warped that now roamed the streets. Though torn asphalt and years-old bloodstains marked the earth, actual combat had not been seen in the region in ages.

But such "peace" had to come to and end.

A few of the Warped—ones more humanoid in nature, though with distinctly inhuman monochromatic skin—had already begun to congregate at the arrival of the soldiers. A few of the smaller ones had already begun to bear down upon the defensive line; behind them, larger beasts thrice their size ambled forward. Their distended bodies seemed more akin to bloated corpses, swollen and misshapen, but their speed was well beyond what a shambling corpse might have reached.

Though their initial targets were the swathes of humans firing upon them, the arrival of a few new targets in their midst quickly changed their priorities. Lumbering giants and nimble gremlins alike lunged out at the nearby Pilots, their only aim to tear them limb from limb.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@King Cosmos
Elise Kim
The Horizon — Dining Area

As the others spoke among themselves at her remark, Elise chose to simply remain quiet and continue eating her ramen. The young woman nodded her head at the larger man's mention of her name, though a response was a few seconds later than she'd have liked; speaking with a mouthful of noodles would end with incoherent half-words at best, after all.

"...Well, it is a rather large area, after all," the Pilot finally responded, her hand quietly preparing another mouthful all the while. "It'd be stranger if we weren't on the ground for most of the day... Maybe more, depending on whatever the hell's waiting for us down there. But, well, we'll find out soon enough, I suppose."

With the actual mission briefing in less than an hour, though, Elise chose to finish the rest of her meal in lieu of continued small talk. There was time for that after the day's tasks were complete—assuming they were all well enough to speak afterwards.

The Horizon — Command Room

Situated atop the bow of the ship, the command room had long since become a familiar sight to the Frame Pilots, Elise included. The place was abuzz with activity—no surprise, given the multi-day undertaking that awaited them. The various screens situated across the room showed a variety of things—views of the ground from remotely-manned drones, visuals showing the status of everyone's biometrics and the status of their equipment, and even communications with the JSDF teams on the ground to coordinate all of their efforts.

At the center of it all, watching as the organized chaos unfolded in front of her, was one Sandra Morrison, the owner of The Horizon and their boss. There was the slightest hint of insomnia from the bags beneath her eyes, but if she was tired, her behavior did not betray as much. Once the rest of the Pilots arrived, though, Sandra glanced at her watch and, after clearing her throat, began to speak.

"I thank all of you for arriving on time. As you know, today's mission is rather important—not just for the nation of Japan, but also to gauge your capabilities on the field proper," she began, turning her body slightly as she gestured to a holographic screen that appeared behind her. "Our primary goal over the coming days is to aid local military forces in recapturing the Saitama prefecture. While complete extermination of the Warped present would be ideal, such an outcome is, as all involved have noted, rather unlikely. Even so, clearing out a majority of the established Warped will give those here in Tokyo a buffer zone to the north, as well as room to re-establish and redevelop the region, however slowly."

With that, the blonde woman waved her hand against the screen, causing it to switch to an overview of the map of the region. To the southeast, of course, was a pulsing blue dot atop Tokyo—their current location. A few smaller dots were overlaid on top—the Pilots themselves, or at the very least the Chi-Mechframes that they possessed.

"As this is a joint venture with the nation of Japan, you do not have to worry about handling the entire prefecture yourselves. Rather, a majority of our efforts will be focused towards clearing out the western section of the region, as shown here. A northern offensive will be mounted by local forces as we proceed from Tokyo, but both groups should be ready to support the other at a moment's notice."

All the while, the map behind Sandra continued to light up, highlighting certain sections and points of interest whenever she brought them up. After she had finished, though, the map seemed to zoom in towards the (now-former) suburbs bordering Tokyo, where JSDF soldiers were already preparing their first forward line.

"Kim, Berg: your goal will be to protect the Japanese forces as they push forward. Remove any Warped that threaten to break through their defenses, and keep casualties to a minimum if you can. While the JSDF can handle smaller Warped with conventional firearms, larger ones will require your assistance to dispatch. Remember, one second could be the difference between a life saved and a life lost. Do not hesitate. If you cannot eliminate a hostile, call for backup and hold the line until they arrive."

Then, a switch to another camera, showing a visual filled with Warped. The bodies of the creatures seemed vaguely humanoid, though the blue and red skin tones and horns upon their heads seemed to invoke a more traditional demon's figure.

"Fukada, Whittemore, and Tarasova: you three will function primarily as an advance team, though you may be called back from the front if the situation grows dire with the others. Your goal will be to remove any larger Warped before they can contact the other team wherever possible, and inform us when you cannot so that they can prepare for engagement. Do not—and I cannot stress this enough—do not hesitate to retreat or call for backup when necessary. If you must engage an enemy you cannot handle alone, prioritize your own survival above all else. The life of one greater-class Warped is not worth your own."

After what felt like a rather extended silence and a glance over the Pilots present, though, Sandra nodded her head.

"With that said, be prepared to shift positions at a moment's notice. These are general guidelines for an ideal scenario," she continued, gesturing towards the screen at her side, "but nothing ever truly works out as planned—doubly so when our enemies are monsters, not men. If there are any further questions about the objectives for today's mission, speak up now. Otherwise, collect your Chi-Mechframes from the engineering bay and head to the hangar for deployment. You depart in thirty minutes; I wish you the best of luck in your efforts. Dismissed."

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@SaltSight@King Cosmos
Elise Kim
The Horizon — Dining Area

In an instant, the light melancholy that lingered about Elise was swept away by her fellow Pilots. It was hard to remain lost in thought, after all, when the ever-giddy human black hole that was Hoshiko arrived and began devouring food like she had been starving for days. When she had first seen the girl's appetite, Elise had been shocked and wondered how bad the food situation had been in Japan since The Horizon had docked, but the following weeks showed that this was simply the girl's normal state of being.

That was a terrifying fact in and of itself, but at the very least the ship's crew was never left wanting for food even with her insatiable appetite. With Hoshiko's arrival, though, the others came to follow suit. Elise returned Rune's smile with a slight smile and nod of her own, but otherwise remained silent as everyone seemed to be swept along by the ever-chipper brunette's pace.

"Morning, everyone," she said, bowing slightly to each of her coworkers in turn from her seat. "Though at this point I think it might be better to say that it's just past noon by now...? Regardless, make sure you don't eat too much; wouldn't want to get sick out on the field."

The Pilot's gaze lingered momentarily upon the decimated remains of what Hoshiko had brought to the table before she shrugged and began to eat. Soggy noodles weren't particularly enjoyable, after all, and the college student-esque diet of instant noodles back before she had been recruited had been more than enough for her to enjoy a proper bowl of ramen every so often.

After taking some more time in silence for herself, though, Elise placed her chopsticks down besides her bowl and looked at the others again, trying her hardest not to make any quips about Rose's refusal to even try using chopsticks correctly.

"That being said, I overheard some of the strategy talk on the way over here. Apparently, we're being split into teams on the ground? No idea who's with who, though... Or why we haven't been told yet, either."

If she had to hazard a guess as to why things were so nebulous, though, it would probably be the nature of the Warped themselves. It was hard to gauge who might need to be sent where when those monsters seemed to roam about, and it wasn't like their behavior could be studied to the point where they could predict that sort of thing to begin with...

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@SaltSight@King Cosmos
Elise Kim
The Horizon — Dining Area

When Elise had agreed to be a Frame Pilot, she had expected nothing particularly 'enticing' at the end of the day. Her choice, at it's core, was to join a PMC instead of being drafted by the U.S. military, and neither seemed particularly great at the end of the day—least of all in the middle of an apocalypse that had pushed humanity to the brink.

But here she was years later, eating a fresh bowl of ramen as she overlooked the Tokyo skyline within a massive airship, living a life most people would only be able to dream of even before the Warped had arrived and made a mess out of everything. It felt... Wrong, in a way—doubly so after having lived through hell as a civilian right before.

She had no reason to complain, though, and the price she was paying for such luxuries—on top of the continued safety of her father—was her service as a fighter on the front lines. As to whether or not that was a fair trade...

Well, she had no right to put a price on a human life, much less the innumerable masses whose own had been taken for no "good" reason. If she had been so lucky as to be allowed to live as she was now, then the least that she could do was work herself to the bone trying to make sure such an investment into her—and, by extension, those who worked alongside her—was worth it.

Today was another such day—more than most, given the mission briefing they had been given a few days prior. A joint effort with the Japanese government in Tokyo to attempt to reclaim parts of the Saitama prefecture, if she recalled correctly; something more important than the usual small skirmishes with weaker Warped to help get them more used to fighting, at least.

Hopefully the taste and warmth of the broth would calm her nerves instead of letting her stew in her thoughts any more... Or that the others would finish getting their meals before briefing. A nice chat was always nice to help break the tension in the air, and they did have some time to themselves for the moment.
Right, apologies for double posts, but I guess I should be making this known.

@King Cosmos@SaltSight: I've spun up a Discord server for ease of access. I presume we'll need this in the near future. Maybe. Links will be DMed.

For anyone wanting to join, uh... I'll send a link when acceptance is confirmed, I suppose.
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